TAXATION AND CUSTOMS UNION Customs Policy, Legislation, Tariff

Customs Legislation

































































The Action plan for transit in Europe1 called for a manual containing a detailed description of the common and the Community transit procedure and clarifying the role of both administrations and traders. The purpose of the manual is to provide a tool to promote a better understanding of how the transit procedure works and the roles of the various participants. It is also a tool to better ensure a harmonised application of the transit regulations and an equal treatment of all operators.

The present text is a consolidated version incorporating the various updates made since it was first published in May 2004.

The manual is presented in nine main parts as follows: General Introduction; Status of Goods; Guarantees; Standard Transit Procedure NCTS (new computerised transit system); Fallback procedure; Simplifications; Discharge and enquiry; Debt and Recovery; and the TIR procedure.

The manual will be updated whenever new developments in the common and Community transit systems make this necessary.

It must be stressed that the manual does not constitute a legally binding act and is of an explanatory nature. The manual gives, however, a common interpretation of the transit regulations by all the customs authorities applying common/Community transit. Legal provisions on transit as well as other customs legislation take precedence over the contents of the manual and should always be consulted. The authentic texts of the Conventions and the EC legal instruments are those published in the Official Journal of the European Union. As regards judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Communities the authentic texts are those given in the reports of cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance.

There may also exist national instructions or explanatory notes in addition to the manual. These may be incorporated in the paragraph 6 of each chapter of the manual as published in the respective country or they may be published separately. Please see your national customs administration for further details.






Brussels, 1 January 2015


The manual is made available in electronic form via the Internet (for the address see 'General information sources').









1 COM(97) 188 final, 30.4.1997.






General table of contents








General table of contents



Part I:  General introduction




Part II:

Part III:

Part IV:



Status of goods


Standard transit procedure NCTS (new computerised transit




Part V: Fallback procedure




Part VI: Part VII: Part VIII: Part IX: :



Discharge of the transit operation, the enquiry procedure Debt and Recovery

The TIR Procedure




List of commonly used abbreviations



List of definitions



General information sources
































TRANSIT MANUAL..........................................................................................................1



PART I – GENERAL INTRODUCTION.........................................................................30







Brief history of transit .............................................................................................31






Status of goods ........................................................................................................34










Common Transit......................................................................................................34


Description of the procedure...............................................................................35

Transit within the Community.................................................................................37

Community transit...............................................................................................37


4.1.1. Legislation...........................................................................................................37

4.1.2. Description of the procedure...............................................................................37 External Community transit ................................................................................39  Internal Community transit .................................................................................40

4.1.3. New Computerised Transit System (NCTS).......................................................40  Main items or messages used in an NCTS operation..........................................41  Office of departure ..............................................................................................42  Office of destination............................................................................................43  Office of transit ...................................................................................................44  Change of office of transit or destination............................................................44  Simplified procedures: authorised consignor and authorised consignee ............45




Other transit systems within the European Community......................................46


4.2.1. Introduction .........................................................................................................46

4.2.2. TIR (Transport Internationaux Routiers) ............................................................47  Background and legislation.................................................................................47  Description of the TIR procedure .......................................................................48

4.2.3. ATA (Temporary Admission).............................................................................49  Background and legislation.................................................................................49  Description of the procedure...............................................................................50

4.2.4. Rhine manifest.....................................................................................................51  Background and legislation.................................................................................51  Description of the procedure...............................................................................51

4.2.5. NATO movements ..............................................................................................52  Background and legislation.................................................................................52  Description of the procedure...............................................................................52

4.2.6. Postal packages ...................................................................................................54  Background and legislation.................................................................................54  Description of the procedure...............................................................................55




Exceptions (pro memoria) .......................................................................................56






Specific national instructions (reserved) .................................................................56






Restricted part for customs use only .......................................................................56
















Annexes ...................................................................................................................56

Rules and principles governing the adoption of Community and common

transit legislation .................................................................................................57




PART II - STATUS OF GOODS......................................................................................78







Introduction .............................................................................................................78






General theory and legislation.................................................................................78







Proof of the Community status of goods.................................................................79

Regular service....................................................................................................80


3.1.1. Definition ............................................................................................................80

3.1.2. Procedure for authorising regular services..........................................................81

3.1.3. Part-charter arrangements ...................................................................................84

3.1.4. Regular service or non-regular service ...............................................................84










Proof of the Community status of goods.................................................................87

Proof of Community status by an authorised consignor .....................................92

Proof of Community status and shipping manifest .............................................94

Proof of Community status in the case of transhipment .....................................95

Proof of Community status and the invoice or transport document....................96


Proof  of  Community  status  for  products  of  sea  fishing  and  other  products

taken from the sea by boats .....................................................................................99






Specific national instructions (reserved)...............................................................103






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................103












Annexes .................................................................................................................103

Example contract of 'affreightment' involving sub-contracting and part-

charter arrangements .........................................................................................104

Shipping manifest – TC12 procedure and authorisation...................................109

Proof of Community status of motorised road vehicles....................................120

Proof of community status of railroad wagons .................................................135

List of the competent authorities for the regular shipping service............... - 136 -




PART III – GUARANTEES ...........................................................................................142














Introduction ...........................................................................................................142

Purpose of guarantee .........................................................................................143

Forms of guarantee............................................................................................143

Guarantee waiver...............................................................................................144

Area of validity..................................................................................................145

Table of guarantee.............................................................................................146

General provisions.................................................................................................147

Necessity for a guarantee ..................................................................................147










2.1.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................147

2.1.2. Failures..............................................................................................................147




Calculation of the amount of the guarantee ......................................................148


2.2.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................148

2.2.2. Calculation ........................................................................................................148






2.3.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................149

2.3.2. Establishment and approval ..............................................................................150

2.3.3. Liability .............................................................................................................151

2.3.4. Guarantee document in the case of revocation or cancellation.........................151





Individual guarantee ..............................................................................................151

Cash deposit ......................................................................................................151


3.1.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................151

3.1.2. Repayment.........................................................................................................152





Individual guarantee by guarantor ....................................................................152

Individual guarantee by means of vouchers (TC32) .........................................152


3.3.1. Liability and approval .......................................................................................152

3.3.2. Notification........................................................................................................152

3.3.3. Voucher .............................................................................................................153





Comprehensive guarantee and guarantee waiver ..................................................155

General provisions ............................................................................................155


4.1.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................155

4.1.2. General conditions ............................................................................................155

4.1.3. Calculation of the reference amount .................................................................155

4.1.4. Amount of the guarantee...................................................................................156

4.1.5. Guarantee certificate .........................................................................................156

4.1.6. Obligations of the principal...............................................................................157

4.1.7. Review of the reference amount........................................................................158

4.1.8. Revocation and cancellation of the authorisation .............................................159




Reduction of the amount of guarantee and guarantee waiver ...........................159


4.2.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................159

4.2.2. Criteria of reduction ..........................................................................................159

4.2.3. Applications concerning both goods involving higher risk of fraud and

other goods ........................................................................................................161









Guarantee waiver by law.......................................................................................162

Carriage by air...................................................................................................162

Carriage on the Rhine waterways .....................................................................162

Carriage by rail or large container ....................................................................162

Public authorities and international organisations ............................................163

Specific national instructions (reserved) ...............................................................163






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................163









Annexes .................................................................................................................163

List of guarantors authorised to issue TC32 individual guarantee

vouchers ............................................................................................................164

List of waterways ..............................................................................................167


























COMPUTERISED TRANSIT SYSTEM) ..............................................................169



CHAPTER 1 – THE STANDARD TRANSIT DECLARATION ..................................170







Introduction ...........................................................................................................170












General theory and legislation...............................................................................170

Organisation of NCTS.......................................................................................171

Scope of NCTS..................................................................................................172

Access for operators to the NCTS.....................................................................172

The declaration procedure .....................................................................................173


Transit declaration (IE015) ...............................................................................174


3.2.1. Form and completion of the transit declaration ................................................174

3.2.2. Mixed consignments .........................................................................................176

3.2.3. Lodging of the transit declaration .....................................................................177

3.2.4. Transit /Security declaration .............................................................................178




Specific situations..................................................................................................180






Exceptions (pro memoria) .....................................................................................180






Specific national instructions (reserved)...............................................................180






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................180






Annexes .................................................................................................................180












Introduction ...........................................................................................................181






General theory and legislation...............................................................................181














Description of the procedure at the office of departure.........................................181

Acceptance, registration and verification of the transit declaration..................182

Amendment of the transit declaration ...............................................................183

Cancellation of the transit declaration...............................................................183

Verification of the transit declaration and control of the goods........................184

Presentation of a guarantee ...............................................................................185

Itinerary and prescribed itinerary......................................................................186

Time limit..........................................................................................................187

Means of identification .....................................................................................188


3.8.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................188

3.8.2. Methods of sealing ............................................................................................190

3.8.3. Characteristics of seals......................................................................................190

3.8.4. Use of seals of a special type ............................................................................191




Release of goods................................................................................................192










3.9.1. Documentation at release ..................................................................................192




Specific situations..................................................................................................193






Exceptions (pro memoria) .....................................................................................193






Specific national instructions (reserved)...............................................................193






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................193







Annexes .................................................................................................................193

Goods of higher risk of fraud ............................................................................194











Introduction ...........................................................................................................195






General theory and legislation...............................................................................195











Formalities  in  the  case  of  incidents  during  transport  and  at  the  office  of

transit .....................................................................................................................195

Formalities in the case of incidents during transport ........................................196

Formalities at the office of transit .....................................................................197


3.2.1. The office of transit...........................................................................................198

3.2.2. Formalities at the office of transit .....................................................................199

3.2.3. Change of the office of transit...........................................................................200

3.2.4. Action in the event of major irregularities ........................................................201




Specific situations (pro memoria) .........................................................................201






Exceptions (pro memoria) .....................................................................................201






Specific national instructions (reserved)...............................................................201






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................201






Annexes .................................................................................................................201












Introduction ...........................................................................................................202






General theory and legislation...............................................................................202











The formalities at the office of destination............................................................203

The ending of the transit procedure ..................................................................203

Control of the end of the transit procedure .......................................................205

Specific situations..................................................................................................207

Issuing a receipt.................................................................................................207

Issuing alternative proof....................................................................................209

















Presentation of the goods and the documents outside the appointed days

and hours and at a place other than the office of destination............................210

Irregularities ......................................................................................................210


4.4.1. Irregularities concerning seals...........................................................................210

4.4.2. Other irregularities ............................................................................................211

4.4.3. Enquiry into the irregularity..............................................................................211





Change of office of destination .........................................................................213

Presentation after expiry of time limit...................................................................216






Specific national instructions (reserved)...............................................................216






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................216








Annexes .................................................................................................................216

Structured messages and data content for the IE (Information Exchange).......217

Country codes....................................................................................................221


8.2.1. Country Codes used for community transit.......................................................221

8.2.2. Country codes used for common transit............................................................221




Package codes ...................................................................................................221


8.3.1. Packages Codes used for community transit.....................................................221

8.3.2. Package Codes used for common transit...........................................................221


TERRITORIES .......................................................................................................222







Introduction ...........................................................................................................222









Background and legislation...............................................................................222



2.2.1. Goods falling within chapters 1 to 24 HS .........................................................223

2.2.2. Goods falling within chapters 25 to 97 HS .......................................................225











San Marino ............................................................................................................230

Background and legislation...............................................................................230


Non-fiscal territories..............................................................................................233

Background and legislation...............................................................................233

Internal Community transit procedure ..............................................................234

Customs status documents ................................................................................234

Exceptions (pro memoria) .....................................................................................235






Specific national instructions (reserved)...............................................................235






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................235






Annexes (pro memoria).........................................................................................235







FALLBACK PROCEDURE ......................................................................236










CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION..................................................................................236







Transit declaration in case of fallback...................................................................236






Fallback procedure stamp......................................................................................237






Unavailability of the customs' system ...................................................................237






Unavailability of a trader's system ........................................................................237











Procedures .............................................................................................................238

Departure - standard procedure.........................................................................238

Departure - authorised consignor ......................................................................239

Destination - standard procedure ......................................................................239

Destination - authorised consignee ...................................................................239

Specific national instructions (reserved)...............................................................240






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................240







Annexes .................................................................................................................240

Fallback procedure stamp..................................................................................241







CHAPTER 3 THE STANDARD TRANSIT DECLARATION .....................................246







Introduction ...........................................................................................................246






General theory and legislation...............................................................................247








The declaration procedure .....................................................................................247


Transit declaration.............................................................................................249


3.2.1. Form and completion of the transit declaration ................................................249

3.2.2. SAD-BIS forms .................................................................................................253

3.2.3. Loading lists, form and completion...................................................................254

3.2.4. Mixed consignments .........................................................................................257

3.2.5. Signing of the transit declaration ......................................................................259









Specific situations (pro memoria) .........................................................................260

Rules applicable to goods with packaging........................................................260

Goods in passenger-accompanied baggage.......................................................267

Transport of Community goods to, from, or via  an EFTA country .................267


Exceptions (pro memoria) .....................................................................................273






Specific national instructions (reserved ................................................................273






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................273



















Annexes .................................................................................................................273

Explanatory note on completing the boxes of the SAD....................................274

Self-copying process of the transit declaration forms and the

supplementary forms .........................................................................................286

Self-copying process of the 4-copy transit declaration and the

supplementary forms .........................................................................................288




CHAPTER 4 FORMALITIES AT OFFICE OF DEPARTURE.....................................290







Introduction ...........................................................................................................290






General theory and legislation...............................................................................290














Description of the procedure at office of departure...............................................291

Presentation of the SAD....................................................................................291

Presentation of a guarantee ...............................................................................292

Acceptance and registration of the transit declaration ......................................293

Amendment of the transit declaration ...............................................................294

Verification of the transit declaration ...............................................................295

Itinerary and prescribed itinerary......................................................................295

Time limit..........................................................................................................296

Means of identification .....................................................................................297


3.8.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................297

3.8.2. Methods of sealing ............................................................................................299

3.8.3. Characteristics of seals......................................................................................300

3.8.4. Use of seals of a special type ............................................................................300





Release of goods................................................................................................301

Specific situations (pro memoria) .........................................................................303






Exceptions (pro memoria) .....................................................................................303






Specific national instructions (reserved) ...............................................................303






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................303








Annexes .................................................................................................................303

Endorsement ‘waiver’ .......................................................................................304

Endorsement ‘satisfactory’................................................................................305


see chapter 6, annex 8.1 ..................................................................................................305








Introduction ...........................................................................................................306






General theory and legislation...............................................................................306










Formalities  in  the  case  of  incidents  during  transport  and  at  the  office  of

transit .....................................................................................................................307

Formalities in the case of incidents during transport ........................................307












Formalities at the office of transit .....................................................................309


3.2.1. The office of transit...........................................................................................309

3.2.2. Formalities at the office of transit .....................................................................310

3.2.3. Action in the event of major irregularities ........................................................311




Specific situations (pro memoria) .........................................................................311






Exceptions (pro memoria) .....................................................................................311






Specific national instructions (reserved)...............................................................311






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................311






Annexes .................................................................................................................311












Introduction ...........................................................................................................312






General theory and legislation...............................................................................312














The formalities at the office of destination............................................................313

The ending of the transit procedure ..................................................................313

Control of the end of the procedure ..................................................................315

Specific situations..................................................................................................316

Issuing a receipt.................................................................................................317

Issuing alternative proof....................................................................................318

Presentation of the goods and the documents outside the appointed days

and hours and at a place other than the office of destination............................319

Irregularities ......................................................................................................320


4.4.1. Irregularities concerning seals...........................................................................320

4.4.2. Other irregularities ............................................................................................320





Change of office of destination .........................................................................321

Presentation after expiry of time limit...................................................................324






Specific national instructions (reserved)...............................................................324






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................324















Annexes .................................................................................................................324

Standard endorsement 'satisfactory' ..................................................................325

Phrase 'copy T5 presented' ................................................................................326

Phrase 'alternative proof' ...................................................................................327

List of central offices for the return of copies No 5..........................................328

Phrase 'difference'..............................................................................................336

Phrase 'discrepancy'...........................................................................................339

Phrase 'enquiries being made'............................................................................340

Phrase 'charges collected' ..................................................................................341

Phrase 'differences: office where goods were presented ….. (name and











8.10. Phrase 'exit from …. subject to restrictions or charges under regulation/

directive/ decision no……'................................................................................343

PART VI SIMPLIFICATIONS ..................................................................................345







Introduction ...........................................................................................................345















General theory and legislation...............................................................................345

General conditions for simplifications ..............................................................346

Authorisation procedure....................................................................................347

Revocation and amendment of the authorisation ..............................................350

Description of simplifications ...............................................................................351

Comprehensive guarantee and guarantee waiver..............................................353

Use of special loading lists................................................................................353

Use of seals of a special type ............................................................................354

Exemption regarding prescribed itinerary.........................................................355

Authorised consignor ........................................................................................356


3.5.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................356

3.5.2. Authorisation.....................................................................................................356

3.5.3. Procedures .........................................................................................................358  NCTS.................................................................................................................358  Fallback procedure - Authentication of the transit declaration (SAD) .............358




Authorised consignee ........................................................................................364


3.6.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................364

3.6.2. Authorisation.....................................................................................................364

3.6.3. Procedures .........................................................................................................365  NCTS.................................................................................................................365  Fallback procedure ............................................................................................366





Goods carried by rail or by large container.......................................................369

Goods carried by air ..........................................................................................369


3.8.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................369

3.8.2. Level 1 simplified procedure.............................................................................370  Authorisation level 1 simplified procedure.......................................................371  Use of level 1 simplified procedure ..................................................................372  Level 1 – particular cases..................................................................................375

3.8.3. Level 2 simplified procedure.............................................................................377  Authorisation level 2 simplified procedure.......................................................377  Use of the level 2 simplified procedure ............................................................380 Level 2 specific situation (use of code C)...........................................................385

3.8.4. Particular cases (level 1 / level 2) .....................................................................387  Transport by express carriers ............................................................................393




Goods carried by ship........................................................................................395


3.9.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................395

3.9.2. Level 1 simplified procedure.............................................................................396  Authorisation level 1 simplified procedure.......................................................396  Use of the level 1 simplified procedure ............................................................397  Examples ...........................................................................................................402

3.9.3. Level 2 simplified procedure.............................................................................403  Authorisation level 2 simplified procedure.......................................................403  Use of the level 2 simplified procedure ............................................................406






  Examples ...........................................................................................................411

3.9.4. Particular cases (level 1 / level 2) .....................................................................413  Groupage ...........................................................................................................413  Movement of goods by sea on vessels providing services other than a

regular shipping service ....................................................................................418

3.10. Transport by pipeline (pro memoria)................................................................420

3.11. Simplified procedures based on article 6 Convention/ article 97(2) CCC........420




Specific situations (pro memoria) .........................................................................421






Exceptions (pro memoria) .....................................................................................421






Specific national instructions (reserved)...............................................................421






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................421















Annexes .................................................................................................................421

Additional criteria - special loading list............................................................422

Specimen (application for) authorisation as authorised consignee...................423

Special metal stamp...........................................................................................428

Derogations - special stamp (FR, IT)................................................................429

List of airports and controlling customs offices................................................430

Specimen authorisation air – level 2 .................................................................473

Air groupage flowchart .....................................................................................476

Specimen authorisation sea – levels 1 and 2.....................................................477

Sea groupage flowchart.....................................................................................484


8.10. Communication simplified procedures .............................................................485


PROCEDURE .........................................................................................................486









Introduction, legislation, and general theory.........................................................487

Introduction .......................................................................................................487

Legislation and general theory..........................................................................487


1.2.1. Legal sources.....................................................................................................487

1.2.2. General theory...................................................................................................488  Ending and discharge of the transit operation...................................................488  Enquiry procedure for checking the end of the procedure................................489  Information exchange........................................................................................490












Discharge of the transit operation and status request............................................491

Introduction .......................................................................................................491

Discharge conditions.........................................................................................491

Effects of discharge...........................................................................................492

Form of discharge..............................................................................................492

Status request and response...............................................................................493

Enquiry procedure .................................................................................................494

Introduction .......................................................................................................494

Enquiry starting with the principal....................................................................495


3.2.1. Objectives of the request for information .........................................................495










3.2.2. General procedure for the information request to the principal........................495

3.2.3. Procedure for the request of information in the case of simplified

procedures specific to certain modes of transport.............................................497




Alternative proof of the end of the procedure...................................................499


3.3.1. Alternative proof that the goods have been presented to an office of

destination or an authorised consignee .............................................................500

3.3.2. Alternative proof that the goods in question were entered for a customs-

approved treatment or use in a third country ....................................................502




Enquiry with the office of destination...............................................................503


3.4.1. Competent authority and time frame for launching the enquiry request ..........504

3.4.2. Sending an 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) message................................................504 The use of the information exchange messages.................................................505

3.4.3. Cancellation of the 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) message ...................................506

3.4.4. Reaction of the country of destination ..............................................................506  Search of records...............................................................................................506  Result of the search of records ..........................................................................507  Time limit for responding in case the enquiry procedure has initially

started with the office of destination.................................................................509  Response codes to the enquiry request..............................................................510

3.4.5. Request to the principal after starting enquiry with the office of

destination .........................................................................................................511

3.4.6. Consequences of the enquiry procedure’s results .............................................511





Fallback procedure ................................................................................................513

Enquiry notice in case of fallback or simplified procedure specific to

certain modes of transport.................................................................................514


4.1.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................514

4.1.2. Enquiry starting with the principal....................................................................516

4.1.3. Competent authority and time frame for launching the enquiry notice ............516

4.1.4. Enquiry notice TC20 .........................................................................................517

4.1.5. Reaction of the country of destination to the enquiry notice ............................518

4.1.6. Reaction of the office of transit to the enquiry notice.......................................521

4.1.7. Consequences of the enquiry procedure ...........................................................523






Post-clearance verification procedure ...................................................................524

Objectives and methods of a post-clearance verification..................................524

Documents subject to verification.....................................................................525


5.2.1. Transit declarations (fallback procedure)..........................................................525

5.2.2. Manifest as a transit declaration........................................................................526

5.2.3. Alternative proof ...............................................................................................527

5.2.4. T2L documents..................................................................................................527

5.2.5. Commercial documents equivalent to a T2L document....................................527





Consequences of the verification ......................................................................528

Exceptions (pro memoria) .....................................................................................528






Specific national instructions (reserved) ...............................................................528









Annexes .................................................................................................................528

List of competent authorities.............................................................................529

Model of a letter of information to the principal...............................................555

Specimen of enquiry notice TC20 and explanatory notes ................................557















Specimen of sending of information TC20A ....................................................560

Specimen of post-clearance request TC21........................................................561

Specimen of post-clearance request TC21A .....................................................562

Examples of situations in the enquiry procedure ..............................................563




PART VIII – DEBT AND RECOVERY ........................................................................565














Scope of the provisions .........................................................................................565


Distinction between financial and penal provisions..........................................566

Incurrence  /  non-incurrence  of  a  debt,  failures,  and  identification  of  the

debtors and guarantors...........................................................................................566

Incurrence / non-incurrence of the debt ............................................................566


2.1.1. When is a debt incurred.....................................................................................566  Unlawful removal of the goods from the procedure .........................................566  Non-fulfilment of an obligation ........................................................................567

2.1.2. Non-incurrence of the debt................................................................................568




Failures of the procedure...................................................................................568


2.2.1. Situations of unlawful removal .........................................................................568

2.2.2. Situations which do not represent unlawful removal........................................569




Other failures to comply with the procedure.....................................................569


2.3.1. Situations of non-compliance that may give rise to a debt ...............................569  Failure to fulfil one of the obligations governing the use of the procedure......570  Failure to fulfil one of the obligations governing the placing of the goods

under the procedure...........................................................................................571

2.3.2. Failures to comply that do not give rise to a debt .............................................572  General conditions governing derogation in situations giving rise to a

debt....................................................................................................................572  Identification by the Contracting Parties of situations where the

derogation applies .............................................................................................573

2.3.3. Debt incurred in a connection with the transit procedure .................................573




Identification of the debtors and guarantors......................................................574


2.4.1. Who are the debtors...........................................................................................574

2.4.2. Claims against debtors ......................................................................................576

2.4.3. Different debtors and their joint and several liability .......................................576

2.4.4. Notifying the debtor ..........................................................................................577

2.4.5. Claims against the guarantor.............................................................................577  Guarantor's liability and release........................................................................577  Limitation of liability by the guarantor.............................................................578  Notifying the guarantor .....................................................................................579

2.4.6. Calculation of the amount of the debt ...............................................................581






Recovery of the debt..............................................................................................584

General analysis ................................................................................................584

Identifying the authority responsible for recovery............................................584


3.2.1. Authority responsible for recovery ...................................................................584

3.2.2. Place where the debt arises ...............................................................................585  Place where the events giving rise to the debt occur ........................................585  Place where the competent authorities conclude that the goods were in a

situation giving rise to the debt .........................................................................586






  Place determined by default ..............................................................................586




Recovery procedure...........................................................................................589


3.3.1. Information exchange messages........................................................................589

3.3.2. Exchange of information and co-operation with a view to recovery ................590

3.3.3. Recovery request from the competent authority of departure...........................591

3.3.4. Recovery request from another competent authority ........................................592

3.3.5. Recovery acceptance by the requested authority ..............................................593

3.3.6. Communicating the start of the recovery procedure .........................................595




Subsequent identification of the place where a debt arose ...............................596


3.4.1. New evidence after the initiation of recovery proceedings...............................596

3.4.2. New competent authority and new recovery measures.....................................597

3.4.3. Consequences for the original recovery............................................................598

3.4.4. Consequences for the recovery .........................................................................598  Notifying the offices of departure and guarantee of recovery or discharge......598  Notifying the guarantor of recovery or discharge .............................................599




Specific situations (pro memoria) .........................................................................599






Exceptions (pro memoria) .....................................................................................599






Specific national instructions (reserved) ...............................................................599






Restricted part for customs use only .....................................................................599









Annexes .................................................................................................................599

List of authorities responsible for recovery in the fallback procedure .............600

TC24 information notice and TC 25 recovery notice .......................................607

TC30 request for address(es) ............................................................................611




PART IX – THE TIR PROCEDURE..............................................................................612











TIR (Transport Internationaux Routiers) ..............................................................613

Background and legislation...............................................................................613

The principles of the TIR system ......................................................................613


Authorisation of guaranteeing associations ......................................................615


2.1.1. The authorisation process..................................................................................615

2.1.2. The criteria for authorisation.............................................................................615

2.1.3. Written agreement.............................................................................................616

2.1.4. Monitoring of the authorisation ........................................................................616




Authorisation of Holders...................................................................................616


2.2.1. The authorisation process..................................................................................617

2.2.2. Sharing the authorisation process......................................................................617  Customs authorities' checks ..............................................................................617  Monitoring of the authorisation ........................................................................618

2.2.3. Withdrawal of the authorisation........................................................................619  Use of Article 38 versus Article 6.4..................................................................619  Application of Article 38 of the TIR Convention .............................................620  Application of Article 6.4. of the TIR Convention ...........................................620  Notification to the European Commission and Member States ........................621













2.2.4. Notification of decisions to reinstate access to the TIR system........................622






Guarantees .............................................................................................................622

Introduction .......................................................................................................622

Amount of guarantee.........................................................................................622


3.2.1. Maximum amount of guarantee ........................................................................622

3.2.2. Rules concerning the exchange rate..................................................................623










Scope of guarantee cover ..................................................................................623

Liability of the Community's guaranteeing associations ..................................624

The formalities at the office of departure or entry (en route)................................624

Introduction .......................................................................................................625

Acceptance of the TIR carnet data ....................................................................626

Security of vehicle / container...........................................................................628

Action at the customs office of departure or entry (en route) ...........................628


4.4.1. Proper use of the TIR carnet .............................................................................629

4.4.2. Recommendation to the use of HS code ...........................................................630

4.4.3. Proof of the Community status of goods...........................................................630

4.4.4. Presentation of a guarantee ...............................................................................631

4.4.5. Sealing of vehicles/ containers..........................................................................631

4.4.6. Goods presenting increased risk........................................................................632

4.4.7. Release of a TIR operation................................................................................632




Intermediate loading..........................................................................................633


4.5.1. Temporary suspension of the TIR transport......................................................633




Discrepancies ....................................................................................................634


4.6.1. Treatment of discrepancies................................................................................634

4.6.2. Discrepancies detected by the customs office of departure ..............................634

4.6.3. Discrepancies detected by the customs office of entry (en route) ....................635











The formalities at the customs office of destination or exit (en route) .................636

Introduction .......................................................................................................637

Discharge of the TIR operation by the customs office of departure or

entry (en route)..................................................................................................637

Action at the customs office of destination or exit (en route)...........................637

Change of customs office of destination or exit (en route)...............................639

Incidents en route and the use of the certified report........................................640

Irregularities detected at the customs office of destination or exit (en

route) .................................................................................................................641


5.6.1. Irregularities concerning goods.........................................................................641

5.6.2. Irregularities concerning seals...........................................................................642

5.6.3. Other irregularities ............................................................................................643











Control system for TIR carnets .........................................................................643

Intermediate unloading......................................................................................644

Treatment of returned TIR transports ...............................................................644

Enquiry procedure .................................................................................................646

Pre-enquiry action .............................................................................................646

Enquiry procedure.............................................................................................646

Alternative proof of termination .......................................................................648

Debt and recovery .............................................................................................649


6.4.1. Identification of person(s) directly liable..........................................................649

6.4.2. Recovery of the debt and/or other charges........................................................650













Claim against guaranteeing association ............................................................651

Application of Article 457 IPC .........................................................................652


6.6.1. Practical application of Article 457(3) IPC.......................................................652

6.6.2. Transfer of responsibility to recover the debt ...................................................653

















Authorised consignee ............................................................................................653

Introduction .......................................................................................................654

Authority to break and remove customs seals...................................................654

Arrival of the goods...........................................................................................655

Presentation of the TIR carnet...........................................................................656

Endorsement and return of the TIR carnet to the TIR carnet Holder................656

Annexes to Part IX ................................................................................................656

Focal points in the Community .........................................................................657

The correlation table .........................................................................................662

The filling-in of the TIR carnet.........................................................................663

The fallback procedure......................................................................................674

Model EU Agreement/Undertaking ..................................................................680

Specimen stamp for the fallback procedure ......................................................682

Examples of situations lodging the electronic TIR carnet data.........................683










































List of commonly used abbreviations
























Convention CS

























Electronic Administrative Document


Carnet ATA (temporary admission)


Bulgaria / Bulgarian

Common Agricultural Policy

Community Customs Code

(Regulation 2913/92 of 12 October 1992, OJ L 302, 19.10.92, as amended)

Common Customs Tariff (EC)


Contrat de transport International ferroviaire des Marchandises (International waybill for transport of goods by rail)

Contrat  de  transport  international  de  Marchandises  par  Route (International waybill for transport of goods by road) Convention on a common transit procedure of 20 May 1987 Czech


Czech Republic


Germany / German


Export Accompanying Document

Electronic Data Interchange

Estonia / Estonian

European Free Trade Association



Spain / Spanish

Finland /Finnish

France / French

Great Britain


Harmonised System of the description and classification of goods


Hungary / Hungarian


Implementing Provisions of the Community Customs Code (Regulation 2454/93 of 2 July 1993, OJ L 293, 11.10.93, as amended)






















SAD Convention

















International Road Union

Iceland / Icelandic

Italy / Italian

Lithuania / Lithuanian

List of Items


Latvia / Latvian

Malta / Maltese

New Computerised Transit System

Netherlands / Dutch

Norway / Norwegian

Official Journal

Poland / Polish

Portugal / Portuguese

Romania / Romanian

Single Administrative Document

Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods of 20 May 1987



Slovak Republic / Slovakian




Transit Accompanying Document

Carnet TIR (Transport Internationaux Routiers) (International Road Transport)

Transit/Security Accompanying Document

Transit/Security List of Items

United Kingdom

























List of definitions



Electronic Administrative Document (e-AD)





Control document used to cover the movement of free circulation excisable goods between two points in the Community.




ATA Carnet


Customs document used for the temporary exportation, transit and temporary admission of goods for specific purposes, e.g. for displays, exhibitions and fairs as professional equipment and as commercial samples.




Authorised consignor


Person authorised to carry out transit operations without presenting the goods and the transit declaration at the office of departure.




Authorised consignee


Person authorised to receive at his premises or at any other specified place goods under a transit procedure without presenting them and the transit declaration at the office of destination.




Common transit


Customs procedure for the carriage of goods between the Community, the EFTA countries, and between the EFTA countries themselves (see definition below).




Community goods


Goods which are :

−wholly obtained in the customs territory of the Community under the conditions referred to in Article 23 of the Code and not incorporating goods imported from countries or territories not forming part of the customs territory of the Community. Goods obtained from goods placed under a suspensive arrangement shall not be deemed to have Community status in cases of special economic importance determined in accordance with the committee procedure,

− are imported from countries or territories not forming part of the customs territory of the Community which have been released for free circulation,

− obtained or produced in the customs territory of the Community, either from goods referred to in the second indent alone or from goods referred to in the first and second indents.




Community transit


Customs procedure that allows goods to be moved from one point in the Community to another.




Competent authority


The customs authority or any other authority responsible for applying the customs rules.




Contracting Party


A  Party  to  the  Convention  on  a  common  transit  procedure  of






20 May 1987 and the Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods of 20 May 1987. There are five Contracting Parties: European Community, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.




Control copy T5


Declaration and undertaking used to cover goods imported into, exported from or moving within the customs territory of the Community that are subject to proof of compliance with the conditions provided for or prescribed by a Community rule for their use and/or destination.




Customs status


Customs status means the status of goods as Community goods or non-Community goods.




Customs territory of the Community


The customs territory of the Community comprises thefollowing territories, including their territorial waters, internal waters and airspace:























the territory of the Kingdom of Belgium, the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, the territory of the Czech Republic,

the territory of the Kingdom of Denmark, except the Faroe Islands and Greenland,

the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, except the Island of Heligoland and the territory of Buesingen (Treaty of 23 November 1964 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation),

the territory of the Republic of Estonia, the territory of Ireland,

the territory of the Hellenic Republic,

the territory of the Kingdom of Spain, except Ceuta and Melilla,

the territory of the French Republic, except the overseas territories and Saint-Pierre and Miquelon,

the territory of the Italian Republic, except the municipalities of Livigno and Campione d’Italia and the national waters of Lake Lugano which are between the bank and the political frontier of the area between Ponte Tresa and Porto Ceresio,

the  territory  of  the  Republic  of  Cyprus,  in  accordance















with the provisions of the 2003 Act of Accession, the territory of the Republic of Latvia,

the territory of the Republic of Lithuania,

the territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the territory of Hungary,

the territory of Malta,

the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Europe,

the territory of the Republic of Austria,

the territory of the Republic of Poland,

the territory of the Portuguese Republic,

the territory of Romania,

the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, the territory of the Slovak Republic,

the territory of the Republic of Finland, the territory of the Kingdom of Sweden,

the territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

the territory of the Republic of Croatia.




The following territories, including their territorial waters, internal waters and airspace, situated outside the territory of the Member States shall, taking into account the conventions and treaties applicable to them, be considered to be part of the customs territory of the Community:


The territory of Monaco as defined in the Customs Convention signed in Paris on 18 May 1963 (Journal officiel de la République française (Official Journal of the French Republic) of 27 September 1963, p. 8679);


The territory of the United Kingdom Sovereign Base Areas of






Akrotiri and Dhekelia as defined in the Treaty concerning the Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus, signed in Nicosia on 16 August 1960 (United Kingdom Treaty Series No 4 (1961) Cmnd. 1252).




Export accompanying document (EAD)


For Community transit only - the EAD accompanies the goods where an export declaration is processed at an office of export by the ECS. The EAD corresponds to the specimen and notes in Annex 45g and 45h IPC.




European Community (EC) / European Union (EU)2


Member States are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom,   the   Czech   Republic,   Cyprus,   Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia.




European Free Trade Association (EFTA)


This is a group of countries, comprising Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.




EFTA country


For the purpose of transit, the following are classified as EFTA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.






Financial cover to ensure the collection of duties and other charges, furnished by a principal.




Loading list


An administrative or commercial document that may be used in place of a SAD-BIS when more than one item is being carried under transit.




List of Items (LoI)


The LoI accompanies the TAD and the goods where a transit declaration is processed at an office of departure by the NCTS and the declaration contains more than one item of goods. The LoI corresponds to the specimen and notes in Appendix III, Annexes A5 and A6 Convention/Annex 45b IPC.






For maritime and air transport, the document listing the cargo on board the means of transport. The document may be used for  customs  purposes,  subject  to  prior  authorisation,  when  it








2 The European Communities originally referred to the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), both established in 1958, and the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), established in 1952.

The European Union was created by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993. It consisted of three pillars: the community dimension (EEC/EC, ECSC, Euratom), the common foreign and security policy, and cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs. The European Economic Community was renamed the European Community. It covered certain policy areas of the European Union, such as Union citizenship, Community policies and Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). In 2009, the Treaty of Lisbon abolished the three-pillar structure and the European Community was absorbed by the European Union.

The term "Community" is used in this manual, because it is still used in the CCC and IPC.



contains the necessary particulars, in particular with regard to the customs status of the goods and their identification.




Non-Community goods


Goods other than Community goods.




Office of departure


The customs office where declarations placing goods under the transit procedure are accepted.




Office of destination


The customs office where the goods placed under the transit procedure must be presented in order to end the procedure.




Office of guarantee


The office where the competent authorities of each country decide that guarantors shall lodge their guarantees.




Office of transit


The customs office situated at the:



Common transit Community transit

Point of entry − into a Contracting Party


−into the customs territory of the Community when the goods have crossed the territory of a third country in the course of a transit operation,

Point of exit − from a Contracting Party when the consignment is leaving the customs territory of that Contracting Party in the course of a transit operation via a frontier between that Contracting Party and a third country. −from the customs territory of the Community when a consignment is leaving that territory in the course of a transit operation via a frontier between a Member State and a third country other than an EFTA country.



Person  established  in  a


· in the case of a natural person, any person who is







normally resident there ;

· in the case of a legal person or an association of persons, any person that has its registered office, central headquarters or a permanent business establishment there.






The person who places goods under the transit procedure, even where this is done by an authorised representative.






Any person may appoint a representative in his dealings with the  customs  authorities  to  perform  the  acts  and  formalities






laid down by customs rules (see Article 5 CCC)3.




Single Administrative Document (SAD)


This is a multi-copy form which is used throughout the Community and EFTA countries for the control of imports, exports and goods in transit.

It is an eight part document consisting of the following copies:
























Copy 1 which is retained by the authorities of the country in which export (dispatch) or transit formalities are completed;

Copy 2 which is to be used for statistical purposes by the countries of export (in certain cases it can equally be used by the country of dispatch);

Copy 3 which is returned to the exporter after being stamped by the Customs authority;

Copy 4 which is to be kept by the office of destination upon completion of the transit operation or serving as the T2L or T2LF document providing evidence of Community status of the goods;

Copy 5 which is the return copy for the transit procedure;

Copy 6 which is to be retained by the authorities of the countries in which arrival formalities are completed;

Copy 7 which is to be used for statistical purposes by the countries of destination (for arrival formalities);

Copy 8 which is returned to the consignee after being stamped by the Customs authority.




National Customs authorities may provide various combinations of the eight copy set appropriate for the purpose for which they are intended.

See also : transit accompanying document






Form used to supplement the copies of the SAD when more than one item is being declared.




Transit accompanying document (TAD)


The TAD accompanies the goods where a transit declaration is processed at an office of departure by the NCTS.. The TAD








3 Where the manual refers to the condition that the applicant is established in the Community, this condition may be met in accordance with the rules on representation.



corresponds to the specimen and notes in Appendix III, Annexes A3 and A4 Convention/Annex 45a IPC.

See also : SAD




Transit/Security accompanying document (TSAD)


For Community transit only - the TSAD accompanies the goods where a transit declaration is processed at an office of departure by the NCTS and contains both transit data and security and safety data. The TSAD corresponds to the specimen and notes in Annex 45e IPC.




Transit/Security List of Items (TSLoI)


For Community transit only - the TSLoI accompanies the TSAD and the goods where a transit declaration is processed at an office of departure by the NCTS, the declaration contains more than one item of goods and the declaration contains transit data and security and safety data. The TSLoI corresponds to the specimen and notes in Annex 45f IPC.




Territories where the VAT directive is not applicable (also known as the 'non-fiscal' or 'special' territories)


Territories that are part of the customs territory of the Community but where the provisions of the (VAT) Directive 2006/112/EC do not apply. These are: the Åland Islands; the Canary  Islands;  the  Channel  Islands;  Mount Athos  and  the French territories referred to in Articles 349 and Article 355(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Réunion, Mayotte, Saint-Barthélémy and Saint-Martin)..




Transit declaration


The act whereby a person indicates in the prescribed form and manner a wish to place goods under the transit procedure.
































General information sources

European Union

− Customs legislation





Transit Manual

Transit Customs Offices list

Transit Network address book

New Customs Transit Systems for Europe (brochure) Legislation

Trade consultation


− National Customs Websites:





World Customs Organisation: UN – TIR convention:


World Customs Organization












































Part I gives the historical background and an overview of the transit systems.

Paragraph 1 explains the character and purpose of transit and contains a brief history.

Paragraph 2 refers to the status of goods for customs purposes.

Paragraph 3 provides a summary of the common transit procedure.

Paragraph 4 provides a summary of the Community transit procedure and of other transit procedures that apply within the European Community.

Exceptions are covered in paragraph 5.



Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national instructions.



Paragraph 7 is reserved for the use of customs administrations.

Paragraph 8 contains the annexes to Part I.



























Brief history of transit





Movement of goods


















Main functions of transit



























Development of a transit system


When goods enter a country/territory, customs will demand payment of import duties and other charges and, where appropriate, apply commercial policy measures (for example anti-dumping duties). This is the case even where the goods are only meant to pass through (to transit) that country/territory on their way to another. Under certain conditions the taxes and charges paid may be reimbursed when the goods leave that country/territory. In the next country/territory this procedure may have to be repeated. The goods may have to undergo a series of administrative procedures at border crossings before reaching their final destination.

Transit is a customs facility available to operators who move goods across borders or territories without paying the charges due in principle when the goods enter (or leave) the territory thus requiring only one (final) customs formality. Compared to the situation described in the first paragraph, it offers an administratively simple and cost advantageous procedure to carry goods across customs territories. Transit is particularly relevant to the Community where a single customs territory is combined with a multiplicity of fiscal territories: goods can move under transit from their point of entry into the Community to the point of their clearance where, after transit has ended, the customs and the local fiscal obligations are taken care of and the goods enter into free circulation or another suspensive procedure is started. Also a suspensive procedure can be ended by placing non-Community goods under transit, for example for re-exportation from the Community customs territory.

After the end of the second world war, there was a rapid growth in trade in goods in Europe. It soon became clear that lengthy and cumbersome customs procedures each time goods crossed a border put a severe strain and burden on trade. Against a background of a growing spirit of co-operation between nations, negotiations started













TIR Agreement














under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, with the objective of drawing up an international Agreement which would facilitate the movement of goods in Europe.

In 1949 the first TIR Agreement was drawn up. As a result of this Agreement a guarantee system was introduced in a number of European countries which would cover the duties and other charges at risk on goods moving in Europe, in the course of international trade. The success of the 1949 TIR Agreement led to the creation in 1959 of the TIR Convention. The Convention was revised in 19754 and currently has 68 Contracting Parties (May 2009).

In parallel to the global development of international trade, it was found that the emerging and expanding European Community required a specific transit system to facilitate the movement of goods and customs formalities within and between its Member states.























The Community transit system


The need for a specific transit system for the European Community became more apparent in 1968 when the Common Customs Tariff was introduced.









4 Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR carnets (TIR Convention, 1975), TIR Handbook, ECE/TRANS/TIR/5, United Nations Publications.




The Community transit system was introduced in 1968. It facilitated the movement of both Community and non-Community goods within the European Community. For the first time use was made of the symbols T1 for non-Community goods and T2 for Community goods.




Intra-Community movement of goods via EFTA countries


Due to increased levels of trade and to facilitate the movement of goods in Europe, the Community transit system was extended in 1972 by two Agreements to cover trade with Austria and Switzerland. These two countries, with important geographical locations in Europe, were members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).






Common Transit


The Agreements of 1972 with the EFTA countries Switzerland and (at the time) Austria were replaced in 1987 by two Conventions drawn up between the European Community and all EFTA countries. These Conventions would facilitate the importation, exportation and movement of goods to, from and between the European Community and the EFTA countries but also between individual EFTA countries. One Convention established a common transit procedure5, while the other provided for the simplification of import,  export  and  transit  formalities  by  introducing  the  Single












5 EC/EFTA Convention on a common transit procedure of 20 May 1987, O.J. L 226, 18.8.1987 + amendments.



Administrative  Document  (SAD)6.  The  Conventions  are  known  as

the “Convention” and the “SAD Convention” respectively. Visegrad-countries The Conventions were extended on 1 July 1996 to include the four

Visegrad countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and the Slovak Republic) until their accession to the Community.

The Convention was extended as well to other than Visegrad countries, i.e. to Croatia on 1 July 2012 (until its accession to the Union) and to Turkey on 1 December 2012..







All future Contracting Parties are considered as ‘EFTA countries’ within the meaning of these Conventions.

Many other countries have expressed a desire to join the common transit system.




Reform of transit


The creation of the single market in 1993 together with a changed political environment in central and eastern Europe presented new challenges which made it necessary to review the transit systems.







Status of goods



Since the introduction of Community transit in 1968 the customs status of goods essentially is the factor that determines whether goods in transit move under a T1 or a T2 transit declaration.

In certain circumstances proof of the status of the goods will have to be produced.

Further details concerning the status of goods are in Part II.















6 EC/EFTA Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods (including a Single Administrative Document for use in such trade), O.J. L 134, 22.5.1987 + amendments.





Common Transit





3.1. Legislation




The legal basis for the common transit procedure is the Common Transit Convention of 20 May 1987 (see footnote 3). The European Union, the three EFTA countries (Switzerland, Norway and Iceland) and Turkey are Contracting Parties to the Convention. The Convention also applies to the Principality of Liechtenstein because it has a customs union with Switzerland. The convention was extended to Turkey on 1 December 2012.

The legal basis for the simplification of formalities in trade in goods between the Community and EFTA countries and also between the EFTA countries themselves is the SAD Convention of May 1987 (see footnote 4).

An explanation of the rules and procedures governing the adoption of common transit legislation is given in Annex 8.1 of Part I.





3.2. Description of the procedure

The common transit procedure provides for customs and excise duties, VAT and other charges on goods to be suspended during their movement from the office of departure to the office of destination. It may be used by economic operators to facilitate the movement of goods from one Contracting Party to another. However there is no obligation to use it.

The common transit procedure is managed by the customs administrations of the various Contracting Parties via a network of customs offices, known as offices of departure, offices of transit, offices of destination and offices of guarantee.

The common transit procedure starts at the office of departure and ends when the goods and transit declaration are presented at the office of destination, in accordance with the transit provisions. An officially  receipted  copy  of  the  transit  declaration  is  returned  by






customs to the office of departure (or a central office in the country of departure).

On receipt of that copy, customs in the country of departure will discharge the transit procedure and the principal’s liability, unless an irregularity has been noted.




Principal in common transit


In making a transit declaration at the office of departure the principal requests the placing of the goods under the transit procedure. As holder of the transit procedure the principal is, after the goods have been released for transit, responsible for the presentation of the goods intact (with seals intact where appropriate) together with the transit declaration at the office of destination within a prescribed time limit. There are also further persons responsible for the presentation of the goods at the office of destination. He is also responsible for the payment of any duties and other charges which may become due in the event of an irregularity occurring. The principal is responsible for the provision of a guarantee to cover the amount of duties and other charges suspended during the movement of the goods (when he has not been exempted by law or by authorisation). The guarantee can be a cash deposit or an undertaking furnished by a financial institution acting as guarantor (see Part III for further details concerning guarantees and guarantors).




Article 2 Convention


There are two categories of common transit procedure, T1 and T2, which reflect the different status of the goods being moved.






The T1 procedure covers the movement of non-Community goods, suspending the measures normally applicable to them on import.






The T2 procedure covers the movement of Community goods, suspending the measures normally applicable to them on import to an EFTA country.







Under certain circumstances and subject to an authorisation being granted  by  the  relevant  customs  authority,  the  common  transit



procedure may be simplified (see Part VI for information on simplified transit procedures).

(Further information on the common transit procedure is in Parts IV, V and VI.)







Transit within the Community



This paragraph is subdivided as follows:

· information on Community Transit (paragraph 4.1.);

· information on other transit systems which apply within the European Community (paragraph 4.2.).




4.1. Community transit



4.1.1. Legislation



Community transit has its legal basis in the Community Customs Code (Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92) and its Implementing Provisions (Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93). The Community transit arrangements were extended to include trade in certain goods with Andorra under the Community-Andorra customs union. A similar extension exists for trade between the Community and San Marino under the arrangements for the customs union with San Marino. (see Part IV, chapter 5 for further details concerning Andorra and San Marino).

An explanation of the rules and procedures governing the adoption of Community transit legislation is given in Annex 8.1 of Part I.



4.1.2. Description of the procedure












Use of the Community transit


This paragraph describes the Community transit procedures as follows:

· External Community transit (paragraph;

· Internal Community transit (paragraph

The  Community  transit  system  is  applicable  to  the  movement  of








non-Community goods and in certain cases of Community goods between two points in the Community (see also 4.2 for other transit procedures in the Community).

The Community transit procedure is managed by the customs administrations of the various Member States via a network of customs offices, known as offices of departure, offices of transit, offices of destination and offices of guarantee.

The Community transit procedure starts at the office of departure and ends when the goods and transit declaration are presented at the office of destination. An officially receipted copy of the transit declaration is returned by customs to the office of departure (or a central office in the Member State of departure). On receipt of that copy, customs in the Member State of departure will discharge the transit declaration and the principal’s liability, unless an irregularity has been noted.




Principal in Community transit


In making a transit declaration at the office of departure the principal requests the placing of the goods under the transit procedure. As holder of the transit procedure the principal is, after the goods have been released for transit, responsible for the presentation of the goods intact (with seals intact where appropriate) together with the transit declaration at the office of destination within a prescribed time limit. There are also further persons responsible for the presentation of the goods at the office of destination. He is also responsible for the payment of any duties and other charges which may become due in the event of an irregularity occurring. The principal is responsible for the provision of a guarantee to cover the amount of duties and other charges suspended during the movement of the goods (when he has not been exempted by law or by authorisation). The guarantee can be a cash deposit an undertaking furnished by a financial institution acting as guarantor (see Part III for further details concerning guarantees and guarantors).






External and internal transit


Articles 91 and 163 CCC


There are two categories of the Community transit procedure: T1 (external transit) and T2 (internal transit), which generally reflect the status of the goods being moved.







Under certain circumstances, and subject to an authorisation being granted by the relevant customs office, the Community transit procedure may be simplified (see Part VI for information on simplified transit procedures.)

(Further information on the Community transit procedure is in Parts IV, V and VI.)



External Community transit







The external Community transit (T1) procedure, applies mainly to the movement of non-Community goods. It suspends the duties and other charges applicable until the goods reach their destination in the Community.




Article 340c(3) IPC


However, the external Community transit procedure (T1) is also mandatory for the movement of Community goods that would normally be carried under a T2 transit procedure where the goods are exported to, or pass through, one or more EFTA countries and the common transit procedure is being used and the goods:

· have undergone customs export formalities with a view to refunds being granted on export to third countries under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); or,

· have come from intervention stocks, are subject to measures of control as to use and/or destination, and have undergone customs formalities on export to third countries under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); or,

· are eligible for the repayment or remission of import duties on condition  that  they  are  exported  from  the  customs  territory  of







the Community; or,



• are in the form of compensating products or goods in the unaltered state and have undergone customs formalities on export to third countries in order to discharge the inward processing procedure, drawback system, with a view to obtaining repayment or remission of customs duty.



Internal Community transit








The internal Community transit (T2) procedure applies to Community goods where they are consigned from one point in the customs territory of the Community to another through the territory of one or more EFTA countries. This procedure does not apply when the goods are carried entirely by sea or by air.






The internal Community transit procedure T2F applies to the movement of Community goods, which are consigned to, from or between the non-fiscal areas of the customs territory of the Community. The non-fiscal areas of the customs territory of the Community are those areas where the provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC do not apply (the VAT Directive).

These are the Åland Islands, the Canary Islands, the Channel Islands, Mount Athos and Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Réunion, Mayotte, Saint-Barthélémy and Saint-Martin.




4.1.3. New Computerised Transit System (NCTS)



In today's world, customs administrations have to adapt to the needs of trade with speed and flexibility and keep abreast of the continual changes in the business environment. The NCTS will serve as a tool to manage and control the transit system. Based on the use of advanced computer systems and the electronic processing  of  data,  it  will  guarantee  a  more  modern  and  efficient







management than the paper-based system, with its proven flaws.



The main objectives of the NCTS are:






to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of transit procedures;





to improve both the prevention and detection of fraud;






to accelerate transactions carried out under a transit procedure and to offer security for them.




As a general rule the NCTS will be used for both external and internal Community transit and common transit, in situations where they are currently carried out using the single administrative document (SAD) made out as either a `T1' or `T2'.

Therefore the computerised system will not, at first, cover simplified procedures under which the goods are transported by rail, air, sea or by pipelines and where, essentially, the haulier's own documentation is used.



Main items or messages used in an NCTS operation



Before going into the details it is useful to mention the main items and messages in a NCTS operation.













The transit declaration, which is presented in a paper or electronic form.

The movement reference number (MRN), which is a unique registration number, given by the system to the declaration to identify the movement.

The transit accompanying document (TAD), which accompanies the goods from departure to destination.

The “anticipated arrival record” (AAR) message, which is sent by the office of departure to the declared office of destination mentioned in the declaration.















The “anticipated transit record” (ATR) message, which is sent by the office of departure to the declared office(s) of transit to notify the anticipated border passage of a consignment.

The “notification of crossing frontier” (NCF) message, which is sent by the actual office of transit used after having checked the consignment.

The “arrival advice” message, which is sent by the actual office of destination to the office of departure when the goods arrive.


• The  “control  results”  message,  which  is  sent  by  the  actual

office of destination to the office of departure (after the goods have been checked, where necessary).

Furthermore it is important to understand that the system covers all the possible combinations of normal and simplified procedures, at departure (authorised consignor) as well as at destination (authorised consignee).



Office of departure



The transit declaration is presented at the office of departure, either in paper form or in a computerised form. Electronic declarations can be made at the customs office of departure or from a trader's own premises.

Whatever the form of the presentation, the declaration must contain all the data required and comply with the system specifications, since the system codifies and validates the data automatically. If there is an inconsistency in the data the system will indicate this. The trader will be informed, so that he can make the necessary corrections before the declaration is finally accepted.

Once the corrections have been entered and the declaration is accepted, the system will provide the declaration with a unique registration number, the movement reference number.








Then, once any inspections have been carried out, either at the office of departure itself or at the authorised consignor's premises, and the guarantees are accepted, the goods will be released for transit. The system will print the transit accompanying document and, where appropriate, the list of items, either at the office of departure or at the authorised consignor's premises. The accompanying document and the list of items must travel with the goods and be presented at any office of transit and at the office of destination.

When printing the transit accompanying document and the list of items, the office of departure will simultaneously send an anticipated arrival record to the declared office of destination. This message will mainly contain the information taken from the declaration, enabling the office of destination to control the consignment when it arrives. The office of destination needs to have access to the best possible information about the transit operation to make a correct and reliable decision about what actions to take when the goods arrive.

Should the movement have to pass an office of transit, the office of departure will also send an anticipated transit record, so that any office of transit has prior notification of the consignment concerned and can check the passage of the movement.



Office of destination



Upon arrival, the goods must be presented at the office of destination or to the authorised consignee together with the transit accompanying document and the list of items, if appropriate. Customs, having already received the anticipated arrival record will have full details about the operation and therefore will have had the opportunity to decide beforehand what controls are necessary.

When  they  enter  the  movement  reference  number  (MRN)  into  the



system, it will automatically locate the corresponding anticipated arrival record, which will be used as a basis for any action or control, and send an arrival advice message to the office of departure.

After the relevant controls have been carried out, the office of destination will notify the office of departure of the control results by using a control results message, stating which, if any, irregularities have been detected.

The control results message is necessary to discharge the transit operation at the office of departure and free the guarantees that were used for it.



Office of transit



When the goods pass by an office of transit, the goods, the transit accompanying document and, where appropriate, the list of items have to be presented to customs. The anticipated transit record, already available in the system, will automatically be located when the movement reference number is entered and subsequently the movement may be approved for passage. A notification of crossing frontier is sent to the office of departure.



Change of office of transit or destination



If the goods go via an office of transit other than the declared one, the message that had initially been sent to the declared office of transit is of no use. In this case the actual office of transit will send a message to the office of departure, requesting the anticipated transit record, so that it can access the relevant information. Having checked the movement it will send the notification of crossing frontier to the office of departure.

Likewise, the goods can be presented at an office of destination, other  than  the  declared  one.  The  actual  office  of  destination  will






request the office of departure to send the anticipated arrival record so that the new office of destination may obtain the necessary information on the consignment.

If there is a change in office of transit or destination, the messages which have been sent to the declared offices are of no use and will remain open. To this end, the system will automatically send a message to the declared offices, notifying them where and when the goods have been presented, so that they can close the messages.



Simplified procedures: authorised consignor and authorised consignee



The use of both simplified procedures represents the optimal use of resources within the framework of the NCTS. The possibility of carrying out all the procedures at one's own premises and exchanging information with customs electronically is clearly the most rapid, comfortable, secure and economic way of doing business.

Obviously in addition to satisfying the criteria to become an authorised consignor or authorised consignee in the transit procedure with the SAD, they will have to possess an adequate electronic data processing system for information interchange with their relevant customs offices. Of course this can only work if these offices are connected to the NCTS.

Once these criteria have been fulfilled the NCTS allows authorised consignors to:







create the transit declaration in their own computer system;

send the corresponding declaration message electronically to the office of departure without the goods having to be presented there;

send and receive by electronic means subsequent messages, including requests for correction of the declaration, notification of its acceptance and notification of the release of







the goods.



As far as authorised consignees are concerned the NCTS allows them to:







receive the goods and the accompanying document directly at their own premises;

send the arrival notification message to the relevant office of destination electronically;

receive and send subsequent messages concerning permission to unload goods and the notification of the results of the unloading to customs electronically.




4.2. Other transit systems within the European Community



4.2.1. Introduction





Articles 91(2) and 163(2) CCC


Apart from the common transit and the internal/external Community transit procedures use is also made of the transit procedures described below. In contrast to the common and Community transit procedures, the TIR procedure is structured on an international guarantee system based on a chain of national guaranteeing associations (see paragraph 4.2.2 for information on TIR).

The ATA-carnet procedure is similar to TIR but it is limited to certain types of goods (see paragraph 4.2.3 for information on ATA carnets).

The Rhine manifest procedure applies to water transport of non-Community goods on the Rhine and its associated tributaries (see paragraph 4.2.4 for information on the Rhine manifest).

The NATO movement procedure applies to goods transported to NATO forces (see paragraph 4.2.5 for information on the NATO movement procedure).

The  postal  package  procedure  applies  to  goods  sent  by  post  (see








paragraph 4.2.6 for information on the postal package procedure).




4.2.2. TIR (Transport Internationaux Routiers)




Background and legislation





Article 91 and 163 of the CCC


The principal legislation governing the TIR procedure is the TIR Convention 1975, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE)7. It was adopted on behalf of the Member States by the European Community under EC Reg. No 2112/78 of 25 July 19788. The movement of goods within the Community under cover of a TIR carnet is provided for in Articles 451-457b of the IPC. The TIR Convention has been regularly amended.

As at 1st January 2014, the TIR Convention had 68 contracting Parties including the European Community and its 28 Member States. However a TIR operation is possible only in the countries which have authorised guaranteeing associations (58 countries as at 1 January 2014). Under Community legislation, the TIR procedure can be used in the Community only for a transit movement which begins or ends outside the Community, or is effected between two points in the Community through the territory of a third country.

There are a number of parties involved in the administration of the TIR Convention. An Administrative Committee composed of all Contracting Parties to the Convention administers its operation. Much of the work of the Administrative Committee is supported and prepared by the UN/ECE Working Party on Customs Questions Affecting Transport (WP30). The Committee and Working Party meet regularly in Geneva.









7 See above at footnote 2.

8 OJ L 252 of 14.9.1978, p. 1.









Description of the TIR procedure



The TIR system is built on five main pillars:

















































goods movement in approved vehicles or containers under customs seal;

throughout the TIR transport, duties and taxes due on the goods are suspended and secured by a chain of internationally valid guarantees. The national guaranteeing association of each Contracting Party guarantees payment of the secured amount of the customs debt and other charges which may become due in the event of an irregularity occurring in that country in the course of the TIR operation. Each Contracting Party sets its guarantee limit but the recommended maximum amount to be claimed from each national association in the event of an irregularity is US$50 000 (for the Community: € 60,000 or the equivalent thereof in national currency);

A TIR carnet is a customs declaration for transport of goods. It provides proof of the existence of the guarantee. TIR carnets are distributed by the International Organization authorised by the TIR Administrative Committee (currently the International Road Transport Union (IRU)) to national guaranteeing associations. The TIR carnet is valid for one TIR transport only. It is taken into use in the country of departure and enables the customs control document in the Contracting Parties of departure, transit and destination;

customs control measures taken in the country of departure are accepted by the countries of transit and destination. As a consequence, goods carried under the TIR procedure in sealed vehicles or containers will not as a general rule be examined at customs offices in transit;

as a means of controlling access to the TIR procedure, national associations wishing to issue TIR carnets and persons  wishing  to  utilise  TIR  carnets  must  comply  with






minimum conditions and requirements and must be authorised by the competent authorities (usually Customs) of the country

where they are established.

A TIR transport comprises a sequence of TIR operations. In each Contracting Party, a TIR operation starts at the customs office of departure/entry and is terminated at the customs office of destination or exit.




For the purposes of this procedure, the customs territory of the Community is considered as forming a single territory.

It is a condition that some part of the TIR transport be made by road and that the vehicle or container displays the TIR plates during the TIR transport.

4.2.3. ATA (Temporary Admission)




Background and legislation



The legal bases for this procedure are the ATA Convention and the Convention on Temporary Admission, also known as the Istanbul Convention.

The ATA Convention concluded in 1961 remains in force and currently has 61 Contracting Parties.

The Istanbul Convention which was originally intended to replace the ATA Convention was concluded on 26 June 1990 in Istanbul under the auspices of the Customs Co-operation Council – now called the World Customs Organisation (WCO). It is managed by an Administrative Committee and currently has 34 Contracting Parties.




ATA carnet as

transit document


Provisions regarding the use of an ATA carnet as a transit document within the Community are contained in Articles 451 to 453 and 457c to 461 of IPC.







Description of the procedure





Article 451 IPC


For the purposes of the ATA carnet and in accordance with the provisions of Article 451, the Community is considered as forming a single territory.

A. At the office of departure



The office of departure or the office of entry into the Community shall detach transit Voucher no. 1, complete box "H" (items A-D) and to assist in the return of transit Voucher no. 2 enter the full name and address of the office to which voucher no. 2 must be returned in box "H" item (E).

As far as possible this address must be inserted by means of a stamp.

This office shall also complete and certify the clearance for transit (items 1-7) of the corresponding transit counterfoil before returning the carnet to the holder.

B. At the office of destination



The office of destination or exit from the Community whichever is appropriate, shall detach transit Voucher no. 2, certify box "H" (item F), enter any remarks in item G and send it without delay to the office mentioned in Box H (item E) of this voucher. This office shall also complete and certify the certificate of discharge (items 1-

6) of  the  transit  counterfoil  before  returning  the  carnet  to  the




C. Inquiry procedure



All inquiries concerning ATA Carnets shall be pursued by reference to the list of central offices of Member States which the Commission shall communicate to the other Member States via the official website of the European Union on the Internet.






The schematic diagram below illustrates the use of the ATA carnet as a transit document for the movement of goods through or within the Community customs territory within the framework of the temporary admission procedure.








external border----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------







Transit to office of destination acting as office of temporary importation.


OFFICE OF EXIT White re-export voucher


OFFICE OF EXIT Finalizes transit








- white import voucher

- enters final date for re-exportation

- enters office of re-exportation





4.2.4. Rhine manifest





White re-export voucher

Transit to office of exit




Background and legislation





Rhine manifest as transit document


The legal bases for this procedure are the Mannheim Convention of 17 October 1868 and the Protocol adopted by the Central Rhine Navigation Commission on 22 November 1963. The Community legislation which provides for the Rhine manifest to be used as a Community transit document is Articles 91(2) and 163(2) CCC.



Description of the procedure



The Rhine manifest procedure allows traffic on the Rhine and its tributaries to cross national frontiers on production of a Rhine manifest.

The Mannheim Convention concerns the following countries bordering  the  Rhine:  the  Netherlands,  Belgium,  Germany,  France




and Switzerland which for the purposes of the Convention are considered as forming a single territory. Article 9 of the Convention states that where a ship travels on the Rhine without loading or unloading in the territory of these countries, it may proceed without customs control. The Rhine manifest procedure was established to facilitate the movement of goods on the Rhine and its associated tributaries. It can be used as a Community transit document where appropriate



4.2.5. NATO movements




Background and legislation



The rules concerning the import, export and transit of goods for NATO forces are contained in the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation regarding status of their forces, signed in London on 19 June 1951. The document used for the movement of such goods is NATO Form 302. The Community legislation providing for NATO Form 302 to be used as a Community transit document is Article 91 of the CCC.



Description of the procedure



There are 28 members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), namely Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Czech Republic, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Turkey, Albania, Croatia and the United States of America.

The customs authority in each of the above-mentioned countries, in agreement with each NATO unit stationed on its territory, designates a customs office (or a central office) to be responsible for  customs  formalities  and  controls  concerning  the  movement  of







goods carried out by or on behalf of each NATO unit.





NATO Form 302 as transit document


Each designated customs office in the Member State of departure shall deliver to the NATO unit under its control Forms 302:





pre-authenticated with the stamp and the signature of an official of the said office;

serially numbered; and




• bearing the full address of the office (for the return copy of the Form 302)

The customs office shall keep a record of the number and the serial numbers of pre-authenticated Forms 302 which it issues to the NATO unit under its control.




Each consignment shall be sent under the cover of a pre-authenticated Form 302.

Not later than at the time of consignment, the competent NATO authority shall complete the Form 302 with a signed and authenticated statement including the date of dispatch, certifying that they have been taken into charge for dispatch.

A copy of a completed and signed Form 302 shall be given without delay to the customs office responsible for the NATO unit who consigned or on whose behalf the goods were consigned; the other copies shall accompany the consignment.

When the consignment arrives at the NATO unit of destination, the copy Forms 302 which accompany the consignment shall be stamped and signed on receipt by the competent NATO authorities.

Two copies of the stamped and signed Form 302 shall be given to the customs office which controls the NATO unit of destination or to an office designated by the competent authorities (central office); the customs office shall retain a copy and stamp and return the  second  copy  to  the  customs  office  concerned,  in  the  Member







State of departure (to the address shown on the Form 302).



However, it should be noted that when goods circulating under cover of Form 302 are transported for all or part of their journey using the simplified procedure applicable to goods transported by rail or by means of large containers, the operation carried out under cover of Form 302 is suspended during that part of the journey for which the simplified procedure is used.



4.2.6. Postal packages




Background and legislation



The legal basis for this procedure is Article 91(2) of the CCC and Article 462a of the IPC.

The principle of freedom of transit is enshrined in Article 1 of the UPU Constitution (1964) and Article 4 of the UPU Convention (2008).

Freedom of transit carries with it the obligation for each postal operator to forward by the quickest routes and the most secure means items which are passed to it by another postal operator. This means that national postal monopolies are preserved but that the national postal operator must convey the items which are passed to it by another postal service of a UPU country.

The transit procedure under the postal system is open to UPU right holders ('designated operator' hereafter referred to as "postal operator"9). National postal legislation will lay down who the postal operator is.

When post in transit is not handed over to the postal operator of the









9 "Postal operator" means a designated operator established in and authorised by a Member State to provide the international services governed by the Universal Postal Union Convention currently in force.



country that is transited but is transported across that country by a private operator the normal customs procedures will apply.

The customs territory of the Community is considered to form a single territory for the purpose of transit by post. The postal operator of one Member State can therefore carry goods across the whole customs territory of the Community while making use of the transit procedure for post. This means that a postal operator of a Member State may, but is not required to, hand over the consignment to the postal operator of the Member State of transit.

A postal operator of a Member State may arrange the means of transport to carry the goods across internal borders. Sub-contractors should further be able to provide transport services for a postal operator of a Member State, provided the postal operator is properly identified, for example, in the transport document.



Description of the procedure



Where non-Community goods are carried by post (including parcel post) from one point to another in the customs territory of the Community, the package and any accompanying documents shall bear a yellow label (Annex 42 IPC).

Where a package, a mail bag or container, contains multiple items only one yellow label needs to be affixed to the outermost packaging.

In the absence of a yellow label or other evidence of non-Community status the goods will be treated as Community goods.

If the package contains both Community goods and non-Community goods, the Community goods should be covered by a Community status document (T2L). A status document may either be sent separately to the addressee for production to the customs authority  or  it  may  be  enclosed  in  the  package.  In  the  latter  case,







the exterior of the package should be clearly marked to show that the status document is enclosed. A T2L document can be issued retrospectively.

Article 462a IPC Yellow labels must be affixed to the outside of the package and to the consignment   note. Additionally the yellow label must be

affixed to the customs declaration for postal packages CN22/CN23.



Where Community goods are carried by post (including parcel post) to or from the non-fiscal areas of the Community, the package and any accompanying documents shall bear a yellow label of the type shown in Annex 42b IPC.

The arrangements described above apply only to goods sent by post between two points in the customs territory of the Community and not to goods sent by post to a final destination in an EFTA country.

Community goods sent to these countries for onward transmission to the European Union should be covered by a Community status declaration for presentation in the Member State of destination. As an alternative, the application of the common/Community transit procedure is highly recommended for such goods in order to avoid any delays when crossing the borders.







Exceptions (pro memoria)







Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only























8.1. Rules and principles governing the adoption of Community and common

transit legislation

1. Community transit

The rules of the Community Customs Code (CCC), where the basic rules on Community transit are found, are subject to the co-decision procedure (Article 251 of the EC Treaty). It gives Parliament the power to adopt instruments jointly with the Council. Under the co-decision procedure, the Council acts by a qualified majority, unless it adopts amendments on which the Commission has delivered a negative opinion, in which case it must act unanimously. The Parliament acts by (absolute) majority.

Under the EC Treaty, it is for the Commission to implement legislation at Community level (Article 202 of the EC Treaty). In practice, each legislative instrument specifies the scope of the implementing powers granted to the Commission and how the Commission is to use them. Frequently, the instrument will also make provision for the Commission to be assisted by a committee in accordance with a procedure known as ‘comitology’ which is governed by Council decision 1999/468 of 28 June 1999.10

The ‘comitology’ decision also ensures that Parliament can keep an eye on the implementation of legislative instruments adopted under the co-decision procedure (‘droit de regard’). It may adopt a Resolution indicating that measures proposed by the Commission, or where appropriate, the Council, go beyond the implementing powers provided for in legislation that comes under the co-decision procedure (for example the CCC). In that case, the Commission will re-examine the draft measures and decide to either submit new draft measures to the relevant committee, continue with the procedure or submit a proposal to the Parliament and the Council on the basis of the Treaty.

In accordance with Article 247 and 247a CCC, a regulatory committee procedure is followed for the adoption of measures necessary for the implementation of the Code. These implementing provisions (IPC) are laid down in Commission regulation 2454/93 of 2 July 1993, as amended. The Customs Code Committee is the regulatory committee competent for customs matters, and is sub-divided into sections. The Customs Status and Transit Section of the Customs Code Committee is commonly referred to as ‘Transit Committee’.

Under the regulatory committee procedure, the Commission can adopt implementing measures only if it obtains the approval by a qualified majority of the member states meeting within the committee. In the absence of such support, or if no opinion is delivered, the proposed measure is referred back to the Council which may act by qualified majority on the proposal, within three months from the date of referral to the Council. If the Council indicates that it opposes the proposal, the Commission shall re-examine it. However, if the Council neither adopts the proposed implementing act nor indicates its opposition to the proposal, the Commission will adopt the implementing measure.










10   Council Decision of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission, OJ L 184 of 17.7.1999.



The Transit Committee can also be asked to examine any question concerning transit legislation, in cases where this does not lead to the adoption of implementing measures (Article 249 CCC).

Finally, the Transit Committee acts as the forum for coordination of the standpoint the Community will take in the EC-EFTA working group on common transit.






Common transit




The common transit Convention of 20 May 1987 is administered by a Joint Committee comprising of representatives of the Contracting Parties (Directors-General of the customs administrations), who take decisions by consensus. The Joint Committee is assisted by an EC/EFTA Working Party chaired by a representative of the European Commission. The Joint Committee makes recommendations to the Contracting Parties, who act by unanimity, notably for amendments to the Convention or for the adoption of implementing measures11. It is also given direct decision-making powers for the adoption of certain measures which do not immediately affect the body of the Convention (in particular amendments to the Annexes or adjustments to the Convention necessitated by such amendments, the adoption of transitional measures in the event of the accession of new Member States to the Community or invitations to third countries to accede to the Convention)12. Contracting Parties must first complete their internal decision-making processes before they can formally act in the framework of the Convention.






Rules of procedure




The Rules of Procedure of the Customs Code Committee and the Joint Committee/working group are reproduced below.

3.1. Customs Code Committee





























11   Article 15(2) of the Convention. 12 Article 15(3) of the Convention.










established by Articles 247a and 248a of the Community Customs Code13  and

Article 285(1) of the Union Customs Code14









Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code (hereafter referred to as 'the Community Customs Code'), and in particular Article 247a(1) and Article 248a(1) thereof.

Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 October 2013. laying down the Union Customs Code (recast) (hereafter referred to as ‘the Union Customs Code’), and in particular Article 285(1) thereof,

Having regard to the rules of procedure for the Customs Code Committee, adopted by its Section for General Customs Legislation on 19 April 2012 (document TAXUD/A2/2011/011 final),

Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powers15, and in particular Article 9(1) thereof,

Having regard to the standard rules of procedure published by the Commission16, HAS ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING RULES OF PROCEDURE:
















13   Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code (OJ L 302, 19.10.1992, p. 1).

14   Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 October 2013 laying down the Union Customs Code (recast) (OJ L 269 of 10.10.2013, page 1).

15 Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powers (OJ L 55, 28.2.2011, p. 13).

16 Standard rules of procedure for Committees (OJ C 206, 12.7.2011, p. 11).



Article 1










The Customs Code Committee (hereinafter “the committee”) shall comprise the following sections :





- General Customs Legislation;

- Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature;

- Tariff Measures;

- Duty Relief;

- Origin;

- Customs Value;

- Customs Debt and Guarantees;

- Import and Export Formalities17;

- Data Integration and Harmonisation;

- Customs Status and Transit;

- Special Procedures18;

- Customs Controls and Risk Management;









- Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights.

For the purposes of these rules and except where otherwise provided for, references to "the committee" shall mean the section concerned.















17   (entry and exit of goods; general rules on customs procedures and declarations; release for free circulation and export)

18 (other than transit)



Article 2



Convening a meeting





1. A meeting of the committee shall be convened by the chair, either on his/her own

initiative, or at the request of a simple majority of members of the committee.

2. In  the  case  referred  to  in  the  second  subparagraph  of  Article  3(5)  of  Regulation

(EU) No 182/2011, where the written procedure is terminated without result, the chair shall convene a committee meeting within a reasonable time.

3. Joint  meetings  of  sections  of  the  committee  or  of  the  committee  with  other

committees may be convened by the chair, either on his/her own initiative, or at the request of a member of the committee, to discuss issues coming within their respective areas of responsibility.





Article 3






1. The chair shall draw up the agenda and submit it to the committee.

2. The agenda shall make a distinction between:

(a) draft implementing acts to be adopted by the Commission on which the committee

is asked to give an opinion, in accordance with the advisory procedure provided for in:

– Article  7f(5)  of  Council  Regulation  (EC)  No  153/200219  and  similar  provisions

contained in other Regulations defining procedures for applying the provisions of preferential trade arrangements or agreements concerning the temporary suspension of preferences in the event of fraud or failure to provide administrative cooperation as required for the verification of evidence of origin;

– Article 34(2) of Regulation (EU) No 608/2013 of the European Parliament and of

the Council20;

– Article 285(2) of the Union Customs Code;









19 Council Regulation (EC) No 153/2002 of 21 January 2002 on certain procedures for applying the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, of the other part, and for applying the Interim Agreement between the European Community and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (OJ L25, 29.1.2002, p.16.)

20 Regulation (EU) No 608/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 concerning customs enforcement of intellectual property rights and repealing Council Regulation (EC)

No 1383/2003 (OJ L 181, 29.06.2013, p 15)



(b) draft implementing acts to be adopted by the Commission on which the committee

is asked to give an opinion, in accordance with the examination procedure provided for in:

–   Articles 247a and 248a of the Community Customs Code; – Article 285(4) of the Union Customs Code;

– Article 10 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/8721;

– Article 3 of Council Regulation (EC) No 3050/9522;

– Article 10 of Council Regulation (EC) No 32/200023;

– Article  6(2)  of  Council  Regulation  (EC)  No  747/200124 and  similar  provisions

contained in other Regulations providing for the management of preferential tariff measures;

– Article  5  of  Regulation  (EC)  No  153/2002  and  similar  provisions  contained  in

other Regulations defining procedures for applying the provisions of preferential trade arrangements or agreements concerning the temporary suspension of preferences in the event of fraud or failure to provide administrative cooperation as required for the verification of evidence of origin;

– Article  4(3)  and  Article  36(4)  of  Annex  II  of  Council  Regulation  (EC)  No


– Articles 47, 53(1)(b), 69, 122(2), and the second sub-paragraph of Article 128(2)

of Council Regulation (EC) No 1186/200926;

– Article 34(3) of Regulation (EU) No 608/2013 of the European Parliament and of

the Council;







21   Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (OJ L 256, 7.9.1987, p. 1).

22   Council Regulation (EC) No 3050/95 of 22 December 1995 temporarily suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on a number of products intended for the construction, maintenance and

repair of aircraft (OJ L 320, 30.12.1995, p.1).

23  Council Regulation (EC) No 32/2000 of 17 December 1999 opening and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas bound in GATT and certain other Community tariff quotas and establishing detailed rules for adjusting the quotas, and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1808/95

(OJ L 5, 08.01.2000, p. 1).

24 Council Regulation (EC) No 747/2001 of 9 April 2001 providing for the management of Community tariff quotas and of reference quantities for products eligible for preferences by virtue of agreements with

certain Mediterranean countries and repealing Regulations (EC) No 1981/94 and (EC) No 934/95 (OJ L

109, 19.04.2001, p. 2).

25  Council Regulation (EC) No 1528/2007 of 20 December 2007 applying the arrangements for products originating in certain states which are part of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States provided for in agreements establishing, or leading to the establishment of, Economic Partnership Agreements (OJ L 348, 31.12.2007, p. 1).

26   Council Regulation (EC) No 1186/2009 of 16 November 2009 setting up a Community system of reliefs from customs duty (OJ L 324, 10.12.2009, p. 23).



– Article 64(2) of Annex VI of Council Decision 2013/755/EU27

(c) other issues put to the committee for information or a simple exchange of views, either on the chair's initiative, or at the written request of a member of the committee, or in accordance with:

–   Article 249 of the Community Customs Code; – Article 8 of Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87.

3. The agenda shall indicate whether a vote is scheduled for the meeting.





Article 4



Documentation to be submitted to members of the committee





1. For  the  purpose  of  the  second  subparagraph  of  Article  3(3)  of  Regulation  (EU)

No 182/2011, the chair shall submit the invitation, the draft agenda and the draft implementing act on which the committee is asked to give an opinion to the members of the committee well in advance of the meeting, taking into account the urgency and the complexity of the matter, and no later than 14 calendar days before the date of the meeting. Other documents related to the meeting, in particular documents accompanying the draft implementing act, shall, as far as possible, be submitted within the same time limit.

All documents shall be submitted in accordance with Article 13(2).





2. In duly justified cases, the chair may, on his/her own initiative or at the request of

a member of the committee shorten the time limit for submission of documents referred to in paragraph 1. Except in cases of extreme urgency, the time limit shall not be shorter than 5 calendar days.

3. The submission to the members of the committee of the following draft

implementing acts, on which the committee is asked to give an opinion, shall be considered as constituting a duly justified case in the sense of the first sentence of paragraph 2:









draft measures to be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the second sub-paragraph of Article 13(2) of the Community Customs Code;

draft measures regarding the granting or the refusal of derogations from preferential rules of origin;

draft decisions on whether repayment or remission is justified;









27 Council Decision 2013/755/EU of 25 November 2013 on the association of the overseas countries and

territories with the European Union (‘Overseas Association Decision’) (OJ L 344, 19.12.2013, p. 1)






draft measures to be adopted by the Commission in accordance with Article 9(1)(a) of Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87;

draft measures referred to in Articles 50(1), 58(2), 68 and 100(2) of the Union Customs Code.





Article 5



Opinion of the committee





1. The  committee  shall  deliver  its  opinion  on  a  draft  implementing  act  within  the

time limit laid down by the chair in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 3(3) of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011.

2. Where  the  advisory  procedure  leads  to  a  vote,  the  outcome  of  the  vote  shall  be

decided by a simple majority of the component members of the committee, in accordance with Article 4(1) of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011.

Where the committee's opinion is required under the examination procedure, the outcome of the vote shall be decided by a qualified majority, in accordance with Article 5(1) of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011.

3. Unless a member of the committee objects, the chair may, without proceeding to

a formal vote, establish that the committee has delivered a positive opinion, by consensus, on the draft implementing act.

4. The  chair,  in  consultation  with  the  members  of  the  committee,  may,  on  his/her

own initiative or at the request of a member of the committee, postpone a vote until the end of the meeting or to a later meeting.

However, with regard to the opinion to be given by the committee on the draft implementing acts referred to in Article 4(3), the vote shall not be postponed to a later meeting, where it would lead to prevent the measures at stake to be adopted in time.

5. In  accordance  with  the  second  subparagraph  of  Article  3(4)  of  Regulation  (EU)

No 182/2011, the chair shall endeavour to find solutions which command the widest possible support within the committee. Before the vote, the chair shall inform the committee of the manner in which the discussions and suggestions for amendments have been taken into account, in particular as regards those suggestions which have been largely supported by the committee.

6. The Commission shall inform the members of the committee about draft

implementing acts, on which it intends asking the committee to give an opinion in accordance with:







Articles 247a or 248a of the Community Customs Code; Article 285(2) or (4) of the Union Customs Code.


7. In  order  to  maintain  the  overall  structure  and  ensure  the  legal  coherence  of  the

implementing  provisions  of  the  Community  Customs  Code/the  Union  Customs  Code,






voting in the respective sections of the committee on the draft implementing act as referred to in paragraph 6 may take place only after prior consultation of the General Customs Legislation section on the results of the discussions in the respective sections concerned. These sections shall take into account the results of that prior consultation.

8. The  opinion  of  the  committee  on  those  draft  implementing  acts  falling  under  the

scope of two or more sections of the committee shall be given in the General Customs Legislation section. In that case, voting in the General Customs Legislation section may take place only after completion of the discussions in the respective sections concerned and shall take into account the results of those discussions provided they maintain the overall structure and ensure the legal coherence of the implementing provisions of the Community Customs Code/the Union Customs Code.

The General Customs Legislation section may however decide, in duly justified cases and on the chair's proposal, to apply another procedure than the one laid down in the first subparagraph. Such decision shall be taken by consensus or by a simple majority of the component members of the committee.



Article 6








1. Each Member State shall be considered to be one member of the committee. Each

member of the committee shall decide on the composition of its delegation and inform the chair. With the chair's permission, the delegations may be accompanied by experts who are not part of the delegation.

2. Within  a  reasonable  time  and  no  later  than  5  calendar  days  before  the  date  of  a

committee meeting, the following information shall be communicated to the chair:












the composition of each delegation, except where such composition is already known to the chair;

the names and functions of any experts accompanying the delegations and the reasons for which their presence is required;

the absence of a delegation to a meeting.




If the chair does not object to the participation of an expert in advance of the committee meeting, the permission referred to in paragraph 1 is considered to be granted.

Where Article 4(2) applies to the submission of the invitation, the information referred to in the first subparagraph shall be communicated no later than the date mentioned in the invitation

3. The  reimbursement  of  travel  expenses  by  the  Commission  shall  be  paid  in

accordance with the applicable rules, subject to budgetary funds provided for this purpose.

4. A  Member  State  delegation  may  represent  a  maximum  of  one  other  Member

State. The Member State that is being represented shall inform the chair of this in writing






before the meeting, or, at the latest, before the vote, or in the case of a standing mandate, before the first meeting, in which that mandate is valid.


A mandate to represent another Member State may have the following content:

a) a Member State may give a standing mandate, until further notice, to another Member State to represent it in discussions covering all meetings and concerning all items on the agenda of those meetings;

b) a Member State may give a single mandate to another Member State to represent it in a specific meeting concerning all items on the agenda of that meeting; or

c) a  Member  State  may  give  a  single  mandate  to  another  Member  State  for  one

specific item/several specific items on the agenda of a specific meeting.


Article 7



Working groups



1. The  committee  may  create  working  groups  to  examine  particular  issues.  The

working groups shall be chaired by a representative of the Commission or of a Member State.

2. The working groups shall report back to the committee under the responsibility of

their chair.



Article 8



Third parties and experts





1. The representatives of:

- Turkey shall be invited to attend the meetings of the relevant sections of the committee, in accordance with Article 60 and Annex 9 of Decision No 1/95 of the EC-Turkey Association Council of 22 December 1995 on implementing the final phase of the Customs Union28;

- Andorra shall be invited to attend the meetings of the relevant sections of the committee, in accordance with Article 65 of Decision No 1/2003 of the EC-Andorra Joint Committee of 3 September 2003, on the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary for the proper functioning of the Customs Union29;

- Switzerland shall be invited to attend the meetings of the relevant sections of the committee, in accordance with Article 23 of the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on the simplification of inspections and









28 OJ L 035, 13.2.1996,p. 1. 29     OJ L 253, 7.10.2003, p. 3.







formalities in respect of the carriage of goods and on customs security measures, signed in Brussels on 25 June 200930;

- Norway shall be invited to attend the meetings of the relevant sections of the committee, in accordance with Article 9h(4) of Protocol 10 and point 29 of Protocol 37 to the EEA Agreement on simplification of inspections and formalities in respect of carriage of goods, as amended by Decision 76/2009 of the EEA Joint Committee31.

2. Representatives  of  acceding  countries  shall  be  invited  to  attend  the  meetings  of

the committee as from the date of signature of the Treaty of Accession.

3. The  chair  may  decide  to  invite  representatives  of  other  third  parties  or  other

experts to talk on particular matters, on his/her own initiative or at the request of a member of the committee. The chair shall inform the members of the committee in the invitation to the meeting. However, a simple majority of the component members of the committee may oppose that participation before the meeting and no later than the date mentioned in the invitation.

4. Representatives  of  third  parties  and  experts  referred  to  in  paragraphs  1,  2  and  3

shall not be present at and shall not participate in voting of the committee.



Article 9



Written procedure





1. The chair may obtain the committee's opinion by written procedure in accordance

with Article 3(5) of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011. In particular, the chair may use the written procedure to obtain the committee's opinion in cases where the draft implementing act has already been discussed during a committee meeting and, where necessary, on the draft implementing acts referred to in Article 4(3).

2. The chair shall inform the members of the committee of the outcome of a written

procedure without delay, and no later than 14 calendar days after the expiry of the time limit.





Article 10



Secretarial support



The Commission shall provide secretarial support for the committee and, if necessary, the working groups created pursuant to Article 7(1).



Article 11








30   OJ L 199, 31.7.2009, p. 24. 31 OJ L 232, 3.9.2009, p. 40.







Minutes and summary record of meetings





1. For  the  purpose  of  Article  3(6)  of  Regulation  (EU)  No  182/2011,  the  minutes  of

each meeting shall be drawn up under the responsibility of the chair. Committee members shall have the right to ask for their position to be recorded in the minutes. The chair shall send the minutes to the members of the committee without delay and no later than one month after the meeting.

The members of the committee shall send or make available any comments they may have on the draft minutes to the chair in writing. If there is any disagreement, the matter shall be discussed by the committee. If the disagreement persists, the relevant comments shall be annexed to the final minutes.

2. For the purpose of Article 10 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011, the chair shall be

responsible for drawing up a summary record briefly describing each item on the agenda and the results of the vote on any draft implementing act submitted to the committee. The summary record shall not mention the individual position of the members in the committee's discussions.





Article 12



Attendance list and conflicts of interest





1. At  each  meeting,  the  chair  shall  draw  up  an  attendance  list  specifying  the

authorities and organisations to which the persons designated by the Member States to represent them belong.

2. At  the  beginning  of  each  meeting,  any  person  designated  by  the  Member  States,

as well as experts who have been authorised by the chair to participate in the meeting in accordance with Article 6(1) and Article 8(3), and representatives of third parties who have been invited to attend the meeting in accordance with Article 8, shall inform the chair of any conflict of interest32 with regard to a particular item on the agenda.

3. In the event of a conflict of interest, the person concerned shall, at the request of

the chair, withdraw from the meeting whilst the relevant items of the agenda are being dealt with.


















32 As an example, Article 52(2) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.09.2002, p. 1) contains a specific definition of a conflict of interest.



Article 13








1. Correspondence relating to the committee shall be submitted to the Commission,

for the attention of the chair of the committee.

2. Correspondence for members of the committee shall be submitted to the

Permanent Representations of the Member States preferably by electronic means. Where a Permanent Representation indicates to the Commission a specific central electronic address for correspondence related to work of the committees, that address shall be used for correspondence. In addition, correspondence shall be submitted directly to the persons designated by the Member States to represent them in the committee.





Article 14



Access to documents and confidentiality





1. Requests for access to committee documents shall be handled in accordance with

Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 200133. It is for the Commission to take a decision on requests for access to those documents pursuant to its Rules of Procedure as amended by Decision 2001/937/EC, ECSC, Euratom34. If the request is addressed to a Member State, that Member State shall apply Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001.

2. The committee's discussions shall be confidential.

3. Documents  submitted  to  members  of  the  committee,  experts  and  representatives

of third parties shall be confidential35, unless access is granted to those documents pursuant to paragraph 1 or they are otherwise made public by the Commission.

4. The  members  of  the  committee,  as  well  as  experts  and  representatives  of  third

parties, shall be required to respect the confidentiality obligations set out in this Article. The chair shall ensure that experts and representatives of third parties are made aware of the confidentiality requirements imposed upon them.













33   OJ L 145, 31.05.2001, p. 43. 34 OJ L 345, 29.12.2001, p. 94.

35 In accordance with Article 339 TFEU,"[t]he members of the institutions of the Union, the members of committees, and the officials and other servants of the Union shall be required, even after their duties have ceased, not to disclose information of the kind covered by the obligation of professional secrecy, in particular information about undertakings, their business relations or their cost components".



Article 15





Protection of personal data

The processing of personal data by the committee and its working groups shall be in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council36, under the responsibility of the chair acting as the controller, within the meaning of Article 2(d) of that Regulation.





Article 16








These rules of procedure shall apply from 12 October 2014.

The rules of procedure for the Customs Code Committee, adopted by its Section for General Customs Legislation on 19 April 2012 (document TAXUD/A2/2011/011 final) are hereby repealed.







































36 OJ L 8, 12.1.2001, p. 1.








EC-EFTA Joint Committees and working groups on common transit and on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods




Provisions of the EC-EFTA Joint Committees (on common transit and on simplification of formalities in trade in goods) establishing their respective rules of procedure and setting up a working party

THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON common transit;

having regard to the Convention on a common transit procedure of 20 May 1987 and in particular Article 14 (4) and (5) thereof,


THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON simplification of formalities in trade in goods;

having regard to the Convention of 20 May 1987 on simplification of formalities in trade in goods and in particular Article 10 (4) and (5) thereof,












































Chapter I

Joint Committee





Article 1



The Joint Committee shall be chaired in turn for one calendar year by a representative of the European Commission and a representative of one of the EFTA countries.



Article 2



The tasks of the Secretariat of the Joint Committee shall be carried out in turn by a representative of the European Commission and a representative of the EFTA country chairing the Joint Committee. The EFTA countries can be assisted by the EFTA secretariat.



Article 3



Once he has obtained the agreement of the Parties, the Chairman of the Joint Committee shall fix the date and place of meetings.



Article 4



Before each meeting the Chairman shall be informed of the composition of each delegation.



Article 5



Unless there is a decision to the contrary, the meetings of the Joint Committee shall not be public. The Joint Committee may, depending on the subjects dealt with, invite any persons or organisations concerned by these subjects.



Article 5 a







When the Joint Committee has decided that a third country will be invited to accede to the Convention, this third country may be represented on the Joint Committee, sub-committees and working parties by observers in accordance with Article 15 paragraph 6 of the Convention.










The Joint Committee may invite other third countries to be represented on the Joint Committee, sub-committees and/or working parties by informal observers before the date referred to in Article 15 paragraph 6 of the Convention. This invitation is made in writing by the chairman and can be limited in time or limited to certain groups or agenda items. It can be withdrawn at any point in time.




Article 6





The Joint Committee's decisions and recommendations in respect of urgent matters may be taken by written procedure.



Article 7



All communications from the Chairman and the Contracting Parties in accordance with these rules of procedure shall be addressed to the Parties and to the Secretariat of the Joint Committee, as well as to the EFTA secretariat.



Article 8







The Chairman shall draw up the provisional agenda for each meeting. It shall be forwarded to the Parties not later than fifteen days before the beginning of the meeting.







The provisional agenda shall include the items in respect of which the Chairman has received a request for inclusion in the agenda not later than twenty-one days before the beginning of the meeting, if the documentation is sent at the latest on the date of dispatch of that agenda.







The agenda shall be adopted by the Joint Committee at the beginning of each meeting. An item other than those appearing on the provisional agenda may be placed on the agenda.





The Chairman may, in agreement with the Parties, shorten the periods specified in paragraph 1 and 2 in order to take account of requirements.




Article 9





The Joint Committee established by the Convention on a common transit procedure and the Joint Committee established by the Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods may hold combined meetings.



Article 10







The Secretariat of the Joint Committee shall draw up a summary record of each meeting which shall include, in particular, the conclusions arrived at by the Joint Committee.







Upon approval by the Joint Committee, the summary record shall be signed by the Chairman and by the Secretariat of the Joint Committee and shall be filed in the records of the European Commission.







A copy of the summary record shall be forwarded to the Parties.




Article 11





Acts of the Joint Committee shall be signed by the Chairman.



Article 12



Recommendations and decisions of the Joint Committee within the meaning of Article 15 of the Convention on a common transit procedure/Article 11 of the Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods shall be entitled "Recommendation" or "Decision" followed by a serial number and a reference to their subject matter.



Article 13










Recommendations and decisions of the Joint Committee within the meaning of Article 15 of the Convention on a common transit procedure/Article 11 of the Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods shall be divided into articles. As a general rule, decisions shall include a provision fixing the date on which they enter into force.







The  recommendations  and  decisions  referred  to  in  the  first

paragraph shall end with the words "Done at ..................

(date)", the date being that on which they were adopted by the respective Joint Committee.







Recommendations and decisions referred to in the first paragraph shall be forwarded to the addressees referred to in Article 7 above.




Article 14





Each of the Parties shall defray the expenses it incurs as a result of its participation in meetings of the Joint Committee, both in respect of staff, travelling and subsistence expenses and in respect of postal and telecommunications costs.



Article 15







The expenses for interpretation at meetings and for the translation of documents shall be borne by the European Community in so far as the interpretation or translation relates to the official languages of the European Community.







If an EFTA country uses a language which is not an official language of the European Community that country shall bear the expenses of interpretation or translation into an official language of the European Community.




The expenses for the material organization of meetings shall be borne by the Contracting Party who holds the Chair in accordance with Article 1




Article 16





Without prejudice to other provisions applicable in this matter, the business of the Joint Committee shall be confidential.

Chapter II

Working Group

Article 17

A Working Party shall be set up to assist the Joint Committee in carrying out its tasks and in which all the Contracting Parties to the Convention shall be represented.

Article 18

The Chair and the secretariat of the Working Party shall be assumed by the European Commission.

Article 19

Articles 3 to 5, 7 to 10 and 14 to 16 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Working Party. 3.3 Statements recorded in the minutes of the Joint Committee

1. 1st meeting of the EEC-EFTA Joint Committee, 21.1.1988

With regard to the tasks of the Secretariat of the Joint Committee, the EFTA countries stated that they would be assisted by the EFTA Secretariat. The Joint Committee took note.

In application of Article 5 of the rules of procedure37, the Joint Committee agrees to invite the EFTA Secretariat to its meetings.

Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 7 and 10(3) of the rules of procedure, at the request of the EFTA countries communications from the Chairman and the contracting parties will be sent to the EFTA Secretariat.

As regards Article 15(3) of the rules of procedure, expenses for meetings organised by EFTA countries shall be borne by those countries.











37 Document XXI/1303/87















Part II deals with the concept of the status of goods, how and when it is necessary to prove Community status, and the impact of status on the transit systems.

Paragraph 2 contains the general theory and legislation regarding the status of goods.

Paragraph 3 deals with the proof of the Community status of goods.

Paragraph 4 describes the means by which Community status can be proved.

Paragraph 5 gives details of proving the Community status of sea fishing products.

Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national instructions.



Paragraph 7 is reserved for the use of customs administrations.



Paragraph 8 contains the Annexes to Part II.







General theory and legislation





Article 4 (6) CCC Community goods


Community goods are goods


Article 2 Convention



wholly obtained in the customs territory of the Community; or




Article 4, point 7 CCC



imported from a country or territory not forming part of the customs  territory  of  the  Community  and  which  have  been








released for free circulation; or






obtained or produced in the customs territory of the Community from goods imported from a country or territory not forming part of the customs territory of the Community which have been released for free circulation or from a combination of such goods and goods wholly obtained in the customs territory of the Community.




Non-Community goods


Non-Community goods are goods which:




Article 4, point 8 CCC



are not wholly obtained in the customs territory of the Community; or





have been imported from a country or territory not forming part of the customs territory of the Community and which have not been released for free circulation.




Which transit procedure?


The above distinction in the status of goods determines, if the goods are declared to transit whether they will be placed under a T1, T2 or T2F procedure.







Proof of the Community status of goods





Article 313 (1) IPC


In general all goods within the customs territory of the Community are deemed to be Community goods unless it is established that they do not have Community status.

However, there are circumstances when in spite of this general rule the Community status of Community goods will have to be proved.




Article 313 (2) IPC


These are:






where Community goods which have left the customs territory of the Community are re-introduced to the customs territory of the Community.







However: proof of Community status is not required where:



(1) Community goods are carried by air, and the goods have been

loaded or transhipped at an airport in the customs territory of the Community for consignment to another airport in the customs territory of the Community and carried under cover of a single transport document drawn up in a Member State; or,

(2) Community  goods  are  carried  between  ports  in  the  customs

territory of the Community on an authorised regular shipping service (see also paragraph 3.1).





where Community goods are in temporary storage or in a free zone of control type I or in a free warehouse






Article 2(2) Appendix II



• where  Community  goods  are  placed  under  a  suspensive

procedure or in a free zone of control type II.

Note: Community goods whose Community status cannot be proved, where required, will be considered to be non-Community goods.




Article 314(3) IPC


Note: Status documents or rules cannot be used in respect of goods for which the export formalities have been completed or which have been placed under the inward processing procedure (drawback system).





3.1. Regular service



3.1.1. Definition





Article 313a IPC


A regular shipping service is a service which carries goods in vessels that ply only between ports situated in the customs territory of the Community and may not come from, go to or call at points outside this territory or in a free zone of control type I (i.e. controls principally based on the existence of a fence) of a port in this territory.









This concept of regular service shall not be confused with the term "regular service" as used by maritime transport operators.



3.1.2. Procedure for authorising regular services





Article 313b IPC


Authorisation is granted only to shipping companies which:


















are established in the Community customs territory or have a regional office there and whose records will be available to the competent customs authorities;

fulfil the conditions laid down in Article 14h IPC;

undertake that on the routes for which authorisation is requested, no calls will be made at any port in a third country or at any free zone of control type I in a port in Community customs territory, and that no transhipments will be made on the high seas;

undertake to register the names of the vessels assigned to the RSS and the ports of call with the authorising customs authorities once the authorisation is issued;





The application for a regular service shall be made to the customs authorities of the Member State in whose territory the company is established or in whose territory it has a regional office.






Article 313b (3)


After examining the request, the customs authorities (authorising customs authorities) of the Member State in  which the shipping company is established, shall notify the customs authorities (the corresponding  customs  authorities)  of  the  other  Member  States








actually or potentially concerned by the shipping service requesting their agreement, through the electronic RSS information and communication system. The other administrations shall indicate their agreement or refusal within fifteen days of receipt(1) of such notification. Where the consulted Member State signifies its refusal, it shall communicate the grounds and the corresponding legal provisions on the offence committed through the electronic RSS information and communication system. The authorities of the Member State where the application was made shall not issue the authorisation and shall notify the applicant stating the reasons for the refusal.




Article 313b(4)


If no reply or refusal is received within fifteen days of receipt of the notification, the authorising customs authorities shall issue an authorisation to the shipping company concerned.




Article 14a (1) (a) and (c) Where the shipping company holds an AEO certificate (AEOC or

AEOF), the requirements of points a and b of paragraph 2 of Article 313b are deemed to be fulfilled and no consultation is needed.

The authorisation shall be stored in the electronic RSS information and communication system. It shall be notified to the other Member States concerned by the shipping service through the electronic RSS information and communication system.

The authorisation shall be accepted by the other Member States actually or potentially concerned by the shipping service.



















TRADE Article 313d (1)



After being authorised to establish regular shipping services the shipping company shall communicate to the authorising customs authority the following:

a) the names of the vessels assigned to the RSS



b) the first port where the vessel starts its operation as a RSS



c) the ports of call



d) any amendments to the information in a), b) and c)



e) the date and time when the amendments take effect



and, where appropriate,



f) the names of the part charterers.


















1 The request is deemed to have been received after the publication of the application by the authorising customs authorities in the electronic RSS information and communication system.



3.1.3. Part-charter arrangements



In the case of part-charter arrangements, an application for authorisation of a regular service is submitted by the person (lessor or charterer), or his representative, defining the regular service. The authorising customs authorities may request any information required to process the application.

Examples of a contract of affreightment involving sub-chartering and part-charter arrangements are given in annex 8.1.



3.1.4. Regular service or non-regular service



When the shipping company operates a regular service it will not be necessary to demonstrate the Community status of goods carried on board the authorised vessel.

NOTE: non-Community goods, and in certain cases also Community goods, carried on board the authorised vessel must be placed under the (standard or simplified) transit procedure T1 or T2F (TF). See parts IV, V and VI for details.

When  the  shipping  company  does  not  operate  a  regular  service










the Community status of goods must always be demonstrated.



Example 1



New York/Le Havre on a non-regular service



The goods are all deemed to be non-Community goods on arrival at Le Havre.





For Community goods (other than goods subject to excise duties) loaded in Le Havre: either a T2L document or, at the request of the shipping company, a manifest bearing the code "C" shall be used





For Community goods subject to excise duties loaded at Le Havre: the data of the e-AD (as provided for by Council Directive 2008/118/EC and Reg. 684/2009) shall be used.




Example 2



Le Havre/Pointe à Pitre on a non-regular service



The goods are all deemed to be non-Community goods on arrival at Pointe à Pitre.





For Community goods: a T2LF document or,at the request of the shipping company a manifest bearing the code "F" shall be used.




Example 3



Genoa/Marseilles on a non-regular service



The goods are all deemed to be non-Community goods on arrival at Marseilles.





For Community goods (other than goods subject to excise duties)  loaded  in  Genoa:  a  T2L  document  or,  at  the  request








of the shipping company, a manifest bearing the code "C" shall be used.





For Community goods subject to excise loaded at Genoa: an e-AD (as provided for by Council Directive 2008/118/EC and Regulation No. 684/2009) shall be used.




Example 4



New York/Le Havre/Antwerp on a non-regular service



On the vessel's arrival in Le Havre all goods shall be considered to be non-Community goods.

Some are unloaded at Le Havre while the rest remain on board.



There are two possibilities:






the goods are carried by road to Antwerp: a T1 transit declaration for the carriage by road shall be used and a guarantee shall be furnished;





the goods not unloaded are transported by sea to Antwerp: Community transit procedure is not required. On arrival in Antwerp all goods shall be deemed to be non-Community goods unless evidence of Community status is presented.




Example 5



Export of agricultural products where a refund is applied for



Le Havre/Antwerp/New York on a non-regular service



Export formalities are completed at Le Havre, where the goods are placed on a vessel under a single contract of carriage to a third country, and carried to Antwerp where they are loaded onto another vessel bound for a non-EU country.









As these goods are transported on an occasional service, they are deemed to be non-Community goods.

Export refunds:



* The T5 document used to prove that the goods have left the Community (as required by Article 4 of Regulation 3665/87) shall be endorsed at Le Havre







Proof of the Community status of goods



Where it is necessary to provide evidence of the Community status of goods, one of the following documents or rules, as appropriate, should be used on condition that the goods have been:

(i) moved  from  one  point  to  another  within  the  customs  territory

of the Community and temporarily leave that territory without crossing the territory of a third country; or

(ii) moved  from  one  point  within  the  customs  territory  of  the

Community through the territory of a third country to another point within the customs territory of the Community, and carried under cover of a single transport document issued in a Member State; or

(iii) moved  from  one  point  within  the  customs  territory  of  the

Community through the territory of a third country, where they were transhipped into a means of transport other than that onto which they were initially loaded, to another point within the customs territory of the Community, and a new transport document covering carriage from the third country has been issued and is presented accompanied by a copy of the original document covering carriage from the one point to the other within the customs territory of the Community.









Proof of Community status


Articles 5, 9,10,11, 12, Appendix II, Convention


Article 314c (1) IPC


















Article 319 IPC











































a T2L (copy 4 of the Single Administrative Document, for further details see Part V, Chapter 3, paragraph 3.2.1.);

T2LF (copy 4 of the SAD, for goods transported to, from or between the non-fiscal areas, for further details see Part IV, Chapter 5, paragraph 4);

a properly completed invoice or transport document, which may contain Community goods only, indicating the code “T2L” “T2LF” respectively;

on a non-regular shipping service: a shipping company’s manifest, showing all the symbols for the goods (for details see paragraph 4.2)

the shipping company’s or airline’s manifest, in the case of use of the simplified transit procedures (level 2) indicating the code “C” for Community goods;

a voucher of a TIR or an ATA carnet showing the symbol “T2L” “T2LF” respectively and authenticated by the office of departure;

registration plates and registration documents for motor vehicles registered in a Member State (for further details see annex 8.3);

code number and ownership mark (distinguishing letters) displayed on goods wagons belonging to a railway company of a member state (for further details see annex 8.4);

declaration of Community status for packaging, receptacles, packing, pallets and other similar equipment, but not containers, returned empty from other Member States, unless there is doubt;

declaration of Community status for passengers accompanied baggage (goods not intended for commercial use) will suffice unless there is doubt;

the electronic administrative document (e-AD), as provided for  by  Council  Directive  2008/118/EC  and  Regulation  No.





































684/2009,  used to accompany the movement of excise goods released for free circulation but under excise duty suspension, between two points in the Union.;

a T2M document for products of sea fishing and the goods obtained from such products caught by Community vessels in waters other than the territorial waters of a country or territory outside the customs territory of the Community;

presumption of Community status of postal packages, (including parcel post) carried between two points within the territory of the Community. However, where such packages are carried to/from the non-fiscal areas, a special label must be affixed to the packages and accompanying documents;

a document certifying the Community status of the Community goods which are in a free zone of control type I or warehouse;

a control copy T5 (used where export from the Community is prohibited or subject to restriction, export duty or other charge)

Attention: a control copy T5 used in connection with the exportation of goods benefiting from a refund will not be accepted as a proof of Community status.


























Note 1. Packaging not having Community status



For Community goods in packaging not having Community status, the document certifying the Community status of the goods shall bear one of the following endorsements:




BG опаковка N

CS bal N

DA N-emballager

DE N-Umschließungen EE N-pakendamine

EL Συσκευασία N

ES envases N

FR emballages N

IT imballaggi N

LV N iepakojums

LT N pakuoté

HU   N csomagolás MT ippakkjar N

NL N-verpakkingen

PL opakowania N PT     embalagens N RO    ambalaj N

SI N embalaža

SK N - obal

FI N-pakkaus








Article 314c(3) IPC


SV N förpackning EN N packaging HR N pakiranje













Note 2. Retroactive issue



Where the conditions for issuing the documents proving Community status are met, these documents may be issued retroactively. Where this is the case, they shall bear one of the following phrases in red:

BG Издаден впоследствие CS     Vystaveno dodatečně

DA Udstedt efterfølgende

DE Nachträglich ausgestellt EE     Välja antud tagasiulatuvalt EL     Εκδοθέν εκ των υστέρων ES     Expedido a posteriori

FR Délivré a posteriori

IT Rilasciato a posteriori

LV Izsniegts retrospektīvi

LT Retrospektyvusis išdavimas

HU Kiadva visszamenőleges hatállyal MT    Maħruġ b’mod retrospettiv

NL Achteraf afgegeven

PL Wystawione retrospektywnie

PT Emitido a posteriori

RO Eliberat ulterior

SI Izdano naknadno

SK Vyhotovené dodatočne

FI Annettu jälkikäteen

SV Utfärdat i efterhand

EN Issued retroactively

IS Útgefið eftir á

NO Utstedt i etterhånd

HR Izdano naknadno










4.1. Proof of Community status by an authorised consignor




Article 324d IPC


The customs authorities may authorise a person, who will be known as the "authorised consignor" to use T2L, T2LF documents, commercial documents and shipping manifests as status documents without having to present them for endorsement to the competent office. In the authorisation customs determines whether the SAD can be authenticated by either pre-authentication by customs or authentication by the authorised consignor.

In case of pre-authentication by customs, the signature of the official of the office responsible for prior authentication need not be hand-written and the stamp of that office may be pre-printed if prior authentication is administered centrally by a single customs authority.

In case of self-authentication the authorised consignor uses a special stamp and places a print of this stamp in box C of the SAD. Paragraph provides more information regarding this issue. For the application of Article 324c (1)(b) IPC, pre-printing of the special stamp is approved by the competent authorities of the country where the authorised consignor is established and not by the authorities of the country where the printer is established. Where the documents are made out by an integrated electronic or automatic data-processing system, the authorised consignor may be authorised not to sign them.

The T2L, T2LF documents or commercial documents shall contain in place of the authorised consignor’s signature one of the following endorsements:















BG Освободен от подпис

CS Podpis se nevyžaduje

DA Fritaget for underskrift

DE Freistellung von der Unterschriftsleistung EE     Allkirjanõudest loobutud

EL Δεν απαιτείται υπογραφή

ES Dispensa de firma

FR Dispense de signature

IT Dispensa dalla firma

LV Derīgs bez paraksta

LT Leista nepasirašyti

HU Aláírás alól mentesítve

MT Firma mhux meħtieġa

NL Van ondertekening vrijgesteld

PL Zwolniony ze składania podpisu

PT Dispensada a assinatura

RO Dispensă de semnătură

SI Opustitev podpisa

SK Oslobodenie od podpisu

FI Vapautettu allekirjoituksesta

SV Befrielse från underskrift

EN Signature waived

IS Undanþegið undirskrift

NO Fritatt for underskrift

HR Oslobodeno potpisa












4.2. Proof of Community status and shipping manifest

The shipping company’s manifest (on a non–regular shipping service) shall include the following information:





the name and full address of the shipping company ; the name of the vessel ;

the place and date of loading ;

the place of unloading ;





For each consignment:











a reference to the bill of lading or other commercial document ;

the number, description, marks, and reference numbers of the packages ;

the normal trade description of the goods including sufficient detail to permit their identification ;

the gross mass in kilograms ;

the container identification number, if appropriate;

the following entries for the status of the goods, as appropriate:

∗the  letter  ‘C’  (equivalent  to  T2L)  for  Community  status




∗the  letter  ‘F’  (equivalent  to  T2LF)  for  Community  status

goods, consigned to or from a part of the Community Customs territory, where the provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC do not apply, i.e. the non fiscal areas;

∗the letter ‘N’ for all other goods,





At the request of the shipping company the duly completed and signed manifest shall be endorsed by the competent office. The endorsement of the shipping company’s manifest by the competent office will include the following:










the name and stamp of the competent office; the signature of an official of that office;


• the date of endorsement

Where shipping company’s manifests are used to prove the Community status of goods, the customs authorities may authorise the shipping company to draw up such manifests at the latest on the day after the departure of the vessel but before its arrival at the port of destination. Authorisation is subject to certain conditions (see Annex 8.2).



4.3. Proof of Community status in the case of transhipment

Community goods :



When Community goods are transported by a shipping company which is authorised under Article 448 IPC they are coded "C" on the manifest.

However, if the goods are subsequently transhipped in a Community port on to a vessel that is not a regular shipping service, the status can be lost. This presents a problem in the final Community port of destination (discharge). The problem is illustrated diagrammatically as follows:






Community goods loaded: Code "C"

Vessel A (regular service)



Vessel B (non-regular service)


proof of status required

In such cases the required proof of status at the final Community port of destination (discharge) e.g. Taranto shall be a T2L, issued








and authenticated by the competent authorities at the latest, at the port of transhipment, e.g. Marseilles.

It is recommended that in these cases the proof of status accompanies the goods from the start of the transport operation (vessel A).

Alternatively, the required proof may be demonstrated by the shipping manifest (see paragraph 4.2.).



4.4. Proof of Community status and the invoice or transport document















Proof of Community status and the use of a TIR or an ATA carnet:





















4.5. T2L








Extra copies








Retrospective issue of T2L


























T1 declaration drawn up in error








Pre-printed signatures




There is no time limit for the production of a T2L document.



A T2L document may be replaced by one or more new documents where circumstances so require.

If three copies are necessary, these may be supplied in the form of an original and two photocopies, provided that the latter are marked "copy".

A T2L document can be issued retroactively unless the issue of such a document is specifically ruled out by the legislation and as long as this retroactive issue is done with discernment and after careful examination to ensure that all the conditions for granting this document are met.

However, T2L documents issued retroactively shall be accepted by the customs authorities without prejudice to the application of retroactive control procedures or other procedures of administrative assistance, in particular in the event of suspicion of fraud or irregularities, in accordance with the provisions of Article 314a of the IPC (Article 21 of Appendix II of the Convention).

T2L documents issued retroactively shall bear the appropriate phrase as provided in Note 2 to Paragraph 4 "Proof of Community status of goods" of Part II.

A T2L document may be issued retroactively in respect of goods for which a T1 declaration had been drawn up in error.

In such a case the T2L document must contain a reference to that T1 declaration.

The signature of the official of the office responsible for prior authentication need not be hand-written and the stamp of that office may  be  pre-printed  if  prior  authentication  is  administered  centrally








by a single customs authority



With respect to the requirements with respect to the form of T2L documents, the provisions of Part IV chapter 1 paragraph 3.2.1 "Form and completion of the transit declaration" apply

Where Community goods, which entered EFTA and which are to be re-exported under a transit procedure other than common transit, T2L need not be renewed provided the goods have not been warehoused prior to re-consignment. In order to show that the goods have remained under the permanent supervision of the customs authorities, the competent customs office of the EFTA country stamps the upper front part of the document, adding the date of re-exportation. Where Community goods, which entered EFTA and which are to be re-exported under a transit procedure other than common transit, T2L need not be renewed provided the goods have not been warehoused prior to re-consignment. In order to show that the goods have remained under the permanent supervision of the customs authorities, the competent customs office of the EFTA country stamps the upper front part of the document, adding the date of re-exportation.







Proof of Community status for products of sea fishing and other products taken from the sea by boats




Article 325, par.2 IPC


A T2M form has to be produced to prove the Community status:





of the products of sea fishing caught by a Community fishing vessel38, in waters other than the territorial waters of a








22 ‘Community fishing vessel’ means a vessel which is listed and registered in a part of a Member State’s territory forming part of the customs territory of the Community, flies the flag of a Member State, catches products of sea-fishing and, as the case may be, processes them on board. "Registered" means inclusion in the Community register of fishing vessels set up by Regulation (EC) No 26/2004.

23 ‘Community factory ship’ means a vessel which is listed or registered in a part of a Member State’s territory forming part of the customs territory of the Community, flies the flag of a Member


















Article 325, par. 3, IPC







country or territory outside the customs territory of the Community; and,

of the goods obtained from such products on board Community fishing vessels or factory ships, in the production of  which  other  products  having  Community  status  may  have

been used.

Note: Proof of the Community status is provided by the logbook or by any other means which establishes the status in the case of:













Community vessels which are not fishing vessels or factory ships for sea-fishing products and other products taken or caught in waters other than the territorial waters of a country or territory outside the customs territory of the Community, or,

Vessels of a country not a member of the Community for sea-fishing products and other products taken or caught in territorial waters within the customs territory of the


Presentation of the T2M document





Article 326(1) IPC


T2M form must be presented by:



1. the Community fishing vessel which caught the products and, where applicable, processed them; or,

2. another Community fishing vessel, or the Community factory ship which processed the products following their transhipment from the vessel referred to in point 1; or,

3. any other vessel onto which the said products and goods were transhipped from the vessel referred to in points 1 and 2, without any further changes being made; or,

4. a  means  of  transport  covered  by  a  single  transport  document








State and does not catch products of sea-fishing but does process such products on board. "Registered" means inclusion in the Community register of fishing vessels set up by Regulation (EC) No 26/2004.







made out in the country or territory not forming part of the customs territory of the Community where the products or goods were landed from the vessel referred to in points 1, 2 or


Information on booklet T2M









Articles 327, 328, IPC


The T2M form is printed in an official Community language specified by the competent authorities of the Member state to which the vessel belongs.

The T2M forms are bound in booklets of ten, with one detachable original, and one non-detachable copy of each form.

Each T2M document shall have a unique serial number printed on both the original and copy.

The T2M booklet is issued at the request of the person concerned by the Community customs office responsible for supervising the base port of the Community fishing vessel for which the booklet is intended.

Before being issued with the booklet, the person concerned shall make the necessary entries in boxes 1 and 2 and shall complete and sign box 3 of all the originals and copies of the forms in the booklet. The relevant customs office shall complete box B of all originals and copies of the forms in the booklet.

All the forms and copies shall be stamped in Box A by the authority responsible for registering the Community fishing vessel for which the booklet is issued.

Each booklet is valid for two years from the date of issue.



When all forms in the booklet have been used or its period of validity has expired, or when the vessel for which the booklet has been  issued  ceases  to  satisfy  the  conditions  laid  down,  the  booklet








must be returned immediately to the customs office of issue.






















Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only
































































8.1. Example contract of 'affreightment' involving sub-contracting and part-

charter arrangements Part charter

The paragraph explains the commercial aspects of Part-Charter with particular emphasis on the transport of containers and the consequences for Community transit.

1. Introduction

In container traffic Part-Charter is usually known as "SLOT CHARTER". A "slot" is a precise part of a vessel's cargo space corresponding to one container or container unit. There are two types of container:




a) TEU = Twenty Foot Equivalent


b) FEU = Forty Foot Equivalent




2. Types of Slot Charter

There are two main forms:








Ordinary Slot-Charter


Vessel Sharing Agreement




3. Ordinary Slot Charter

Under the ordinary Slot-Charter, a charterer (a shipping line) charters from a ship-owner (another shipping line with excess capacity on a vessel) a number of "Slots". The charterer will (normally) pay a sum for the total number of Slots he has chartered, whether he is able to utilize the total numbers of Slots chartered or not. Ordinary Slot-Charter will (normally) be concluded on a voyage-by-voyage basis.

4. Vessel sharing agreement

Under the Vessel Sharing Agreement two (or more) shipping lines agree to place a fixed number of Slots at each other's disposal on designated vessels or routes. These agreements are normally on a reciprocal level and the lines in question do not pay each other for the Slots.

5. Commercial consequences











Apart from the fact that ordinary Slot-Charter involves payment and Vessel Sharing Agreements do not involve payment, the legal implementation of the two types of charter are the same.

The system operates as ordinary charter, i.e. the cargo travelling under Slot-Charter/Vessel Sharing Agreements travels in the name of the charterer, on his Bill of Lading and manifests. The owner of the vessel will issue one Ocean  Bill  of  Lading  covering  the  total  number  of  Slots  utilized  -  not  one























Bill of Lading per container/consignment. The owner of the vessel has no underlying documentation (apart from dangerous cargo declarations and the like) of the individual consignments: shipper, consignee, contents, etc.

Cargo travelling under Slot-Charter/Vessel Sharing Agreements are de facto travelling as if on board one of the Charterer's own vessels.

The shipper/consignee may not have to know - or have to be told - that part of the transportation is carried out on board a Slot-Charter/Vessel Sharing Agreement vessel.

The shipper/consignee will receive a Bill of Lading issued by the shipping line with which he has contracted the transportation.




6. Consequences for Community transit

Where commercial part-charter arrangements operate, each shipping company may act as a principal provided that all manifests conform to the requirements of Articles 447 and 448 of the IPC in its entirety.

Moreover, the Ocean Bill of Lading item on the manifest of the vessel carrying the cargo shall indicate, to the competent authorities at the port of destination, that transit controls shall be based on the charterer's manifests and bills of lading.

7. Consequences for the approval of regular services

a) In  the  case  of  part-charter  arrangements,  an  application  for  authorisation  of  a

regular service shall be submitted by the person (lessor or charterer) defining the regular service, i.e. determining the vessel(s) to be used for the regular service and specifying the ports of call, or by his representative.

Customs authorities may request any information they require to assess the applicant and in particular the charter-party.

b) Examples:

Example 1:








vessel Goodwill belongs to ship owner A, who concludes a time charter with shipping company B. Under the charter, A makes his vessel available to B.

B is responsible for the commercial management of the vessel he has leased. He specifies the ports to be served by his vessel (regular service). B concludes a vessel-sharing agreement (part-charter) with C to ensure that the vessel is filled. This means that part-charter arrangements have been entered into. B concedes commercial exploitation of part of vessel Goodwill to C but retains operational use of the rest of the vessel. Authorisation to operate a regular service using Goodwill shall be applied for by B.









Example 2:




(1) Vessels

(2) Persons responsible for defining the service

(3) Part-charterers (4)

Rotterdam - Felixstowe-Southampton - Antwerp -Le Havre - Lisbon - Leixoes - Vigo Corvette


Caravel A B: on the Corvette: Southampton - Antwerp - Le Havre - Lisbon; on the Caravel: Southampton -Antwerp - Le Havre - Lisbon - Vigo

C: on the Corvette: Rotterdam - Southampton -Antwerp - Le Havre - Lisbon; on the Caravel: Southampton - Antwerp - Le Havre - Lisbon -Vigo

D: on the Corvette: Rotterdam - Southampton -Antwerp - Le Havre - Lisbon

Rotterdam - Felixstowe-Southampton - Antwerp -Le Havre - Bilbao - Lisbon - Leixoes - Vigo Douro B A: Rotterdam - Felixstowe- Southampton -Antwerp - Le Havre - Bilbao

C: Southampton - Antwerp - Le Havre - Bilbao -Lisbon - Leixoes

D: Antwerp - Le Havre - Bilbao - Lisbon -Leixoes - Vigo

Rotterdam - Felixstowe-Southampton - Antwerp -Le Havre - Lisbon - Leixoes - Vigo Angela J C A: Rotterdam - Felixstowe- Southampton -Antwerp - Le Havre - Lisbon

B: Rotterdam - Southampton - Antwerp - Le Havre - Lisbon

D: Antwerp - Le Havre - Lisbon - Leixoes -Vigo

Rotterdam - Felixstowe-Southampton - Antwerp -Le Havre - Bilbao - Lisbon - Leixoes - Vigo Goodwill D A: Rotterdam - Felixstowe- Southampton -Antwerp - Le Havre - Lisbon

B: Rotterdam - Southampton - Antwerp - Le Havre - Lisbon

C: Antwerp - Le Havre - Lisbon - Leixoes -Vigo











Æ Column 1 lists services, with the ports to be used by the vessel(s) concerned. It

is for these services that “regular service” authorisation is applied for.

Æ Column  2  names  the  vessel(s)  assigned  to  the  various  services.  To  be  covered

by a single application, vessels must call at the ports that are mentioned in it.

Æ Column  3  contains  the  name  of  the  person  responsible  for  defining  the  service

(ports of call, etc.). This is the person who applies for authorisation and must inform the part-charterers (see Column 4) of the service’s “regular” status. This person may naturally also transport goods using this service.

Æ Column 4 names the various part-charterers who have leased space on a lessor’s

vessel. These persons are not required to apply for authorisation but they must respect, or ensure that their clients respect, the customs procedures applicable (depending on the customs status of the goods being transported) to “regular” services.

c) Content of the regular service application and authorisation

The authorisation for the regular shipping service is completed in accordance with the following instructions:











The Commission and the customs authorities of the Member States shall store and have access to the authorisation, including any amendments to it, using the electronic RSS information and communication system.


Box 1: Insert the name of the shipping company, or its representative, and full


In case the commercial management of a vessel is shared between several companies, which together specify the ports to be served, insert the name of each shipping company concerned, or its representative, and full address.

In that case, each shipping company concerned must be named as the applicant on the single application for a regular shipping service.

Box 2: Insert all the ports of call in order of calling for a particular route. The

name of each port is followed by the appropriate ISO-country code (for example: Rotterdam (NL), Felixstowe (UK), Le Havre (FR)).

Where the authorisation is issued for more than one route, each route must be distinguished by a number (for example: 1. Rotterdam (NL) -Dover (UK) - Le Havre (FR), 2. Lisbon (PT) – Vigo (ES) – Bilbao (ES), etc.).

Box 3: Insert  the  name(s)  of  the  vessel(s)  assigned  to  the  route  specified  in

box 2. In case there is more than one route listed in box 2 the vessels must be distinguished by the number of the route they serve (for example: 1. Neptune, Goodwill, 2. Corvette, 3. Douro, etc.).








Box 4: Insert  the  name(s)  of  the  part  charterer(s)  (and  not  the  names  of

vessels). The person who requests the authorisation must give the customs authorities the name(s) of the part charterer(s). Note that part charterer(s) are not the holders of the certificate and are not listed in box 1.

Box 5: This box must be dated and signed by the shipping company(y)(ies) or

representative(s) mentioned in box 1.

Box A: The  name  of  the  Member  State  is  followed  in  brackets  by  its  ISO-

country code: (BE), (BG), (CY), (DE), (DK), (EE), (ES), (FI), (FR), (GR), (HR), (IE), (IT), (LT), (LV), (MT), (NL), (PL), (PT), (RO), (SE), (SI) or (UK).


















































8.2.   Shipping manifest – TC12 procedure and authorisation Explanatory notes for the use of form TC12

A. Introduction

1. The opening sentence of Article 313(2) of the IPC requires proof of the Community status of goods carried by sea by a non-regular shipping service.

2. Article 317a of the IPC (Article 10 of Appendix II to the Convention) allows the shipping company’s manifest to be used as proof of the Community status of goods.

3. Such a manifest must be authenticated by customs or the shipping company (if it is an authorised consignor) before the vessel leaves the port of departure.

4. For logistical reasons, however, the manifest is sometimes unavailable for authentication at the time of sailing. In such cases, a shipping company may transmit the contents of the manifest electronically from the port of departure after the vessel has sailed so that they are available at the port of destination before the vessel arrives.

5. Article 324e of the IPC (Article 18 of Appendix II to the Convention) allows such a manifest to be issued retroactively as proof of status and, subject to certain conditions, to be transmitted to the port of destination by means of an electronic data interchange system.






Consultation procedure




1. An international shipping company established or having a regional office in a given country should apply to that country's competent authorities for authorisation to use, as an authorised consignor, the simplification provided for in Article 324e of the IPC (Article 18 of Appendix II to the Convention). The shipping company's application should list all the countries and all the ports of departure and destination concerned.

2. The shipping company should also indicate in its application the name(s) of its representative(s) in those ports.

3. The competent authorities of this country will check that the application meets the conditions of Article 324e(2) of the IPC (Article 18(2) of Appendix II to the Convention). If it does, the application will then be sent for approval to the competent authorities (listed in annex B) of the countries in which the intended ports of departure and destination are located.

4. Meanwhile the shipping company will instruct its offices at each port of departure and destination to inform the customs authorities at these ports of its intention to use the simplified procedure and an electronic data interchange system.










5. On receiving the notification provided for in paragraph 2 above, the competent authorities of the countries of the intended ports of departure and destination will advise their customs authorities at the ports to expect the message referred to in paragraph 3.

6. The customs authorities at the ports of departure and destination will then examine with the local offices of the shipping company whether the conditions for using the simplified procedure are met, and in particular the requirement that there should be a significant number of voyages between the countries along recognised routes.

7. On completion of this consultation procedure, the customs authorities at the ports of departure and destination will advise their competent authorities as to whether these ports are equipped to use an electronic data interchange system and whether the shipping company fulfils the criteria of Article 324e(2) of the IPC (Article 18(2) of Appendix II).

8. Within sixty days of the date of notification the competent authorities of the countries of the ports of departure and destination will inform the competent authorities responsible for granting the authorisation of their approval or refusal.

9. Reasons must be given in the case of refusal.

10. In the event of approval or failure to reply within sixty days of the date of notification, the authorisation will be issued by the competent authorities responsible.

11. The competent authorities, which issued the authorisation, will then send a copy to the competent authorities (listed in annex B) of the countries of the planned ports of departure and destination.

C. The authorisation

On completion of the procedure provided for in Section B, the authorities competent for the authorisation will issue the shipping company with approval according to the model in Annex A.

The authorisation may be revoked or amended according to the legal provisions in force (Article 9 of the Code, Article 54 of Appendix I to the Convention on a common transit procedure).







The simplification covers the carriage of all goods which the shipping company transports by sea between the ports of the Member States of the Community and the EFTA countries listed in the authorisation.






Documentation required for consignments

When used as proof of the Community status of goods, the shipping company’s manifest  must  include  at  least  the  information  indicated  in  Article  317a  of  the







IPC (Article 10 of Appendix II of the Convention). This includes the following particulars:





the name and full address of the shipping company; the name of the vessel;

the place and date of loading;

the place of unloading;




and for each consignment:





the reference for the bill of lading or other commercial document;

the number, description, marks and reference numbers of the packages;

the normal trade description of the goods including sufficient detail to permit their identification;

the gross mass in kilograms;

where applicable, the container identification numbers;





the following entries for the status of the goods:





the letter "C" (equivalent to "T2L") or "F" (equivalent to "T2LF"), as appropriate, for goods whose Community status can be demonstrated;






− the letter "N" for all other goods."

Procedure at the port of departure
























The shipping company must draw up the manifest proving the Community status of goods no later than the day after the departure of the vessel and, in any case, before its arrival at the port of destination.

The shipping company will then transmit the manifest by electronic data interchange to the port of destination.

Upon request, the shipping company will transmit the manifest to the customs authorities at the port of departure either by electronic data interchange system, or, if the customs authorities are not equipped to receive data by electronic mail, on paper.

The competent authorities at the port of departure will carry out inspections on the basis of risk analysis.

Procedure at the port of destination





The shipping company will present a copy of the manifest to the customs authorities at the port of destination either by electronic data interchange system, or, if the customs authorities are not equipped to receive data by electronic means, on paper.

The competent authorities at the port of destination will check the declared Community status, carrying out inspections on the basis of risk analysis and if necessary cross-checking with the competent authorities at the port of departure.











The shipping company must report any irregularities or offences discovered to the competent authorities at the ports of departure and destination. It is also obliged to help clear up any irregularities or offences detected by the competent authorities at the ports of departure and destination.

If it is not possible to clear up irregularities and offences at the port of destination, the competent authorities at the port of destination will notify the competent authorities at the port of departure and the authority which issued the authorisation, which will then take the necessary action.






Responsibilities of the shipping company The shipping company must:



keep suitable records enabling the competent authorities to check operations at departure and destination;

make all relevant records available to the competent authorities;

undertake to accept full liability to the competent authorities for the performance of its obligations and for reporting and helping clear up any offences and irregularities.











































Specimen authorisation TC 12




1. Holder of authorisation (Authorisation number) ……………………………….

Authorisation to use the simplification provided for in Article 324e of the IPC (Article 18 of Appendix II of the Convention)

2. Countries and ports of departure to which this authorisation refers and the name(s)

of the shipping company’s representative(s).

3. Countries  and  ports  of  destination  to  which  this  authorisation  refers,  and  the

name(s) of the shipping company’s representative(s).

4. Other information

5. Issuing Authority



Name: Date: Address:


Country : (Signature)















Country Name of the authority Address of the authority Contact Point

(A) (B) (C) (D)

BELGIUM Administration Centrale des douanes et accises

Service Procédures douanières, direction 10 North Galaxy, Tour A (NGA 13) Boulevard  du  Roi  Albert  II  33, boîte 37

B-1030 Bruxelles National Transit Coordinator

DENMARK In Denmark the respective customs districts offices will be responsible for granting this authorisation. The names of the persons responsible and the names and adresses of their

locations are equivalent to the list of Local Transit Coordinators as

published in the Transit Network guide.

FINLAND Turun Tulli/meriliikenneluvat PL 386 20101 Turku Mr Heimo Pönkä

Tel: +358-20-4924245 Mobile : +358-40-3324245 Fax: +358-20-4924017 E-mail:










FRANCE Direction générale des Douanes et Droits Indirects Bureau E3 - Politique du dédouanement 11 rue des Deux Communes 93558 Montreuil FRANCE Maud Chasseriau

Tel : +33 (0)1 57 53 46 21 +33 (0)1 57 53 49 33

E-mail :

GERMANY Hauptzollamt Kiel Kronshagener Weg 105

DE-24116 Kiel Konsultationsstelle Seeverkehr

Tel : 49-431-200830

Fax : + 49-341 20083-1150


GREECE Ministry of Finance

Directorate General

Of Customs and Excise

19th  Division-2nd  t  Department K. Servias 10

101 84 Athens Greece Tel :0030210/6987465 Fax :0030210/6987450


ICELAND Directorate of Customs Tryggvagötu 19 101 REYKJAVÍK Iceland Hörður Davíð Harðarson Ágúst Magnússon

Elín Sigurjónsdóttir Jóhanna Gunnarsdóttir Ástrós Guðlaugsdóttir


Central Transit Office, Corporate Affairs and Customs Division,

St. Conlon’s Road,


Co. Tipperary. Mr. John Sherlock, Tel : 353 67 63440 Fax : 353 67 44126 e-mail :











ITALY AGENZIA DELLE DOGANE Direzione Centrale Legislazione e Procedure Doganali.

Ufficio regimi doganali e traffici

di confine Via Mario Carucci, 71 00143 Roma Ernesto Carbone

Phone: 0039 06 50246045

Fax: 0039 06 50245222

e mail: Mr. Marco Ciampi

Phone: 0039 06 50245073

NETHERLANDS Belastingdienst Douane Rotterdam Haven Douane Rotterdam Haven KM Postbus 3070

6401 DN Heerlen e-mail:

Douane DRH bcp_Postbus

NORWAY Toll- og avgiftsdirektoratet Avdeling for toll, merverdiavgift og vareførsel/VFS Postboks 8122 Dep. 0032 OSLO

POLAND Izba Celna w Gdyni ul. Polnocna 9 A

81-029 Gdynia tel. +48 58 666 93 93

fax. +48 58 621 05 54


// Izba Celna w Szczecinie ul. Energetykow 55 70-952 Szczecin tel. +48 91 480 55 00

fax +48 91 480 55 01


PORTUGAL Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira Rua da Alfândega, nº 5 -r/c 1149-006 LISBOA Telefone: + 351 218813890 Fax: + 351 218813941 E-mail:








SPAIN Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria Departamento de Gestión Aduanera e II. EE. Avenida del Llano Castellano, 17

28034 - MADRID Miss Nuria Esther Fernández Álvarez Mr. Nicolás Campo Hernández

Tel: +34 91 728 98 58

Fax: +34 91 358 47 21


SWEDEN Tullverket P.O.Box 12854 S-112 98 Stockholm


National Simplifications Team Custom House

Main Road


Essex - CO12 3BE

Phone 00 44 1255 244700 Fax 00 441255 554508



SLOVAK REPUBLIC not applicable

CZECH REPUBLIC not applicable

MALTA Ministry of Finance Customs Division Transit Branch Custom House Valletta CMR 02 MALTA Mr. Anthony Busuttil Phone: 00356 2225 1422 Fax: 00356 2165 1250 e-mail:







CYPRUS Customs Headquarters, Ministry of Finance Corner

M.Karaoli and Gr. Afxentiou, 1096, Nicosia Tel:+357 22 601651

Fax:+357 22 302031



Muitas pārvalde Talejas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1978 Sandra Česka

Phone: +371 67120870 e-mail:

ESTONIA Tax and Customs Board Lõõtsa 8a 15176 Tallinn ESTONIA Marina Nikitina


LITHUANIA Muitinės departamentas Muitinės procedūrų skyrius A. Jakšto g. 1

LT-01105 Vilnius Mr Laimis Žlabys

Tel: +370 5 266 60 88 Fax: +370 5 266 60 14 E-mail:

HUNGARY not applicable

BULGARIA National Customs Agency Transit of goods Department 47, G.S.Rakovski str. 1040 Sofia

Republic of Bulgaria Mrs. Latinka Iankova Tel:+359 2 9859 4593 E-mail:

ROMANIA Autoritatea Natională a Vamilor Str. Matei Millo, nr.13, sector 1, Bucuresti Octavian Relu Botea – deputy director Phone/fax: +4021/ 3125875;









CROATIA Carinska uprava Republike Hrvatske Središnji ured Sektor za carinski sustav i procedure A. von Humboldta 4a, 10

000 Zagreb, HRVATSKA Mr. Ivan Duic

National transit coordinator Tel +385 1  6211  273

Fax +385 1  6211  005 e-mail:

Mr. Željko Franjić

Tel. +385 1 6211 375 E-mail:

TURKEY Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı

Gümrükler Genel Müdürlüğü, Transit Dairesi Hükümet Meydanı No:2 06100 Ulus ANKARA Contact point

























8.3. Proof of Community status of motorised road vehicles

To determine the customs status of motorized road vehicles within the customs territory of the Community, it is necessary to respect the following rules:






The rules concerning the movement of goods from one point to another point in the customs territory of the Community are equally applicable to the movement of motorized road transport, pleasure craft and private aircraft.






The term movement, covers not only the use of the vehicle when moving in the customs territory of the Community but also, like all other Community goods, transfer of ownership (delivery / acquisition) and change of residence involving relocation of the vehicle without change of ownership.






Article 313 (1) of the IPC says 'Subject to the exceptions listed in paragraph 2, all goods transported between two points in the customs territory of the Community shall be deemed to be Community goods unless it is established that they do not have Community status. This presumption applies also to the circulation of vehicles.






Therefore, when vehicles are imported from a third country and entered to free circulation without registration in a Member State they can be dispatched to another Member State as Community goods because basic presumption of Article 313 (1) has been fulfilled. For registration purposes, such vehicles must be treated in exactly the same way as Community manufactured vehicles.






In such circumstances, the registration of new vehicles must not be dependent on proof of Community status of the vehicle.






In cases of genuine doubt, the competent authorities may request information under mutual assistance. However, such requests are not to be made on a routine basis.






Consequently, Community vehicles must be able to move within the customs territory of the Community under the same conditions as other Community goods. No intervention by a customs office is provided for.






These rules do not affect the provisions applicable to fiscal matters notably in connection with the requirement for registration of the owner in his country of residence.






Without prejudice to the above rules any motorized road vehicle registered in a Member State is considered to have Community status provided that:

(a) the  registration  document  relating  to  it  is  produced  to  the  competent  authorities  of  the

Member State into which the vehicle is introduced;




(b) the  vehicle's  registration  as  shown  by  the  document  and  also  by  the  registration  plate

corresponds exactly with the provisions below, depending on the country of registration.

Failing that proof of Community status should be established in accordance with the provisions of Article 320(b) IPC.




10. Proof of Community status of motor road vehicles by reference to the registration number (Article 320(a) IPC):










Motorized road vehicles registered in Belgium are considered to have Community status unless:






the registration certificate carries in red, on the title page, the stamp shown below:

(this stamp was used until 1 October 1993 )













the registration certificate bears, on the reverse of Page 1, the abbreviation T1on the left hand side in that part relating to temporary admission. A specimen of the registration certificate is shown below.





































the  registration  certificate  bears,  instead  of  the  details  of  the  vehicle,  the  words  "plaque

marchand" or "handelaarsplaat" or "Händlerplatte". The registration plates concerned bear a group of letters and a group of digits in the following combinations:

− "dealer plates" for cars: letter Z + 2 other letters + 3 digits

− "dealer  plates"  for  motorcycles:  letters  ZM  +  1  other  letter  +  3  digits (dimensions differ from other plates; letters above, digits underneath).

− "dealer plates" for trailers: letters ZU + 1 other letter + 3 digits.

The digits and letters are green against a white background. A self-adhesive sticker indicating the year must also be affixed to a specifically designated place.


the  registration  certificate  bears,  instead  of  the  details  of  the  vehicle,  the  words  "plaque

d'essai" or "proefrittenplaat" or "Prüfungsplatte". The registration plates concerned bear a group of letters and a group of digits in the following combinations:







for cars: letters ZZ + 1 other letter + 3 digits

for motorcycles: letters ZZM + 1 other letter + 3 digits (dimensions differ from other plates; letters above, digits underneath)

for trailers: letters ZZU + 3 digits.




The digits and letters are green against a white background. A self-adhesive sticker indicating the year must also be affixed to a specifically designated place.



Motorized road vehicles registered in the Republic of Bulgaria are considered to have Community status where they carry rectangular plate with a registration consisting combination of letters and digits in black on a reflective white background with a blue band on the left hand side of the registration plate.

The blue band of the registration plate bears the flag of Bulgaria and white letters BG. The registration is consists of a combination three groups (e.g. C 5027 АB), as:

· The first group is consists of letters and corresponds to the territorial department.

· The second group is consists of four Arabic numerals.

· The third group is series (one or two letters).




Motorized road vehicles registered in the Republic of Bulgaria are not considered to have Community status if:

· they have a rectangular plate with a registration consisting combination of six digits separated in middle by letter “B” in black on white background and The validity year is marked on red background on the right hand side of the registration plate.

· they have a rectangular plate with a registration consisting combination of six digits separated in the middle by letter “T” or “H” in black on white background.

· they have a rectangular plate with a registration consisting combination of letters “C”, “CC” or “CT” and digits in white on red background; or

· they have a rectangular plate with a registration consisting combination of letters “XX” with digits in white on blue background.




Motorized vehicles with registration plates of this kind may or may not have Community status; Their status can be verified only by consulting relevant documentation.







The Road Transport Department of Cyprus is computerized since 1/1/1997.  All the registration certificates issued since 2/1/1997 are printed by computers.






Vehicles registered permanently in Cyprus




All vehicles registered permanently in Cyprus have a registration number consisting of a combination of one, two, or three Latin characters and a serial number from 1 to 999. Each vehicle has two number plates, one at the front with white reflective background and one at the back with yellow or white reflective background, both with black characters and numbers.

In order to determine the Community status for the majority of the vehicles which have registration numbers as LLNNN (e.g. YW764) or LLLNNN (e.g. EAY857) you have to check the corresponding details which are shown on the registration certificate as explained in table A.






Vehicles registered for Diplomats (CD or AT)




The vehicles registered for Diplomats have two registration numbers written on the registration certificate. The first number is the permanent registration. The second number denotes that the vehicle belongs to the diplomatic corps.

The registration number for diplomatic vehicles consist of a combination of two numbers indicating the code of the Embassy or Commission followed by the letters “CD” or “AT” and the number of the vehicle within the certain Embassy or Commission.

These vehicles circulate with their diplomatic registration number for the period they have diplomatic status and when the diplomatic status ceases to exist they use the permanent registration number. The Community status of these vehicles can be verified by consulting their documentation.

Table A


Information (Taxation details) (In English and Greek as written on Registration Certificates) Possible form of information with the translation in English written in lower case letters

1 Customs Duty Τελωνειακός Δασμός Duty Free, Duty Partly Paid, Duty Paid


2 Custom R.C (Customs Relief Code) Κ.Ε Δασμών (Κωδικός Εξαίρεσης Δασμών) 01.01, 01.18, 01.19, 07.02, 07.03, 07.05, 07.06, 07.07,

11(4)α, 11(4)β, 11(4)γ




Czech Republic






Motorized road vehicles registered in the Czech Republic are considered to have Community status if their registration is in one of the following special series:

• Rectangular white number plate bearing an inscription consisting of at least five up to seven digits (at least one letter and one number) in black e.g.: 1K3 2246). The first letter corresponds to the territorial department. Special motorized vehicles and agricultural and forest tractors have a rectangular yellow background on the number plate.




Motorized road vehicles are in circulation with white number plates belonging to previous series formed of a combination of two or three letters and four numbers in black



separated in pairs by dashes (e.g. CHA 63-46). Lorries, buses, trailers belonging to previous series have a rectangular yellow background on the number plate.

· Rectangular white number plate with black digits registered for export purposes bearing a red field with the date of expiration.

· Special rectangular white number plate with green digits consisting of letter 'V' followed

by four Arabic numerals (historical vehicles).

· Special rectangular white number plate with green digits registered for permanent

manipulation consisting of at least five up to seven digits with the first letter corresponding to the territorial department followed by Arabic numerals.

· Special rectangular white number plate with green digits registered for test purposes

consisting of five digits with letter 'F' followed by Arabic numerals.






Motorized road vehicles registered in the Czech Republic are not considered to have Community status if they have a rectangular blue number plate bearing the letters 'DD' or 'XX' followed by five digits consisting of capitals of the Roman alphabet and Arabic numerals in yellow (diplomatic corps or foreign mission) unless Community status is verified by consulting their documentation.





Motorized road vehicles registered in Denmark are considered to have Community status where the lower box of the registration certificate contains the following entry: "IKKE TOLDDOKUMENT VED OMREGISTRERING" (translation: no customs document need be produced in the event of change of ownership).


The proof of the Community specifications for the registration of motor vehicles in the Federal Republic of Germany (road motor vehicles and their trailers) is considered as valid, if a German registration certificate was issued and if the vehicle carries the rectangular registration license plate, which consists of a distinctive combination of letters for the administrative district (up to 3 letters) and  a number for the recognition (consisting of a group of letters and numbers)

(See example 1).

Following the number for the recognition these registration license plates can carry also in addition the letter for identification "H" ("Old timer registration license plate" for the historical vehicles – see example 2) or they can contain a specific period for driving the car within a specific season ("Registration license plate for a season" – see example 3).

The proof of the Community specifications is considered not to be valid for vehicles, if they carry a registration license plate,









Carrying as distinctive combination of letters for the administrative district only the number 0 (special registration license plate for the diplomatic Corps and privileged international organizations),

Containing behind the number for the recognition consisting only of numbers, an identification letter as for example "A" and an expiration date. The field, wherein this expiration date is indicated, is red.

(Registration license plate for exportation – see example 4),


The registration license plate for a short time period (short time registration plate): its number for the recognition consists likewise only of numbers and it contains an expiration date. The field, wherein the expiration date is indicated, is yellow.








(Registration license plate, for taking a car for a testing procedure, or for a test drive, or for a transfer drive – see example 5)

Or a registration license plate


Carrying not the black but the red color.

The registration numbers can consist of one or two lines.




Example 1

Distinctive combination of letters for the administrative district number for the recognition





















Example 2 ("Registration license plate for old timer" for the historical vehicles)





















Example 3 ("Registration license plate for a season")





Example 4 (Registration license plate for export)






Example 5 (Registration license plate for taking a car for a testing procedure or for a test drive or for a transfer drive)






Motorized road vehicles registered in Estonia on the basis of regulation of motorized road vehicles. The number plate of motorized road vehicles is a combination of three letters and three numbers. After the first of May 2004 the left of the number plate will be marked 'EST'.


Motorized road vehicles registered in Greece are considered to comply with the conditions of Articles 9 and 10 of the EEC Treaty in Greece where they carry a white rectangular plate with a registration consisting of a combination of three letters and four digits (e.g. BAK 7876) or six digits only (e.g. 237.568 - former plate still valid) and their registration document is form T-01-19.






They are not considered to have Community status if they carry a rectangular plate containing:








the letters CD or (diplomatic corps) before the number (green plate)

the letters A (foreign mission) before the number (yellow plate)

the letters EX (temporary admission) before the number (white plate).









The number plate of motorized road vehicles is a combination of two groups of letters (the first corresponds to territorial departments, e.g.: MA - Malaga, M - Madrid; the second is formed by one or two letters) and a group of numbers (0000 to 9999) in between the two groups of letters (e.g. MA-6555-AT).

Motorized road vehicles are in circulation with number plates belonging to previous series which are formed of a combination of one or two letters and up to six numbers e.g. M-636.454.

As from October 2002, motorized road vehicles have a number plate consisting of four numbers followed by three letters, without indication of the territorial department (e.g. 4382 BRT).

Motorized road vehicle registered in Spain according to the above procedures are considered as having Community Status.






Motorized road vehicles registered in Spain are not considered as having Community status if their registration is in one of the following special series:











tourist plate bearing a number combining two groups of numbers (the first of between 00 and 99; the second of between 0000 and 9999) and a group of letters (one or two depending on the case).All the groups are separated by a dash, e.g. 00-M-0000.

With a view to establishing the date on which the temporary movement permit expires, the tourist plate has a vertical red band 3 cm long bearing in white the last two digits of the year in question (one above the other) and the month in Roman numerals (below the arabic numerals). E.g. 00-M-0000 - 86VI





Motorized road vehicles registered in France are considered to have Community status unless they are registered in one of the following special series:









CMD, CD, C, K (diplomatic or like status) TT (temporary residence)

IT (temporary residence)

WW (garage)





Motorized road vehicles registered in Ireland are considered to have Community status only if they are registered in a series other than the series ZZ and the registration card carries no special endorsement relating to customs (e.g. having a reference to the Revenue Commissioners). This endorsement would be validated by a customs stamp.












Motorized road vehicles registered in Italy are considered to have Community status unless:

1. they are registered in one of the following special series:

- E E (Escursionisti Esteri) - CD (Corpo diplomatico)






the registration plate bears the word "PROVA";






The registration plate bears the indication "SO" and in addition the registration document (libretto di circolazione) bears the following statement:

"veicolo soggetto a formalità doganali nel caso di transferimento diproprieta o di transferimento di residenza del proprietario dal territorio di Livigno ad altro comune. Produrre documento doganale al p.r.a. di Sondrio."





Motorized vehicles registered in the Republic of Latvia are considered to have Community status when they carry a white rectangular plate with a registration which usually consists of a combination of two black letters and one to four black digits (e.g. EP-6037) (but there can be also only letters or digits) and a Latvian registration document has been issued in respect thereof. They also bear the Latvian national flag or the blue EC flag with 12 stars (starting from 1st of May) and two black letters (LV) on the right side.


Motorized road vehicles registered in Lithuania are considered to have Community status unless:






they are registered as belonging to various diplomatic corps and carry a rectangular plate with a combination of white letters and/or digits on a reflective green background with a white rim. Motorized vehicles with registration plates of this kind may or may not have Community status. Their status can be verified only by consulting relevant documentation;






they are registered temporarily and carry temporary registration plates of the following types:

– rectangular  plate  with  a  combination  of  red  letters  and/or  digits  on  a  reflective  white background  with  a  red  rim  (temporary  registration  plates  issued  for  import  or  export


– rectangular  plate  with  a  combination  of  red  letters  and/or  digits  on  a  reflective  white

background with a blue band on the left hand side of the registration plate and a red rim. Last two digits of the above-mentioned combination correspond to last to digits of the year of expiration of the registration. The blue band of the registration plate bears the flag of Lithuania and white letters “LT” (temporary registration plates issued to vendors of motorized road vehicles).




Motorized vehicles carrying temporary registration plates may or may not have Community status. Their status can be verified only by consulting relevant documentation.














Motorized road vehicles registered in Luxembourg are considered to have Community status unless:

1. the registration card (carte grise) bears:



Motorised vehicles registered in Hungary are considered to have Community status where they have not been registered in one of the following special series:

− V (temporary stay) − E (provisional)



Motorized vehicles registered in Malta are considered to have community status when they carry 2 rectangular registration plates.

These shall be fixed one on the front and the other on the rear of the motor vehicle in such a position that every letter and figure on the plate is upright.

The registration plate shall consist of 3 numeric, alphabetical or alpha numeric combinations.

The registration plate also has the European Union emblem with yellow stars and an M underneath. The Registration plates also have a hologram with the plate serial number underneath.

Motorized road vehicles registered in Malta should not be considered to have community status if the registration plate consists of any of the following combinations.




CD* *** TRIAL RN ***

MV ***

PRO ***

DMS ***

***  **X

TF*  ***

GV*  ***

GM **













Motorized road vehicles registered in the Netherlands are considered to have Community status unless the registration document (kentekenbewijs) is one of those listed below:






"Kentekenbewijs" bearing the letters BN or GN combined with two groups of two digits (e.g. 12-BN-14, GN-33-01, 88-91-BN).






"Kentekenbewijs" bearing a registration number made up of a group of two letters followed by a group of two digits and the letter D

(e.g. PD-21-D).










(e.g. CD 121, CD-J-58).


















"Kentekenbewijs" with a registration number made up of::

(a) the letters RC followed by a group of two, three or four digits

(e.g. RC-81, RC-1214), or

(b) the letters AFC followed by a number of five digits between

79 000 and 99 999 (e.g. AFC-81 783).






"Kentekenbewijs" with a combination of letters and numbers as follows:

− ZZA001 to ZZT999 for cars and

− ZZX001 to ZZZ999 for motorcycles.








Motorised road vehicles registered in Poland are considered to have Community status if

− they carry a rectangular plate with a registration which consists of a combination of

letters and digits (up to seven positions with at least one letter) in black on reflective white or reflective yellow (historical vehicles), in red on reflective white (test vehicles), in white on reflective blue (diplomatic or similar status), in white on black (former plate still valid), and

− a Polish registration document has been issued on respect thereof.





1. Motorized road vehicles registered in Portugal are considered to have Community status when they have a rectangular white number plate bearing an inscription consisting of two letters and four numbers in black, separated in pairs by dashes (e.g.: AB-32-46). The registration document is the form "LIVRETE 1227”.






However, motorized road vehicles which carry a white plate, also rectangular, bearing the letters CD, CC or FM, belong to various corps diplomatiques and may or may not have Community status. The status can be verified only by consulting their documentation.





In Romania there are three types of registrations of the road vehicles: permanent, temporary and for the diplomatic corps.

The road vehicles permanently registered in Romania are considered to have Community status.

The permanent registration plates of the road vehicles have the following structure: LL NN XXX, where LL is the indicator of the district, made up of one or two letters, NN is the first part of the order number from 01 to 99, and XXX is the second part of the order number, made up of three letters from AAA to ZZZ.

The plate has an aluminum clamp and reflective white background, while the letters and figures are black and are found in the registration certificate of the vehicle in question.

The road vehicles with temporary registration or pertaining to the diplomatic corps are not considered as Community vehicles, unless such quality is attested by the accompanying documents.








The plates for temporary registration are assigned to the foreign vehicles and trailers that benefit from a temporary admission customs procedure, or to the vehicles meant to be exported.

The temporary registration plates of the road vehicles have the following structure: LL NNNNNN F, where LL is the indicator of the district, made up of one or two letters, NNNNNN is the order number from 101 to 999999, and F is a fraction on red background, containing the month and year when the registration expires, each expressed by two letters.

The plate has an aluminum clamp and reflective white background, while the letters and figures are black and are found in the registration certificate of the vehicle in question. The certificate does not contain special mentions to indicate whether the vehicle comes from within the European Union or from outside.

The registration plates of the road vehicles pertaining to the diplomatic missions, the consular offices and their staff, as well as to other organizations and foreign citizens with diplomatic status, who operate in Romania, have the following structure: one of the indicators CD, CO or TC, as the case may be, and the order number made up of two sets of three figures.

The plate has reflective white background, the letters and figures are blue and are found in the registration certificate of the vehicle in question.


Motorised road vehicles registered in the Republic of Slovenia are considered to have Community status if they are equipped with a rectangular plate bearing an alpha-numeric (three to six letters or a combination of letters and numbers) license code (corresponding to regions), and a Slovenian registration document has been issued in respect thereof..

Slovak Republic






Motorised road vehicles registered in the Slovak Republic are considered to have Community status if their registration is in one of the following special series:

− rectangular white number plate bearing an inscription consisting of two letters

and five digits (three numbers and a pair of letters) in black, separated by dash (e.g.: BA-858BL). The first pair of letters corresponds to territorial department. The second group of digits after dash may consists of five letters, or letters at the first four positions and number at the fifth position, or letters at the first three positions and numbers at fourth and fifth position.

− Motorised  road  vehicles  are  in  circulation  also  with  white  number  plates

belonging to previous series formed of a combination of two or three letters and four numbers in pairs in black, separated by dash (e.g.: BA 12-23);

− special  rectangular  white  number  plate  with  red  digits  in  two  lines.  First  line

consists of two letters corresponding to territorial department and second line consists of letter “M” followed by three digits. After letter “M” may also be added another letter. Such plates are issued for new-made vehicles, new-bought vehicles or vehicles used for test purposes;

− special  rectangular  yellow  number  plate  with  black  digits  in  two  lines.  First line  consists  of  two  letters  corresponding  to  territorial  department  and  second

line  consists  of  letter  “V”  followed  by  three  digits.  After  letter  “V”  may  also

be  added  another  letter.  Such  plates  may  be  issued  for  vehicles  registered  for







export purposes. On the upper right corner is the field with the date of expiration;

− special rectangular yellow number plate with red digits in two lines. First line

consists of two letters corresponding to territorial department and second line consists of letter “H” followed by three digits. After letter “H” may also be added another letter. Such plates may be issued for historical vehicles;

− special  rectangular  white  number  plate  with blue digits in two lines. First line

consists of two letters corresponding to territorial department and second line consists of letter “S” followed by three digits. After letter “S” may also be added another letter. Such plates may be issued for vehicles used for sport purposes;

− special rectangular white number plate with green digits in two lines. First line

consists of letter “C” possibly followed by another letter and second line consists of five digits. Such plates may be issued for vehicles individually imported to the Slovak Republic that technical eligibility has not been approved, or for other vehicles.






However, motorised road vehicles which carry a rectangular blue plate, bearing the letters “EE” or “ZZ” followed by five numbers in yellow, belong to various diplomatic corps or foreign mission and may or may not have Community status. The Community status can be verified only by consulting their documentation.





Motorized road vehicles registered in Finland are considered to have Community status unless they are temporarily registered for export purposes (export registration), in which cases they have a registration plate containing one letter and, at the most, four digits in black on reflective white. Furthermore, on the right edge of these registration plates there is in white on reflective red the year and month of expiration of the registration.

In addition, motor vehicles are considered not to have Community status if they bear:








A transport plate which has one letter and, at the most, four digits in red colour on reflective white;

A test plate which has, in black colour, the word “KOE” (=test) vertically aligned, one letter and, at the most, three digits on reflective yellow.





Motorized road vehicles registered in Sweden are considered to have Community status unless they are temporarily registered for export purposes (export registration). In those cases the registration plates are red with white characters. On the right hand side as well as on the left hand side of the registration plates the date of expiry (year, month and day) of the temporary registration is shown. In addition to this registration plate the owner has a special decision describing the actual type of temporary registration.

Other temporarily registered motorized road vehicles are considered to have Community status. United Kingdom

Motorized  road  vehicles  registered  in  the  UK  are  considered  to  have  Community  status  when  the

registration  plates  bear  the  following  information  and  the  registration  documents  or  certificates  are






not endorsed with the words “Customs restriction” or “Customs concession” or “Warning: Customs duty and tax have not been paid on this vehicle”. The registration plate at the front of the vehicle displays black characters on a white background. The registration plate at the back of the vehicle displays black characters on a yellow background.


























Great Britain

Before 1st  September 2001:

A single letter followed by a serial number up to 999 followed by a combination of up to 3 letters, or a reversal of this sequence, e.g. E 380 RPW, TEC 504R.

From 1st  September 2001:

Two letters followed by two numbers followed by three letters, e.g. BD51 SMR; LF03 OAD

Northern Ireland

3 letters and up to 4 digits eg CDZ 1277.

Isle of Man:

A serial letter plus the letters MN followed by a serial number between 1 & 999 followed by a serial letter, e.g. BMN 820 A.


A serial number of up to 5 digits.


Letter J plus a serial number of up to 5 digits, e.g. J 41821.


AY plus a serial number of up to 4 digits, e.g. AY 138.




11. When the registration particulars of a motorized road vehicle are such that the information in

paragraph 10 above indicates that it does not have Community status, the vehicle shall nevertheless be admitted as Community goods on production of a T2L document or document having equivalent value as provided for in Article 320 of the IPC.





1. Motorized road vehicles registered in the Republic of Croatia are considered to have

Community status where they carry respective license plates.

License plates for vehicles are made of metal, coated with reflective foil, bearing the administrative district indication and the vehicle's registration number in black letters on white background. The Croatian coat of arms lies between the area and the administrative district indication and the vehicle's registration number.

Exceptionally, the license plates of the vehicles which do not comply with the stipulated conditions concerning the dimensions (length, width, hight) i.e. whose maximum allowed weight exceeds the prescribed one, i.e. which exceed the allowed axle weight, bear letters and numbers in red.








License plates for vehicles owned by foreign citizens who are granted temporary or permanent residence (temporarily registered vehicles, vehicles owned by foreign trade, traffic, cultural and other representative offices, foreign correspondent offices and permanent foreign correspondents) bear letters and numbers in green.

2. Licence  plates  for  the  vehicles  belonging  to  diplomatic  and  consular  agencies,  foreign

countries’ missions and international organizations’ agencies in the Republic of Croatia and their staff are in blue and bear yellow letters and numbers. They also bear a numeric country code of the country the agency belong to, and the letter corresponding to the agency’s activity, i.e. status of the respective person in the agency and the registration number of the vehicle.





















































8.4. Proof of community status of railroad wagons

In amplification of Article 321 IPC the relevant code numbers and ownership marks(initials) are:







Belgium Bulgaria

Czech Republic



Federal Republic of Germany

Estonia Greece


France Ireland



Lithuania Luxembourg




Malta Netherlands


Poland Portugal



Slovak Republic Finland









not applicable 86













not applicable 84










OWNERSHIP (initials)



































United Kingdom












BR (except where the wagon numbers followed by the letter P)










8.5. List of the competent authorities for the regular shipping service



Country Name of the authority Address of the authority Contact Point

(A) (B) (C) (D)

BELGIUM Administration Centrale des douanes et accises

Service Procédures douanières, direction 10 North Galaxy, Tour A (NGA 13) Boulevard du Roi Albert II 33, boîte 37

B-1030 Bruxelles National Transit Coordinator

DENMARK In Denmark the respective customs districts offices will be responsible for granting this authorisation. The names of the persons responsible and the names and adresses of their

locations are equivalent to the list of Local Transit Coordinators as

published in the Transit Network guide.

FINLAND Turun Tulli/meriliikenneluvat PL 386 FI-20101 Turku Mr Heimo Pönkä

Tel: +358-20-4924245 Mobile : +358-40-3324245 Fax: +358-20-4924017 E-mail:










FRANCE Direction générale des Douanes et Droits Indirects Bureau E3 - Politique du dédouanement 11 rue des Deux Communes 93558 Montreuil

FRANCE Mme Maud Chasseriau

Tel. +33 (0)1 57 53 46 21

+33 (0)1 57 53 49 33

Fax: ++33 (0)1 57 53 49 40

E-mail : dg-e3@

GERMANY Hauptzollamt Kiel Kronshagener Weg 105 DE-24116 Kiel Mr Holger Krüger

Tel : + 49-431-200830

Fax : + 49-341 20083-1150

E-mail :

GREECE Ministry of Finance

Directorate General

Of Customs and Excise

19th  Division-2nd Department K. Servias 10

101 84 Athens Greece Tel :0030210/6987463

Fax :0030210/6987450 e-mail:

IRELAND Revenue,

Central Transit Office Customs Division, St. Conlon’s Road, Nenagh,

Co. Tipperary Mr. John Sherlock, Tel: 00353 67 63440 Fax: 00353 67 44126 e-mail:











ITALY AGENZIA DELLE DOGANE Direzione Centrale Legislazione e Procedure Doganali.

Ufficio regimi doganali e traffici

di confine Via Mario Carucci, 71



00143 Roma Ernesto Carbone

Phone: 0039 06 50246045

Fax: 0039 06 50245222

e mail: Mr. Marco Ciampi

Phone: 0039 06 50242069

NETHERLANDS Belastingdienst Douane Rotterdam Haven Douane Rotterdam Haven KM Postbus 3070

NL – 3007 BJ Rotterdam e-mail:

Douane DRH bcp_Postbus

PORTUGAL Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira Rua da Alfândega, nº 5 -r/c 1149-006 LISBOA Director telephone: + 351 218813890 Fax: + 351 218813941


SPAIN Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria Departamento de Gestión Aduanera e II. EE. Avenida del Llano Castellano, 17

28071 - MADRID Miss Nuria Esther Fernández Álvarez Mr. Nicolás Campo Hernández

Tel: +34 91 728 98 58

Fax: +34 91 358 47 21


SWEDEN Tullverket P.O.Box 12854 S-112 98 Stockholm









National Simplifications Team Custom House Main Road Harwich

Essex - CO12 3PG Mr Patrick Parsons

Tel: 00 44 03000 575982Fax: 00 44 03000 575992 e-mail:


Sektor za carinske postopke ŠMARTINSKA 55

SI - 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA Mr. Laste Naumovski Tel.: +386-1-4783875 Fax: +386-1-4783900 e-mail:

POLAND Izba Celna w Gdyni

(as regards ports in: Gdansk, Gdynia, Elblag, Wladyslawowo, Ustka) ul. Polnocna 9 A 81-029 Gdynia tel. +48 58 666 93 93

fax. +48 58 621 05 54


Izba Celna w Szczecinie

(as regards ports in: Szczecin, Swinoujscie, Kolobrzeg, Police, Stepnica, Nowe Warpno) Ul. Energetyków 55 70-952 Szczecin tel. +48 91 480 55 00

fax +48 91 480 55 01


MALTA Ministry of Finance

Customs Division Transit Branch Custom House Valletta CMR 02 MALTA Mr. Anthony Busuttil Phone: 00356 2225 1422 Fax: 00356 2165 1250 e-mail:









CYPRUS Customs Headquarters, Ministry of Finance Corner

M.Karaoli and Gr. Afxentiou, 1096, Nicosia Tel:+357 22 601651

Fax:+357 22 302031



Muitas pārvalde Talejas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1978 Latvia Sandra Česka

Phone: +371 67120870 e-mail:

ESTONIA Tax and Customs Board Lõõtsa 8a 15176 Tallinn ESTONIA Marina Nikitina


LITHUANIA Muitinės departamentas Muitinės procedūrų skyrius A. Jakšto g. 1

LT-01105 Vilnius Mr Laimis Žlabys

Tel: +370 5 266 60 88 Fax: +370 5 266 60 14 E-mail:


ROMANIA Autoritatea Nationala a Vamilor

Serviciul Tranzit – Biroul Centralizator Str. Matei Millo, nr.13, Sector 1, Bucuresti.









CROATIA Carinska Uprava

Sektor za carinski sustav i procedure Aleksandera von Hunboldta 4A

HR-10000 ZAGREB Ivan Duic

National transit coordinator Tel +385 1 6211 273

Fax +385 1 6211 005 e-mail:














































Part III deals with transit guarantees.



Paragraph 1 contains the introduction and legal references regarding transit guarantees.

Paragraph 2 contains general provisions regarding transit guarantees.



Paragraph 3 describes the individual guarantee.



Paragraph 4 describes the comprehensive guarantee and guarantee waiver.



Paragraph 5 describes the guarantee waiver by law.



Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national instructions.



Paragraph 7 is reserved for the use of customs administrations.



Paragraph 8 contains the annexes to Part III.
































1.1. Purpose of guarantee

Customs duties and other charges applicable to goods are temporarily suspended when these goods are released for common/Community transit. In order to ensure the payment of duties and other charges when a (customs) debt is incurred in the course of a transit operation, the principal is required to furnish a guarantee.




Legal references


The legal bases for transit guarantees are :



· Article 10 Convention, Articles 9 to 11, 16 to 19, 52 to 57 and Art. 118 of Appendix I to this Convention,

· Annexes I, III, and IV to Appendix I, and,

· Annexes C1 to C7 of Appendix III.

· Articles 94, 95, 189 to 200 CCC, and,

· Articles 342, 345 to 348, 372 to 384 and 450c IPC, and,

· Annexes 44c, 46b, 47a, 48 to 51, 51a, 51b and 54 IPC.




1.2. Forms of guarantee




Article 9(2) and 10(1) Appendix I, Convention


Article 193 CCC


The guarantee may be furnished as a cash deposit or by a guarantor. The guarantee shall be an individual guarantee covering a single transit operation or a comprehensive guarantee covering several operations. The individual guarantee by a guarantor may be in the form of vouchers that the guarantor issues to principals. The use of the comprehensive guarantee is a simplification of the standard rules on transit and is therefore subject to an authorisation.





















1.3. Guarantee waiver

By way of exception no guarantee needs to be furnished in the following cases:




Article 11 Appendix I Convention


Article 95 CCC


Article 342(3) and 446 IPC


Article 189(4) CCC


- guarantee waiver by law:



· for certain modes of transport



· for  public  authorities  in  Community  transit  (see  paragraph

5, point “Public authorities and international organisations”).




Articles 44(1)(a), 52 to 57 Appendix I Convention


Article 94(4) CCC


Articles 379, 380, 380a and 381 IPC




Article 10(2)(a) Convention


- guarantee waiver by authorisation;









- guarantee waiver by national decision;



· in  common  transit  on  the  basis  of  bilateral  or  multilateral

agreement of the Contracting Parties for operations involving only their territories,




Article 10(2)(b) Convention


· in  common  transit  for  the  part of an operation between the

office of departure and the first office of transit according to a decision of the Contracting Party concerned,






Article 189(5) CCC


· in Community transit where the amount to be secured does

not exceed 500 EUR according to a decision of the customs authorities of the Member State concerned.














1.4. Area of validity




Article 10(1) Convention


Article 16(2) and

(3) Appendix I



In general, the guarantee shall be valid only for the Contracting Parties involved in the common transit operation. By way of exception, individual guarantees in the form of a cash deposit or by means of vouchers shall be valid for all Contracting Parties.

Where the guarantee is valid only for the Contracting Parties involved, a restriction of the area of validity is possible. The guarantor may delete the name of the Contracting Party or Parties or the Principality of Andorra or the Republic of San Marino in the guarantee document. As a result, the guarantee is valid in all the Contracting Parties and States that have not been crossed out. However, it has to be noted that a guarantee does not cover common transit operations to and from Andorra or San Marino since the Convention is not applicable.

In Community transit, a guarantee is valid in all Member States and in the Principality of Andorra and the Republic of San Marino. Provided that the European Community or the Principality of Andorra or the Republic of San Marino have not been crossed out in the guarantee document and the principal observes the conditions of the use of the guarantee, he is allowed to furnish a guarantee accepted or granted by the competent authorities of a Contracting Party other than the Community for a Community transit operation within the European Community and/or between the European Community and one of those States.





















1.5. Table of guarantee


Individual guarantee Comprehensive guarantee

Cash deposit by guarantor by voucher

Coverage single operation single operation single operation several operations

Area unrestricted validity restriction possible unrestricted validity restriction possible

Goods of annex I appendix I Convention/ annex 44C IPC no restriction possible no restriction possible restriction possible restriction possible

Amount required as guarantee 100%

of all customs duties and other charges 100%

of all customs duties and other charges 100%

of all customs duties and other charges 100%




of the reference amount

Period of validity of certificates N/A N/A Maximum one year after date of issue Two years (one two-year extension possible)

Proof that guarantee has been furnished Cash deposit issued by principal Guarantee document in accordance with Annex C1 to Appendix

III of the

Convention/ Annex 49 IPC Individual guarantee voucher TC 32 Comprehensive guarantee certificate TC 31 or

Guarantee waiver certificate

TC 33




Note: Where guarantee data is exchanged between the office of guarantee and the office of departure using information technology and computer networks, no comprehensive guarantee certificate TC 31 or guarantee waiver certificate TC33 is presented to the office of departure.


















General provisions





2.1. Necessity for a guarantee



2.1.1. Introduction





Article 9(1) Appendix I Convention


Furnishing a guarantee that ensures the payment of any (customs) debt which may be incurred, is a condition for carrying goods under common/Community transit.




Article 94(1) CCC The  payment  of  the  amounts  at  stake  is  ensured  when  the  amount  of

the guarantee is calculated in accordance with the appropriate provisions on the guarantee used.



2.1.2. Failures





Article 27 Appendix I Convention


Article 63 and 62 CCC


In cases where no information about a guarantee is given on the transit declaration or the required guarantee document is not presented at the office of departure, the declaration must not be accepted.




Article 32(2) Appendix I Convention


In cases where the amount of guarantee turns out to be insufficient, the office of departure must not release the goods for transit unless a guarantee is furnished that covers the full amount of the (customs) debt liable to be incurred.




Article 73(1) and 74(2) CCC


The office of departure must also refuse the release where the documents presented prove that the guarantee has not been issued to the principal of the transit operation concerned.


















2.2. Calculation of the amount of the guarantee



2.2.1. Introduction





Article 9(1) Appendix I Convention Article 94(1) CCC


The amount of a guarantee must be calculated in such a way that it covers the full amount of the (customs) debt liable to be incurred.




2.2.2. Calculation





Article 16 and 52(2)(b) Appendix I Convention


Article 345(1) and 379 IPC


Article 341 IPC


Article 3(1), Appendix I; Convention


In general, the calculation is to be made on the basis of the highest rates applicable to such goods in the country of departure. The calculation is to include all the customs duties and other charges, e.g. excise duties and value added tax, that are applicable to those kinds of goods at import in general. The highest rates concerning customs duties result from the conventional rates. Privileges, for instance, that are subject to the furnishing of proof at the time of release for free circulation, e.g. a preferential rate or a quota, are not to be taken into account.

The calculation is to be made on the basis of the import duties that would be applicable to goods of the same kind in the country of departure in case of clearance for home use. Goods that are in free circulation in the Contracting Party are to be treated as goods being imported from a third country.




T2 procedure


Article 3(d) Appendix I Convention


This applies also when Community goods are placed under common transit. These goods are deemed to be non-Community goods for the purpose of the calculation in order to ensure the possible payment of a customs debt in a Contracting Party other than the Community.




Article 52(2) 2nd subparagraph Appendix I Convention


Article 379 IPC


The goods concerned are to be classified on the basis of the customs tariff. Where the goods are not listed in Annex I Appendix I of the Convention/Annex 44C IPC and a classification is not possible or appropriate, the amount of guarantee may be assessed. The assessment must ensure that the guarantee will cover the full amount








of the (customs) debt liable to be incurred. In exceptional cases where such an assessment is also not possible, the amount of guarantee may be presumed to be 7.000 EUR. This basic idea applies to both a comprehensive and an individual guarantee.

In the case of goods involving higher risk of fraud, listed in Annex I Appendix I of the Convention/Annex 44C IPC, the calculation is to be made on the basis of a classification of the goods.

When establishing the amount of an individual guarantee for goods for which a minimum rate is mentioned in Annex I Appendix I of the Convention/Annex 44C IPC and the minimum quantities are exceeded, the result of the calculation is to be compared to this minimum rate. If the result of the calculation is higher than the minimum rate, the amount of the guarantee is to be established on the basis of the calculation. If the calculation results in an amount that is less than the minimum rate, the amount of guarantee is to be established on the basis of the minimum rate.




A consignment of 3 tons of butter (HS heading 0405.10) is to be entered for the transit procedure in country X. The duties and other charges to the goods in that country would normally require a guarantee of 7.500 EUR. However, as column no. 5 of the annex provides that the guarantee for the product shall be a minimum of 2 600 EUR per ton, the guarantee shall be set at 7.800 EUR.




2.3. Guarantor



2.3.1. Introduction





Article 3(j) Appendix I Convention


Article 195 2nd subparagraph CCC


The guarantor shall be a natural or legal third person. The guarantor and the principal must not be the same natural or legal person. An affiliated company must be a separate legal entity from the parent company.







2.3.2. Establishment and approval





Article 10b(1) Appendix I Convention


The guarantor shall be established in the Contracting Party where the guarantee is furnished and approved by the competent authorities.




Article 195 2nd paragraph CCC


As regards the Community, the guarantor need not be established in the Member State where the guarantee is furnished nor be approved by its customs authorities. Where a guarantor has been approved in another Member State, proof of that approval must be provided according to the provisions in force in the Member State of the office of guarantee.

The guarantor shall be approved by the competent authorities according to the provisions in force in the country concerned. Therefore national law determines the general legal relationship between the guarantor and the competent authorities within the general framework of the transit rules.




Article 10b(1) Appendix I, Convention


Article 342(2) IPC


A guarantor must have an address for service in each country for which his guarantee is valid or, where the laws of a country make no provision for such an address, he must appoint an agent. The address for service gives a place of business, registered in accordance with the laws of the country in question, at which the competent authorities can conduct all formalities and procedures relating to the guarantor in writing in legally binding form. An appointed agent shall be a natural or legal person appointed by the guarantor.

This ensures that written communications to and legal proceedings involving a guarantor can be verifiably delivered in any country in which a customs debt may arise in connection with goods under the transit procedure.














2.3.3. Liability





The liability of the guarantor is based on the acceptance of his undertaking by the office of guarantee. It will be effective from the date the office of departure releases goods for a transit operation covered by this guarantee.

The liability of the guarantor is limited to the maximum amount shown in the guarantee document. Claims may not be made beyond this amount.



2.3.4. Guarantee document in the case of revocation or cancellation





Article 118 Appendix I Convention


Article 450c-d IPC


When the guarantor’s undertaking is revoked or cancelled, the office of guarantee shall retain the corresponding guarantee document for at least one year except where the (customs) debt is extinguished or can no longer arise or the guarantor has been notified of the recovery of the debt or the discharge of the procedure.

In the case that the guarantor has been notified that a transit operation has not been discharged, the office of guarantee shall retain the guarantee document on the basis of the information received until recovery or discharge has been completed or, if appropriate, the guarantor is released from his liability.







Individual guarantee





3.1. Cash deposit



3.1.1. Introduction





Articles 10a and 16(2) Appendix I Convention


Article 345(2) IPC


A guarantee in the form of a cash deposit may be furnished at the office of departure in accordance with the provisions in force in the country  of  departure  and  will  be  repaid  when  the  procedure  has








been discharged.




3.1.2. Repayment



In general, the office of departure will be competent for the repayment. The office of departure should inform the principal of this at the time of lodging the cash deposit and ask him which means of repayment he prefers. If the principal decides on a money transfer, the office of departure shall note the details of the principal’s bank account and inform the principal that he will bear the costs of the transfer.



3.2. Individual guarantee by guarantor

Where the office of guarantee is not the office of departure and has therefore kept a copy of the guarantee document, the office of departure is to inform the office of guarantee when it has returned the original to the principal.



3.3. Individual guarantee by means of vouchers (TC32)



3.3.1. Liability and approval





Article 10b(3) Appendix I Convention


Article 195 3rd paragraph CCC


The guarantee document for the individual guarantee in the form of TC32 vouchers does not contain a maximum amount of liability. The office of guarantee should ensure that the guarantor has sufficient financial resources to pay any (customs) debt liable to be incurred. In particular, the office could consider limiting the number of TC32 vouchers issued by a given guarantor.

The TC32 voucher corresponds to the specimen in Appendix 3 Annex C3 Convention/Annex 54 IPC.














3.3.2. Notification



Each country must inform the Commission of the names and addresses of guarantors that are authorised to issue vouchers.

The list of authorised guarantors is given in the Annex 8.1.



In case of revocation or cancellation of the authorisation the country responsible for the office of guarantee shall notify the Commission immediately and give the date on which either becomes effective.

The Commission will inform the other countries.







The guarantor may combine the voucher with a counterfoil and, if appropriate, with a receipt.

The absence of the principal’s signature on the voucher does not affect the validity of the voucher.

The signature of the guarantor on the voucher need not be hand-written.






The guarantor may exclude goods listed in Annex I Appendix I Convention/Annex 44C IPC (those involving greater risk of fraud) from the scope of the guarantee vouchers.


















If a guarantor wishes to exclude goods listed in Annex I Appendix I Convention/Annex 44C IPC from the scope of a TC 32 voucher, he must enter one of the following phrases diagonally across the voucher:

BG Ограничена валидност CS       Omezená platnost

DA Begrænset gyldighed

DE Beschränkte Geltung










Piiratud kehtivus Περιορισμένη ισχύς Validez limitada Validité limitée Validità limitata


LV Ierobežots derīgums

LT Galiojimas apribotas HU      Korlátozott érvényű MT      Validità limitata

NL Beperkte geldigheid







Ograniczona ważność Validade limitada


RO ValiditateValabilitate limitată









Omejena veljavnost Obmedzená platnosť Voimassa rajoitetusti Begränsad giltighet


EN Limited validity

HR Ograničena valjanost IS        Takmarkað gildissvið NO      Begrenset gyldighet TR












Comprehensive guarantee and guarantee waiver





4.1. General provisions



4.1.1. Introduction





Article 44(1)(a) Appendix I Convention


Article 372(1)(a) IPC


Article 45 to 49 Appendix I Convention


Article 373 to 376 IPC


The use of a comprehensive guarantee or guarantee waiver is a simplification granted on the basis of an authorisation. It requires the completion of an application by the applicant and an authorisation by the competent authority.





4.1.2. General conditions



The applicant must comply with the general conditions laid down in Article 45(1) of Appendix I of the Convention/Article 373(1) IPC. Further details are in Part VI, paragraph 2.1.



4.1.3. Calculation of the reference amount



The use of the comprehensive guarantee and the guarantee waiver is granted up to a reference amount. In order to protect the financial interests of the Contracting Parties and to meet the requirements of the principal, the reference amount must be calculated with the utmost care.

The period of at least one week for which the reference amount is calculated should represent a typical example of the transit activities of the principal. It should also include the transport of goods during peak periods or those goods he does not regularly declare for transit, in order to cover all possible eventualities.









The office of guarantee shall establish the amount on the basis of the information, in particular the commercial documentation and records, provided by the applicant on goods that he has both carried in the past and intends to place under transit in the future.

The office of guarantee shall calculate the reference amount on the basis of the highest rates of duties and other charges applicable in the country of departure (see paragraph 2.2). In agreement with the applicant, the office of guarantee may assess the reference amount by rounding up the sums in order to cover the required amount.



4.1.4. Amount of the guarantee



The reference amount of the comprehensive guarantee shall be equal to the maximum amount shown in the guarantor’s undertaking that the applicant presents at the office of guarantee for acceptance.



4.1.5. Guarantee certificate



The competent authorities shall issue the principal with a certificate. In order to prevent the misuse of the certificates and the guarantee, the competent authorities shall issue more certificates only in justified cases and in the number justified by the principal (for example where the principal regularly presents transit declarations at several customs offices).

Any additional obligations or restrictions imposed when an authorisation was issued may be entered in the “special observations” box no. 8 of the certificate (see Annex C7 of Appendix III Convention and/or Annex 51b IPC). The following are examples of such entries:

• “Limited validity”

This entry means that the application was made for the carriage of goods  not  listed  in  Annex  I  Appendix  I  Convention/Annex  44C







IPC (those involving greater risk of fraud). Note that when these goods do not exceed the relevant quantity they may be covered by a “Limited Validity” – guarantee.

NB: A TC 33 guarantee waiver certificate is not valid for goods involving greater risk of fraud. This certificate is never endorsed with the “limited validity” entry.

• “Valid at office of departure only (Name)”



4.1.6. Obligations of the principal





Article 52(1) and

(4) Appendix I



Article 379(1) and

(4) IPC


The principal is obliged not to exceed the reference amount that has been established. He shall take measures to comply with this obligation and to monitor the reference amount so that it is not exceeded.




Article 49(2) Appendix I Convention


Article 376(2) IPC


The competent authorities shall describe the means of monitoring in the authorisation. They may consider the proposals made by the principal. In any case, the method of monitoring must enable the principal to determine whether the reference amount will be exceeded by the transit operation to be applied for.

In this respect the competent authorities may require in particular, that the principal at least keeps records of each transit declaration he has presented and the amount of duties and other charges either calculated or assessed. In particular, he may monitor whether he exceeds the reference amount by debiting it with the amount for each transit operation at the time the goods are released for transit. Subsequently, he credits the reference amount with that amount at the time he receives information that the transit operation has ended. The principal may assume that the operation has ended on the date when the goods must be presented at the office of destination. He is to amend his accounts retrospectively if he receives information that the procedure has not been discharged or has ended after the expiry








of the time limit set by the office of departure.



Where the principal establishes that he might exceed the reference amount, he must take measures in respect of the authorisation and, if necessary, future transit operations.




Article 52(4) 2nd subparagraph Appendix I Convention




Article 379(4) 2nd subparagraph IPC


He shall inform the office of guarantee, and provide the office with an explanation. If the exceeding of the reference amount is due to special circumstances, no further measures shall be taken by the office in respect of the guarantee. If the exceeding is the result of a general change in circumstances, e.g. an increase in the volume of operations or a change in the goods to be transported, the office of guarantee shall adjust the reference amount. This will require a new guarantee undertaking, and for the competent authority to issue a new authorisation and guarantee certificate.

If the reference amount is not adjusted before the next placing of goods under transit and the reference amount is therefore exceeded, the principal shall furnish a guarantee to cover the full amount of the (customs) debt liable to be incurred with the transit declaration concerned in order to ensure the release of the goods for transit.




Articles 50 and 52(4) Appendix I Convention


Article 9(2) CCC


Articles 377 and 379(4) IPC


If the principal does not inform the office of guarantee that the reference amount is exceeded, the authorisation may be revoked.

The office shall take into account any relevant information received and the particulars presented by the principal according to the requirements in the authorisation.




4.1.7. Review of the reference amount





Article 52(3) Appendix I Convention


Article 379(3) IPC


In addition the office of guarantee shall review the reference amount in particular on the basis of a request from the principal and shall adjust it if necessary.










4.1.8. Revocation and cancellation of the authorisation





Article 57, Appendix I, Convention


Article 384 IPC


In case of revocation or cancellation of the authorisation, certificates issued earlier may not be used to place goods under transit and shall be returned by the principal to the office of guarantee without delay.

The country responsible for the office of guarantee shall forward to the Commission the means by which certificates that remain valid and have not yet been returned may be identified.

The Commission will inform the other countries.



Further details are in part VI, paragraph 2.3.





4.2. Reduction of the amount of guarantee and guarantee waiver



4.2.1. Introduction



The maximum amount of guarantee that, in principle, is equal to the reference amount may be reduced provided the principal complies with certain criteria of reliability. The amount may be reduced to 50% or 30 % of the reference amount or a guarantee waiver may be granted for goods not listed in Annex I Appendix I Convention/Annex 44C IPC.



4.2.2. Criteria of reduction





Articles 53 and 54 Appendix I Convention


Article 380 and 381 IPC


The criteria that are to be applied depend on whether or not the goods are listed in Annex I Appendix I Convention/Annex 44C IPC.





The criteria and their application are shown in the following tables.













Goods not listed in Annex I Appendix I Convention/Annex 44C IPC (‘normal goods’)




Guarantee amount % Criteria 100% 50% 30% Waiver

Sound finances


No additional conditions + + +

Sufficient experience (years) +


mths +

1 +


Very close co-operation - + +

Being in command of transport operations - - +

Sufficient financial resources to cover obligations - - +



Goods listed in Annex I Appendix I Convention/Annex 44C IPC (‘goods involving higher risk of fraud’)



Guarantee amount % Criteria 100% 50% 30% Waiver

Sound finances + + +






Sufficient experience (years) +

6 mths +

1 +


Very close co-operation +


+ + +

Being in command of transport operations + +

Sufficient financial resources to cover obligations - - +




In addition to the explanations of the criteria given in Annex III Appendix I Convention/Annex 46B IPC the following may be taken into consideration:








· The finances of the principal are sound where the competent authorities know that he has met his financial obligations in customs and tax matters on time and they have no information of an impending bankruptcy or financial problems;

· For  the  determination  of  a  sufficient  experience  of  the  transit

procedure, consideration may be given to the number of operations not ended correctly in relation to the total number of operations carried out, the method of monitoring the reference amount and the number of irregularities that did not lead to the incurrence of a (customs) debt;

· For  the  determination  of  a  very  close  co-operation  with  the

competent authorities, compliance with legal requirements or obligations imposed under an authorisation may not be taken into account;

· For  the  determination  of  whether  the  principal  is  in  command

of transport operations, it is to be taken into account whether he or his carriers are applying high standards of security. An appropriate ISO certificate or the use of tracking and tracing systems may demonstrate such a standard;

· For  the  determination  of  whether  the  principal  has  sufficient

financial resources, he must provide evidence that he has available assets or a contractual promise of a credit agreement to cover the part of the reference amount not secured by the amount of guarantee. For this purpose, appropriate and current documents, e.g. the balance sheet, an annual statement of accounts or an auditor’s statement should be presented.




4.2.3. Applications concerning both goods involving higher risk of fraud and other goods



Where the application concerns both goods listed in Annex I of Appendix I Convention/Annex 44C IPC in a quantity exceeding the corresponding minimum (shown in column 3 of the list) and goods not listed in this Annex, the principal shall decide whether such an application  should  be  treated  separately  for  the  different  types  of






goods or in a combined way.



If the principal decides on separate treatment, this will lead to separate calculations of reference amounts, separate application of criteria, separate guarantee documents and separate certificates. However, the competent authorities may accept a single undertaking by the guarantor provided that the particulars of the undertaking are amended in order to unambiguously assign a possible (customs) debt.

If the principal decides on a combined treatment of his application, this will lead to the calculation of a homogeneous reference amount and a homogeneous certificate. In order to ensure the full protection of the financial interests of the Contracting Parties, Article 54 of Appendix I of the Convention/Article 381 IPC shall apply i.e. the principal must comply with the criteria concerning the goods listed in Annex I Appendix I Convention/Annex 44C IPC.







Guarantee waiver by law





5.1. Carriage by air




Article 11(1)(a) Appendix I Convention


Article 95(1)(a) CCC


The guarantee waiver for the carriage of goods by air, is not applicable to airfreight carried by road.





5.2. Carriage on the Rhine waterways




Article 11(1)(b) Appendix I Convention


Article 95(1)(b) CCC


The list in annex 8.2 defines the Rhine waterways. The information was supplied by the customs administrations of the countries concerned.





5.3. Carriage by rail or large container




Article 11(1)(d) and 44(1)(f)(i) Appendix I Convention


The guarantee waiver for goods carried by rail or large container is only applicable where a simplified procedure is used.








Article 95(1) CCC


Articles 342(3) and 372(1)(f)(i) IPC



5.4. Public authorities and international organisations

Article 189(4) CCC In Community transit a guarantee waiver is granted to public

authorities without any authorisation, on condition that the authorities have been set up on the territory of the Community.

The same applies to international organisations that have been formed between States or governments of which at least one is a Member State.

In either case the waiver shall only be granted where the economic activities of those authorities or organisations do not compete with those of private undertakings established in the Community.







Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only




































8.1. List of guarantors authorised to issue TC32 individual guarantee vouchers

(situation as at November 2014)



The following list is based on notifications from Member States and EFTA countries.







DENMARK Danske Speditører BØRSEN

DK – 1217 København K 14.12.2006


GREECE Ομοσπονδία Φορτηγών Αυτοκινητιστών Ελλάδος Διεθνών Μεταφορών (ΟΦΑΕ)

Πατησίων 351

111 44 Αθήνα.


Greek Federation of International Road Transport Carriers (O.F.A.E)

Patision 351

111 44 Athens

GREECE 22.12.2006


Asociación del Transporte Internacional

por Carretera

C/ López de Hoyos, 322 – 2ª planta

28043 Madrid 20.12.2006















Nádražní 112/969

CZ-702 00 Ostrava-Moravská Ostrava

HUNGARY Royal Sped Szállítmányozói Zrt.

H-1151 Budapest

Bogáncs u. 1-3


Nemzetközi Fuvarozó és Szállítmányozó Zrt.

H- 1138 Budapest,

Szekszárdi u. 14

IBUSZ Utazási Irodák Idegenforgalmi és Kereskedelmi Kft.

H-1053 Budapest, Ferenciek

tere 10.

L&G Sped Szolgáltató Bt. 4551 Nyíregyháza Napkorong u. 6. Liablility until 31.12.2014

tax nr.: 22295871-2-15 VPID: HU0002415264 TRIVIUM Oktatási és Kereskedelmi Kft. HU-6724 Szeged. Pacsirta u. 16.

EORI number: HU0000000222)


NORWAY - - -


ul. Senatorska 18 00-950 Warszawa Poland 20.12.2006













LITHUANIA Lithuanian National Road Carriers’ Association LINAVA

J. Basanavičiaus g. 45,

LT-03506 Vilnius Lithuania 6.12.2006










































8.2. List of waterways



Belgium (a) Terneuzen canal

(b) The Scheldt down to Antwerp

(c) The canals linking Smeermaas or Petit-Lanaye and Liège

(d) The new Scheldt-Rhine canal from the port of Antwerp to Krammer in the Netherlands via the Eastern Scheldt, the Eendracht, the Slaakdam and the Prins Hendrikpolder

(e) Albert canal

(f) Willebroek canal

Germany All the waterways linked with the Rhine

France (a) The Grand Canal d’Alsace

(b) The Moselle between Apach and Neuves-Maisons

(c) c) The  levels  of  Marckolsheim,  Rhinau,  Gerstheim,  Strasbourg and Gambsheim on the French bank of the Rhine between Kembs and Vogelgrun

Luxembourg That part of the canalised Moselle between Apach-Schengen lock and Wasserbillig

Netherlands 1. Rhine waterways in the strict sense of the term:

(a) Lobith-Amsterdam link:

- Rhine, Waal, Amsterdam - Rhine canal (b) Lobith-Rotterdam port area link:

- Rhine, Waal, Merwede, Noord, Nieuwe Maas,

Nieuwe Waterweg

- Rhine, Lek, Nieuwe Maas, Nieuwe Waterweg

(c) Lobith-Dordrecht-Hansweert-Antwerp link:

Rhine, Waal, Merwede, Dordtse Kil or Nieuwe Merwede, Hollands Diep, Volkerak, Krammer, Zijpe, Mastgat, Keeten, Oosterschelde (Eastern Scheldt canal), through Zuid-Beveland, Westerschelde (Western Scheldt), Scheldt

(d) Lobith-Dordrecht-Hansweert-Ghent link:

Rhine, Waal, Merwede, Dordtse Kil or Nieuwe Merwede, Hollands Diep, Volkerak, Krammer, Zijpe, Mastgat, Keeten, Oosterschelde (Eastern Scheldt), Zuid-Beveland canal, Westerschelde (Western Scheldt), Terneuzen canal

(e) Lobith-De Kempen-Smeermaas or St.Pieter link:

all the waterways commonly used between these places and the junctions with the following waterways; Rhine, Waal, Juliana-kanaal, Dieze, Zuid-Willemsvaart, Wessem-Nederweert Canal.

2. The  following  vessels  are  considered  to  be  using  the  Rhine


- vessels coming from the Rhine heading for Antwerp or Ghent, or

-  vessels coming from Antwerp or Ghent and having to leave the  Netherlands  by  the  Rhine  when  they  pass  through  the  port






of Rotterdam to tranship goods in transit covered by a Rhine manifest or to pick up goods which must leave the Netherlands via the Rhine waterways leading to Antwerp or Ghent via the Rhine.

3. In  practice,  the  waterway  in  existence  since  1975  which  leads

to Antwerp via the Kreekrak locks is also considered a Rhine waterway.

Switzerland The Rhine to Basel

























































In this part the standard transit procedure under the New Computerized Transit System (NCTS) is described.

Note: Part V describes the fall-back procedure in case the NCTS cannot be used.

Chapter 1 deals with the standard transit declaration procedure.



Chapter 2 deals with formalities at the office of departure.



Chapter 3 deals with formalities and incidents during transport.



Chapter 4 deals with formalities at the office of destination.



Chapter 5 deals with Andorra, San Marino and non- fiscal territories.




This text is not a substitution for guides or technical aids concerning the use of NCTS technical applications and software (FTSS + DDNTA).





































This chapter describes the standard transit procedure using the NCTS.

Paragraph 2 gives the general theory and legislation concerning a standard transit declaration.

Paragraph 3 describes how to use the standard NCTS procedure from the loading of the goods through to the completion of the declaration.

Paragraph 4 deals with specific situations.



Paragraph 5 covers exceptions to the general rules.



Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national rules.



Paragraph 7 is reserved for the use of customs administrations.



Paragraph 8 contains the annex to chapter 1.







General theory and legislation



The legal sources are in :



· Articles 3(b), 20–21, 23-24 Appendix I Convention ;

· Title I;  Appendix III Convention;

· Annex A1, A2 Appendix III Convention

· Articles 4 (17),  59-64 and  77 CCC;

· Articles 198-200, 211-213, 216-217, 222, 224  344a, 349-353a IPC

· Annex 37,  IPC;








· Annex 37a, IPC;

· Annex 37c, IPC;

· Annex 38, IPC;

· Annexes 45a and 45b, IPC,

· Annex 45f IPC

2.1. Organisation of NCTS

The NCTS is a computerised transit system based on an exchange of electronic messages. These messages replace the various paper documents and certain formalities of the old transit system, making use of paper documents.

The electronic message exchange takes place at three levels:



· Between the economic operators and customs ('external domain');

· Between  customs  offices  of  one  country  ('national  domain');


· Among the national customs administrations themselves and with the Commission ('common domain').

The main items and messages in a NCTS operation are:



· The transit declaration, which is presented in electronic form (message IE015)

· The  movement  reference  number  (MRN),  which  is  a  unique

registration number, given by the system to the declaration and printed on the TAD/TSAD  and LoI/TSLoI to identify the movement.

· The  TAD/TSAD,  which  is  printed  out  at  the  customs  office  of

departure or at traders' premises once a transit declaration is released and accompanies the goods from departure to destination.

· The  'anticipated  arrival  record'  (AAR)  message  IE001,  sent  by

the  office  of  departure  to  the  declared  office  of  destination









mentioned in the declaration.

· The 'anticipated transit record' (ATR) message IE050, sent by the office of departure to the declared office(s) of transit to notify the anticipated border crossing of a consignment.

· The  'notification  of  crossing  frontier'  (NCF)  message  IE118,

sent by the actual office of transit to the office of departure used on the passage of the consignment.

· The 'arrival advice' message IE006, sent by the actual office of

destination to the office of departure when the goods have arrived.

· The  'destination  control  results'  message  IE018,  sent  by  the

actual office of destination to the office of departure (after the goods have been checked, where necessary).




2.2. Scope of NCTS

NCTS is applicable to all common/Community transit operations regardless of the mode of transport concerned, with the exception of simplified transit procedures where a commercial document serves as the transit declaration (such as for example in simplified procedures in air, sea, or rail where, respectively, the manifest or CIM consignment note serves as the transit declaration).



2.3. Access for operators to the NCTS

In general, the following possibilities may be offered to an operator to access the NCTS:

· Direct Trader Input (including the input via a customs internet site);

· Electronic Data Interchange (EDI);

· Data input at the customs office.

The national customs authorities should be contacted for further details on operator access.













The declaration procedure



This paragraph gives information about:



· the loading of goods (paragraph 2.1);



· the transit declaration (paragraph 2.2);





3.1. Loading



Single means of transport


Article 20, Appendix I Convention




For the purposes of the transit procedure, loading means putting goods on a single means of transport, to be dispatched from one office of departure to one office of destination, under a transit declaration39.

The following is regarded as constituting a single means of transport on condition that the goods carried are to be dispatched together:

· a road vehicle accompanied by its trailer(s) or semi-trailer(s);

· a line of coupled railway carriages or wagons;

· boats constituting a single chain;

· containers loaded on a single means of transport.

Each transit declaration can only cover goods loaded on a single means of transport for carriage from one office of departure to one office of destination.

If a consignment is split between two means of transport, a separate transit declaration is needed for each means of transport, even though all the goods are transported between the same office of departure and destination.

On the other hand, a single means of transport can be used for loading goods at more than one office of departure and for unloading









39   In case of individual parcels that are placed under the transit procedure, there is no direct relation between the parcel and the means of transport. In that case, any identification measures are applied to the parcel.







at more than one office of destination.



If goods are loaded on a single means of transport at more than one office of departure, a transit declaration must be initiated at each office of departure, to cover the goods loaded at that office.





Article 349 IPC


Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 7(3) of the Convention, several transit declarations may be issued to the same principal for goods carried on a single means of transport and bound for the same destination. A guarantee must be furnished for each such document.





3.2. Transit declaration (IE015)



3.2.1. Form and completion of the transit declaration





Annex A1, Appendix III Convention,



Annex 37a, IPC


To complete a transit declaration IE015 all mandatory fields shall be completed. The mandatory data are: Declaration type (box 1), Total number of items (box 5), Country of dispatch (box 15a), Country of destination (box 17a), Container yes/no (box 19), Description of goods, etc. (box 31), Total gross mass (box 35), Produced documents/Certificates/Special mentions (box 44), Principal/Representative (box 50), Guarantee type, guarantee reference and access code (box 52), Customs office of destination (box 53).

Under certain circumstances there are conditional data elements which become mandatory. These conditional data elements are Trader consignee (box 8), Identity and nationality at departure (box 18), Nationality crossing border (box 21), Item number (box 32), Commodity code (box 33), Previous administrative references (box 40), Principal/Representative (box 50) and Customs office of transit (box 51).

Furthermore, the following optional data elements may be required: Trader consignor (box 2), Total number of packages (box 6), Reference  number  (box  7),  Identity  crossing  border  (box  21),  Type






of transport crossing border (box 21), Transport mode at border (box 25), Inland mode of transport (box 26), Loading place (box 27), Agreed/authorised  location of goods (box 30), Sensitive goods code (box 31), Net Mass (box 38).




Where  a  control  copy  T540 is  attached,  it  shall  be  indicated  in  the

declaration  data  (box  44)  in  'produced  documents'  with  the  code

823. This allows the T5 reference number to be quoted.









Annex A1, Appendix III, Convention


Annex  37c, IPC




























List of Items Annexes A5 and A6


For the purpose of  NCTS, a number of additional codes are required as compared with the SAD. These are specified in Annex A2, Appendix III, Convention/Annexes 37c and 38 IPC. These additional codes are: country codes, language codes, commodity codes, sensitive goods codes,  the codes of the produced documents and certificates, additional information/special indication codes and customs office reference, package codes, previous document codes, codes for modes of transport, postal and other consignments and guarantee codes.

Transit declarations shall be drawn up in one of the official languages of the Contracting Parties, which is acceptable to the competent authorities of the country of departure.

It is important that operators correctly complete the transit declaration IE015 in order to avoid the declaration being rejected by the NCTS.

If a transit declaration IE015 is rejected by the system, the reason of the rejection is notified to the trader who will be allowed to make the necessary changes in the declaration, or to submit a new declaration.






40 A control copy T5 is a document that is sometimes required for the movement of goods within the customs territory of the Community. The document is used to provide proof of use and/or destination of certain goods as prescribed by specific Community measures (e.g. for agricultural products). Details on control copy T5 are in articles 912a-912g IPC.







Appendix III Convention


Annex 45b, IPC


A transit operation may contain maximum 999 goods items. Each goods item of a declaration must be entered into the system and will be printed on the TAD or the LoI.

A LoI will be produced when the transit declaration covers more than one goods item. It is attached to the TAD which has a reference to the LoI in box 31.

The form of the LoI shall correspond to the specimen in Annex A5 Appendix III Convention/Annexes 45b IPC.

Where more than one item is declared, the following information is entered at the item level:

Country of dispatch (box 15) if there is more than one country;

Country of destination (box 17) if there is more than one country;

Description of the goods (box 31);

Item No (box 32);

Commodity Code, where applicable (box 33);




Gross mass Net mass (kg) (box 38);








Consignor (box 2) and consignee (box 8)

and, where necessary:

Summary declaration, previous document (box 40); and, where appropriate, additional information, documents produced, etc (box 44).

The item numbering has to start at 1 and has to be progressive.



3.2.2. Mixed consignments





Mixed consignment Aricle 23


Normally, consignments comprising of non-Community goods moving under the T1 transit procedure and Community goods







Appendix I Convention


Article 351 IPC


moving under the T2/T2F transit procedure are covered by a single transit declaration, which will be attached with a LoI to the TAD. The TAD provides information and a summary of the LoI used for the goods of different status.

Alternatively, separate transit declarations may be made  (for example: a T1 transit declaration for non-Community goods and a T2 or T2F transit declaration for Community goods).

Note: it is possible that Community goods which are not placed under transit (and moving within the Community customs territory) are transported in the same means of transport as goods that are placed under transit. In that case the transit declaration only covers the goods placed under transit (for more information on mixed consignments see Part IV, chapter 2, paragraph 3.8.1).






3.2.3. Lodging of the transit declaration



The lodging of the transit declaration IE015 by a data-processing technique engages the responsibility of the principal with regard to:

(a) the accuracy of the information given in the declaration;



(b) the authenticity of the documents attached;



(c) compliance with all the obligations relating to the placing of the goods in question under the Community/ Common transit procedure.

The  authentication  of  the  declaration  is  subject  to  the  conditions








applicable in the country of departure.








The principal shall contact customs in order to establish the manner in which a transit declaration submitted in electronic form is authenticated.



3.2.4. Transit /Security declaration



Before the goods are brought into the customs territory of the Community, entry summary declaration (ENS) shall be lodged at the customs office of first entry.

That customs office, upon receipt of the declaration, carries out risk assessment of the transaction by evaluating the data against risk criteria.

The time limits for the submission of the ENS is directly related to the mode of transport and are as follows:

(a) road traffic - at least 1 hour before arrival,



(b) rail and inland waterways - at least 2 hours before arrival,



(c) maritime containerized cargo - at least 24 hours before loading at the port of




(d) maritime bulk/break bulk cargo - at least 4 hours before arrival,



(e) maritime sea voyages of less than 24 hours - at least 2 hours before arrival,



(f) short-haul flights (less than 4 hours) - at least by the time of actual take off,



(g) long haul flights - at least 4 hours before arrival,



The ENS is not required:



(a) in respect of the goods listed in Art. 181c IPC,



(b) if international agreements between the Community and third countries provide for the recognition of security and safety checks carried out in these countries  as  countries  of  export  according  to  Article  181d  IPC.  It  concerns  the






following countries: Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Andorra and San Marino.

The ENS is lodged by the following persons:



(a) the person who brings the goods, or who assumes responsibility for the carriage of the goods into the customs territory of the Community, or

(b) the person who is able to present the goods in question or to have them presented to the competent customs authority; or

(c) the representatives of the above persons.



The ENS is made electronically using Import Control System (ICS).



As an alternative the data provided under a transit procedure may be used as an ENS if the following conditions are met:

(a) the goods are brought into the customs territory of the Community under a transit procedure,

(b) the transit data is exchanged electronically,



(c) the data comprises all of the particulars required for an ENS.



In this case in the customs office of entry, which is also the customs office of departure, the transit/security declaration (IE15) is lodged containing transit data as well as security & safety data. After risk assessment and release of the goods for transit Transit/Security Accompanying Document (TSAD) and Transit/Security List of Items (TSLoI) are printed. The specimens of TSAD and TSLoI are in Annexes 45e and 45f IPC.

All references to TAD and LoI apply also to TSAD and TSLoI.


















Specific situations







Exceptions (pro memoria)







Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only





































































Paragraph 2 gives the general theory and legislation concerning the formalities at departure.

Paragraph 3 describes the procedure at the office of departure



Paragraph 4 deals with specific situations.



Paragraph 5 covers exceptions to the general rules.



Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national rules.



Paragraph 7 is reserved for the use of customs administrations.



Paragraph 8 contains the annexes to chapter 2.







General theory and legislation



The legal sources are in :



· Article 11, Convention

· Articles 24-33, 44, 58 Appendix, I Convention ;

· Annex II to Appendix I, Convention;

· Articles 63-75 and 77 CCC ;

· Articles 201-204, 219, 222, 239-247, 249-251, 355-358, 372, 386 IPC;

· Annex 46a IPC.






Description of the procedure at the office of departure



This paragraph gives information about:



· acceptance, registration and verification of the transit declaration (paragraph 3.1.);








· amendment of the transit declaration (paragraph 3.2.);

· cancellation of the transit declaration (paragraph 3.3.);

· control of the goods (paragraph 3.4)

· presentation of a guarantee (paragraph 3.5);

· itinerary and prescribed itinerary (paragraph 3.6);

· time limit (paragraph 3.7);

· means of identification (paragraph 3.8);

· release of the goods (paragraph 3.9).

3.1. Acceptance, registration and verification of the transit declaration




Articles 24 and  27,


The  office  of  departure  accepts  the  transit  declaration  (IE015)  on







condition that:




Article 63 CC, Article 203 IPC


· it contains all the necessary information;

· it is accompanied by all the necessary documents;

· the goods referred to in the declaration are presented to customs.



The system automatically validates the declaration. An incorrect or incomplete declaration is rejected (IE016). A rejection also follows when the data indicated is not compatible with the registered data in the national reference database.

When the transit declaration is accepted, the system will generate a Movement Reference Number (MRN) (IE028).

The declaration then has status 'Accepted' and the office of departure decides whether or not to check the goods before release.

The customs authorities may allow additional documents required for implementation of the provisions governing the customs procedure for which the goods are declared not to be lodged with the declaration. In this case the documents shall be kept at the customs authorities' disposal. Box 44 of the transit declaration is completed as follows:

· in  the  attribute  'document  type'  indicate  the  code  corresponding







to the document concerned (codes are given in annex A2, Appendix III, Convention/ annex 37c IPC);

• in  the  attribute  'document  reference'  give  the  description  and

reference of the document.

National customs authorities may also allow traders to present a paper transit declaration in one copy (making use of the Single Administrative Document or, where relevant, of the layout of the Transit Accompanying Document) to the office of departure in order to have it processed by the customs computerised system.







3.2. Amendment of the transit declaration




Article 28, Appendix I, Convention


Aricle 65 CCC


The principal may request permission to amend the transit declaration after customs have accepted it. The amendment must not render the declaration applicable to goods other than those it originally covered.

The principal submits amendments to the declaration data (IE013) and sends it to the office of departure which decides whether the amendment request is accepted (IE004) or rejected (IE005).

No amendment shall be permitted where the competent authorities have indicated after receiving the transit declaration that they intend to examine the goods, or have established that the particulars are incorrect or where they have already released the goods.





3.3. Cancellation of the transit declaration




Article 66 CCC


A transit declaration can be cancelled by the office of departure (IE010) on the basis of the request by the principal (IE014) only before the goods are released for transit. The principal shall be informed consequently by the office of departure (IE009).








The transit declaration cannot be cancelled after the goods have been released except in exceptional cases (for example where a transit declaration is linked to a declaration that is invalidated on the basis of article 251 IPC).

In case of fallback it is important to ensure that any declaration, which has been entered to NCTS, but which has not been further processed due to the failure of the system, needs to be cancelled.

The trader is obliged to provide information to the competent authorities each time a declaration is submitted to the system but subsequently reverted to fallback.

In some cases the customs authorities may require the presentation of a new declaration. In this case the previous declaration is cancelled and the new declaration is given a new MRN.



For exceptional cancellations see point 7 of this chapter.



3.4. Verification of the transit declaration and control of the goods




Article Appendix I,






After acceptance of the declaration customs may carry out the following checks on the basis of risk analysis or at random:




Article 68, 69(1) CCC


Place of inspection


· an inspection of the goods, and if necessary, the removal of samples for analysis,

· a detailed examination of the goods.



The goods will be examined in the places designated and during the hours appointed for that purpose. However, customs may, at the principal’s request and expense, carry out the examination of the goods at other places or at other times.

If the control detects minor discrepancies the office of departure notifies the principal. In order to solve these discrepancies, the office of  departure  will  make  minor  modifications  (in  agreement  with  the







principal) in the declaration data in order to allow the movement to be released for transit.

If the control detects a serious irregularity the office of departure informs the principal that the goods are not released (message 'No release for transit' (IE051)) and registers the unsatisfactory result.

Where the goods are released after the control, the code on the control result in the anticipated arrival record (IE 001) is 'A1-Satisfactory'. Where the goods are released without a physical control the code is 'A2-Considered satisfactory'.



3.5. Presentation of a guarantee




Guarantee cover


In order to have the goods released for transit, a guarantee is required (except where this is exempted by law or by authorisation).

Further information on guarantees is in Part III.













3.6. Itinerary and prescribed itinerary




Article 26, Appendix I, Convention


Article 355 IPC


The general rule is that goods entered for the transit procedure must be carried to the office of destination along an economically justified route.

However, in the case of transportation of goods involving greater risk of fraud or when the customs authorities or the principal consider it necessary, a prescribed itinerary shall be specified. Details of at least the countries to be transited shall be entered in the system. Exemption from the requirement to follow a prescribed itinerary can be granted to the principal as a simplification subject to certain conditions (for further details see Part VI paragraph 3.4.).






Change of prescribed itinerary


The prescribed itinerary may be changed during the transit operation. Where there is a change in the itinerary, the carrier is obliged to make the necessary entries in box 56 of the TAD and to present them together with the consignment to the customs authorities of the country in whose territory the means of transport is located. The competent authorities will consider whether the transit operation may continue, take any steps that may be necessary and endorse the TAD in box G.

Further details on procedures to be followed in the event of








incidents occurring during transport are in Part IV, chapter 3, paragraph 3.1.





3.7. Time limit

Article 29, Appendix I, Convention


Article 356 IPC




The office of departure shall set a time limit within which the goods shall be presented at the office of destination.




The time limit prescribed by the office of departure is binding on the competent authorities of the countries transited during the transit operation and cannot be changed by them.




Exceeding the time limit


Where the time limit is exceeded in circumstances which are not the fault of the carrier or principal and which are explained to the satisfaction of the office of destination, it will be deemed that the prescribed time limit has been kept.






3.8. Means of identification

This paragraph is sub-divided as follows::



· introduction (paragraph 3.8.1.);

· methods of sealing (paragraph 3.8.2.);







· characteristics of seals (paragraph 3.8.3.);

· use of seals of a special type (paragraph 3.8.4.).



3.8.1. Introduction





Article 11(2) Convention


Article 31, Appendix I,


Convention Article 72 CCC Article 357 IPC


Ensuring the identification of goods transported under the transit procedure is very important. As a general rule, identification of these goods is ensured by sealing.

A LoI produced when the transit declaration covers more than one goods item has to be attached to the TAD, which has to have a reference to the LoI in box 31.




Goods involving greater risk


However, the office of departure can waive the requirement for sealing when the description of goods in the declaration data is sufficiently precise to ensure easy identification of the goods (e.g. by giving engine and chassis number where cars are transported under the transit procedure).

The description of goods should not normally be regarded as a suitable means of identification and goods are therefore subject to mandatory sealing in the case of:

· goods involving greater risk and listed in annex I to Appendix I Convention/Annex 44c IPC. A copy can be found in Annex 8.3. of this chapter for information.

· agricultural products which, within the Community, give

entitlement to payments (refunds, premiums, etc.).
















Mixed consignments


Article 31(2), Appendix I, Convention


Article 72 CCC Article 357(1) IPC


In the case of goods not subject to the transit procedure being carried together with goods under the transit procedure on the same means of transport, sealing of the vehicle will not normally be done where the identification of the goods is ensured by means of sealing of the individual packages or by a precise description of the goods.

Note: the goods must be clearly separated and labelled in order to easily identify which goods are carried under transit and which are not.

If the identity of the consignment cannot be ensured by sealing or other means of identification (description) the office of departure may refuse to allow the goods to be placed under the transit procedure.




Article 31(6), Appendix I, Convention


Article 72 CCC


Successive unloading


Seals shall not be broken without the authorisation of the competent customs authorities.

Where a vehicle has been sealed at the office of departure and it carries goods to different offices of destination under cover of several TADs and where successive unloading takes place at several offices of destination situated in different countries, the customs authorities at the intermediate offices of destination where the seals are broken to unload parts of the load must affix new seals and indicate this in box F of the TAD (s).

The customs office(s) of destination shall indicate this/these new seal(s) mentioned on the TAD to the office of departure in its/their 'Destination Control results message(s)' (IE018) under 'New Seals Info' and 'New Seals ID'.










3.8.2. Methods of sealing



There are two methods of sealing:



· seal the space containing the goods;

· seal the individual package.

Where sealing the space containing the goods is used, the means of transport must be suitable for sealing.






3.8.3. Characteristics of seals



All seals used as a means of identification have to comply with specified characteristics and technical specifications.




Characteristics of seals


Annex  II, Appendix I, Convention


Annex 46a IPC


Seals shall have the following characteristics:



· remain secure in normal use;



· be easy checkable and recognisable;



· be  so  manufactured  that  any  breakage,  attempt  to  break  or









removal leaves traces visible to the naked eye;



· be designed for single use, or if intended for multiple use, be so designed that they can be given a clear, individual identification mark each time they are re-used;

· bear an individual identification mark.




Seals shall comply with the following technical specifications:



· the form and dimensions of the seals may vary depending on the method of sealing used but the dimensions must be such as to ensure that identification marks are easy to read;

· the identification marks of seals must be impossible to falsify and difficult to reproduce;

· the material used must be resistant to accidental breakage and prevent undetectable falsification or re-use.



3.8.4. Use of seals of a special type





Use of seals of a special type


Article 44, 58, Appendix I, Convention


Article  372, 386 IPC


For the principal to use seals of a special type an authorisation by the competent authorities is required.

Use of seals of a special type is a simplification subject to certain conditions (for further details see Part VI, paragraph 3.3).

Where these seals of a special type are used, the principal enters the make, type and number of the seals affixed in the declaration data (box D). The seals must be affixed before release of the goods.

An authorised consignor whose authorisation stipulates that identification of the goods is achieved by sealing does not require a separate authorisation for the use of seals of a special type.









3.9. Release of goods




Article Appendix I






After completion of all formalities at the office of departure i.e.:



· presentation  of  the  declaration  data  to  the  customs  office  of




Article 249, 358 IPC



· verification of declaration data and acceptance;

· completion of the possible control;

· furnishing of the guarantee, where required (see Part III);

· setting of the time limit;

· setting of a prescribed itinerary, where required;

· affixing seals, where required





the goods will be released for transit (IE029 + IE001).







3.9.1. Documentation at release



The office of departure shall provide the TAD with the MRN to the principal or the person who presented the goods at the customs office of departure. The TAD shall accompany the goods during the transit operation.

The printing of the TAD and the LoI (Annex A3, A4, A5, A6 of Appendix III, Convention/Annex 45a and 45b IPC) shall follow the









guidelines in Annex 8.1 to this chapter.



For the discharge of the procedure see Part VII.







Specific situations



List of Items



In the particular cases where a huge number of different goods items in small quantities (e.g. ship supplies, household effects in international removals), which are consigned for the same final consignee, have to be placed under Community/common transit it is recommended that a generic goods description is sufficient in order to avoid the additional costs needed to enter the transit data. Such an arrangement would be subject to the additional conditions that:

· data concerning goods listed in Annex 44C IPC/Annex 1 of Appendix I of the Convention have to be entered as required,

· a  complete  description  of  the  goods  in  detail  is  available  for

customs purposes and accompanies the consignment.

In any event, it first has to be verified that all the goods really have to be placed under Community/common transit.







Exceptions (pro memoria)







Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only
























8.1. Goods of higher risk of fraud


1 2 3 4 5

HS Code Description of the goods Minimum quantities Sensitive Goods Code41 Minimum rate of individual guarantee


0207.14 Meat and edible offal, of the poultry of heading 0105, of fowls of the species Gallus Domesticus, frozen 3 000 kg -

1701 12

1701 13

1701 14

1701 91

1701 99 Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form 7000 kg -




2208.20 2208.30 2208.40 2208.50 2208.60 2208.70

ex 2208.90 Spirits, liquors and other spirituous beverages 5 hl 1 2.500 EUR/hl pure alcohol

2402.20 Cigarettes containing tobacco 35 000 pieces 120 EUR/ 1 000 pieces

2403 11

2403 19 Smoking tobacco, whether or not containing tobacco substitutes in any proportion 35 kg -


















41 Where the transit data are exchanged using electronic data-processing techniques and the HS Code is not enough to identify without ambiguity the goods listed in column 2, both the Sensitive Goods Code given in column 4 and the HS Code given in column 1 must be used.


















This chapter describes the formalities and incidents during transport.



Paragraph 2 gives the general theory and legislation.



Paragraph 3 describes the formalities in the case of incidents during transport and at the office of transit.

Paragraph 4 deals with specific situations.



Paragraph 5 covers exceptions to the general rules.



Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national rules.



Paragraph 7 is reserved for the use of customs administrations.



Paragraph 8 contains the annexes to chapter 3.







General theory and legislation



The legal sources are in :



· Articles 34-36 Appendix I, Convention ;

· Article 13-14 CCC

· Articles 359, 360 IPC;

· Annex 37, Title II, point B, IPC.






Formalities in the case of incidents during transport and at the office of transit



This paragraph gives information about:



· the formalities to be followed in the case of an incident occurring during transport (paragraph 3.1);

· - the formalities at the office of transit (paragraph 3.2.).









3.1. Formalities in the case of incidents during transport




Incidents during transport


If incidents occur during the transportation of the goods the carrier must inform the nearest competent customs office immediately. The most frequently occurring examples of what might be considered as incidents during transport are:

· the prescribed itinerary cannot be followed;

· the custom seals are accidentally broken ;

· transfer of the goods to another means of transport;

· as a consequence of imminent danger the immediate partial or total unloading of the means of transport.




Action taken by the competent authorities


Article 36, Appendix I, Convention


Article 360 IPC


In case of incidents during transport, the carrier shall without delay make the necessary entries in box no 56 of the TAD and present the consignment to the competent authorities in the country where the incident has occurred. The competent authorities will decide whether the transit operation concerned may continue or not. If the operation may continue the relevant office will endorse box G, specifying the action taken.

If the seals have been broken outside of the carrier’s control the competent authority will examine the goods and the vehicle. If it is decided to allow the transit operation to continue, a new means of identification shall be applied and the TAD shall be endorsed accordingly.




Transfer of goods


Transferring of goods to another means of transport can only be done subject to the permission of the competent authorities at the place where the transfer is to be made. In that case the carrier shall complete box 55 'Transhipment', of the TAD. This may be done legibly by hand, in ink and in block letters. Where appropriate, customs shall endorse box F of the TAD. Where more than two transhipments have occurred and box F is subsequently full, the information  required  shall  be  entered  by  the  carrier  in  box  56  of  the











In all cases above, the information concerning the incident including the information on new seals, is registered in the NCTS system at the office of transit or at the office of destination (and is indicated accordingly by endorsing the box F of the TAD).





Total or partial unloading


Where in the event of imminent danger, the immediate partial or total unloading of the means of transport is required, the carrier shall inform the competent authorities without delay and makes the necessary entries in box 56 of the TAD. Customs shall endorse box G of the TAD. However, where only the tractor is changed during the journey (without the goods being handled or transhipped), the registration number and nationality of the new tractor shall be entered in box  56 of the TAD. In this case the endorsement of the competent authority is not necessary but the information is to be registered in the system later by either the office of transit or by the office of destination.




Incident or



The competent customs authority shall be informed immediately in the event of any other incident or accident affecting the ability of the principal or the carrier to comply with his obligations.




Split consignment


Any splitting of a consignment must take place under customs control and the transit procedure must be terminated. A new transit declaration must be completed for each part of the consignment.





3.2. Formalities at the office of transit

This paragraph gives information about:



· - the office of transit (paragraph 3.2.1);

· - formalities at the office of transit (paragraph 3.2.2.)

· - change of the office of transit (paragraph 3.2.3.);

· - action in the event of irregularities (paragraph 3.2.4).









3.2.1. The office of transit



The office of transit is a customs office situated at a point of entry or exit. The following table gives the various possibilities for common and Community transit.



Common transit Community transit

Point of entry - into a Contracting Party - into the customs territory of the Community when the goods have crossed the territory of a third country in the course of a transit operation,

Point of exit - from a Contracting Party when the consignment is leaving the customs territory of that Contracting Party in the course of a transit operation via a frontier between that Contracting Party and a third country. - from the customs territory of the Community when a consignment is leaving that territory in the course of a transit operation via a frontier between a Member State and a third country other than an EFTA country.




To facilitate the movement of Community goods between the different parts of the customs territory of the Community when they have to cross the territory of a third country, other than an EFTA country, Member States shall undertake to establish as far as possible when local circumstances permit, special lanes alongside their customs offices situated at the external frontier of the Community, reserved for the control of Community goods moving under the cover








of a customs document issued in another Member State.



The control of such goods shall be limited to examination of the proof of the Community status of the goods and if necessary the ending of the transport operation, provided the circumstances of that operation do not call for a more detailed examination.

In cases where the above mentioned control does not produce any irregularities, the transport shall be allowed to proceed to its destination.




3.2.2. Formalities at the office of transit



The TAD is presented, together with the goods, to each office of transit. The office(s) of transit may inspect the goods where considered necessary.












3.2.3. Change of the office of transit



Goods may be transported via an office of transit other than the declared one in the TAD.

If the goods and TAD are presented to an office of transit other than the declared one and the MRN entered by the actual office of transit relates to a movement for which that office does not hold the relevant "anticipated transit record" (ATR), the NCTS will automatically request the ATR from the office of departure with "ATR anticipated transit record request" (IE114).

NCTS at the office of departure will automatically respond with "ATR anticipated transit record response" (IE115). Upon receipt of the ATR, NCTS will be updated and the movement record will be available in the "ATR Created" state, ready for processing by customs.

The declared office(s) of transit not passed will automatically be advised when the movement has ended at the office of destination.

If the data of the movement concerned cannot be delivered due to different reasons the IE115 with the 'ATR rejection reason code' and indication of the rejection reason (mandatory for code 4) is sent and the office of transit shall take the appropriate measures.

For restrictions see point 7 of this chapter.










3.2.4. Action in the event of major irregularities



Major irregularities Where  an  office  of  transit  finds  major  irregularities  relating  to  the

transit operation in question it shall end the transit procedure and initiate the necessary investigations.







Specific situations (pro memoria)







Exceptions (pro memoria)







Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only



















































Chapter 4 describes the formalities at the office of destination.



Paragraph 2 gives the general theory and legislation.



Paragraph 3 describes the formalities at the office of destination, including the ending and control of the procedure.

Paragraph 4 deals with specific situations.



Paragraph 5 covers exceptions to the general rules.



Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national rules.



Paragraph 7 is reserved for the use of customs administrations.



Paragraph 8 contains the annexes to chapter 4.







General theory and legislation



At the end of the transit movement the goods together with the TAD shall be presented to customs at the office of destination. This is the ending of the transit movement. The "arrival advice" message IE006 is sent to the office of departure without delay.

The office of destination shall check the goods on the basis of information retrieved from the system, complemented with the TAD where relevant, shall record the results in the system and send the 'destination control results' message (IE018) to the office of departure.

If no irregularities have taken place, the transit procedure shall be discharged by the office of departure: chapter 5.









In the event of an irregularity further measures shall be necessary.



The legal sources are in :



· Articles 8, 37-43, Appendix I,  Convention;

· Annex B10 Appendix III, Convention

· Article 92, 96  CC

· Articles 361-363, IPC

· Annex 47 IPC






The formalities at the office of destination



This paragraph gives information about the:



- presentation of the goods together with the documents at the office of destination (paragraph 3.1);

- control of the end of the procedure (paragraph 3.2).



In this paragraph we shall assume that no irregularities have occurred. The steps to be taken in the event of an irregularity are outlined in paragraphs 4.4 of this chapter.

Note: the ending of the transit procedure at the office of destination is not the same as the discharge of the transit procedure. It is the office of departure, on the basis of information supplied by the office of destination, which decides whether the transit procedure can be discharged (see chapter 5).





3.1. The ending of the transit procedure

'The transit procedure shall end and the obligations of the principal shall be met when the goods placed under the procedure, the necessary documents and the required data are produced at the office of destination, in accordance with the provisions governing the procedure.

In  practice  the  end  of  the  procedure  means  the  presentation  of  the








goods and the TAD to the office of destination, and legally it means that such presentation is carried out in accordance with the legal provisions pursuant to the type of procedure used, i.e. regular or simplified42. Both actions are the responsibility and the main obligation of the principal.

When the procedure ends the transit operation and the principal’s obligations under the procedure also end. An event or non-respect of obligations subsequent to that date involves other destinations and other customs rules rather than those relating to transit. That does not mean however that the responsibility (financial or otherwise) of the principal could not be questioned subsequent to the end of the procedure, but only insofar as it relates to the previous transit operation.




Obligations of other persons


Article 8, Appendix I, Convention



Article 96 CC






Time limit


In addition to the principal, other persons have obligations under the transit procedure. The carrier and any person who receives the goods knowing that they were placed under the transit procedure are also responsible for presentation of the goods intact at the office of destination within the time limit and with due observance of the measures of identification.

The goods together with the TAD shall be presented at the office of destination.  This  shall  be  done  during  the  days  and  hours  that  the office of destination is open. For simplifications, see Part VI. Presentation must take place within the time limit set by the office of departure. The time limit is shown in box D of the TAD.

The time limit set by the office of departure is binding on the competent authorities of the countries whose territory is entered during a transit procedure. The competent authorities, including customs  at  the  office  of  destination,  shall  not  alter  it.  For  further







42 In addition to the general definition of the end of the procedure, there is a series of specific provisions setting out the special conditions under which the procedure comes to an end or is regarded as having come to an end within the framework of procedures such as those concerning the authorised consignee and air, sea and pipeline simplifications (for further information see : Part V).







details see chapter 2, paragraph 3.7.

The office of destination uses the MRN to retrieve the data from the system forwarded by the 'AAR' (IE001).

The 'arrival advice' (IE006) is sent to the office of departure when the customs officer at the destination has registered the MRN in the system  to  inform  the  office  of  departure  that  the  consignment  has


System unavailable Where  goods  have  been  released  for  transit  in  NCTS  at  departure

but the system at destination is unavailable upon arrival of goods, the office of destination shall end the procedure on the basis on a TAD and to carry the necessary entries into the system when it is available again in order to discharge the movement.

3.2. Control of the end of the transit procedure






After presentation of the goods and the TAD the office of destination determines whether the goods will be checked by customs or whether the goods are released.

The examination of the goods shall be carried out using the 'Anticipated arrival record' (IE001) received from the office of departure.

The office of destination shall send the 'control results' message (IE018) to the office of departure.

The message shall also contain any information introduced on the TAD during transport (for example: transhipment, new seals or incidents during transport).

The office of destination shall retain the TAD.




















43 A control copy T5 is a document that is sometimes required for the movement of goods within the customs territory of the Community. The document is used to provide proof of use and/or destination of certain goods as prescribed by specific Community measures (e.g. for agricultural products). Details on control copy T5 are in articles 912a-912g IPC.














Specific situations



This paragraph gives information about specific situations in the transit procedure at the office of destination. These specific situations are:




· issuing a receipt (paragraph 4.1);

· issuing alternative proof (paragraph 4.2);

· presentation of the goods and documents outside the appointed days and hours and at a place other than the office of destination (paragraph 4.3);

· irregularities (paragraph 4.4);

· - change of office of destination (paragraph 4.5).





4.1. Issuing a receipt

Upon request by the person presenting the TAD and the goods at the office of destination, customs shall issue a receipt (TC11). The receipt cannot however be used as alternative proof of the ending of the procedure.




Functions of the receipt


Article 38 Appendix I, Convention


Article 362 IPC


The receipt has two important functions. Firstly it informs the principal that the carrier delivered the transit documents to the office of destination. Secondly, the receipt plays an important role in the event of an enquiry being generated where the office of departure has not received information of the arrived consignment (IE006). In such cases the principal will be able to produce the receipt to the office of departure indicating to which office the transit documents were presented. This makes the enquiry procedure much more efficient.




Form of receipt


Annex B10, Appendix III,


The form of the receipt must conform to the specimen TC11 in Appendix III, Annex B10, Convention/Annex 47 IPC.







Convention Annex  47 IPC

Filling in the receipt






The person requesting the receipt shall complete the receipt before handing it to a customs officer at the office of destination, for endorsement.







In addition, the receipt may contain other information relating to the consignment. The principal may for instance want to show the address to which the carrier of the goods will return the receipt after endorsement by customs. The office of destination is not required to return the receipt by post; however this can be done, if necessary. Normally the principal will request the carrier to return the receipt to him.

The return address may be entered on the back of the receipt, where the form of the receipt conforms to the specimen in Annex B10, Appendix III, Convention/Annex 47 IPC.













4.2. Issuing alternative proof




Article 42, Appendix I, Convention


Article 361 IPC


The principal may request customs to provide him with alternative proof that the transit procedure has ended correctly. This may be done at the time that the transit declaration and goods are presented at the office of destination.



Note: Detailed information on the acceptance of alternative proof by the office of departure is in chapter 5, paragraph 3.4.2.

















4.3. Presentation of the goods and the documents outside the appointed days and hours and at a

place other than the office of destination




Article 37(1), Appendix I, Convention


Article 361(1) IPC


Generally, goods and the relevant transit documents must be presented:

· at the office of destination, and,

· during the appointed days and hours of opening.

However, the office of destination can authorise the presentation of the goods and transit documents outside the appointed days and hours and at a place other than the office of destination.

In line with national regulations the costs involved shall be borne by the trade.





4.4. Irregularities



4.4.1. Irregularities concerning seals



Usually goods are under seal while being transported under the transit procedure. At the office of destination customs shall check whether the seals are still intact. If the seals have been tampered with customs at the office of destination shall indicate this information in the control results message (IE018) that it sends to the office of departure.











4.4.2. Other irregularities



The office of destination shall identify in the system the irregularity that it has found in order to inform the office of departure. The office of departure shall judge by the facts presented and determine the appropriate measures to take.

At the office of destination a difference may be found between the goods declared in the system and the goods actually presented at the office of destination.






4.4.3. Enquiry into the irregularity



Where the office of destination decides not to release the goods because it has found an irregularity and has asked the office of departure to investigate, it shall send the IE018 with the remark 'waiting for discrepancies resolution'. The transit operation holds the status 'waiting for resolution'.

While the operation is 'waiting for resolution' the office of departure carries out the investigation into the irregularity, in particular by examining any documents produced by the principal and by comparing them with the data of the declaration.

Once the issue is resolved, the office of departure informs the office of destination by sending the message 'notification resolution of differences' (IE020). The goods shall then be released and the operation will be finally discharged when the office of departure writes it off.

If  the  office  of  destination  decides  to  make  enquiries  into  the















If the office of destination decides to secure the dept in consequence of the irregularity, the endorsement 'charges collected' shall be entered in the IE018.

Note: The endorsement ‘charges collected’ does not necessarily mean that the charges were actually levied or paid. Customs at the office of destination could therefore have accepted a declaration for any customs approved treatment or use.

































4.5. Change of office of destination

A transit operation may end at an office other than the one declared in the transit declaration. That office shall then become the office of destination.

As the system will show that the actual office of destination has not received an 'anticipated arrival record' for the MRN presented, it shall send a message 'anticipated arrival record request' (IE002).

Where the office of departure finds the operation via the MRN it shall send the message 'anticipated arrival record response' (IE003). The office of destination accepts the change of office and sends the 'arrival advice' (IE006) message to the office of departure.

For restrictions see point 7 of this chapter.



Where the office of departure does not find the operation via the MRN it shall include in the 'anticipated arrival record response' the motives (coded 1 to 4) why the 'anticipated arrival record' cannot be sent. NCTS rejects the arrival and notifies the trader at destination with the 'anticipated arrival record rejected notification' message (IE021). The reasons for rejection can be:

1. the movement has already arrived at another office of destination;

2. the movement was cancelled by the office of departure;

3. the MRN is unknown (either due to technical reasons or due to irregularities) or







4. other reasons.



Three situations can be distinguished:





1. The new office of destination is in the same Contracting

Party/Member State as the one entered in the transit declaration:








2. The new office of destination is in a different Contracting

Party/Member State than the one entered in the transit declaration:
























3. The new office of destination is in a different Contracting Party /

Member State from the one entered in the TAD which bears one of the following mentions:

- in Common transit:

· DG0 ('Export from one EFTA country subject to restriction')


· DG1 ('Export from one EFTA country subject to duties')

- in Community transit:

· DG0 ('Export from EC subject to restriction')


DG1 ('Export from EC subject to duties')




















Presentation after expiry of time limit



The following are examples of proof of unforeseen circumstances which cause the expiration of the time limit but for which blame is not attributable to the carrier or the principal:

· receipt issued by the police (in respect of an accident, theft,


· receipt issued by health service (in respect of medical attendance, …);

· receipt from the vehicle breakdown service (in respect of a

vehicle repair);

· any proof of delay due to a strike, or any other unforeseen circumstances.

However, it is up to customs at the office of destination to decide on the validity of the proof.







Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only



















8.1. Structured messages and data content for the IE (Information Exchange)






IE002. AAR request C_AAR_REQ



IE006. Arrival Advice C_ARR_ADV



IE007. Arrival notification E_ARR_NOT



IE008. Arrival notification rejection E_ARR_REJ



IE009. Cancellation decision E_CAN_DEC



IE010. Cancellation notification C_CAN_NOT



IE013. Declaration amendment E_DEC_AMD



IE014. Declaration cancellation request E_DEC_CAN



IE015. Declaration data E_DEC_DAT



IE016. Declaration rejected E_DEC_REJ



IE017. Departure control results N_DEP_CON



IE018. Destination control results (type A or B) C_DES_CON IE020. Discrepancies solved notification C_DIS_SOL

IE021. AAR rejection notification E_REJ_NOT



IE023. guarantor notification E_gua_NOT



IE024. Forwarded arrival advice C_FWD_ARR



IE025. Goods release notification E_GDS_REL



IE026. Guarantee access codes E_ACC_COD



IE027. Movement query C_MVT_QUE









IE028. MRN Allocated E_MRN_ALL



IE029. Release for Transit E_REL_TRA



IE030. Notification of Customs Offices modification to Common Domain C_COL_COM IE031. Notification of Customs Offices modification to National Domain C_COL_NAT

IE032. Notification of Common Reference Data modification to National Domain C_REF_MOD

IE034. Query on guarantees C_GUA_QUE



IE035. Recovery notification E_REC_NOT



IE037. Response query on guarantees C_GUA_RSP



IE038. Response to Movement query C_MVT_RSP



IE043. Unloading permission E_ULD_PER



IE044. Unloading Remarks E_ULD_REM



IE045. Write-off notification E_WRT_NOT






IE051. No release for Transit E_REL_NOT



IE054. Request of release E_REQ_REL



IE055. Guarantee not valid E_GUA_INV



IE058. Unloading remarks rejection E_ULD_REJ






IE060. Control decision notification E_CTR_DEC



IE062. Release request rejection E_REQ_REJ



IE063. recovery communication C_REC_COM






IE070. Notification of System Unavailability to Common Domain C_UNA_COM IE071. Notification of System Unavailability to National Domain C_UNA_NAT IE100. Ask for documents E_ASK_DOC

IE101. Return documents E_DOC_SND



IE102. Request on non-arrived movement E_REQ_MOV



IE103. Information about non-arrived movement E_MOV_RSP



IE104. Enquiry Request C_ENQ_REQ



IE105. Enquiry Reminder C_ENQ_REM



IE106. Enquiry response C_ENQ_NEG



IE111. Authorised consignee query C_AUT_QUE



IE112. Response to Authorised consignee query C_AUT_RSP



IE114. ATR Request C_ATR_REQ



IE115. ATR Response C_ATR_RSP






IE119. DEPARTURE control DOCUMENT on paper E_DEP_PAP






IE200. Guarantee check C_GUA_CHE



IE201. Guarantee check result C_GUA_RES



IE203. Guarantee use C_GUA_USE



IE204. Guarantee use cancellation C_GUA_CAN



IE205. Guarantee use result C_GUA_USR








IE209. credit reference amount C_GUA_Cre



IE224. individual guarantee voucher sold E_igv_INF



IE225. Guarantee update notification E_GUA_WUP



IE228. Comprehensive guarantee cancellation liability liberation E_GOG_CNL IE229. individual guarantee voucher revocation notification E_IGV_RNG IE231. Comprehensive guarantee cancellation notification E_COG_CNP IE410. Request for statistics C_STA_REQ

IE411. Sending of statistics data C_STA_SND



IE412. Statistics generated sent to National Domain C_STA_GEN



IE413. OTS statistics sending to Common Domain C_STA_OTS







































8.2. Country codes



8.2.1. Country Codes used for community transit



see  Regulation  (EEC)  No  2454/93,  Annex  37c,  Point  1  and  Annex  38,  Title  II,  box  2:

(ISO alpha 2 country codes as specified in ISO-3166-1)




8.2.2. Country codes used for common transit



(ISO alpha 2 country codes as specified in 3166-1)



See Convention on Common Transit, Appendix III, Annex A2 - it/common_community/convention_en.pdf.



8.3. Package codes



8.3.1. Packages Codes used for community transit



(UNECE Recommendation n° 21/Rev. 4 of May 2002): see Regulation (EEC) No. 2454/93, Annex 38, Title II, Box 31 (



8.3.2. Package Codes used for common transit



(UNECE Recomendation no 21/Rev. 4 of May 2002): see Convention on Common Transit, Appendix III, Annex A2: it/common_community/convention_en.pdf.
























The standard transit procedure is described in the previous chapters. This chapter 5 describes the specific transit arrangements, that exist between:

· the Community and Andorra (paragraph 2);

· the Community and San Marino (paragraph 3);

· the Community and its non-fiscal territories (paragraph 4).



Paragraph 5 covers exceptions.



Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national instructions.



Paragraph 7 is reserved for customs use only.



Annexes are reproduced in paragraph 8.












This paragraph gives information on:



- background and legislation (2.1);



- formalities (2.2);



2.1. Background and legislation

In 1990, the EC and Andorra concluded a customs union by an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters44. The customs union  applies  to  trade  in  goods  falling  within  chapters  25-97  of  the







44   Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Economic Community and the Principality of Andorra signed on 28 June 1990, O.J. L 374, 31.12.1990, p. 14.






Harmonised System (HS).



By decision no. 1/96 of the EC-Andorra Joint Committee45, the Community transit procedure as laid down in the Community Customs Code (CCC) and its implementing provisions (IPC), was extended to trade falling within the scope of the customs union. The decision was subsequently replaced by decision no. 1/2003 of the EC-Andorra Joint Committee46.





2.2. Formalities



2.2.1. Goods falling within chapters 1 to 24 HS



The export and import of goods falling within these chapters with as destination or origin Andorra are treated as third country exports or imports.

A customs declaration is therefore presented, with in box no 1 the abbreviation EX for export and IM for import.




a) Export of Community goods with destination Andorra



- agricultural products with an export refund



Presentation of an export declaration EX1 (at the customs office in the Member State of export) accompanied by a control copy T5. Export  Accompanying  Document  (EAD)  must  be  presented  to  and





45 Decision no. 1/96 of the EC-Andorra Joint Committee of 1 July 1996 concerning certain methods of administrative cooperation for implementation of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the EEC and the Principality of Andorra and the transit of goods between these two, O.J. L 184, 24.7.1996, p. 39.

46   Decision no. 1/2003 of the EC-Andorra Joint Committee of 3 September 2003 on the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary for the proper functioning of the Customs Union, O.J. L 253,

7.10.2003, p. 3.

47 The examples are given for transport by road.






the T5 must be presented to and stamped by the customs office of exit from the Community (French or Spanish office).

- agricultural products without an export refund



Presentation of an export declaration EX1 (at the customs office in the Member State of export). Export Accompanying Document (EAD) must be presented to the customs office of exit from the Community (French or Spanish office).

- excise goods for which an electronic administrative document (e-AD) has been established which accompanies the goods to the border

Presentation of an export declaration EX1 (at the customs office in the Member State of export). Export Accompanying Document (EAD) and the e-AD are presented to the customs office of exit from the Community (French or Spanish office).

- agricultural products with export refund and subject to excise duty for which an electronic administrative document (e-AD) has been established which accompanies the goods to the border

Presentation of an export declaration EX1 (at the customs office in the Member State of export), accompanied by a control copy T5. The Export Accompanying Document (EAD) and the e-AD are presented to and the T5 is presented to and stamped by the customs office of exit from the Community (French or Spanish office).

b) Import  into  the  Community  customs  territory  of  agricultural

goods coming from Andorra



At the Community office of entry, the goods are placed under a customs procedure such as release for free circulation or placement of the goods under the T1 transit procedure to the office of destination in the Community.







It should be noted that goods originating in Andorra, as defined by the customs union agreement, are exempt from Community import duties provided the goods are imported under cover of an EUR.1 movement certificate or an exporter’s invoice declaration (Title II of the customs union agreement).

c) Transit through Community territory with destination Andorra



Establishing a T1 transit declaration at the Community point of entry (for example in the United Kingdom) in order to forward third country goods to Andorra.

d) Transit between two points in the Community via Andorra



The Community transit procedure does not cover the passage through Andorra for which a separate (Andorran) procedure will be required.

The Community transit procedure will be considered to be suspended in the territory of Andorra, provided that the passage through Andorra is effected under cover of a single transport document.

Where there is no single transport document to cover the passage through Andorra, the Community transit procedure is ended at the point of exit from the Community, before entry into Andorra.



2.2.2. Goods falling within chapters 25 to 97 HS



Decision 1/2003 provides the basis for applying mutatis mutandis the Community transit procedure laid down in the CCC and IPC to trade between the Community and Andorra in goods falling within chapters 25-97 HS.

Customs formalities need to be completed in trade between the Member States of the Community and Andorra in a manner







analogous to the situation that existed before the establishment, in 1993, of the internal market. Thus, a customs declaration is presented, with in box 1 the abbreviation EX for export and IM for import.

In this context the following cases must be distinguished:



· goods  in  free  circulation,  as  defined  by  the  customs  union

agreement, move under the internal Community transit procedure (T2) (T2F), as in example a., or (T2L);

· goods not in free circulation move under the external

Community transit procedure (T1), see example b.;





• specific  case  of  products  referred  to  in  regulation  3448/9348

move under the external Community transit procedure (T1), see example c.




The guarantee provided for under the Community transit procedure must be valid for both the Community and Andorra. In the guarantee documents and certificates the words ‘Principality of Andorra’ must not be deleted.




a) Dispatch  of  free  circulation  goods  (other  than  those  covered  by

Regulation 3448/93) from the Community to Andorra and vice versa

• the dispatch formalities are completed at an office situated in

a Member State/Andorra : establishment of a EX1 and a T2;








48 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3448/93 of 6 December 1993 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products, O.J. L 318, 20.12.1993 p. 18. Examples of products concerned are: mannitol, sorbitol, casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives, dextrins and dextrin glues, starches or starch glues, prepared glazings and dressings with a basis of amylaceous substances.









· the  dispatch  formalities  are  completed  at  the  EC/Andorra

border: the goods circulate freely to the border where a EX1 is established provided either a T2L is presented or a document with an equivalent effect that proves the Community status of goods.

It should be noted, however, that the frontier customs office which serves as the office of exit may refuse to place the goods under the transit procedure if that procedure is to end at the neighbouring frontier customs office.




b) Dispatch  of  goods  not  in  free  circulation  (other  than  those

covered by Regulation 3448/93) from the Community to Andorra and vice versa




Goods that are not in free circulation are transported under cover of a T1 declaration to the office of destination in Andorra or the Community.

c) Specific case of goods referred to in Regulation 3448/93



The procedures described above apply subject to the following:



· Processed  agricultural  Community  goods  dispatched  from

the Community to Andorra and benefiting from an export refund



Establishment of an export EX1 and a T1 transit declaration.



Where a control copy T5 is used, this document is handed over to the Community customs office of exit.

· Processed agricultural products in free circulation in

Andorra and dispatched to the Community



These products move under the external Community transit regime (T1).







As the Community customs services are required to charge the variable component, the T1 declaration is to be endorsed with the phrase, underlined in red: ‘Charge agricultural component only – EEC-Andorra Agreement’.

Other transit regimes



The common transit procedure is not applicable to trade with Andorra.

Andorra is not a Contracting Party to the TIR convention.
















































Summary table of selected

procedures (i.e. transit, export,

import) Goods of 1-24 HS

Goods coming from the EC Goods coming from Andorra

With export refund EX1  + T5

Without export refund EX1 or T149

Excise goods EX1 + e-AD

Excise goods with export refund EX1 + T5 + e-AD

All goods IM4’50 (+ EUR.1) (for release for free circulation), or, T1


Goods of 25-97 HS

(other than the products mentioned in reg. 3448/93)

Goods coming from the EC Goods coming from Andorra

Goods in free circulation EX1 + T2 (T2F) (at the internal office)


T2L (T2LF) + EX1 (at the border) EX1 + T2 (T2F) (at the internal office)


T2L (T2LF) + EX1 (at the border)

Goods not in free circulation T1 T1 (transit) or 'IM4' (release for free circulation)


Agricultural products mentioned in regulation 3448/93

Goods coming from the EC Goods coming from Andorra

With export refund EX1 + T1 (and, where appropriate T5)

In free circulation T1 + phrase ‘Charge agricultural component only – EEC-Andorra Agreement’.











49 Situation of transit of non-Community goods through Community territory.

50 The release for free circulation is carried out by the customs office of entry into the Community.









San Marino



This paragraph gives information on:



· background and legislation (3.1);

· formalities (3.2).





3.1. Background and legislation

In 1992, the EC and San Marino concluded an Interim Agreement on trade and customs union51. The agreement was replaced by the Agreement on cooperation and customs union52 which entered into force on 1 April 2002. The customs union applies to goods falling within chapters 1-97 of the Common Customs Tariff (CCT), with the exception of the products falling within the scope of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (‘ECSC products’) of chapters 72 and 73.

Decision no. 4/92 of the EEC-San Marino Co-operation Committee53 determined the provisions concerning the movement of goods between the Community and San Marino. The decision applied as from 1 April 1993 and was amended by Decision no. 1/200254  which took effect on 23 March 2002.

Decision no 1/201055 of the EU-San Marino Cooperation







51   Interim agreement on trade and customs union between the European Economic Community and the Republic of San Marino, O.J. L 359, 9.12.1992, p. 14.

52   Agreement on cooperation and customs union between the European Economic Community and the Republic of San Marino, O.J. L 84, 28.3.2002, p. 43.

53 Decision no. 4/92 of the EEC-San Marino Co-operation Committee of 22 December 1992 concerning certain methods of administrative co-operation for implementation of the Interim Agreement and the procedure for forwarding goods to the Republic of San Marino, O.J. L 42, 19.2.1993, p. 34.

54 Decision no 1/2002 amending Decision no 4/92 of the EEC-San Marino Co-operation Committee of 22 December 1992 concerning certain methods of administrative co-operation for implementation of the Interim Agreement and the procedure for forwarding goods to the Republic of San Marino, O.J. L 99, 16.4.2002, p. 23.

55 Decision no 1/2010 of the EU-San Marino Cooperation Committee of 29 March 2010, establishing various implementing measures for the Agreement on Cooperation and Customs Union between the European Economic Community and the Republic of San Marino, O.J. L156, 23.06.2010. p. 13.






Committee contains the updated list of Italian customs offices which may carry out customs formalities of goods destined for San Marino.





3.2. Formalities




Decision No 4/92, as amended, co-ordinates the methods of administrative co-operation between San Marino and the EC in applying the rules of the Community transit procedure.

The following rules apply to the movement of goods falling within the scope of the EC-San Marino customs union (chapters 1-97 CCT with the exception of ‘ECSC products’):












































1. Goods moving from designated Community offices in Italy to San Marino

Goods moving under a T1 procedure with destination San Marino shall be released for free circulation at one of the designated Community customs offices in Italy56.

At a designated customs office, a T2-SM or T2L-SM57 document is issued to cover their onward movement to San Marino. The San Marino competent authorities shall either end the T2-SM in NCTS or stamp a copy of the T2L-SM document and return it to the office of departure in Italy (i.e. one of the designated Community customs offices as listed in Decision no 1/2010).

2. Goods moving from the Community58  to San Marino



Proof that the goods are in free circulation within the Community must be submitted to the competent authorities of San Marino. This proof may take the form of a document T2 (T2F) or the original T2L (T2LF) or a document having equivalent effect (in particular the e-AD document referred to in the Commission Regulation  (EC) no 684/2009.

3. Goods moving from San Marino to the Community (except Italy59):

Goods moving from San Marino to the Community shall be covered by a T2 (T2F) document issued by the competent authorities of San Marino (with as destination a customs office situated  in  the  Community)  either  a  T2L  (T2LF)  document  or  a





56 The customs offices are listed in Decision no 1/2010, O.J. L 156, 23.06.2010. They are: Ancona, Bologna, Forlì, Genova, Gioia Tauro, La Spezia, Livorno, Milano, Ravenna, Rimini, Roma , Orio Al Serio, Milano , Taranto, Trieste and Venezia.

58   Exchanges between Italy and San Marino are carried out under a fiscal (VAT) regime. 59 Idem.







document having equivalent effect. The document shall be presented to the Community office of import in order to prove that the goods are in free circulation in San Marino.

Where the goods which are to be forwarded to the Community were previously brought into San Marino under the cover of a T2F, T2LF or a document having equivalent effect (in particular the e-AD referred to in the Commission Regulation  (EC) no 684/2009) the San Marino authorities shall include a reference to the document which accompanied the goods at the time of their arrival in San Marino.

On guarantee documents and certificates the words ‘Republic of San Marino’ must not be deleted.

Note: ‘ECSC products’ are outside the scope of the customs union. As a consequence, they are treated as non-free circulation goods when they arrive in the Community.

4. Other transit regimes



The common transit procedure is not applicable to trade with San Marino.

San Marino is not a Contracting Party to the TIR convention.







Non-fiscal territories



This paragraph gives information on:



· background and legal basis (4.1);

· internal Community transit procedure (4.2);

· customs status documents (4.3).





4.1. Background and legislation




Article 3 CCC


The following territories (known as the non-fiscal territories),











Directive 2006/112/EC


although part of the customs territory of the Community, are not included in the fiscal territory of the Community:

The Channel Islands;



The Canary Islands;



The following French Overseas Departments: Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guiana and Réunion;

Mount Athos;



The Åland Islands.



The provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC do not apply in the non-fiscal territories.

In order to ensure that fiscal charges (VAT and Excise duties) are controlled and accounted for, the intra Community movement of Community goods moving to from or between the non-fiscal territories shall be covered by the internal Community transit procedure, where applicable, or customs status documents.





4.2. Internal Community transit procedure

The internal Community transit procedure for movements covered by article 340c IPC is known as the T2F procedure and will apply as follows:

· Transit declaration:



Enter the symbol T2F in box No.1 of the transit declaration



· Airline or shipping company (authorised regular shipping) manifest used as the transit declaration (Level 1 simplification):

Enter the symbol T2F on the relevant manifest.








• Airline or shipping company (authorised regular shipping) manifest used as the transit declaration (Level 2 simplification):

Enter the symbol TF in respect of the Community goods in question.



4.3. Customs status documents

Where the use of the T2F transit procedure is not mandatory (for example: on a non-regular shipping service) and status documents are used to prove the Community status of goods moving to, from, or between the non-fiscal territories, the following will apply:

· customs declaration or commercial documents used as status




Enter the symbol T2LF in box No.1 of the customs declaration or on the commercial documents.

· Shipping  company’s  (non-regular  service)  manifest  used  as

status document:



Enter the symbol F in respect of the Community goods in question.



The 'F' shall be considered a "special endorsement" within the meaning of Article 9(4) of the Convention.

See Part II for further information on Community status.







Exceptions (pro memoria)







Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only







Annexes (pro memoria)
















The fallback procedure described in this part governs situations where either the customs' system or traders' system are unavailable.




The use of the fallback procedure is subject to a number of important general rules:

· Transit operations in NCTS and in fallback procedure should be regarded clearly as different procedures. This means that all movements that have been initiated and successfully released in NCTS shall also be ended in NCTS, and all movements started under the fallback procedure shall be ended according to the provisions governing the use of a SAD.

· Where the decision to revert to the fallback procedure is taken,

it is important to ensure that any declaration, which has been entered to NCTS, but which has not been further processed due to the failure of the system, is cancelled.






Transit declaration in case of fallback



One of the following documents can be used as a transit declaration:



1. A Single Administrative Document (SAD),





2. A  SAD  printed  out  on  a  plain  paper  by  the  trader's  system  as

foreseen in Articles 205, 353 IPC/Appendix III,Title II, Article 5 Convention, or




3. The  Transit  Accompanying  Document  (TAD)  where  the  trader's

needs are considered as justified by the competent authorities. In this case, the TAD shall not carry a barcode or a Movement








Reference Number (MRN).



Option 1 is the preferred one in case of a fallback procedure.







Fallback procedure stamp



The paper declaration used in a fallback situation must be recognisable by all parties involved in the transit operation in order to avoid problems at the office(s) of transit and at the office of destination.

To this end, the fallback procedure shall be indicated on the copies of the transit declaration with a stamp (dimensions: 26 x 59 mm, red ink) in box A of the SAD or in place of the MRN and the barcode on the TAD.

· The document shall be stamped either by the office of departure in case of standard procedure or by the authorised consignor where the simplified procedure is used.

· See annex 8.1 for the fallback stamp in the different languages.






Unavailability of the customs' system



The exact conditions under which the competent authority reverts to the fallback procedure shall be the responsibility of each national administration. These conditions should, however, be fixed in advance and be communicated/made available to the operators.







Unavailability of a trader's system



The following cases are covered by this paragraph:






the principals' system is unavailable,

the network between principals and customs is unavailable.





Any recourse to the fallback procedure must be previously approved by  the  customs  authorities.  In  order  to  obtain  this  approval,  any







principal whether using the standard or the simplified procedure must notify customs by fax, email, or other means of the reason for and the starting time of the fallback procedure.

When the customs authorities are satisfied about the alleged unavailability, they shall communicate their approval to use the fallback procedure to the principal. In addition, they may request proof or proceed for controls. However, customs authorities shall refuse their agreement in cases of systematic announcements of unavailability by a given principal.

In case an authorised consignor makes more than 2 % of his yearly declarations under the fallback procedure caused by his system's unavailability or network deficiencies, the authorisation shall be revised in order to evaluate if the conditions for the latter are still met.












5.1. Departure - standard procedure

In the standard procedure a principal shall complete a paper transit declaration and present it with the goods at the office of departure.

Details are in Part V, chapters 2 and 3



Note that the operation must be ended and discharged on the basis of the paper declaration. .










5.2. Departure - authorised consignor

The approval by the customs authorities to revert to the fallback procedure can be given by way of a reference number or in another way.

In this simplified procedure the principal shall complete a paper transit declaration in three copies.

Details are in part VI, paragraph



When the system is up and running again, the principal shall announce this to the customs authorities, and, if relevant, communicate details of the documents used.



5.3. Destination - standard procedure

Where goods have been released for transit in NCTS at departure but the system at destination is unavailable upon arrival of goods, the office of destination shall end the procedure on the basis of the TAD and shall make the necessary entries in the system when it is available again in order to allow the office of departure to discharge the movement.

Provided that no irregularity has been found, the office of destination shall furnish the principal or the carrier with alternative proof that the procedure has ended. Details are in chapter 6 Paragraph 4.2.



5.4. Destination - authorised consignee

In case of unavailability of the customs' system at destination an authorised consignee follows the procedures for the authorised consignee as laid down in part VI of the Transit Manual.















Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only































































8.1. Fallback procedure stamp







ЗАПОЧНАТА НА __________________








INITIATED ON____________________








ZAHÁJEN DNE____________________









PÅBEGYNDT DEN_________________ (Dato/klokkeslæt)







KEINE DATEN IM SYSTEM VERFÜGBAR Begonnen am________________________


Ticket-Nr: ________________________






NCTS ASENDUSTOIMING Süsteemi andmed ei ole kättesaadavad Algatatud ______________ (Kuup/kellaaeg).








ΑΡΧΙΣΕ ΣΤΙΣ____________________








INITIATED ON____________________















INICIADO EL_________________________ (Fecha/hora)







ALOITETTU ____________________









ENGAGEE LE ____________ ________ (Date/heure)





















AVVIATA IL____________________









UZSĀKTS _______________________ (Datums/stunda)







PRADĖTA ____________________








MIBDIJA FI _____________________
















BEGONNEN OP___________________ (Datum/uur)







INITIATED ON____________________
















INICIADO A____________________ (Data/hora)







INIȚIATĂ LA ____________________








ZAČETO DNE____________________









SPUSTENÝ ____________________ (dátum/hodina)







INLEDD DEN____________________




























. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  BAŞLATILMIŞTIR




















































Article 3 (b), (c), (u),


Appendix I Convention


Article 4 CCC Article 4 (17) CCC


Part V concerns the fallback procedure based on the use of the Single Administrative Document (SAD) as the transit declaration. It is divided into six chapters.

Chapter 3 deals with the standard transit declaration procedure.



Chapter 4 deals with formalities at the office of departure.



Chapter 5 deals with incidents during transport.



Chapter 6 deals with formalities at the office of destination.






It is important to note that the expression “transit declaration” has two meanings. Firstly “transit declaration” means the declaration whereby a person indicates in the prescribed form and manner a wish to place goods under the transit procedure and secondly, it means the document used as a transit declaration. i.e. the required “copies of the SAD”. In the following chapters the expression ‘transit declaration’ is used in the first meaning, the prescribed form being the SAD.








































This chapter describes the fallback procedure based on the use of the SAD as the transit declaration.

Paragraph 2 gives the general theory and legislation concerning a standard transit declaration.

Paragraph 3 describes the standard transit declaration procedure from the loading of the goods through to the completion and signing of the declaration.

Paragraph 4 deals with specific situations concerning the transit declaration procedure.

Paragraph 5 covers exceptions to the general rules.



Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national instructions.



Paragraph 7 is reserved for the use of customs administrations.



Paragraph 8 contains the Annexes to chapter 3.





























General theory and legislation



The transit declaration is the customs declaration for placing or allowing goods to be placed under the transit procedure.




Legal sources


The legal sources for the standard transit declaration procedure using the SAD are:

· Article 12 (2)of the SAD Convention;

· Article 5, Annex II of the SAD Convention;

· Articles 3(b), (u), 20, 22 Appendix I, Convention;

· Appendix III Convention:

Title III, article 5 and 6,;



Annex B6



Annex B4 and B5;



· - Articles 4(17), 62,  CC ;

· - Articles 205(1)-217 IPC;

· - Articles 344,  353-353a IPC;

· - Annex 37 , IPC;

· - Annex 38, 44a and 45 IPC.






The declaration procedure



This paragraph gives information about:



· the loading of goods (paragraph 3.1.);

· the transit declaration (paragraph 3.2);

· the form and completion of the transit declaration (paragraph 3.2.1.);

· SAD BIS forms (paragraph 3.2.2.);

· loading lists, form, completion and use (paragraph 3.2.3.);

· mixed consignments (paragraph 3.2.4.);

· signing the transit declaration (paragraph 3.2.5.)







3.1. Loading





For the purposes of the transit procedure, loading means putting goods on a single means of transport, to be dispatched from one office of departure to one office of destination, under a transit declaration60.




Single means of transport


Article 20 Appendix I Convention


Article 349 IPC


The following is regarded as constituting a single means of transport on condition that the goods carried are to be dispatched together:

· a road vehicle accompanied by its trailer(s) or semi-trailer(s);

· a line of coupled railway carriages or wagons;

· boats constituting a single chain;

· containers loaded on a single means of transport.



Each transit declaration can only cover goods loaded on a single means of transport for carriage from one office of departure to one office of destination.

If a consignment is split between two means of transport, a separate transit declaration is needed for each means of transport, even though all the goods are travelling between the same office of departure and destination.

On the other hand, a single means of transport can be used for loading goods at more than one office of departure and for unloading at more than one office of destination.

If goods are loaded on a single means of transport at more than one








60   In case of individual parcels that are placed under the transit procedure, there is no direct relation between the parcel and the means of transport. In that case, any identification measures are applied to the parcel.






office of departure, a transit declaration must be initiated at each office of departure, to cover the goods loaded at that office.



3.2. Transit declaration



3.2.1. Form and completion of the transit declaration







The SAD consists of numbered copies as follows:





· an 8-page copy set consisting of consecutively numbered copies ( copy 1 to copy 8); or,

· a 4-page copy set consisting of consecutively numbered copies

(copies 1/6, 2/7, 3/8 and 4/5).

The SAD may be supplemented, where necessary by continuation SAD – BIS forms. These forms are numbered like the normal copy sets:




· 8-page copy set consisting of copies 1 BIS to 8 BIS

· 4-page copy set consisting of copies 1/6 BIS, 2/7 BIS, 3/8 BIS and 4/5 BIS.

Further information on these SAD BIS forms and loading lists is given in paragraphs 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 respectively.




Copies for transit declaration


For the transit declaration three copies of the SAD are to be used: viz. copies nos. 1, 4 and 5.

















4 page set SAD


· copy no 1 is retained by the office of departure after the declaration is registered;

· copy  no  4  accompanies  the  goods  to  the  office  of  destination

and is retained there;

· copy no 5 accompanies the goods to the office of destination which returns it to the country of departure after the end of the transit procedure.

Where a 4-page copy set is being used for the transit declaration, two sets shall be used: copies no 1 and no 4 of one set and copy no.







5 of the other set. In each set the numbers of the copies not being used should be indicated by striking out in the margin the number of the copy not being used, e.g. on copy 1/6 where the number 6 is crossed out means that copy no 1 is being used.




Technical requirement


Appendix III, Title I, article 3,5 Convention,


Article 215 IPC Paper


The SAD forms used as the transit declaration shall fulfil the following technical requirements, except where the declaration is made by computer.





A SAD which is used as a transit declaration shall be printed on paper that is:




· self-copying;

· suitable to writing purposes

· at least 40 g/m2 in weight;

· sufficiently opaque for the information on one side not to affect the legibility of the information on the other side;

· strong  enough  not  to  be  torn  or  creased  easily  under  normal


· white in colour and printed in green ink.

The boxes which are mandatory for transit shall have a green background.




The size of the forms shall be 210 by 297 millimetres, with a maximum tolerance of 5 millimetres less and 8 millimetres more on the length.




Colour coding


The SAD shall be colour-coded as follows:





· 8-page copy SAD set and 8-page set SAD BIS forms:

- the  right  hand  edge  of  copies  nos.  1,  2,  3  and  5  shall  have  a continuous margin of red, green, yellow and blue respectively;

the right hand edge of copies nos. 4, 6, 7 and 8 shall have a broken








margin of blue, red, green and yellow respectively;



● 4-page copy set SAD and 4-page set SAD BIS forms:





- the  right  hand  edge  of  copies  nos.  1/6,  2/7,  3/8  and  4/5  shall have  a  continuous  margin,  and  to  the  right  of  this  a  broken

margin, of red, green, yellow and blue respectively.

The width of the continuous margins shall be approximately 3 millimetres. The broken margin shall be a line of squares of a side measurement of 3 millimetres each separated by spaces of 3 millimetres.




Computerised declaration


Annex B6, Title I, point A, Appendix III, Convention


Article 205 IPC


Annex 37,Title I, point A, IPC


The general rule is that transit declarations will be drawn up on the SAD either in written form, by hand, by using a typewriter, or printed out by a computerised declaration processing system. However, printing of the SAD by means of official or private sector data processing systems, if necessary on plain paper, may be allowed subject to certain conditions.

When forms are completed using a typewriter or a mechanographical or a similar process, the forms should be inserted in the machine in such a way that the first letter of the details to be shown in box No. 2 will be in the small box in the top left hand corner of box no. 2.




Forms may also be completed legibly by hand, in ink and in block letters.




Completion of a SAD


To complete a transit declaration all mandatory boxes of the copies of the SAD shall be completed while others are optional. Instructions on the completion of a SAD are in annexes 37 and 38 IPC.

Only the first (top) copy of the SAD is required to be completed. As the  document  used  must  be  self-copying  the  details  will  appear  on








the other copies.



Further information on the self-copying process is in annexes 35 and 36 IPC.






Transit declarations shall be drawn up in one of the official languages of the Contracting Parties which is acceptable to the competent authorities of the country of departure.

In order to avoid delays at the office of departure/destination (or office of transit) it is important that operators correctly complete the SAD.

The office of departure is obliged to ensure that the SAD is correctly and legibly completed and that a clear imprint of the stamp of the office of departure is applied to the declaration.




Boxes for transit Maximum list


The maximum requirement in transit is to complete boxes: 1 (third sub-division), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33 (first sub-division), 35, 38, 40, 44, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55 and 56 (i.e. except for box 26, those with a green background). Further details are in annex 37 IPC.






















Errors in the completion of a SAD

Article 28, Appendix I, Convention

Article 12(5), Apendix III, Convention

Article 65, CCC


Erasures or overwriting are not permitted. All corrections shall be made by striking out the incorrect particulars, and where appropriate, by adding those required, and shall be initialled by the person making them. Such corrections shall be endorsed by the customs authorities. In some cases the customs authorities may require the presentation of a new declaration.

However no correction shall be permitted where the competent authorities have indicated after receiving the transit declaration that they intend to examine the goods, or have established that the particulars are incorrect or have already released the goods.





3.2.2. SAD-BIS forms





Article 22, Appendix I, Convention


Article 208 IPC


The SAD may be supplemented where necessary by one or more continuation sheets known as SAD-BIS forms.




Use of SAD – BIS forms












Completion of SAD – BIS forms


Title III, Annex B6, Appendix III, Convention


Annex 37, IPC


SAD-BIS forms can be used in the following circumstances:



1. Where the transit declaration relates to more than one item; or,

2. Where a consignment contains both T1, T2 and T2F goods; SAD-BIS forms are then used (like loading lists) for recording the details of the goods of each customs status (T1, T2 or T2F). The SAD must in addition contain a summary of the SAD-BIS forms used for the goods of each customs status.

SAD-BIS forms are a part of the transit declaration and have to fulfil the same technical requirements.

They must be completed in accordance with the instructions for completion of the SAD form, but:





in the case of mixed consignments (where the symbol ‘T’ appears  in  the  third  subdivision  of  box  no.  1  of  the  SAD),  the






symbol “T1bis”, “T2bis” or “T2Fbis”, as appropriate, will be entered in the third subdivision of box no.1 “Declaration” of the SAD-BIS form.

• the use of box no. 2 ”Consignor/Exporter” and box no.8

“Consignee”(box no.2/8 of the four page set) of the SAD-BIS form is optional for the Contracting Parties and need only show the name and, if any, the identification number of the person concerned.

Unless the consignment is mixed, any boxes 31 for description of goods which have not been used must be struck through to prevent their later use.




Note: a combination of SAD-BIS forms and loading lists cannot be used.



3.2.3. Loading lists, form and completion








Loading lists as the descriptive part of the SAD


Loading lists may be used as the descriptive part of the SAD. They must comply with the specimen in Annex B4 Appendix III Convention and Annex 45 IPC, unless an authorisation to use a loading list of a special type (Article 385 IPC revoked by Reg 1192/2008) is held. For more information on the loading list of a special type see Part VI .

The use of loading lists shall not affect obligations concerning the dispatch / export procedure or any procedure in the participating country of destination or concerning the forms used for such formalities.

Only the front of the forms may be used as a loading list.





Technical requirements


Annex B5,


The paper used for the loading lists shall be dressed for writing purposes  and  weigh  at  least  40gm2,  its  strength  shall  be  such  that  in







Appendix III, Convention


Annex 44a IPC


normal use it does not easily tear or crease.





Loading lists must:














bear the heading “Loading List”;

contain a box measuring 70 x 55mm divided into a top part measuring 70 x 15mm for the insertion of the symbol “T” followed by one of the necessary endorsements and a lower part measuring 70 x 40mm for insertion of other necessary references;

Contain columns set out in the following order and bearing the following headings:

- Serial No;

- Marks, numbers, number and kind of packages, - Description of goods;

- Country of dispatch/export;

- Gross mass in kilograms;

- Reserved for the administration;




The width of the columns may be adapted as necessary. However the width of the columns headed “Reserved for the administration” shall be not less than 30mm. Spaces other than those referred to above may also be used.

The loading lists should be made out in the same number of copies as the transit declaration form to which it relates.
















Where two or more loading lists accompany a single SAD, each must bear a serial number allocated by the principal. The total number of accompanying loading lists will be shown in Box 4 “loading lists” of the SAD.

Note: A combination of loading lists and SAD-BIS forms cannot be












3.2.4. Mixed consignments





Mixed consignment


Article 23, Appendix I, Convention


Article 351 and Annex 37d, IPC


In the case of consignments comprising of non-Community goods moving under the T1 transit procedure and Community goods moving under the T2/T2F transit procedure covered by a single transit declaration, the SAD will have either separate SAD-BIS forms (see 3.2.2.) or loading lists (see 3.2.3) attached to it. The SAD provides common information and a summary of the SAD-BIS forms or loading lists used for the goods of different status. Each SAD-BIS form or loading list contains goods of the same customs status.

Alternatively, separate SADs may be made out (for example: a T1 SAD for non-Community goods and a T2 or T2F SAD for Community goods).

Note: it is possible that Community goods which are not placed under transit (and moving within the Community customs territory) are transported in the same means of transport as goods that are placed under transit. In that case the transit declaration only covers the goods placed under transit (for more information on mixed consignments see Part IV, chapter 2, paragraph 3.8.1).











3.2.5. Signing of the transit declaration





Article 24, Appendix I Convention.


Article 199,


By signing the declaration the principal takes responsibility for the accuracy of the information given in the declaration, the authenticity  of  the  documents  attached  and  compliance  with  all  the







paragraph 1 IPC


obligations relating to the placing of the goods in question under the transit procedure.







The principal himself or his authorised signatory shall sign the transit declaration in box 50 of the SAD.





Replacement of hand-written signature




Annex V, Appendix I, Convention


Article 4b and article 199, paragraph 2 IPC


Replacement of the hand-written signature by an electronic signature may be authorised if the formalities are completed using public or private computer systems. The competent authorities may grant this facility to traders who meet certain technical and administrative conditions, which will be laid down in the authorisation. In such cases an electronic signature will replace the hand-written signature and will have the same legal effect as a hand-written signature.




Waiver of



Authorised consignors may be authorised not to sign the transit declaration, subject to the provision of a written undertaking acknowledging that they will act as principal for all transit operations carried out under cover of transit declarations bearing their special stamp.

Further information on this procedure, which is considered a simplification of the standard transit procedure, is in Part VI.

























Specific situations (pro memoria)





4.1. Rules applicable to goods with packaging

The following rules should apply to goods with packaging:



a) Non-Community  goods  with  packaging  not  having  Community




A single T1 declaration is to be completed for the goods and their packaging.



b) Non-Community goods with packaging having Community




In all cases a single T1 declaration is to be completed for the goods and their packaging.




Article 340c(3) IPC


c) Community goods referred to in Article 340c(3) IPC with

packaging not having Community status



A single T1 declaration is to be completed for the goods and their packaging.

However, when such products instead of being exported from the customs territory as specified are released for free circulation, Community treatment may be applied to them only on production of a T2L document issued retrospectively.

Leaving aside the consideration of the possible repayment of the export refund on agricultural products, such a T2L document may be obtained only following payment of the CCT duty applicable to the packaging.

(() Community goods with packaging not having Community status









1) Exported from the customs territory



• Exported to a third country, other than EFTA



A T1 declaration is to be completed for the packaging so that, if the packaging is put into free circulation, it does not wrongfully benefit from Community treatment. This document must bear one of the following endorsements:







Общностни стоки







zboží Společenství









fælleskabsvarer Gemeinschaftswaren Ühenduse kaup









κοινοτικά oú

mercancías communitarias marchandises communautaires merci comunitarie




Kopienas preces







Bendrijos prekės







közösségi áruk







Merkanzija Komunitarja








communautaire goederen towary wspólnotowe







mercadorias comunitárias Mărfuri comunitare









skupnostno blago







Tovar Spoločenstva








yhteisötavaroita gemenskapsvaror







Community goods Roba Zajednice


• Exported to an EFTA country


A single T1 declaration is to be completed for the goods and their packaging. This must bear the endorsements "Community goods" as shown above and "T1 packaging" as shown below.



2) Consigned  to  another  Member  State  in  the  case  referred  to  in

Article 163 (1) of the Code



A single T2 declaration is to be completed for the goods and their packaging after payment of the customs duty applicable to the packaging.



Where the person concerned does not wish to pay customs duty on the packaging, the T2 declaration must bear one of the following endorsements:







Т1 колети obal T1






T1 emballager T1-Umschließungen T1-pakend







συσκευασία T1 envases T1












emballages T1 imballaggi T1 T1 iepakojums




LT T1 pakuotė






T1 göngyölegek




MT Ippakkjar T1







T1-verpakkingsmiddelen opakowania T1




PT embalagens T1

RO Ambalaje T1

SI pakiranje T1 SK       Obal T1





T1-pakkaus T1-förpackning







T1 packaging T1 pakiranje




3) Consigned  to  another  Member  State  in  cases  other  than  those

referred to in (2) above.





No Community transit declaration need be completed following payment of the customs duty applicable to the packaging.



Should the person concerned not wish to pay the customs duty applicable to the packaging, it must then be placed under the T1 procedure.



(e) Mixed consignment



1) Consignments  which  include  in  a  single  package  goods  under

the T1 procedure and goods under the T2 procedure.








Separate declarations are to be made in accordance with the status of the contents. In box 31, quantities of split consignments must be shown as well as, in the upper portion of this box, the description and numbers of other documents completed for the mixed consignments in question. The declarations must bear one of the following endorsements:







Общностни колети







obal Společenství














gemeinschaftliche Umschließungen







Ühenduse pakend







κοινοτική συσκευασία







envases comunitarios







emballages communautaires







imballaggi comunitari







Kopienas iepakojums







Bendrijos pakuotė







közösségi göngyölegek





MT Ippakkjar Komunitarju







communautaire verpakkingsmiddelen







opakowania wspólnotowe











embalagens comunitárias







Ambalaje comunitare







skupnostno pakiranje







Obal Spoločenstva





















Community packaging







Pakiranje Zajednice





If the mixed consignment is packed in T1 packaging, a single T1 declaration is to be completed for the goods and their packaging.





2) Mixed  consignments  which  include  in  a  single  package  goods

under the T1 procedure and goods moving outside the transit procedure





A single declaration is to be used. In box 31, the quantities and types of goods in split consignments under the T1 procedure must be shown as well as one of the following endorsements:



BG Стоки не обхванати от транзитен режим







zboží není v režimu tranzitu





DA varer ikke omfattet af forsendelsesprocedure







nicht im Versandverfahren befindliche Waren












Kaubad ei ole transiidi protseduuril







Eoúεκτός διαδικασίας διαμετακόμισης







mercancías fuera del procedimento de tránsito







marchandises hors procédure de transit







merci non vincolate ad una procedura di transito







Precēm nav piemērota tranzīta procedūra







Prekės, kurioms neįforminta tranzito procedūra





HU nem továbbítási eljárás alá tartozó áruk



MT Merkanzija mhux koperta bi proċedura ta' transitu







geen douanevervoer







towary nie przewożone w procedurze tranzytu







mercadorias não cobertas por um procedimento de trânsito





RO Mărfuri neplasate în regim de tranzit







blago, ki ni krito s tranzitnim postopkom







Tovar nie je v tranzitnom režime







tavaroita, jotka eivät sisälly passitusmenettelyyn







varor ej under transitering







goods not covered by a transit procedure








HR Roba koja nije u postupku provoza





4.2. Goods in passenger-accompanied baggage

Article 323 IPC


Administrations  are  required  to  apply  the  provisions  of  Article  323

of the IPC (establishing the Community status) in case of goods in passenger-accompanied baggage not intended for commercial use.



However, on entry into the customs territory of the Community, passengers coming from third countries may place the goods under the Community transit procedure.



4.3. Transport of Community goods to, from, or via  an EFTA country

When goods are carried into or through the territory of one or more EFTA countries it is advisable to follow the following rules in order to secure prompt border crossings:

a) When  goods  are  carried  between  two  points  situated

within the Community across the territory of one or more EFTA countries, or from the Community into the territory of an EFTA country, it is advisable to place them under the Community/common transit procedure at the competent office where the principal is established, or where the goods are loaded for carriage under the Community/common transit procedure, or at the latest before the joint Community /EFTA frontier zone in order to avoid delays at the border crossings. Similarly, it is advisable to end movements under the Community/common transit procedure outside the Community /EFTA frontier zone wherever possible.



b) The  competent  authorities  of  the  Member  States  and

of  the  EFTA  countries  shall  ensure  that  the  economic





















Art. 163 CCC/Art. 2 Convention







Art. 161 CCC Art. 787 ff IPC


operators concerned are officially and suitably informed about the provisions and are made aware of the advantages of the application of the provisions of paragraph a), in order to avoid as far as possible practical difficulties at Community /EFTA borders.



Transit through the territory of an EFTA country



The movement of Community goods from one point in the Community to another via an EFTA country may take place under the T2(F) or T1 transit procedure (see Part I, paragraph



Movement of Community goods to an EFTA country



Where Community goods are exported to an EFTA country and a transit declaration is issued following the export procedure, the transit declaration shall bear the following endorsement:

· the code "DG2 "- Export” (NCTS) or,



· when the fallback procedure is used, the mention "Export" on all copies of the transit documents/ TAD (box 44)



When Community goods are transported under the rail simplified procedure from a railway station in the customs territory of the Community to a destination railway station in an EFTA country, it is a matter of exportation. However if the goods are to be re-consigned from the EFTA country to a part of the customs territory of the Community, the operation should not be regarded as an exportation if the operator




















Article 2 (3b) Convention






Article 9 Convention


proves that it is a matter of an intra-Community delivery. This proof can be provided in particular by the production of an invoice bearing the VAT registration numbers of the consignor and consignee as laid down in Directive 2006/112/EC, or by the production of the electronic administrative document as laid down in Directive 2008/118/EC.



Re-consignment of Community goods from an EFTA country



a) Community  goods  which  have  been  brought  into  the

territory of an EFTA country under the T2 procedure may be re-consigned under that procedure provided that:



i) they  remained  under  the  control  of  the  customs

authorities of that country to ensure that there is no change in their identity or state;



ii) they have not been placed, in that EFTA

country, under a customs procedure other than transit or warehousing* except when the goods were temporarily admitted to be shown at an exhibition or similar public display;



* In case of goods that were warehoused, the re-consignment must take place within a period of five years (or goods falling within Chapters 1-24 of the Harmonised System and warehoused for less than six months) on condition that the goods were stored in special spaces and having received no treatment other than that needed for their preservation in their original state, or for splitting up consignments without replacing














Art. 9(4) Convention




















Art. 2(1)d and Art. 30 Directive 2006/112/EC










Art. 4 No. 8 CCC


the packaging and that any treatment has taken place under customs supervision



iii) the  T2(F)  declaration  accepted  or  equivalent

issued by an EFTA country shall bear:



a reference to the MRN in box 40 of the corresponding T2 (F) declaration (or equivalent) certifying the Community status of goods under which the goods arrived into the EFTA country and, where appropriate;

• indicate that the previous procedure in the Community before starting the T2 (F) transit operation was an export procedure by using:

· the code "DG2 - Export” (NCTS); or



· when the fallback procedure or equivalent

document is used, the mention "Export" on all copies of the transit documents/TAD (box 44)



This clearly indicates to the EU country of re-entry that the goods are Community goods previously exported and that the import VAT shall be collected for those goods when re-entering the Community. The special endorsement "DG2 – Export" (or "Export" in, for example, box 44) is not required when the goods were not exported (i.e. intra-Community supply).



b) In  the  case  of  export  without  a  transit  procedure  the

EFTA countries cannot issue a T2 (F) as there was no previous transit declaration. Consequently, re-consignment must be effected under the cover of a T1. On  re-entry  into  the  Community  the  consignment  must








be treated as an importation of non-Community goods.



Action on re-entry of re-consigned goods into the Community



i) When  Community  goods  are  re-consigned  from  a

EFTA country to a destination in the Community, they are transported under the cover of a T2 (F) declaration or equivalent (e.g. consignment note CIM-T2).



ii) In order to determine, in the Member State of

destination, whether it is a supply - intra-Community acquisition which has been interrupted in an EFTA country or a re-importation following a definitive or temporary exportation from the Community, the following rules must be observed :










Art. 186(8)(b) IPC


1. The  goods  and  the  T2  (F)  declaration  or  equivalent

must be presented to the customs office of destination in order to complete the transit operation.



2. It  is  the  responsibility  of  this  office  to  decide  if  the

goods can be released immediately or must be placed under a customs procedure.





3. The  goods  shall  be  released  immediately  in  the  case

where the T2 (F) declaration or equivalent does not bear a reference to a previous export from the Community (see above).



In cases of doubt the office of destination may require evidence from the consignee (e.g. by the production of an invoice with the VAT registration numbers of the consignor and consignee in accordance with the






provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC as amended, or by the production of the electronic administrative document (e-AD) in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2008/118/EC).



4. The  goods  must  be  assigned  to  a  customs  approved

treatment or use with all the consequences which follow (payment of import VAT and internal taxes where necessary):

- when there are notations on the T2(F) declaration or equivalent that it is an operation following an exportation from the Community (indicated by the code "DG2- export" (NCTS) or, in all other cases, the notation "Export" (box 44) ) as provided for in Article 793b of IPC and repeated in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 (4) of the Convention on common transit, or - when the consignee or his representative cannot prove to the satisfaction of the service that it is an intra Community supply.





























4.4. Duplicates




In the event of the theft, loss or destruction of a transit declaration, a T2L document or a control copy T5, a duplicate may be issued.



The duplicate may be issued:



· on the request of a customs authority;



· on the request of an interested party after investigation by the customs office concerned.



The duplicate must bear in bold letters the word "DUPLICATE", the stamp of the customs office which issued the duplicate and the signature of the competent official.







Exceptions (pro memoria)







Specific national instructions (reserved







Restricted part for customs use only


































8.1.   Explanatory note on completing the boxes of the SAD Boxes for economic operators

I. Formalities in the country of departure



Box 1: Declaration



Only the third subdivision of this box shall be completed. The following symbols, as appropriate, will be inserted in the third subdivision of this box:

T1: to cover the movement of non-Community goods within the Community and to/from the Community and the EFTA countries, as well as between the EFTA countries themselves. T1 is also used to cover the movement of Community goods in certain circumstances.

T2: for the transportation of Community goods where required;



T2F: for Community goods consigned to/from/between the non-fiscal territories of the Community;

T-: for the transportation of mixed consignments of T1 and T2 goods. In this case, the goods

will be specified in separate SAD-BIS forms or loading lists for each status category of goods. The blank space after the symbol T should be struck through to prevent the insertion of any additional digits or numbers.

Note: where the symbols T1, T2, T2F, T1bis, T2bis, T2Fbis, as appropriate, have been omitted the goods shall be deemed to have been placed under the T1 procedure.

Box 2: Consignor/Exporter



Completion of this box is optional for the Contracting Parties.



The full name and the address of the consignor/exporter concerned shall be entered.



The Contracting Parties may add to the explanatory note the requirement to include a reference to the identification number allocated by the competent authorities for tax, statistical or other purposes.










Where consignments are grouped, the word “Various” in the appropriate language, may be entered in this box and the list of consignors may be attached to the declaration.

Box 3: Forms



Enter the serial number of the set and the total number of sets of and continuation sheets used. For example, if there is one SAD and two SAD-BIS forms, 1/3 shall be entered on the SAD, 2/3 on the first SAD-BIS form and 3/3 on the second SAD_BIS form.

If the declaration only refers to one item (i.e. when only one ‘goods description’ box has to be completed) nothing is entered in box 3, but the figure “1” is entered in box 5.

If two sets of four copies are used instead of one set of eight copies, the two sets are considered to constitute one set for the purpose of establishing the number of forms.

Box 4: Number of loading lists



The total number of loading lists or descriptive commercial lists attached, if any, will be entered.

Box 5: Items



The total number of items declared on the SAD will be entered here. The number of items corresponds to the number of boxes 31 to be completed.

Box 6: Total packages



Completion of this box is optional for the Contracting Parties.



The total number of packages (pallets, cartons, coils, etc.) making up the consignments in question shall be entered here.

Box 8: Consignee



The full name and address of the person(s) or company(s) to whom the goods are to be delivered (consignee) shall be entered here. Where consignments are grouped, theword ‘various’, in the appropriate language, may be entered in this box and the list of consignees may be attached to the SAD.







The Contracting Parties may allow this box to be left blank if the consignee is established outside the territory of the Contracting Parties (i.e. Community/EFTA country).

The identification number need not be shown at this stage.



Box 15: Country of dispatch/export



The name of the country from which goods are to be dispatched/exported shall be entered.



Box 17: Country of destination



The name of the country of destination shall be entered.



Box 18: Identity and nationality of means of transport at departure



The details as follows shall be entered:






in the first subdivision, the means of identification, for example the registration number(s) or name of the means of transport (lorry, ship, railway wagon, aircraft) on which the goods are directly loaded on presentation at the office of departure;


• in the second subdivision, the nationality of the means of transport, using the codes

laid down for that purpose.

If the means of transport is made up of several means of transport, the nationality of the means of transport, which provides propulsion, shall be entered.




For example, where a tractor and a trailer with different registration numbers are used, enter the registration numbers of both tractor and trailer, and the nationality of the tractor.


the vehicle’s registration number shall be entered


the container’s number shall not be entered in this box, but in box 31. Details of the vessel or vehicle which is transporting the container shall be entered in box18.


the name of the ship shall be entered


the aircraft’s registration letters shall be entered








The railway carriage’s number shall be entered. Details of the nationality shall not be entered.

For demountable bodies on railway carriages the demountable body’s number shall be entered in box 31, as a demountable body is considered to be a container.


Details of the registration number or nationality shall not be entered.

In other cases, declaration of the nationality is optional for Contracting Parties.



Box 19: Container (Ctr)



This box is optional for the Contracting Parties.



Enter one of the following codes to give the presumed situation at the border of the Contracting Party in whose territory the office of departure is located, as known at the time the goods are placed under the transit procedure.

The applicable codes are:

“0”-where the goods are not carried in a container; “1” - where the goods are carried in a container.

Box 21: Identity and nationality of the active means of transport crossing the border



Entering the means of identification (e.g. registration number or name) is optional for the Contracting Parties.

The nationality of the active means of transport is obligatory.



However, where goods are carried by rail or moved by fixed installation, do not enter for the registration number or nationality.

Enter the appropriate code for the type (lorry, ship, railway wagon, aircraft, etc.) and the means of identification (e.g. registration number or name) of the active means of transport (i.e. the means of transport providing propulsion) which it is presumed will propel the consignment across the external border of the Contracting Party where the office of departure is located. Then enter the code for the nationality of the means of transport, as known at the time the goods were placed under the transit procedure.






Where combined transport or several means of transport are used, the active means of transport is the unit which provides propulsion for the whole combination. For example in the case of a lorry on a sea-going vessel the active means of transport is the ship; and where a combination of a tractor and a trailer is used, the active means of transport is the tractor.

Box 25: Mode of transport at the border



This box is optional for the Contracting Parties.



Using the following codes enter the mode of the active means of transport on which the goods will leave the territory of the Contracting Party in which the office of departure is located.

The applicable codes are:



A: 1-figure code (obligatory);



B: 2-figure code (second digit optional for the Contracting Parties)























9 10












90 Maritime transport

Railway wagon on sea-going vessel Powered road vehicle on sea-going vessel Trailer or semi-trailer on sea-going vessel Inland waterway vessel on sea-going vessel Rail transport

Road vehicle on rail-wagon

Road transport

Air transport

Postal consignments

Fixed transport installation

Inland waterway transport

Own propulsion









Box 26: Mode of transport inland



This box is optional for EU Member States in respect of Community transit.



Using the appropriate Community codes (as given for box 25), enter the mode of transport upon departure.

Box 27: Place of loading



This box is optional for the Contracting Parties.



Enter, using the appropriate code where available, the place where the goods are to be loaded onto the active means of transport on which they are to cross the border of the Contracting Party in whose territory the office of departure is located, as known at the time the goods are placed under the transit procedure.

Box 31: Packages and description of goods, marks and numbers, container No(s), number and kind

The marks, numbers, number and kind of packages shall be entered, or, in the case of unpackaged goods, the number of such goods covered by the declaration or the word ‘bulk’ shall be entered.

In all cases the normal trade description shall be entered but this description must include all the details needed to allow identification of the goods.

If completion of box 33 is mandatory, the description of the goods shall be sufficiently precise to enable the correct classification of the goods.

Box 31 shall also contain the particulars required under any specific rules (e.g. excise duties) which might apply.

If containers are used, their identification marks shall be entered.



Box 32: Item number



Enter the number of the item in question in relation to the total number of articles declared in the forms and SAD-BIS forms used, as decribed in the note to box 5.







If the declaration covers one item only, this box need not be completed as the figure ‘1’ should already have been entered in box 5.

Box 33: Commodity code



This box must be completed where:






the same person makes a transit declaration at the same time as, or following, a customs declaration which includes a commodity code; or





a transit declaration covers goods mentioned in the ‘list of goods involving greater risk of fraud’ (Annex I to Appendix I Convention procedure/ Annex 44cof IPC).


• in the Community, where required by Community legislation.

Enter the HS code for the goods, made up of at least six digits. However, where Community legislation so provides, the Combined Nomenclature heading shall be used.

In T2 and T2F transit declarations made in an EFTA country this box need not be completed unless the preceding transit declaration includes a commodity code. If it does, give the code entered in the corresponding declaration.

In all other cases the use of this box is optional.



Box 35: Gross mass



Enter the gross mass, in kilograms, of the goods described in the corresponding box 31.



The ‘gross mass’ means the total weight of the goods including all packing but excluding containers and other transport equipment.

As a general rule, where the gross mass exceeds 1 kilogram and includes a fraction of a unit (kilogram), the figure entered in this box may be rounded as follows:

Fraction from 0.001 to 0.499: rounded down to the nearest kilogram



Fraction from 0.500 to 0.999: rounded up to the nearest kilogram.



If the declaration covers several kinds of goods it is sufficient to enter the total weight in the first box 35, leaving box 35 of supplementary sheets, blank.







Box 38: Net mass



This box is optional for the Contracting Parties. However, in the case of Community transit, this information should be given where Community rules require it.

The net mass, in kilograms, of the goods described in the corresponding box 31 is entered here. The ‘net mass’ means the weight of the goods themselves excluding any form of packing.

Box 40: Summary declaration/previous document



Give the reference for the previous customs destination or corresponding customs documents.

In cases where more than one reference has to be entered, the word ‘Various’ may be entered in this box and a list of the references concerned may accompany the transit declaration.

Box 44: Additional information, documents produced, certificates and authorisations



This box shall contain information necessary in respect of special regulations that might apply in the country of dispatch/export together with the reference numbers of the documents produced in support of the declaration (e.g. the serial number of the T5 control copy, the export licence or permit number, the data required under veterinary and phytosanitary regulations, the bill of lading number, etc.).

In the case of goods involving greater risk of fraud, or where the customs authorities or the principal consider it necessary, an itinerary shall be prescribed. Details of at least the countries to be transited shall be entered. Where an exemption from the requirement of a prescribed itinerary has been authorised, the endorsment ‘Prescribed itinerary waived’ shall be entered.

The sub - division “Additional information code” (AI) shall not be completed.



Box 50: Principal and authorised representative, place, date and signature



The principal’s name (full name of the person or company) and full address shall be entered as  well  as  the  identification  number,  if  any,  allocated  by  the  competent  authorities.  If






appropriate, the full name (person or company) of the authorised representative who signs on behalf of the principal shall be entered.

Subject to any specific provisions on the use of computerised systems, the original of the handwritten signature of the person concerned must appear on the SAD copy no.1, which is to be kept at the office of departure. If this is a legal person, the signatory shall add after his signature his full name and the capacity in which he is signing.

Box 51: Intended offices of transit (and countries)



The intended offices of entry into each Contracting Party whose territory is to be transited in the course of carriage shall be entered. Where the operation involves transiting territory other than that of the Contracting Parties, the office of exit by which the means of transport will leave the territory of the Contracting Parties shall be entered.

Offices of transit are listed in the ‘List of offices competent for transit operations’ (

After the name of the office the code for the country concerned shall be entered.



The applicable codes are:







The Czech Republic Denmark

































































Box 52: Guarantee


Lithuania Hungary Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Austria


Portugal Romania Slovenia Slovakia



United Kingdom Croatia


Norway Switzerland Turkey

























Enter the appropriate code for the type of guarantee being used in the sub division marked “CODE” as specified in the table below.

Enter the appropriate information as specified in the table below under ‘other entries’, where required.

If the comprehensive guarantee, a guarantee waiver or individual guarantee is not valid for all the Contracting Parties, add ‘not valid for’ followed by the code of the relevant Contracting Party or Parties (see the appropriate codes of box 51).











Situation Code Other entries

For guarantee waiver

(Article 56 of Appendix I)

For comprehensive guarantee




For individual guarantee by a guarantor




For individual guarantee in cash

For individual guarantee in the form of vouchers

For guarantee waiver

(Article 11 of Appendix I)

For guarantee waiver by agreement (Article 10(2)(a) of the Convention)

For guarantee waiver for the journey between the office of departure and the office of transit (Article 10(2)(b) of the Convention)

For individual guarantee of the type under point 3 of Annex IV to Appendix I 0

























9 - guarantee waiver certificate number

- comprehensive  guarantee

certificate number

- office of guarantee

- reference for the

guarantee undertaking

- office of guarantee




- individual guarantee

voucher number












- reference for the

guarantee undertaking

- office of guarantee



Box 53: Office of destination (and country)



The name of the customs office at which the goods shall be presented in order to end the transit operation shall be entered (office of destination). The offices of destination are shown in the ‘list of customs offices competent to deal with transit operations’. The website address is:



After the name of the office of destination, enter the code of the country concerned. (use the appropriate code from the list shown in box 51).

II. Formalities en route









Box 55: Transhipment



The carrier must complete the first three lines of this box when goods are transhipped from one means of transport to another or from one container to another in the course of the operation in question.

Carriers are reminded that goods can be transhipped only under an authorisation of the competent authorities of the country in whose territory the transhipment is to be made.

Where those authorities consider that the transit operation concerned may continue in the normal way they shall, once they have taken any steps that may be necessary, endorse copies 4 and 5 of the SAD.

Box 56: Other incidents during carriage



Box to be completed in accordance with current obligations regarding transit.



In addition, where goods have been loaded on a semi-trailer and the tractor is changed during the journey (without the goods being handled or transhipped), enter in this box the registration number and nationality of the new tractor. Here, endorsement by the competent authorities is not necessary.
































8.2. Self-copying process of the transit declaration forms and the supplementary


Copies of the SAD and the supplementary forms to be used together with the SAD on which the particulars entered in the top copy must appear by a self-copying process




(counting copy no 1)




Box No Copies Box No Copies







1 1 to 8 32 1 to 8

except the middle subdivision 33 first subdivision on the left

1 to 3 1 to 8

2 1 to 5(1) remaining subdivision

3 1 to 8 1 to 3

4 1 to 8 35 1 to 8

5 1 to 8 38 1 to 8

6 1 to 8 40 1 to 5(1)

8 1 to 5(1) 44 1 to 5(1)

16 1 to 8 50 1 to 8

17 1 to 8 51 1 to 8

18 1 to 5(1) 52 1 to 8

19 1 to 5(1) 53 1 to 8

21 1 to 5(1) 54 1 to 4

25 1 to 5(1) 55 -

27 1 to 5(1) 56 -

31 1 to 8









C 1 to 8(2) G -

D/J 1 to 4 H -

E/J - I -





1 Under no circumstances may users be required to complete these boxes on copy 5 for the purposes of transit.

2  The country of departure may choose whether these particulars must appear on the copies specified.
















































8.3. Self-copying process of the 4-copy transit declaration and the supplementary


Copies of the alternative SAD and the supplementary forms to be used together with the alternative SAD on which the particulars entered in the top copy must appear by a self-copying process




(counting copy no 1)




Box No Copies Box No Copies






1 1 to 4 32 1 to 4

except the middle subdivision 33 first subdivision on the left

1 to 3 1 to 4

2 1 to 4 remaining subdivision

3 1 to 4 1 to 3

4 1 to 4 35 1 to 4

5 1 to 4 38 1 to 4

6 1 to 4 40 1 to 4

8 1 to 4 44 1 to 4

15 1 to 4 50 1 to 4

16 1 to 4 50 1 to 4

17 1 to 4 51 1 to 4

18 1 to 4 52 1 to 4

19 1 to 4 53 1 to 4

21 1 to 4 54 1 to 4

25 1 to 4 55 -







27 1 to 4 56 -

31 1 to 4









C 1 to 4 G -

D/J 1 to 4 H -

E/J - I -

F -
























































This chapter deals with the formalities and procedures at the office of departure.

Paragraph 2 gives the general theory concerning the formalities at the office of departure as well as general information about the legal sources.

Paragraph 3 describes the procedure at office of departure. It deals with matters concerning presentation acceptance, verification and registration of the transit declaration, amendment of the transit declaration and presentation of the guarantee. It also gives information concerning the itinerary, time limit, sealing, and release of the goods.

Paragraph 4 deals with specific situations concerning formalities at the office of departure.

Paragraph 5 deals with exceptions.



Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national instructions.



Paragraph 7 is reserved the use of customs administrations only.



Paragraph 8 contains the annexes to chapter 2.







General theory and legislation



The transit procedure starts at the office of departure by the presentation of the SAD together with the goods.

The legal sources for procedures described in this chapter are:



• Articles 25 - 33 of the Appendix I of the Convention;







· Annex II to Appendix I of the Convention;

· Articles 62, 63, 65, 68 - 73 CCC;

· Articles 202, 247, 355-357 IPC;

· Annex 46a IPC






Description of the procedure at office of departure



This paragraph gives information about:



· presentation of the SAD (paragraph 3.1);

· presentation of a guarantee (paragraph 3.2);

· acceptance, registration and endorsement of the SAD (paragraph 3.3);

· amendment of the SAD (paragraph 3.4);

· verification (paragraph 3.5);

· itinerary and prescribed itinerary (paragraph 3.6);

· time limit (paragraph 3.7);

· sealing (paragraph 3.8);

· release of the goods (paragraph 3.9).




3.1. Presentation of the SAD




Article 25and 27, Annex I Convention


Article 62, 63,

CCC and article

202, IPC


The SAD and all accompanying documents shall be presented together with the goods at the office of departure during the days and hours appointed for opening. However, at the request and expense of the principal, they may be presented at other times or at other places approved by the office of departure.





List of customs offices


The office of departure must be competent to deal with transit operations and the type of traffic concerned. A list of customs offices  competent  to  deal  with  transit  operations  is  found  at  the




















3.2. Presentation of a guarantee




Guarantee cover



Article 9 Appendix I Convention


Article 94 CCC


To start a transit movement a guarantee is required (except where this is exempted by law or by authorisation).

Further information on guarantees is in Part III.





















3.3. Acceptance and registration of the transit declaration




Article 27, Appendix I Convention


Article 62, 63 CCC


The office of departure accepts the transit declaration on condition that:

• it contains all the necessary information;









· it is accompanied by all the necessary documents;



· the goods referred to in the declaration are presented to customs.

An apparently incorrect (or incomplete) SAD shall not be accepted.



The office of departure shall register the transit declaration by putting a registration number in box C „Office of departure” of the SAD and by inserting in box D(/J) of the SAD “Control by office of departure” the details of inspections carried out, seals affixed and time limit allowed, adding his signature and an imprint of the stamp of the office of departure.

The registration system of declarations used in fallback situations must be different from the NCTS system.



3.4. Amendment of the transit declaration




Article 28, Appendix I Convention


Article 65 CCC


The principal may request permission to amend the transit declaration even after customs have accepted it. The amendment may not render the declaration applicable to goods other than those it originally covered.

Amendments shall be made by striking out the incorrect particulars, and where appropriate, by adding those required, and shall be initialled by the person making them. Amendments shall be endorsed by the customs authorities. In some cases the customs authorities may require the presentation of a new declaration. Erasures or overwriting are not permitted.

No amendment shall be permitted where the competent authorities have indicated after receiving the transit declaration that they intend to examine the goods, or have established that the particulars are incorrect or have already released the goods.









3.5. Verification of the transit declaration




Article 30, Appendix I Convention


Article 68, 69(1) CCC


After acceptance of the declaration customs may carry out the following checks on the basis of risk analysis or at random:

· a documentary check of the declaration and any documents accompanying it,

· an inspection of the goods, and if necessary, removal of

samples for analysis,

· a detailed examination of the goods.




Place of inspection The goods will be examined in the places designated and during the

hours appointed for that purpose. However, customs may, at the principal’s request and expense, carry out the examination of the goods at other places or at other times.



3.6. Itinerary and prescribed itinerary




Article 26, Appendix I Convention


Article 355 IPC


The general rule is that goods entered for the transit procedure must be carried to the office of destination along an economically justified route.

However, in the case of transportation of goods involving greater risk of fraud or when the customs authorities or the principal consider it necessary, a prescribed itinerary shall be specified. Details of at least the countries to be transited shall be entered in box no. 44 of the SAD. Exemption from the requirement to follow a prescribed itinerary can be granted to the principal as a simplification subject to certain conditions (for further details see Part VI paragraph 3.4.).





















Change of prescribed itinerary


Article 36, Appendix I Convention


Article 360 IPC Annex 37d IPC


The prescribed itinerary may be changed during the transit operation. Where there is a change in the itinerary, the carrier is obliged to make the necessary entries in box 56 of copies No 4 and No 5 of the SAD and to present them together with the consignment to the customs authorities of the country in whose territory the means of transport is located. The competent authorities will consider whether the transit operation may continue, take any steps that may be necessary and endorse copies no 4 and no 5 of the SAD document in box G.

Further details on procedures to be followed in the event of incidents occurring during transport are in Part IV, chapter 3, paragraph 3.1.





3.7. Time limit

Article 29, Appendix 1 Convention


Article 356 IPC




The office of departure shall set a time limit within which the goods shall be presented at the office of destination.




The time limit prescribed by the office of departure is binding on the competent authorities of the countries transited during the transit








operation and cannot be changed by them.





Exceeding the time limit


Where the time limit is exceeded in circumstances which are not the fault of the carrier or principal and which are explained to the satisfaction of the office of destination, it will be deemed that the prescribed time limit has been kept.






3.8. Means of identification

This paragraph is sub-divided as follows::






introduction (paragraph 3.8.1.);

methods of sealing (paragraph 3.8.2.); characteristics of seals (paragraph 3.8.3.);

use of seals of a special type (paragraph 3.8.4.).





3.8.1. Introduction





Article 11(2) Convention


Article 31 Appendix I Convention


Article 72 CCC ,Article 357 IPC, Annex 37d IPC


Ensuring the identification of goods transported under the transit procedure is very important. As a general rule, identification of these goods is ensured by sealing.

Any documents which are used for the identification of the goods should be attached to the SAD and stamped in such a way as to ensure that substitution is not possible.











However, the office of departure can waive the requirement for sealing when the description of goods is sufficiently precise to ensure easy identification of the goods (e.g. by giving engine and chassis number where cars are transported under the transit procedure). This description is to be entered in box no. 31 of the SAD.




Goods involving greater risk


The description of goods should not normally be regarded as a suitable means of identification in the case of:

· goods involving greater risk and listed in annex I to Appendix I Convention/Annex 44c IPC;

· agricultural products which, within the Community, give

entitlement to payments (refunds, premiums, etc.).






Mixed consignments


In the case of goods not subject to the transit procedure being carried together with goods under the transit procedure on the same means of transport, sealing of the vehicle will not normally be done where the identification of the goods is ensured by means of sealing of the individual packages or by a precise description of the goods.



Note: the goods must be clearly separated and labelled in order to easily  identify  which  goods  are  carried  under  transit  and  which  are












Article 31(2) Appendix I Convention


Article 72, CCC and article 357(1) IPC


If the identity of the consignment cannot be ensured by sealing or other means of identification (description) the office of departure may refuse to allow the goods to be placed under the transit procedure.




Article 31(6) Appendix I, Convention


Article 72, CCC


Successive unloading


Seals shall not be broken without the authorisation of the competent customs authorities.

When a vehicle or container has been sealed at the office of departure and successive unloading takes place at several offices of destination situated in different countries, the customs authorities at the intermediate offices of destination where the seals are broken to unload parts of the load must affix new seals and indicate this in box F of copies nos. 4 and 5 of the SAD.





3.8.2. Methods of sealing





Article 11(2) Convention


Article 31(3) Appendix I Convention


Article 72, CCC and Article 357(2) IPC


There are two methods of sealing:



· seal the space containing the goods;

· seal the individual package.

Where sealing the space containing the goods is used, the means of transport must be suitable for sealing.











3.8.3. Characteristics of seals



All seals used as a means of identification have to comply with specified characteristics and technical specifications.




Characteristics of seals


Annex II, Appendix I Convention


Annex 46A IPC


Seals shall have the following characteristics:



· remain secure in normal use;

· be easy checkable and recognisable;

· be so manufactured that any breakage, attempt to break or removal leaves traces visible to the naked eye;

· be designed for single use, or if intended for multiple use, be so

designed that they can be given a clear, individual identification mark each time they are re-used;

· bear individual identification mark.



Seals shall comply with the following technical specifications:



· the form and dimensions of the seals may vary depending on the method of sealing used but the dimensions must be such as to ensure that identification marks are easy to read;

· the  identification  marks  of  seals  must  be  impossible  to  falsify

and difficult to reproduce;

· the material used must be resistant to accidental breakage and prevent undetectable falsification or re-use.




3.8.4. Use of seals of a special type





Use of seals of a special type


Article 44(1c) and


For  the  principal  to  use  seals  of  a  special  type  an  authorisation  by





Article 58, Appendix I Convention


Article 372 and Article 386, IPC


Annex 37d


the competent authorities is required.



Use of seals of a special type is a simplification subject to certain conditions (for further details see Part IV, paragraph 3.2.2.).

Where these seals of a special type are used, the principal enters the make, type and number of the seals affixed opposite the heading “seals affixed” in box D(/J) of the SAD. The seals must be affixed before release of the goods.

An authorised consignor whose authorisation stipulates that identification of the goods is achieved by sealing does not require a separate authorisation for the use of seals of a special type.





3.9. Release of goods

After completion of all formalities at the office of departure i.e.:














Article 32, Appendix I, Convention


Article 358 IPC Annex 37d IPC


· proper completion of the appropriate copies of the SAD;

· furnishing of the guarantee, where required (see Part III);

· setting of the time limit;

· setting of a prescribed itinerary, where required;

· acceptance and registration of the declaration;

· verification of the declaration; and

· identification of the consignment;



the goods will be released and the date of release entered in box D(/J) of the copies of the SAD.





























Copies 1,4 and 5 of the SAD


Article 32, Appendix I Convention


Article 359(1) IPC (358 ?)


Copy No 1 of the SAD is retained by the office of departure. The goods placed under the transit procedure are carried to the office of destination under cover of copies No 4 and No 5 of the SAD.





















Specific situations (pro memoria)







Exceptions (pro memoria)







Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only

























































8.1. Endorsement ‘waiver’

BG Освободено

CS Osvobození DA Fritaget

DE Befreiung

EE Loobumine EL     Απαλλαγή ES Dispensa FR     Dispense HR Oslobodeno IT      Dispensa

LV Derīgs bez zīmoga

LT Leista neplombuoti HU    Mentesség

MT Tneħħija

NL Vrijstelling

PL Zwolnienie

PT Dispensa

RO Dispensă

SI Opustitev

SK Oslobodenie

FI Vapautettu

SV Befrielse

EN Waiver

IS Undanþegið

NO Fritak

TR Vazgeçme







8.2. Endorsement ‘satisfactory’

see chapter 6, annex 8.1








































































This chapter describes the formalities and incidents during transport for movements under the fallback procedure.

Paragraph 2 gives the general theory and legislation.



Paragraph 3 describes the formalities in the case of incidents during transport and at the office of transit.

Paragraph 4 deals with specific situations.



Paragraph 5 covers exceptions to the general rules.



Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national rules.



Paragraph 7 is reserved for the use of customs administrations.



Paragraph 8 contains the annexes to chapter 5.







General theory and legislation



The legal sources are in :



- Articles 34 – 36 and 45a Appendix I Convention ;

-   Annex B6 Title II, point II, Appendix III, Convention - Articles 13-14 CCC ;

- Articles 359, 360 IPC;

- Annex 37, Title II, point B, IPC.


















Formalities in the case of incidents during transport and at the office of transit



This paragraph gives information about:



· the formalities to be followed in the case of an incident occurring during transport (paragraph 3.1);

· the formalities at the office of transit (paragraph 3.2.).





3.1. Formalities in the case of incidents during transport




Incidents during transport


















Action taken by the competent authorities


Article 36 Appendix I, Convention


Article 360 IPC.


If incidents occur during the transportation of the goods that are under the fallback procedure the carrier must inform the nearest competent customs office immediately. Most frequently occurred examples of what might be considered as incidents during transport are:

· the prescribed itinerary cannot be followed;

· the custom seals are accidentally broken ;

· transfer of the goods to another means of transport;

· as a consequence of imminent danger the immediate partial or total unloading of the means of transport.

In case of incidents during transport, the carrier shall without delay make the necessary entries in box no 56 of the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD and present the consignment to the competent authorities in the country where the incident has occurred. The competent authorities will decide whether the transit operation concerned may continue or not. If the operation may continue the relevant office will endorse the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD in box 55 and box G, specifying the action taken.




If the seals have been broken outside of the carrier’s control the competent authority will examine the goods and the vehicle. If it is decided to allow the transit operation to continue, a new means of identification shall be applied and the SAD, the SAD printout or the








TAD shall be endorsed accordingly.



Transfer of goods Transferring of goods to another means of transport can only be done

subject to the permission of the competent authorities at the place where the transfer is to be made. In that case the carrier shall complete box no 55 'Transhipment', of the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD. This may be done legibly by hand, in ink and in block letters. Where appropriate, customs shall endorse box F of the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD. Where more than two transhipments have occurred and box F is subsequently full, the information required shall be entered by the carrier in box no 56 of the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD.

In all cases above, the information concerning the incident including the information on new seals, is indicated accordingly by endorsing the box of field F of the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD by the competent authority.




Total or partial unloading


Where in the event of imminent danger, the immediate partial or total unloading of the means of transport is required, the carrier shall inform the competent authorities without delay and makes the necessary entries in box no 56 of the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD. Customs shall endorse box G of the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD. However, where only the tractor is changed during the journey (without the goods being handled or transhipped), the registration number and nationality of the new tractor shall be entered in box no 56 of the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD. In this case the endorsement of the competent authority is not necessary.




Incident or



The competent customs authority shall be informed immediately in the event of any other incident or accident affecting the ability of the principal or the carrier to comply with his obligations.




Split consignment Any splitting of a consignment must take place under customs







control and the transit procedure must be terminated. A new transit declaration must be completed for each part of the consignment.



3.2. Formalities at the office of transit

This paragraph gives information about:



· the office of transit (paragraph 3.2.1);

· formalities at the office of transit (paragraph 3.2.2.)

· change of the office of transit (paragraph 3.2.3.);

· - action in the event of irregularities (paragraph 3.2.4).




3.2.1. The office of transit



The office of transit is a customs office situated at a point of entry or exit. The following table gives the various possibilities for common and Community transit.



Common transit Community transit

Point of entry - into a Contracting Party - into the customs territory of the Community when the goods have crossed the territory of a third country in the course of a transit operation,

Point of exit - from a Contracting Party when the consignment is leaving the customs territory of that Contracting Party in the course of a transit operation via a frontier between that Contracting Party and a third country. - from the customs territory of the Community when a consignment is leaving that territory in the course of a transit operation via a frontier between a Member State and a third country other than an EFTA country.



To facilitate the movement of Community goods between the different parts of the customs territory of the Community when they have to cross the territory of a third country, other than an EFTA country, Member States shall undertake to establish as far as possible  when  local  circumstances  permit,  special  lanes  alongside







their customs offices situated at the external frontier of the Community, reserved for the control of Community goods moving under the cover of a customs document issued in another Member State.



The control of such goods shall be limited to examination of the proof of the Community status of the goods and if necessary the ending of the transport operation, provided the circumstances of that operation do not call for a more detailed examination.

In cases where the above mentioned control does not produce any irregularities, the transport shall be allowed to proceed to its destination.




3.2.2. Formalities at the office of transit



The SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD is presented, together with the goods, to each office of transit. The office(s) of transit may inspect the goods where considered necessary.

















3.2.3. Action in the event of major irregularities



Major irregularities Where  an  office  of  transit  finds  major  irregularities  relating  to  the

transit operation in question it shall end the transit procedure and initiate the necessary investigations.







Specific situations (pro memoria)







Exceptions (pro memoria)







Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only


























































Chapter 6 describes the formalities at the office of destination.



Paragraph 2 gives the general theory and legislation.



Paragraph 3 describes the formalities at the office of destination, including the ending and control of the procedure.

Paragraph 4 deals with specific situations.



Paragraph 5 covers exceptions to the general rules.



Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national rules.



Paragraph 7 is reserved for the use of customs administrations.



Paragraph 8 contains the annexes to chapter 6.







General theory and legislation



At the end of the transit movement the goods together with the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD shall be presented to customs at the office of destination. This is the ending of the transit movement.

The office of destination shall check the goods on the basis of the information on the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD, shall record the results on the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD and send the document back to the office of departure.

If no irregularities have taken place, the transit procedure shall be discharged by the office of departure after having received the control result on paper.

In the event of an irregularity further measures shall be necessary.








The legal sources are in :



· Articles 37-43, Appendix I,Convention;

· Annex B10, Appendix III, Convention

· Articles 92 CC

· Articles 361-363, IPC

· Annex  47 IPC






The formalities at the office of destination



This paragraph gives information about the:



· ending of the transit procedure (paragraph 3.1);

· control of the end of the procedure (paragraph 3.2).



In this paragraph we shall assume that no irregularities have occurred. The steps to be taken in the event of an irregularity are outlined in paragraphs 4.4 of this chapter.

Note: the ending of the transit procedure at the office of destination is not the same as the discharge of the transit procedure. It is the office of departure, on the basis of information supplied by the office of destination, which decides whether the transit procedure can be discharged.





3.1. The ending of the transit procedure




Obligations of other persons


The  transit  procedure  shall  end  and  the  obligations  of  the

principal shall be met when the goods placed under the procedure, and the necessary documents are produced at the office of destination, in accordance with the provisions governing the procedure.



In practice the end of the procedure means the








presentation of the goods and the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD to the office of destination, and legally it means that such presentation is carried out in accordance with the legal provisions pursuant to the type of procedure used, i.e. standard or simplified61. Both actions are the responsibility and the main obligation of the principal.



When  the  procedure  ends  the  transit  operation  and  the

principal’s obligations under the procedure also end. An event or non-respect of obligations subsequent to that date involves other destinations and other customs rules rather than those relating to transit. That does not mean however that the responsibility (financial or otherwise) of the principal could not be questioned subsequent to the end of the procedure, but only insofar as it relates to the previous transit operation.





Time limit


In addition to the principal, other persons have obligations under the transit procedure. The carrier and any person who receives the goods knowing that they were placed under the transit procedure are also responsible for presentation of the goods intact at the office of destination  within  the  time  limit  and  with  due  observance  of  the







61 In addition to the general definition of the end of the procedure, there is a series of specific provisions setting out the special conditions under which the procedure comes to an end or is regarded as having come to an end within the framework of procedures such as those concerning the authorised consignee and air, sea and pipeline simplifications (for further information see : Part VI).






measures of identification.



The goods together with the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD shall be presented at the office of destination. This shall be done during the days and hours that the office of destination is open. For simplifications, see Part VI.

Presentation must take place within the time limit set by the office of departure. The time limit is shown in box D of the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD.

The time limit set by the office of departure is binding on the competent authorities of the countries whose territory is entered during a transit procedure. The competent authorities, including customs at the office of destination, shall not alter it. For further details see Part IV, chapter 2, paragraph 3.7.



3.2. Control of the end of the procedure






After presentation of the goods and the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD the office of destination determines whether the goods will be checked by customs or whether the goods are released.

The examination of the goods shall be carried out using the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD presented to the office of destination.

The office of destination shall indicate the control results on the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD and send that form to the office of departure.

This control result shall also contain any information introduced on the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD during transport (for example: transhipment, new seals or incidents during transport).














Specific situations



This paragraph gives information about specific situations in the transit procedure at the office of destination. These specific situations are:

· issuing a receipt (paragraph 4.1);



· issuing alternative proof (paragraph 4.2);



· presentation of the goods and documents outside the appointed days and hours and at a place other than the office of








destination (paragraph 4.3);



· irregularities (paragraph 4.4);



· change of office of destination (paragraph 4.5).



4.1. Issuing a receipt

Upon request by the person presenting the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD and the goods at the office of destination, customs shall issue a receipt (TC11). The receipt cannot however be used as alternative proof of the ending of the procedure.




Functions of the receipt


Article 38, Appendix I, Convention


Article 362 IPC


The receipt has two important functions. Firstly it informs the principal that the carrier delivered the transit documents to the office of destination. Secondly, the receipt plays an important role in the event of an enquiry started where the office of departure has not received information of the arrived consignment. In such cases the principal will be able to produce the receipt to the office of departure indicating to which office the transit documents were presented. This makes the enquiry procedure much more efficient.




Form of receipt


Annex B10, Appendix III, Convention


Annex 47 IPC


The form of the receipt must conform to the specimen TC11 in Appendix III, Annex B10 Convention/Annex 47 IPC.




Filling in the receipt


The person requesting the receipt shall complete the receipt before handing it to a customs officer at the office of destination, for endorsement.










In addition, the receipt may contain other information relating to the consignment. The principal may for instance want to show the address to which the carrier of the goods will return the receipt after endorsement by customs. The office of destination is not required to return the receipt by post; however this can be done, if necessary. Normally the principal will request the carrier to return the receipt to him.

• The return address may be entered on the back of the receipt, where the form of the receipt conforms to the specimen in Annex B10, Appendix III, Convention/Annex 47 IPC.



















4.2. Issuing alternative proof

The principal may request customs to provide him with alternative proof that the transit procedure has ended correctly. This may be done at the time that the transit declaration and goods are presented at the office of destination.

























4.3. Presentation of the goods and the documents outside the appointed days and

hours and at a place other than the office of destination




Article 37(1), Apppendix I, Convention


Article 361(1) IPC


Generally, goods and the relevant transit documents must be presented:

• at the office of destination, and,










• during the appointed days and hours of opening.



However, the office of destination can authorise the presentation of the goods and transit documents outside the appointed days and hours and at a place other than the office of destination.

In line with national regulations the costs involved shall be borne by the trade.



4.4. Irregularities



4.4.1. Irregularities concerning seals



Usually goods are under seal while being transported under the transit procedure. At the office of destination customs shall check whether the seals are still intact. If the seals have been tampered with customs at the office of destination shall indicate this information on the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD and send it to the office of departure.






4.4.2. Other irregularities

The office of destination shall indicate the irregularity that it has found on the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD in order to inform the office of departure and take the  appropriate measures.

At the office of destination a difference may be found between the goods declared on the paper and the goods actually presented at the office of destination.










4.5. Change of office of destination

A transit operation may end at an office other than the one declared in the transit declaration. That office shall then become the office of destination.

Where there is a change of office of destination, the principal has not fulfilled all his obligations when he produces the goods at the last office of transit which was the office of destination originally intended. He is responsible for the correct performance of the operation as far as the new office of destination.

Three situations can be distinguished:



1. The new office of destination is in the same

Contracting Party/Member State as the one entered in the transit declaration:











2. The new office of destination is in a different

Contracting Party/Member State than the one entered in the transit declaration:




















3. The  new  office  of  destination  is  in  a  different  Member  state  or

Contracting Party from the one entered in the SAD which bears the following statement:













Annex 8.10 contains the statement in all language versions.















Presentation after expiry of time limit



The following are examples of proof of unforeseen circumstances which cause the expiration of the time limit but for which blame is not attributable to the carrier or the principal:




· receipt issued by the police (in respect of an accident, theft, …);

· receipt issued by health service (in respect of medical attendance, …);

· receipt  from  the  vehicle  breakdown  service  (in  respect  of  a

vehicle repair);

· any proof of delay due to a strike, or any other unforeseen circumstances.

However, it is up to customs at the office of destination to decide on the validity of the proof.







Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only




























8.1. Standard endorsement 'satisfactory'

Standard endorsement 'satisfactory' in all language versions if no irregularities have been detected:

BG съответства

CS: souhlasí

DA: konform

DE: konform

EE: vastavuses

EL: ς

ES: conform

FR: conforme

HR: zadovoljava

IT: conforme

LV: atbilst

LT: atitinka

HU: rendben MT:

NL: conform

PL: zgodnie

PT: conforme RO: conform

SI: ustrezno SK: súhlasí

FI: tyydyttävä

SV: konform

EN: satisfactory

IS: fullnægjandi

NO: konform

TR uygundur

The endorsement is entered in the left-hand subdivision of box I of the SAD.








8.2. Phrase 'copy T5 presented'

BG представен формуляр Т5


CS list T5 předložený


DA eksemplar T5 modtaget DE    Exemplar T5 vorgelegt EE     T5-dokument esitatud

EL καλώς T5


ES presentado ejemplar T5 FR     exemplaire T5 présenté IT      presentato l'esemplare T5

LV T5 formulārs uzrādīts


LT T5 egzempliorius pateiktas


HU T5 ellenőrző példányt bemutatták MT    ?????????????????

NL eksemplaar T5 overgelegd


PL karta T5 przedstawiona


PT apresentado o exemplar T5


RO exemplarul T5 prezentat


SI kontrolni izvod T5 predložen


SK výtlačok T5 predložený


FI valvontakappale T5 esitetty


SV Kontrollexemplar T5 uppvisat EN    copy T5 presented

HR  primjerak T5 podnesen









8.3. Phrase 'alternative proof'















Алтернативно доказателство Alternativní důkaz Alternativnachweis Alternatiivsed tõendid Εναλλακτική απόδειξη

Prueba alternativa

Preuve alternative

Prova alternativa

Alternatīvs pierādījums Alternatyvusis įrodymas


HU Alternatív igazolás

MT Prova alternattiva NL    Alternatief bewijs












Alternatywny dowód Prova alternativa

Probă Dovada alternativă Alternativno dokazilo Alternatívny dôkaz Vaihtoehtoinen todiste Alternativt bevis Alternative proof

Önnur sönnun




NO Alternativt bevis







Alternativni dokaz Alternatif Kanıt
















8.4. List of central offices for the return of copies No 5


Bureau centralisateur des douanes/ Centralisatiekantoor der douane Quai Fernand Demets 9/ Fernand Demets kaai, 9






Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Hlavní město Prahu


CZ510201 - Praha Hostivař CZ510202 - Praha Uhříněves

Celní úřad pro Jihočeský kraj (CZ520000):

CZ520201 - České Budějovice CZ520202 - Strakonice CZ520203 – Tábor

Celní úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj (CZ530000):

CZ530201- Brno

CZ530202 - Blansko

CZ530203 - Hodonín

CZ530204 - Lanžhot

CZ530299 - Brno Tuřany

Celní úřad pro Karlovarský kraj (CZ540000):

CZ540201 - Karlovy Vary CZ540202 - Cheb

CZ540299 - Letiště Karlovy


Celní úřad pro Královehradecký kraj


CZ550201- Hradec Králové CZ550202 - Jičín

CZ550203 – Náchod

Celní úřad pro Liberecký kraj (CZ560000):

CZ560201 – Liberec



Celní úřad pro Hlavní město Prahu

Washingtonova 7

113 54 Praha 1

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Jihočeský kraj Kasárenská 6/1473

370 21České Budějovice Czech Republic



Celní úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj Koliště 17

602 00 Brno

Czech Republic





Celní úřad pro Karlovarský kraj Dubová 8

360 04 Karlovy Vary

Czech Republic




Celní úřad pro Královehradecký kraj

Bohuslava Martinů 1672/8a

501 01 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic



Celní úřad pro Liberecký kraj České mládeže 1122, 460 03 Liberec 6

Czech Republic












Celní úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj


CZ570201 – Paskov

CZ570202 – Karviná

CZ570203 – Nošovice CZ570204 – Opava

CZ570205 - Třinec

CZ570299 - Letiště Mošnov

Celní úřad pro Olomoucký kraj (CZ580000):

CZ580201 – Olomouc CZ580202 – Přerov

CZ580203 – Šumperk

Celní úřad pro Pardubický kraj (CZ590000):

CZ590201 - Pardubice CZ590202 - Česká Třebová CZ590299 - Letiště Pardubice

Celní úřad pro Plzeňský kraj (CZ600000):

CZ600201 - Plzeň CZ600202 - Draženov CZ600203 – Tachov

Celní úřad pro Středočeský kraj (CZ610000):

CZ610201 - Zdiby

CZ610202 - Benešov CZ610203 - Kladno

CZ610204 - Kolín

CZ610205 - Kosmonosy CZ610206 - Mělník

CZ610207 - Nupaky

CZ610208 – Rudná

Celní úřad pro Ústecký kraj (CZ620000):

CZ620201 - Ústí nad Labem CZ620202 - Chomutov CZ620203 – Most

Celní úřad pro kraj Vysočina (CZ630000):

CZ630201 - Střítež u Jihlavy CZ630202 - Pelhřimov CZ630203 - Žďár nad Sázavou


Celní úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj

Náměstí Svatopluka Čecha 8 702 00 Ostrava

Czech Republic







Celní úřad pro Olomoucký kraj Blanická 19

772 01 Olomouc

Czech Republic



Celní úřad pro Pardubický kraj Palackého 2659/3

530 02 Pardubice

Czech Republic



Celní úřad pro Plzeňský kraj Antala Uxy 11, P.O. BOX 88 303 88 Plzeň




Celní úřad pro Středočeský kraj Washingtonova 11

110 00 Praha 1

Czech Republic









Celní úřad pro Ústecký kraj Hoření 3540/7A

400 11 Ústí nad Labem Czech Republic



Celní úřad pro kraj Vysočina Střítež 5

588 11 Střítež u Jihlavy Czech Republic








Celní úřad pro Zlínský kraj (CZ640000):

CZ640201 - Lípa

CZ640202 - Napajedla CZ640203 - Uherské Hradiště CZ640204 - Valašské Meziříčí

Celní úřad Praha Ruzyně (CZ650000):

CZ650201 - Ruzyně CZ650202 - Celní pošta CZ650299 - Ruzyně cestovní styk


Central Transit office


Celní úřad pro Zlínský kraj Zarámí 4463

762 34 Zlín

Czech Republic




Celní úřad Praha Ruzyně Aviatická 12/1048

160 08 Praha 6

Czech Republic


Customs Headquarters, Ministry of Finance Corner M. Karaoli and Gr. Afxentiou, 1096, Nicosia





Hauptzollamt Braunschweig

Zentralstelle Zollversand

Postfach 1540







Tax and Customs Board Central Transit Office Lõõtsa 8a

15176 Tallinn ESTONIA


Διεύθυνση Τελωνείων Αττικής

Γραφείο Διαμετακόμισης Πλ. Αγ. Νικολάου

185 10 Πειραιάς




185 10 PIRAEUS













Departamento de Aduanas e II.EE. Subdirección General de Gestión Aduanera Área de Exportación y Tránsito

Avenida del Llano Castellano, 17 28071-Madrid




Bureau Centralisateur des Documents Communautaires 161, chemin de Lestang

F - 31057 TOULOUSE




Central Transit Office

Office of the Revenue Commissioners Customs Division

St. Conlon's Road


Co. Tipperary








































Direzione interprovinciale di Bolzano e Trento Via Galilei, 4b

39100 Bolzano

Tel. 0039 0471 563000

Fax 0039 0471 563243


Direzione interregionale Campania e Calabria Via A. De Gasperi, 20

80133 Napoli

Tel. 0039 081 2527111

Fax 039 081 5528236


Direzione Interregionale Emilia Romagna  Marche Via Marconi, 34

40122 Bologna

Tel. 0039 0516088811

Fax 0039 051242924


Direzione Interregionale Lazio e Abruzzo Via Dei Quattro Cantoni, 50

00184 Roma

Tel. 0039 064818147

Fax 0039 064880200


Direzione interregionale Liguria, Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta SEDE DI GENOVA

Via raffaele Rubattino, 4

16126 Genova

Tel. 0039 010 25479202

Fax 0039 010 261329


Corso Sebastopoli, 3

10134 Torino

Tel. 0039 011 3166161

Fax 0039 011 3194365


Direzione Regionale Lombardia

Via Valtellina, 1

20159 Milano

Tel. 0039 02699131

Fax 0039 026071811


Direzione Interregionale Puglia,332 Molise e Basilicata Via Amendola, 201/5

70126 Bari







State Revenue Service Republic of Latvia National Customs Board

1a Kr. Valdemara St., Riga, LV-1841, Latvia,




Muitinės departamentas Muitinės procedūrų skyrius

A. Jakšto g. 1





Bureau Centralisateur

Documents T – Centre Douanier BP 1122





NAV Kiemelt Ügyek és Adózók Vám- és Pénzügyőri Igazgatósága H-1558 Budapest, Pf.: 190. Hungary


Central Transit Office

Custom House

Valletta CMR 02





Belastingdienst / Douane

Postbus 4501





Izba Celna w Lodzi

Centralne Biuro Tranzytu

ul. Karolewska 41

90-560 Lodz













Autoritatea Nationala a Vamilor

Serviciul Tranzit Vamal – Biroul Centralizator Str. Matei Millo, nr.13,

Sector 1, Bucuresti







Oddelek za tranzit

CENTRALNA TRANZITNA PISARNA Mednarodni prehod 2b, Vrtojba





Colné riaditel'stvo SR Colný odbor

Mierová 23




United Kingdom

HM Revenue and Customs CCTO

Customs House

Main Road




CO12 3PG


Guernsey Customs and Excise PO Box 417

St Peter Port



Channel Islands

States of Jersey Customs & Excise La Route du Port Elizabeth

St Helier



Channel Islands










Ministeri de Relacions Exteriors Despatx central de duana

62, 64 Prat de la Creu

Andorra La Vella





Tryggvagata 19






San Marino

Ufficio Tributario

Via Ventotto Luglio, 212




Sektor za carinski sustav i procedure Odjel za potragu i zaključenje postupaka Alexandera von Humboldta 4a

10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska






Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı, Gümrükler Genel Müdürlüğü Dumlupınar Bulvarı No: 151 Eskişehir Yolu 9. Km

06800 Çankaya/ANKARA





Switzerland Office of departure























8.5. Phrase 'difference'

The endorsement where the office of destination has found differences:

In box I following the word 'Remarks':




BG: Разлики:





CS: Odlišnosti:


В повече.... Липси....

Описание на стоките. ....

Тарифна позиция....

přebytečné množství .... chybějící množství ....

název zboží . ....

sazební zařazení ....




DA: Uoverensstemmelser: overtallig : .....

manko : .....

varebeskrivelse : .....

tarifering : .....




DE: Unstimmigkeiten:





EE: Erinevused:





EL: ϕoές






ES: Diferencias:





FR: Différences:


Mehrmenge : .....

Fehlmenge : .....

Art der Waren : .....

Unterposition HS : .....

ülejääk : .....

puudujääk : .....

kauba kirjeldus : .....

tariifne klassifitseerimine : .....

ό: .....



ooή ά: .....

sobra : .....

falta : .....

clase de mercancia : .....

clasificación arancelaria : .....

excédent : .....

manquant : .....

nature des marchandises : .....

classement tarifaire : .....








Eccendenza : .....

Deficienza : .....

Natura della merci : .....

Classificazione tariffaria : .....








LV: Atšķirības:





LT: Neatitikimai:





HU: Eltérések:






NL: Verschillen:





PL: Niezgodności:





PT: Diferenças:





RO: Diferenţe:


vairāk : .....

Mazāk : .....

Preču apraksts : .....

Tarifu klasifikācija : .....

perteklius : .....

trūkumas : .....

prekių aprašimas : .....

tarifinis klasifikavimas : .....

többlet ....

hiány ....

az áruk fajtája.... tarifaszáma ....




teveel : .....

tekort : .....

soort goederen : .....

tariefpostonderverdeling : .....

nadwyżki ....

braki ....

opis towarów ... klasyfikacja taryfowa ....

para mais : .....

para menos : .....

natureza das mercadorias: .....

clasificaçao pautal : .....

excedent : .....

lipsa : .....

descrierea mărfurilor:.....

încadrare tarifară : .....








višek : .....

manko : .....

opis blaga : .....

tarifna oznaka : .....




SK: Nezrovnalosti:


nadbytočné množstvo .... chýbajúce množstvo .… druh  tovaru .... sadzobné  zaradenie ....








ylilukuinen tavara : .....

puuttuu : .....

tavaralaji : .....

tariffiointi : .....




SV: Avvikelser:


övertaligt gods : .....











EN: Differences:


manko : .....

varuslag : .....

klassificering : .....

excess : .....

shortage : .....

description of goods : .....

tariff classification : .....








Umframmagn: ....

Vöntun: .....

Vörulysing: .... Tollflokkun :....




NO: Uoverensstemmelser: overtallig: ....


varebeskrivelse:.... tariffering :..


HR: Razlike:





TR: Farklılıklar:







višak: ....


opis robe:....

* razvrstavanje u tarifu fazlalık:………. eksiklik:……….

eşya tanımı:…… *tarife sınıflandırması




Excesses and shortages should refer either to the number of packages or to the gross mass or to both.

Differences in tariff classification need only be shown:

· when required by Common/ Community transit legislation, or

· in the case of the Community, when a control copy T5 is used.

Where necessary, these differences should be notified by means of a letter or on a photocopy of the relevant document (T1, T2, T2F, T2L, T2LF, CIM or TR transfer note).

The excesses and shortages noted should also indicate the net, gross or other appropriate unit of quantity.

















8.6. Phrase 'discrepancy'

The endorsement in case the office of destination has found discrepancies concerning the information on Copy No 4 and No 5 of the transit declaration reads in all language versions as follows:

BG Разлики:

CS Odlišnosti: kolonka …..

DA Uoverensstemmelse: Feld …..
























Unstimmigkeit: Feld ….. Erinevus: kohti Διαφορές: θέση Diferencia: casilla ….. Irrégularité: case ….. Discrepanza: casella …..









Verschil: vak ….. Rozbieżności: pole Discrepância :







Eroavuus: kohta ….. Avvikelse : fält …. Discrepancy: box …..


HR HR Odstupanje:Polje....

NO Uoverensstemmelse: rubrikk .....
















8.7. Phrase 'enquiries being made'

The additional endorsement where enquiries are being made



























































8.8. Phrase 'charges collected'

The additional endorsement where charges are collected





































































8.9. Phrase 'differences: office where goods were presented ….. (name and country)'

BG Различия: митническо учреждение, където стоките са представени (

(наименование и страна)






Nesrovnalosti: úřad, kterému bylo zboží předloženo…… (název a země)




DA Forskelle: det sted, hvor varerne blev frembudt …… (navn og land)













Unstimmigkeiten: Stelle, bei der die Gestellung erfolgte …… (Name und Land) Erinevused: asutus, kuhu kaup esitati …………..(nimi ja riik)

Διαφορές: εμπορεύματα προσκομισθέντα στο τελωνείο……(΄Ονομα και χώρα) Diferencias: mercancías presentadas en la oficina …… (nombre y país) Différences: marchandises présentées au bureau …… (nom et pays)

Differenze: ufficio al quale sono state presentate le merci …… (nome e paese) Atšķirības: muitas iestāde, kurā preces tika uzrādītas (nosaukums un valsts) Skirtumai: įstaiga, kuriai pateiktos prekės (pavadinimas ir valstybė)


HU Eltérések: hivatal, ahol az áruk bemutatása megtörtént …… (név és ország)

MT Differenzi: uffiċċju fejn l-oġġetti kienu ppreżentati (isem u pajjiż)








Verschillen: kantoor waar de goederen zijn aangebracht …… (naam en land) Niezgodności: urząd w którym przedstawiono towar(nazwa i kraj) Diferenças: mercadorias apresentadas na estãncia …… (nome e país)


RO Diferențe:  mărfuri  prezentate  la  biroul  vamal  (numebiroul  unde  au  fost  prezentate

mărfurile (denumire ți țara)














Razlike: urad, pri katerem je bilo blago predloženo … (naziv in država) Nezrovnalosti: úrad, ktorému bol tovar dodaný …… (názov a krajina). Muutos: toimipaikka, jossa tavarat esitetty …… (nimi ja maa)

Avvikelse: tullkontor där varorna anmäldes …… (namn och land) Differences: office where goods were presented …… (name and country) Breying: tollstjóraskrifstofa þar sem vörum var framvísað …… (nafn og land) Forskjell: det tollsted hvor varene ble fremlagt …… (navn og land)

Razlike: carinarnica kojoj je roba podnesena: … (nazi i zemlja)

Farklılıklar: Eşyanın sunulduğu idare… (adı/ülkesi)

















8.10.  Phrase 'exit from …. subject to restrictions or charges under regulation/

directive/ decision no……'

BG Напускането на …. подлежи на ограничения или такси съгласно

Регламент/Директива/Решение № …




CS Výstup








omezením nebo


dávkám podle


nařízení/směrnice/rozhodnutí č …

DA Udpassage fra …………….. undergivet restriktioner eller afgifter i henhold til

forordning/direktiv/afgørelse nr. ...

DE Ausgang aus ……………..- gemäß Verordnung/Richtlinie/Beschluss Nr. ...

Beschränkungen oder Abgaben unterworfen.

EE Ühenduse  territooriumilt  väljumine  on  aluseks  piirangutele  ja  maksudele  vastavalt

määrusele/direktiivile/otsusele nr….

EL Η  έξοδος  από  …………….  υποβάλλεται  σε  περιοριορισμούς  ή  σε  επιβαρύνσεις  από

τον Κανονισμό/την Οδηγία/την Απόφαση αριθ. …

ES Salida  de……………..  sometida  a  restricciones  o  imposiciones  en  virtud  del  (de  la)

Reglamento/Directiva/Decisión no ...

FR Sortie  de  ………………..  soumise  à  des  restrictions  ou  à  des  impositions  par  le

règlement ou la directive/décision no ...

IT Uscita  dalla  …………………  soggetta  a  restrizioni  o  ad  imposizioni  a  norma  del(la)

regolamento/direttiva/decisione n. ...

LV Izvešana no ……………, piemērojot ierobežojumus vai maksājumus saskaņā ar

Regulu/Direktīvu/Lēmumu No…,

LT Išvežimui iš …………… taikomi apribojimai arba mokesčiai, nustatyti

Reglamentu/Direktyva/Sprendimu Nr.…,

HU A  kilépés..........  területéről  a  ….......  rendelet/irányelv/határozat  szerinti  korlátozás

vagy teher megfizetésének kötelezettsége alá esik

MT Ħruġ  mill-suġġett  għall-restrizzjonijiet  jew  ħlasijiet  taħt  Regola/Direttiva/Deċiżjoni


NL Bij uitgang uit de ……………… zijn de beperkingen of heffingen van

Verordening/Richtlijn/Besluit nr. ... van toepassing.

PL Wyprowadzenie z…………….. podlega ograniczeniom lub opłatom zgodnie z

rozporządzeniem/dyrektywą/decyzją nr …

PT Saída da ……………….. sujeita a restrições ou a imposições pelo(a)

Regulamento/Directiva/Decisão n.º ...








RO Ieșire  din  …  supusă  restricțiilor  sau  impozitelor  prin  Regulamentul/Directiva/Decizia

Nr …

SI Iznos iz ……………….. zavezan omejitvam ali obveznim dajatvam na podlagi

uredbe/direktive/odločbe št …

SK Výstup z………………. podlieha obmedzeniam alebo platbám podľa

nariadenia/smernice/rozhodnutia č ….

FI …………….. vientiin sovelletaan asetuksen/direktiivin/päätöksen N:o ... mukaisia

rajoituksia tai maksuja

SV Utförsel  från  …………………  underkastad  restriktioner  eller  avgifter  i  enlighet  med

förordning/direktiv/beslut nr ...

EN Exit from ………………… subject to restrictions or charges under

Regulation/Directive/Decision No ...

IS Útflutningur frá …………………háð takmörkunum eða gjöldum samkvæmt

reglugerð/fyrirmælum/ákvörðun nr. …….

NO Utførsel fra …………. underlagt restriksjoner eller avgifter i henhold til

forordning/direktiv/vedtak nr. …

HR Izlaz iz … podliježe ograničenjima ili pristojbama na temelju Uredbe/Direktive/Odluke


TR Eşyanın ………’dan çıkışı .…. Tüzük/ Direktif / Karar kapsamında kısıtlamalara

veya mali yükümlülüklere tabidir











































Part VI deals with transit simplifications.



Paragraph 2 outlines the general theory and legislation concerning transit simplifications.

Paragraph 3 describes each transit simplification.



Paragraph 4 deals with specific situations.



Exceptions are covered in paragraph 5.



Paragraph 6 is reserved for specific national instructions.



Paragraph 7 is reserved for the use of customs administrations.



Paragraph 8 contains the Annexes to Part VI.







General theory and legislation



The legal sources are in:



· Articles 44-113 Appendix I of the Convention;



· Article 94 CCC;



· Articles 372-450 IPC.



In general transit simplifications fall into two broad categories:



1. trader based simplifications;



2. simplifications based on the mode of transport.



The aim of transit simplifications, all of which are dependant on the reliability  of  the  trader  and  subject  to  authorisation,  is  to  find  a






balance between customs control and the facilitation of trade. The various transit simplifications are outlined in paragraph 3.

This paragraph describes the procedure necessary to obtain an authorisation for a transit simplification. It outlines:

· the general conditions to be met by a trader in order to obtain authorisation for use of a simplification (paragraph 2.1);

· the procedure for obtaining an authorisation (paragraph 2.2);



· the procedure for revocation or amendment of an authorisation (paragraph 2.3).



2.1. General conditions for simplifications




Article 45 Appendix I Convention


There  are  general  conditions  that  apply  to  all  simplifications62 as

well as additional conditions that may apply to each specific type of simplification.




Article 373 IPC


Additional conditions are outlined separately under the heading of each specific simplification (see: paragraph 3).




Article 4(2) CCC


To be eligible for an authorisation to use a simplification, the following general conditions shall be fulfilled:

· The applicant shall be established in a Contracting Party.

If the applicant is a natural person, he shall normally be resident in one of the Contracting Parties.

If the applicant is a legal person or an association of persons, it shall have a registered office, central headquarters or a permanent business establishment in  one of the Contracting Parties.

· The applicant shall regularly use the transit procedure.









62   The simplified procedures ‘rail’, ‘large container’ and ‘pipeline’ will require an authorisation as from a date and subject to conditions that are not yet determined.






Where the application is made for the simplification ‘authorised consignee’, the applicant must regularly receive goods that have been placed under the transit procedure.

In cases of a first application for authorisation, the competent authority should normally accept that the applicant regularly uses the common/Community transit arrangements unless the competent authority is provided with information that the applicant cannot meet his obligations. Where it becomes necessary to determine the number of operations that justify regular use, the competent authority is to take into consideration the administrative efforts necessary for the authorisation and the annual review in proportion to the consequences for the applicant.

The condition is also fulfilled when the customs authorities know that the applicant can meet the obligations under the arrangements.

• The applicant shall not have committed any serious or repeated offences against customs or tax legislation.

Furthermore, the competent authorities shall only grant authorisations if they are able to supervise the procedure and carry out the necessary controls without an administrative effort disproportionate to the requirements of the person concerned.

To this end, the person concerned shall keep records which enable the customs authorities to carry out effective controls in relation to the simplification concerned.



2.2. Authorisation procedure

Each simplification is subject to authorisation. Authorisation shall be applied for in writing. The application shall be signed and dated. The applicant shall provide the competent authorities with all the facts necessary for consideration of the application.









A standard questionnaire may be used.





Article 375 IPC


The application shall be lodged with the competent authorities of the country in which the applicant is established.

The procedures for the issue of authorisations or the rejection of applications shall be in accordance with the general provisions of the country’s national administrative legislation as well as in accordance with the common transit/Community transit provisions. In the Community a time-limit of three months at most from the date on which the application is lodged shall apply.






Article 49(2) Appendix I, Convention


Article 376(2) IPC


Before the authorisation is granted the competent authorities shall assess whether the general conditions are met as well as the conditions that are specific to the simplification that is subject of the application.

The authorisation shall contain all the information necessary for the








correct application of the simplification concerned by the trader and the supervision by the competent authorities.

The authorisation shall be valid from the date of issue.



The authorisation shall state that the holder shall inform the customs authorities of any factor arising after the authorisation was granted which may influence its continuation or content.

Decisions rejecting applications shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for rejection.





















2.3. Revocation and amendment of the authorisation




Article 50, Appendix I, Convention


Articles 6-10 CCC Article 377 IPC
























Notification and date of revocation or amendment


The authorisation shall be revoked at the request of the holder.



Equally, the competent authorities may revoke or amend the authorisation if they conclude, on the basis of information provided or on their own account, that an authorisation no longer meets the conditions laid down. This shall occur in particular where:

· the authorisation was granted on the basis of false or incomplete information which was or should have been known to the holder;

· one  or  more  of  the  conditions  laid  down  for  the  issue  of  the

authorisation are no longer fulfilled;

· a factor arising after the authorisation was granted influences its content or continuation;

· the holder fails to fulfil an obligation imposed by the


· the holder has committed serious or repeated offences against customs or tax legislation.

The competent authorities shall inform the holder in writing of their reasons for amendment or revocation of an authorisation and of the date from which it takes effect.














Description of simplifications





Article 44 appendix I, Convention


Article 372 IPC


This paragraph describes the following simplifications:



· the comprehensive guarantee and guarantee waiver (paragraph 3.1);

· use of special loading lists (paragraph 3.2);

· use of seals of a special type (paragraph 3.3);

· exemption  from  the  requirement  to  use  a  prescribed  itinerary

(paragraph 3.4);

· authorised consignor (paragraph 3.5);

· authorised consignee (paragraph 3.6);

· goods carried by rail or large container (paragraph 3.7);

· simplified procedures for goods carried by air (paragraph 3.8);

· simplified procedures for goods carried by sea (Community transit only) (paragraph 3.9);

· simplified procedures for goods moving by pipeline (paragraph


· simplified procedures based on article 6 Convention/ article 97(2) CCC (paragraph 3.11).

















Geographical validity of authorised simplifications

ALL COUNTRIES : - comprehensive guarantee*



- reduced comprehensive guarantee*



- guarantee waiver*



- special loading list



*except countries excluded by the guarantor. Validity in Andorra and/or San Marino only possible for Community transit.

ALL COUNTRIES provided that the transit operation starts in the country where the authorisation was issued : - use of special seals



- waiver of prescribed itinerary



- authorised consignor


COUNTRY/COUNTRIES concerned : - simplified procedures



· transport by rail

· transport by large container

· transport by air

· transport by sea (Community only)

· transport by pipeline

- simplified procedures based on article 6 Convention/ article 97(2) CCC










3.1. Comprehensive guarantee and guarantee waiver




Articles 52 to 57 Appendix I Convention


Articles 379 to 384, IPC


Where required, the principal shall provide a guarantee in order to place goods under the transit procedure.

The standard transit guarantee is an individual guarantee covering one single transit movement.

However, a trader can be authorised, subject to certain conditions, to use a comprehensive guarantee or a guarantee waiver which can be used to cover several transit movements. Further details on the comprehensive guarantee and guarantee waiver are in Part III.

The authorisation procedure shall be in accordance with paragraph 2.2.




For revocation or amendment of the authorisation see paragraph 2.3. 3.2. Use of special loading lists


Annex V point 24,

Appendix I and Annex B5, Appendix III Convention


Annex 37d point 23 and Annex 44a IPC


The  competent  authorities  may  authorise  principals  to  use  special

loading lists, which do not comply with all the standard requirements of loading lists.

For this simplification to be granted the loading lists shall meet the following criteria:

1. They shall be produced by firms which use an integrated electronic or automatic data-processing system to keep their records;

2. They shall be designed and completed in such a way that they can be used without difficulty by the competent authorities;

3. They shall meet a number of additional criteria, as set out in annex 8.1.

The authorisation procedure shall be in accordance with paragraph 2.2.

For revocation or amendment of the authorisation see paragraph 2.3.








3.3. Use of seals of a special type




Article 58 Appendix I, Convention


Article 386 IPC


Annex II, Appendix I Convention


Annex 46A IPC


The competent authorities may authorise principals to use special types of seals on their means of transport or packages.

The special types of seals shall comply with the characteristics of seals described in paragraph 3.8.4. of chapter 2, Part IV.

An authorised consignor whose authorisation stipulates that identification of the goods is achieved by sealing does not require a separate authorisation for the use of seals of a special type.

The authorisation procedure shall be in accordance with paragraph 2.2.

For revocation or amendment of the authorisation see paragraph 2.3.












3.4. Exemption regarding prescribed itinerary




Article 59, Appendix I Convention


The competent authorities may exempt principals from the requirement to follow a prescribed itinerary where the principal can







Article 387, IPC


ensure that the customs authorities are able to ascertain the location of the consignments concerned at all times.

The principal will have to specify in his application the way in which he will be able to track his consignments (for example by using a GPS-system, Tracking and Tracing, other means of data communication, etc.).

If the applicant is a holder of an authorisation to use a reduced comprehensive guarantee he is eligible for the authorisation if he demonstrates that he is in command of transport operations. The principal can demonstrate this inter alia by:

a) carrying  out  the  transport  operation  himself  and  applying  high

standards of security, or





b) using  a  carrier  with  whom  he  has  had  long-standing  contractual

relations and who provides a service which meets high standards of security, or




c) using an intermediary contractually bound to a carrier who

provides a service which meets high standards of security.



The authorisation procedure shall be in accordance with paragraph 2.2.

For revocation or amendment of the authorisation see paragraph 2.3.



















3.5. Authorised consignor

This paragraph is subdivided as follows:



· introduction (paragraph 3.5.1);

· authorisation (paragraph 3.5.2);

· procedures (paragraph 3.5.3).



3.5.1. Introduction







Article 60, Appendix I Convention


Article 398 IPC


An authorised consignor is a person authorised by the competent authorities to carry out transit operations without presenting the goods and the corresponding transit declarations at the office of departure.

The authorised consignor is entitled to carry out the following formalities:

· issue transit declarations;

· seal the means of transport or packages;

· ship the goods without customs interference.



The authorised consignor shall be the principal.






3.5.2. Authorisation





Article 61, Appendix I Convention


Article 399 IPC


Annex V,Appendix I Convention


The authorisation procedure shall be in accordance with paragraph 2.2 unless otherwise provided hereunder.

To obtain the status of authorised consignor, a trader shall fulfil the general conditions (see paragraph 2.1) and in addition must hold an authorisation to use a comprehensive guarantee or a guarantee waiver (see part III, paragraph 4).








To enable the competent authority to make an initial assessment, the application shall indicate as far as possible:

· the estimated number of consignments per week;

· the type of the goods in question;

· the type of transport to be used;

· the point(s) of departure.










Annex 37d IPC


The competent authority can demand the applicant to provide all additional details or supporting documents necessary for processing the application.



The administration of the holder must be organised in a way that it shall be easy to link the information on the goods in the transit declaration with the information in the consignments notes, invoices, etc. Of particular importance is the information on the number and type of packages and the type and volume of the goods as well as their customs status.




For revocation or amendment of the authorisation see paragraph 2.3.













3.5.3. Procedures









The authorised consignor follows the same procedure as the described one in Part IV, chapter 1, point 3 except for the following simplifications:

· he does not have to present the goods to the office of Departure,

· after the expiry of the set timer he can dispose of the goods



Following obligations he has to meet:





· the goods have to be under his control at his premises at the moment he launches the declaration,

· he  has  to  indicate  the  number  and  quantity  of  the  by  him

affixed seals in box D, and

· in case of a control he has to assure that the goods will be at the customs disposal

Where simplified procedures are used the trader shall fulfil all the obligations and conditions agreed on in his authorisation.



Fallback procedure - Authentication of the transit declaration (SAD)



In case of problems with the system the authorised consignor has to contact the competent authority and ask for permission to use the fallback procedure.

After the permission has been given the authorised consignor can use the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD, he indicates in box D the number and quantity of the affixed seal(s), and his authorisation stamp. The red fallback stamp has also to be clearly placed on this paper document, which will accompany the good to its destination.








Where the decision to revert to the fallback procedure is taken, it is important to ensure that any declaration, which has been entered to NCTS, but which has not been further processed due to the failure of the system, needs to be cancelled.




Annex V point 27, Appendix I Convention


Annex 37d point 26 IPC


Under the simplification authorised consignor there are two methods for the authentication of the SAD: 1. either pre-authentication by customs or, 2. authentication by the authorised consignor. The authorisation shall determine which method the authorised consignor shall use.




Annex B9, Appendix III Convention


1. Customs  may  pre-authenticate  copies  of  the  SAD  by  placing  in

box C a print of the stamp of the office of departure, a signature and the name of the customs officer.




Annex 62 IPC


The authorised consignor shall later enter in box C the date on which the goods are consigned and shall allocate a number to the SAD in accordance with the rules laid down in the authorisation.

The pre-authenticated SADs are numbered consecutively in advance and shall be registered by the customs office.

Any SAD-bis forms or loading lists that accompany pre-authenticated SADs must also be pre-authenticated.

2. The authorised consignor uses a special metal stamp and places a

print of this stamp in box C of the SAD (specimen stamp shown in annex 8.3).

The stamp is placed on copies 1, 4 and 5 SAD, as well as on all copies of the SAD-bis forms or loading lists.

The number of the SAD is mentioned in box 3 of the special stamp. It may be pre-printed at the same time as the stamp and in the impression thereof. The authorisation shall stipulate that the numbering must form part of an uninterrupted series.







The stamp may be pre-printed on the SADs. Traders wishing to use the pre-printed method shall use a printing firm approved by the customs authorities of the country where the authorised consignor is established.

The customs authorities may authorise authorised consignors to complete SADs using a data-processing technique. In such cases the imprint of the special stamp printed by the computer may differ slightly, in particular with regard to its dimensions, from that shown in annex 8.3

Note: a special metal stamp is used by the Italian and French customs authorities. Impressions of these stamps are reproduced in annex 8.4.




Annex V point 28, Appendix I Convention


Annex 37d point27 IPC


Authorised consignors shall take all necessary measures to ensure the safekeeping of the special stamp or of the pre-authenticated or pre-printed SADs in order to avoid their misuse, loss or theft and shall present them to the customs authorities when required.

Customs may make a post-clearance check to establish whether the authorised consignor has taken all necessary measures to ensure the safekeeping of the special stamp and the forms bearing the stamp of the office of departure or of the special stamp.




Annex V point 30, Appendix I Convention


Annex 37d point  29 IPC


Where SADs bearing the special stamp are made out by an integrated electronic or automatic data-processing system, the competent authority may authorise the authorised consignor not to sign them.

Authorised consignors who obtain this authorisation shall enter in box 50 of the SAD the words “Signature waived”.

The waiver is subject to the condition that the authorised consignor has previously given the customs authorities a written undertaking acknowledging  that  he  is  the  principal  for  all  transit  operations






carried out under cover of SADs bearing the special stamp.




Identification measures




Annex II, Appendix I Convention


Annex 46A IPC


The authorisation shall stipulate which identification measures shall be taken and whether these are to be applied by the authorised consignor or the office of departure.

If the authorised consignor must seal the means of transport or packages the seals to be used shall be approved by customs.

The special types of seals shall comply with the characteristics of seals described in paragraph 3.8.2 of chapter 2, Part IV.

Customs may waive the requirement to use seals where the authorised consignor provides a goods description sufficiently precise to permit easy identification of the quantity and nature of the goods.

Where seals are not required the authorised consignor shall enter the word ‘Waiver’ in box D of the SAD after the words ‘seals affixed’.

The authorisation shall stipulate the circumstances under which seals shall be used and under which other identification measures shall be used.


Annex V point 29, Appendix I Convention


Departure of the goods

The authorised consignor shall complete the SAD not later than at the time of consignment of the goods.




Annex 37d point 28 IPC


The authorised consignor shall inform customs, as indicated in the authorisation, of all forthcoming transit operations so that the competent authorities may, if necessary, carry out checks before the release of the goods.

The  information  relayed  to  the  customs  authority  shall include  the








following :



· details of the transit declaration,

· date and time of dispatch of the goods and details of seals to be affixed, if appropriate,

· the  normal  trade  description  of  the  goods,  including  the  HS

code, if required,

· - the numbers of the licences and/or other necessary certificates, if appropriate.

In general, the hours during which the authorised consignor may consign goods shall coincide with the normal opening hours of the local customs office.

However, taking account of the individual activities of certain companies, the competent authorities may include in the authorisation the provision that goods may be consigned outside of the opening hours of the relevant office.

In addition, the customs administrations may authorise authorised consignors who consign goods according to a regular schedule (fixed days and hours) to advise details of the schedule to the appropriate customs office. Customs may exempt the consignor from giving information as each consignment is dispatched and preclude the intervention of the office of departure.

Without prejudice to the right of the customs authorities to authorise consignors to give advance warning of transit operations to the customs authorities by the use of the telephone, fax, e-mail and other information technology the use of modern data transfer techniques should be encouraged.




Annex V point 29, Appendix I Convention


Annex 37d point 28


Where the customs authorities do not check a consignment before its departure, the authorised consignor shall, not later than on consignment of the goods, enter:









· in box 44 of copy No 1 of the SAD details of the prescribed itinerary (only when required for goods involving greater risk of fraud, or when considered necessary by the customs authorities or the principal);

· in  box  50  of  copy  No  1  of  the  SAD  the  words  ‘signature

waived’, where applicable; and,

· in box D of copy No 1 of the SAD,





1. the time limit within which the goods must be presented at the office of destination (a date must be mentioned and not the number of days); and,

2. the details of the seals used (or the word ‘waiver’, where applicable);

3. the words "authorised consignor”; and,

4. a stamp indicating the use of the fallback procedure. Part V, Chapter 1, annex 8.1 contains the fallback stamp in the different languages.




Where the customs authorities of the office of departure check a consignment, they shall record the fact in box D of the SAD.

Copies No 4 and 5 of the SAD shall be given to the carrier. The authorised consignor shall retain copy No 1.




Annex V point 29, Appendix I Convention


Annex 37d point 28IPC


Following departure of the goods, the authorised consignor shall send copy No 1 of the SAD to the office of departure without delay and within the time limit specified in the authorisation.








3.6. Authorised consignee

This paragraph is subdivided as follows:



· introduction (paragraph 3.6.1);

· authorisation (paragraph 3.6.2);

• procedures (paragraph 3.6.3).



3.6.1. Introduction



The general rule is that goods placed under the transit procedure together with the corresponding transit declarations shall be presented at the office of destination.

However authorisation as an authorised consignee allows the holder to receive the goods at his premises, or at any other specified place, without presenting them and copies No 4 and No 5 of the SAD at the office of destination.



3.6.2. Authorisation



The authorisation procedure shall be in accordance with paragraph 2.2 unless otherwise provided hereunder.

To obtain the status of authorised consignee, a trader shall fulfil the general conditions (see paragraph 2.1).

The authorisation as an authorised consignee can only be granted if the trader, in addition to the other conditions, uses a data-processing technique to communicate with the customs authorities.

To enable the competent authority to make an initial assessment, the application shall indicate as far as possible:

· the estimated number of consignments received per week;

· the type of the goods in question;

· the type of transport used;








• the point(s) of arrival.



The administration of the holder must be organised in a way that it shall be easy to link the information on the goods in the transit declaration with the information in the holder’s administration so as to enable customs to control the goods movement. Of particular importance is information on the volume and type of the consignments and the volume of the goods and their customs status.

For revocation or amendment of the authorisation see paragraph 2.3.







3.6.3. Procedures









The authorised consignee follows the same procedure as the described one in Part IV, chapter 4, point 3 except for the following obligations he has to meet (proceeding sequence):




· The goods have not to be presented at the office of destination,

· after arrival of the goods at his premises he has to send the arrival advice (IE007) to the office of destination indicating every manipulation or loss of seals,

· he  has  to  wait  for  the  expiry  of  the  timer  and  the  reception  of







the unloading permission (IE043) and give the customs the possibility to check the complete cargo before unloading the goods,

· he has to control and unload the goods,

· and sends the unloading remarks (IE044) to the office of destination.


Fallback procedure



In case of fallback procedure the authorised consignee has to inform the competent authority by means they have agreed on about the arrival of a movement under fallback procedure. After the unloading permission given by the office of destination he can unload the goods at his premises.

He has to indicate the actual state of the seal(s), the control result code, and his authorisation stamp on the SAD, the SAD printout or the TAD and deliver the paper to the office of destination as soon as possible, no later than the following working day.


Article 64(2) and

(3) Appendix I,

Annex V Convention



The authorised consignee shall, at the request of the carrier, issue a receipt for each consignment that is presented at his premises or at the place specified in the authorisation. The goods shall be


Article 406(2) and

(3), Annex 37d IPC


presented to him with seals intact within the prescribed time limit together with copies No.4 and 5 of the SAD. The receipt shall take the form of :

· the specimen TC11 in appendix III, annex B10 Convention/annex 47 IPC; or,

· the tear off portion on the back of copy No 5 SAD

The person who requests the receipt shall complete it before presenting it to the authorised consignee.









Arrival of the goods

The authorised consignee shall inform the office of destination of the arrival of the goods in accordance with the conditions laid down in the authorisation in order for the competent authorities to carry out controls, where necessary, before the release of the goods.

The information relayed to the office of destination should contain the following:

- details of the transit declaration,



- date and time of arrival of the goods and the condition of the seals, if appropriate,

- the normal trade description of the goods, including the HS code, if required,

- details of excess quantities, deficits, substitutions or other irregularities such as broken seals.

In general, the hours during which the authorised consignees can receive goods shall coincide with the normal opening hours of the local customs office.

However, taking account of the individual activities of certain companies, the competent authorities may include in the authorisation the provision that goods arriving outside of the opening hours of the relevant office can be released under a simplified procedure.

In addition, the customs administrations may authorise authorised consignees who receive consignments according to a regular schedule (fixed days and hours) to advise details of the schedule to the appropriate customs office. This may exempt the consignee from giving information as each consignment arrives and allow them to dispose of the goods at the time of arrival without








intervention of the office of destination.



Note: in all instances where excess quantities, deficits, substitutions or other irregularities such as broken seals are discovered, the office of destination shall be informed immediately.

If the customs authorities decide to examine the goods, they shall not be unloaded/removed by the authorised consignee. If customs do not wish to examine the goods, the authorised consignee shall be given permission to unload/remove them.

Without prejudice to the right of the customs authorities to authorise consignees to give advance warning of the arrival of the goods by use of the telephone, fax, e-mail and other information technology, the use of modern data transfer techniques should be encouraged.

Where the customs authorities do not check the consignment on arrival, the authorised consignee shall enter:

- in the left-hand division of box I of copies No 4 and No 5 of the SAD and, if applicable, in the arrivals register

1. the date of arrival; and,



2. the condition of any seals affixed.



Note: the second subdivision of box I is reserved for the entries of the office of destination.

Copies 4 and 5 of the SAD shall be forwarded without delay by the authorised consignee to the office of destination.












3.7.   Goods carried by rail or by large container (Reserved)



3.8. Goods carried by air

This paragraph is subdivided as follows:



· introduction (paragraph 3.8.1.)

· level 1 simplified procedure (paragraph 3.8.2)

· level 2 simplified procedure (paragraph 3.8.3)

· particular cases (paragraph 3.8.4)



3.8.1. Introduction





Articles 111 and 112, Appendix I Convention


Articles 444 and 445 IPC


When goods are carried by air, the transit procedure shall be used where Community transit rules apply but it is optional where common transit rules apply.

No guarantee is required for carriage by air. It is assumed that air transport is safe and that, apart from hijacking or accident, the conditions of carriage will be fulfilled from departure to arrival.

Simplified procedures (level 1 and 2) are available to airlines which fulfil the conditions set out in paragraphs 3.8.2 or 3.8.3 respectively (in addition to the general conditions). The simplification involves the use of the goods manifest, in either paper (level 1) or electronic (level 2) form, as the transit declaration.

The airline operating the air simplified procedures will become the principal and may carry out transit formalities using the goods manifest as the transit declaration.







Airlines wishing to use the goods manifest as a transit document shall inform the airports of the Community and/or EFTA countries concerned in advance.

A list of Community and EFTA countries’ airports is found in annex 8.5.

Conceptually, the goods manifest used as a customs transit declaration should be distinguished from the commercial manifest or the groupage manifest.

Note that transit by air can always also take place under cover of a transit declaration in NCTS (i.e. the standard transit procedure).

The airport of loading is the airport of departure, the airport of unloading is the airport of destination.



3.8.2. Level 1 simplified procedure





Article 111 Appendix I, Convention


Article 444 IPC


Under the level 1 simplified procedure an airline is authorised to use the (paper) goods manifest as a transit declaration.

The goods manifest used shall correspond in substance to the specimen in Appendix 3 of Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.

Characteristic for this simplification is that goods placed under the different transit procedures must be listed on separate manifests that will serve as the transit declaration for each respective procedure. Thus, for instance, a flight may covered by three manifests:

1. the  normal  commercial  goods  manifest  (which  covers  all  goods

on board the airplane); and,



2. a  goods  manifest  serving  as  a  transit  declaration  listing  those

goods that are placed under the T1 transit procedure; and,








3. a  goods  manifest  serving  as  a  transit  declaration  listing  those

goods that are placed under the T2F (or T2 *)  transit procedure.



*) this may apply in common transit.




Authorisation level 1 simplified procedure



The authorisation procedure shall be in accordance with paragraph 2.2 unless otherwise provided hereunder.

The application shall be lodged with the competent authorities of the country in which the airline is established.

For revocation or amendment of the authorisation see paragraph 2.3.



Whenever the airline wishes to change one or more airports it will submit a new application to the competent authorities of the country in which the airline is established.


















Use of level 1 simplified procedure



The goods manifest shall contain the following information:



· the customs status of goods, T1, T2 *)  or T2F, as appropriate;

· the signature of an authorised representative of the airline as well as the date;

· the name of the airline carrying the goods;

· the flight number;

· the date of the flight;

· the name of the airport of departure (loading) and the airport of destination (unloading);




and for each consignment entered on the manifest the following information shall be included:

· the number of the air waybill;

· the number of packages;

· the normal trade description of the goods including all the details necessary for their identification or, where appropriate, the entry "Consolidation", which may be abbreviated (equivalent to groupage). In such cases the air waybills for consignments  on  the  manifest  shall  include  the  normal  trade






description of the goods including all the details necessary for their identification;

• the gross mass.

*) The symbol ‘T2’ may apply to manifests drawn up under the common transit procedure.




Where the airline is not an authorised consignor, at least two copies of the manifest(s) shall be presented for endorsement to the customs authorities at the airport of departure.






At the airport of destination, the airline, where it does not have the status of an authorised consignee, presents the goods and a copy of the manifest(s) used as the transit declaration(s) to the customs office.

For control purposes the office of destination may require the production of the goods manifests (or air waybills) for all the goods unloaded.

Note for the Community: Community goods not subjected to the internal Community transit procedure (T2, T2F) shall be entitled to free onward movement to their Community destination provided there is no reasonable suspicion or doubt as to the status of the goods on arrival at the airport of destination.

Community goods that have been declared for exportation and which are not moving under the transit procedure are identified in accordance with article 793b IPC (generally, by means of the endorsement ‘Export’ in red on the transport document).










The customs authorities at the airport of destination do not need to return copies of the manifest to the customs authorities at the airport of departure. The discharge of the transit operation is done on the basis of a monthly list drawn up by the airline.











The office of destination endorses a copy of the list of manifests, prepared by the airline, and sends it to the office of departure.

The airline may, with the agreement of the office of destination, be authorised to transmit the monthly list of manifests to the office of departure.

The office of departure shall ensure that it has received the lists required by the level 1 simplified procedure.

In the event of irregularities being found in connection with the information on the manifests appearing on the list, the office of destination shall inform the office of departure








and the authority which granted the authorisation, referring in particular to the air waybills for the goods in question.






Level 1 – particular cases



The air waybills for goods already moving under a transit procedure (Community/common transit document, ATA carnet, NATO form 302, etc.) are included on the commercial goods manifest but shall not appear on the manifest constituting the transit declaration. The air waybill for such goods shall include references to the transit procedure (document number, date and office of departure) being used. The holder of that transit procedure is the principal.

The schematic diagram below illustrates the air level 1 simplified procedure.




































Simplified procedure – level 1








Aeroplane’s goods manifest for all goods





The airline completes 2 copies of each type of manifest for endorsement by the customs authorities in the airport of departure. Customs retain one copy.




































3.8.3. Level 2 simplified procedure





Article 112 Appendix I, Convention


Under the level 2 simplified procedure an airline is authorised to use a single (electronic) goods manifest as a transit declaration to cover goods placed under several transit procedures.




Article 445 IPC


The level 2 simplification may be granted to airlines that operate a significant number of flights between Member States and/or EFTA countries and that use electronic data interchange (EDI) systems to transmit information between the airports of departure and destination.



Authorisation level 2 simplified procedure



The authorisation procedure shall be in accordance with paragraph 2.2 unless otherwise provided hereunder.

The application shall be lodged with the competent authorities of the country in which the airline is established or has a regional office.






If satisfied after examining the application, the competent authorities of the country to which the application was made shall notify the competent authorities of the Member States of the Community and/or the EFTA countries of each airport named in the application,  requesting  their  agreement.  A  copy  of  the  application






shall accompany the notification.



At the same time they shall request the airline to advise its offices at each airport of destination to contact the customs authorities at each airport concerned and advise them on the manifest and the data exchange technology (e.g. SITA, PELICAN) to be used.

On receipt of the copy of the application, the competent authorities at destination shall advise the customs authorities of their airports to expect the contact envisaged above. The customs authorities of the airports of destination shall discuss with the local offices of the airline in question whether the conditions for use of the level 2 simplified procedure are fulfilled (in particular, the system of data exchange, customs access to the system, place for the control of the goods, place of the controls in the airline’s administration, and who is the representative of the airline, where appropriate).

On completion of the consultation process, the customs authorities of the airport of destination shall advise their competent authorities as to whether the airport is suitably equipped to use the data exchange technology proposed by the airline in question and whether the airline fulfils the criteria set out above.





Within sixty days of receipt of the notification, the competent authorities of the country of destination shall advise the competent authorities of the country of departure of either their full or qualified approval of the application. The competent authorities of the requested country shall then grant the authorisation subject to the specified criteria and qualification, if any, of the country of destination.

If no objection is received within sixty days of the date of notification, the customs authorities of the country of departure shall authorise the use of the level 2 simplified procedure. However, where the competent authority of another country that was







consulted signifies that the applicant does not regularly use the transit procedure in that country, the authorisation will not include that country. Where a country that was consulted signifies its refusal to an authorisation in respect of the third general condition (concerning serious or repeated offences) it shall indicate the grounds and corresponding legal provisions of the offence(s) committed. In the latter case, the authorities of the country where the application was made shall not issue the authorisation and shall state the reasons for the refusal to the airline company.

The customs authorities of the office of departure shall issue an authorisation to the airline in accordance with the specimen in annex 8.6. The simplification will apply to both outward and inward flights.

The authorisation shall be valid in the countries concerned and shall apply only to transit operations between the airports concerned.

The authorisation granting the level 2 simplification shall be presented whenever required by the office of departure.

For revocation or amendment of the authorisation see paragraph 2.3.



Whenever the airline wishes to change one or more airports it will submit a new application to the competent authorities of the country in which the airline is established or has a regional office.





Use of the level 2 simplified procedure






The goods manifest is the document made out by an airline on departure of the aircraft. It is the document that attests to the actual loading of the goods onto the aircraft. It shall include the following information:

· against the relevant item in the manifest the appropriate symbol T1, T2, TF, TD, C, F, or X (see further information below);

· the name of the airline carrying the goods;

· the flight number;

· the date of the flight;

· the name of the airport of departure (loading) and the airport of destination (unloading),

and for each consignment entered on the manifest the following information shall be included:




· the number of the air waybill;

· the number of packages;

· the normal trade description of the goods including all the details necessary for their identification or, where appropriate, the entry "Consolidation", which may be abbreviated (equivalent to groupage). In such cases the air waybills for consignments on the manifest shall include the normal trade description of the goods including all the details necessary for their identification;

· the gross mass.

The symbols T1, T2, TF, TD, C, F and X are used to indicate the relevant items on the manifest as follows:


















Symbol Common transit Community transit

T1 Goods placed under the external T1 transit procedure Goods placed under the external T1 transit procedure

T2 Goods placed under the internal T2 transit procedure --

TF Goods placed under the internal T2 transit procedure Goods placed under the internal Community transit procedure travelling to, from or between the territories provided for in article 340c(1) IPC

TD Goods already placed under a transit procedure* Goods already placed under a transit procedure, or carried under the inward processing, customs warehouse or temporary admission procedure*


(equivalent to T2L) Community goods not placed under a transit procedure Community goods not placed under a transit procedure whose status may be demonstrated


(equivalent to T2LF) Community goods not placed under a transit procedure --

X Community goods which are to be exported and which are not placed under a transit procedure Community goods which are to be exported and which are not placed under a transit procedure






* In such cases, the airline shall also enter the letters ‘TD’ in the corresponding air waybill as well as a reference for the procedure used, the reference number and date of the transit declaration or transfer

document  and  the  name  of  the  issuing  office.  Note  that  not  the  airline  but  the  principal  who  signed

the appropriate transit declaration at departure is responsible for the transit procedure.



Note for the Community: In order to facilitate the maximum free and unhindered movement of Community goods, the status indicator ‘C’ on the manifest shall entitle the goods to free onward movement to their Community destination provided that evidence of their status is held in the operators' business records at the airport of departure and there is no reasonable suspicion or doubt as to the status of the goods on arrival at the airport of destination. However, customs authorities at destination have the opportunity to verify the declared Community status by the application of suitable a posteriori checks based on assessed risk with references back to the customs authorities at the airport of departure if necessary.

Unless national rules stipulate a longer period, the airline shall keep a record of the status of all consignments in its commercial records for three years plus the period since the beginning of the current year. These records can be kept on paper, microfiche or computer.

The manifest at the airport of departure, which is transmitted using data exchange technology, becomes the manifest at the airport of destination.

The airline shall, on request, present a print of the data exchange manifest to the competent authorities at the airport(s) of departure, if this is not done during the data exchange process.

For control purposes, all the air waybills relating to the consignments listed on the manifest are to be made available to the competent authorities.

The transit procedure is deemed to have ended when the data exchange  manifest  has  been  presented  and  the  goods  are  available






to the customs office at the airport of destination.



The customs authorities at the airport of departure shall carry out post audits in the data exchange system based on risk analysis.

The customs authorities at the airport of destination shall carry out systems audit checks based on a level of perceived risk, and if necessary send details of data-exchange manifests to the customs authorities at the airport of departure for verification. Verification shall be carried out by the use of the document TC21A (see annex 8.7 of part IV, chapter 5).

The airline is responsible for identifying and notifying the customs authorities of all discrepancies or irregularities discovered at the airport of destination, in particular as a result of checks carried out by the airline or on the basis of the outturn report (surplus or deficit), referring in particular to the air waybills for the goods in question.

The customs authorities at the airport of destination shall notify the customs authorities at the airport of departure and the authority which issued the authorisation, at the earliest opportunity, of all offences and irregularities, referring in particular to the air waybills for the goods in question.

The customs authorities shall have permanent access to the information contained in the data-processing systems of airlines using the simplified procedure.

The schematic diagram below illustrates the air level 2 simplified procedure.














Simplified procedure – level 2 (Community transit example)


















384 Level 2 specific situation (use of code C)



When the simplified transit procedure level 2 is used to carry goods under transit the use of code “C” for the carriage of Community goods by air is as follows.

1. Example I






There is no doubt that the coding is "C" (for goods whose Community status may be demonstrated).

2. Example II






There is no doubt that the coding is T2.



3. Example III





Aircraft A


Aircraft A





MS----------------->EFTA -------------------> MS



(no reloading)



In this case it is accepted that code "C" is applicable.



4. Example IV





Aircraft A


Aircraft B





















In this case the principles to bear in mind are as follows:



- For aircraft A



· The AWB is established in exactly the same manner as for a direct flight between two Member States.

· The  manifest  will  show  the  airport  of departure  MS  (loading),

the airport of destination of the flight (EFTA) and the final airport of destination MS (unloading).

· reloading  from  aircraft  A  to  aircraft  B  normally  takes  place

within a period of a few hours and is done under customs control.

- For aircraft B



· No additional AWB is required.

· The new manifest will show the airport of departure (EFTA loading country), the initial airport of departure MS (loading) and the final airport of destination MS (unloading).

Consequences for coding



From the above explanation, it is clear that the goods in question are in fact covered by a single contract of carriage. Moreover, all the necessary information is available to the competent authorities in the Member State of final destination to establish the precise point of departure (loading).

All the codes are available to be used by the EFTA airlines where they are authorised to use the procedure. What is important is that the correct code is applied at the airport of departure (loading), that it is not changed by another airline and that it is available at the airport of destination (unloading).




Code "C" (equivalent to T2L) shall be used as illustrated below:








Aircraft A "C"


Aircraft B "C"











provided that:



it is clear that once the coding has been established by the airline concerned at the airport of departure ( loading), it cannot be changed by another airline,

· the airline data exchange systems can be suitably adapted and provide the necessary safeguards against abuse, and

· the conditions set out in (example IV), aircraft A, are observed.



3.8.4. Particular cases (level 1 / level 2) Groupage ("consolidations")



There are two types of air groupage:



1. Groupage carried out by the airline:



In this case the airline itself indicates the status of the goods against each line of the goods manifest;

2. Groupage  subject  to  a  contract  between  the  consignor  and  the




This contract is known as a House Air Waybill (HAWB).



The air transport of the consolidation in its entirety is affected under the cover of a contract between the consolidator and the airline. This contract is known as a "Master Air Waybill". The consolidation is also the subject of a consolidation manifest, which is an analytical summary of all the packages contained in the consolidation  with  references  to  the  House  Air  Waybill  for  each







consignment. It is therefore necessary to make a distinction between the consolidation manifest and the airline’s goods manifest which serves as a transit declaration.

Where, in accordance with the level 1 and level 2 simplified procedures, an airline transports a consolidation on a Master Air Waybill, it is accepted that it does not know the contents of the House Air Waybills which have been prepared by the consolidator. In such cases the airline can accept consolidations for dispatch under the simplified procedures level 1 or level 2 provided that:

· the consolidator undertakes to hold the status of individual consignments at House Air Waybill level.

· the consolidation manifests contain the information specified in

Appendix 3 of Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation,

· at  departure  and  at  destination  the  House  Air  Waybills  are

available for customs supervision,

· the consolidation manifests are marked with the appropriate status, see below,

· the  highest  status  on  the  consolidation  manifest  is  notified  to

the airline. The order of status being T1, T2, T2F (TF), TD, C, F, X.

The symbols T1, T2, T2F (TF), TD, C, F or X are used to indicate the relevant items on the consolidation manifest as follows:




















Symbol Common transit Community transit

T1 Goods placed under the external T1 transit procedure Goods placed under the external T1 transit procedure

T2 Goods placed under the internal T2 transit procedure --





_____________ TF Goods placed under the internal T2 transit procedure Goods placed under the internal Community transit procedure travelling to, from or between territories provided for in article 340c(1) IPC

TD Goods already placed under another transit procedure* Goods already placed under another transit procedure, or carried under the inward processing, customs warehouse or temporary admission procedure*


(equivalent to T2L) Community goods not placed under a transit procedure Community goods not placed under a transit procedure whose status may be demonstrated


(equivalent to T2LF) Community goods not placed under a transit procedure --

X Community goods which are to be exported and which are not placed under a transit procedure Community goods which are to be exported and which are not placed under a transit procedure






* When goods, which are already under a formal transit procedure (e.g. Community transit, TIR carnet, ATA carnet, NATO form 302, etc.), are included in the consolidation, the item shall be marked with the code ‘TD’ ; additionally, the HAWB shall be coded ‘TD’ and contain a reference to the actual procedure concerned plus the reference number, date and office of departure of the transit declaration.

Where the airline uses the simplified procedure level 1, it shall include the consolidation under the code "Consolidation" or an accepted abbreviation, on the airline manifest, which is appropriate to the highest status, recorded on the consolidation manifest (the order of status being “T1”,”T2”, “T2F”).




If the consolidation manifest includes T1, T2, and T2F goods, this manifest shall be included in the T1 air manifest.

Where the airline is authorised to use data exchange manifests under simplified procedure level 2, the code "Consolidation" or an accepted abbreviation is sufficient.

The following are examples of groupage under level 1 and level 2 simplified procedures.






























Level 1 simplified procedure

















Note : manifests nos. 3 and 5 do not concern transit procedures (no. 3) or transit procedures for which this principal is the declarant (no. 5).








Level 2 simplified procedure
























All consolidation manifests, House Air Waybills and air manifests shall be made available to the competent authorities at the airport of departure, on request.

All consolidation manifests, House Air Waybills and air manifests shall, on request, be delivered to the competent authorities at the airport of destination who will carry out appropriate controls on the basis of the information contained in the consolidation manifests.

Except for the cases coded “TD” (level 2 simplified procedure), the airline acts as the principal for the goods placed under transit and is therefore fully responsible for the movement in the event of irregularities. The relationship between the airline and the Consolidator is a matter of a private commercial contractual arrangement.






A flowchart for air groupage is reproduced in annex 8.7.




Transport by express carriers



Where the express company is itself acting as an airline, it may request authorisation for level 1 and 2 simplified procedures, described in paragraphs 3.8.2 and 3.8.3.

The request for level 2 simplified procedure shall be made as far as possible in the country in which the express company's hub is located.

For the transport of Community goods only, the express company concerned has neither to establish a manifest for customs purposes nor to identify the customs status of the goods.

On the other hand, for the carriage of goods falling within the scope of the transit procedure, the express company concerned is subject to the provisions of the simplified transit procedures for airlines.








If the express company acts as an airline and is authorised to use the level 1 simplified procedure, it shall establish separate manifests for the goods where necessary according to their customs status.

If the express company acts as an airline and is authorised to use the level 2 simplified procedure, it shall establish a manifest and indicate against each item the customs status of the goods.

In cases where two or more air courier/express companies part charter an aircraft each company may act as an airline.

Where the express company does not act as an airline and contracts the carriage to another airline, there are two possible scenarios:

if an air waybill covers a single consignment, the express company shall indicate the customs status of the consignment on the air waybill;

if an air waybill covers several consignments, the rules applicable are those governing air groupage as set out in

In cases where express consignments are transported by an on board air courier the principles to bear in mind are:






the courier travels as an ordinary passenger,







the express parcels are listed on an air courier/express company manifest,






the airline transports the parcels as excess baggage, usually in the aircraft's hold,






excess baggage does not appear on the airline manifest, and







such consignments are outside the scope of Article 323 IPC.












3.9. Goods carried by ship.

This paragraph is subdivided as follows:



· introduction (paragraph 3.9.1)

· level 1 simplified procedures (paragraph 3.9.2)

· level 2 simplified procedures (paragraph 3.9.3)

· particular cases (paragraph 3.9.4)



3.9.1. Introduction



Use of the Community transit procedure, where appropriate, is obligatory for carriage by sea on an authorised regular service (see Part II for further details on authorised regular shipping services).




Article 446 IPC


The standard transit procedure using the NCTS  and the provision of a guarantee are then required.

Simplified transit procedures (level 1 and level 2) are available to shipping companies operating an authorised regular service which fulfil the conditions set out in paragraphs 3.9.2 or 3.9.3 (in addition to the general conditions of paragraph 2.1). The simplification involves the use of the goods manifest as the transit declaration, either separate per category of goods (level 1) or for all categories of goods placed under transit (level 2).

Conceptually, the goods manifest used as a customs transit declaration should be distinguished from the commercial manifest or the groupage manifest.

The shipping company shall become the principal for the movements concerned, shall be bound by the transit regulations, and shall use the manifest as the transit document.

When the shipping company uses the simplified procedure it need not furnish a guarantee.








The port of departure is the port of loading, the port of destination is the port of unloading.



3.9.2. Level 1 simplified procedure





Article 447 IPC


Under the level 1 simplified procedure a shipping company is authorised to use the goods manifest as a transit declaration.

Characteristic for this simplification is that where a transport operation involves both goods placed under the external Community transit procedure (T1) and goods placed under the internal Community transit procedure (T2F), a separate manifest shall be used for each category of goods.

In addition, there will be the commercial manifest which covers all goods on board the vessel.



Authorisation level 1 simplified procedure



The authorisation procedure shall be in accordance with paragraph 2.2 unless otherwise provided hereunder.

A shipping company wishing to use the level 1 simplified procedures shall request authorisation from the competent authorities in the country where the shipping company is established.

The customs authorities shall issue an authorisation in accordance with the specimen in annex 8.8.

For revocation or amendment of the authorisation see paragraph 2.3.



Whenever the shipping company wishes to change one or more ports it will submit a new application to the competent authorities of the country in which the shipping company is established.


















Use of the level 1 simplified procedure



The goods manifest shall contain the following information:



· the customs status of goods, T1 or T2F as appropriate;

· the signature of an authorised representative of the shipping company as well as the date;

· the name and full address of the shipping company;

· the identity of the vessel carrying the goods;







· the port of departure (loading);

· the port of destination (unloading); and for each consignment:

· the reference for the bill of lading;

· the number, kind, markings and identification numbers of the packages,

· the  normal  trade  description  of  the  goods  including  all  the

details necessary for their identification

· the gross mass in kilograms, and,

· where appropriate, the identifying numbers of containers;

Where the shipping company is not an authorised consignor, at least two copies of the manifest serving as the transit declaration shall be presented for endorsement to the customs authorities of the port of departure (loading).






At the port of destination (unloading), the shipping company, where it does not have the status of an authorised consignee, presents the goods and a copy of the manifest(s) used as the transit declaration(s) to the customs office.

For control purposes the office of destination may require the production of the goods manifest (or bills of lading) for all the goods unloaded.

Community goods not subject to the internal Community transit procedure (T2F) shall be entitled to free onward movement to their Community destination provided there is no reasonable suspicion or doubt as to the status of the goods on arrival at the port of










The Community goods declared for exportation that are not moving under the transit procedure are identified in accordance with article 793bIPC (generally, by means of the endorsement ‘Export’ in red on the transport document).






The office of destination does not need to return copies of the manifest to the office of departure. The discharge of the transit operation is done on the basis of a monthly list drawn up by the shipping company.

















The schematic diagram below illustrates the sea level 1 simplified procedure.















































Simplified procedure – level 1







Ship’s goods

manifest for all goods





















Example 1



Dunkirk/Rotterdam on an authorised regular service



- Normal transit procedure: guarantee compulsory



The Community transit procedure is compulsory for non-Community goods. A T1 transit declaration is lodged and a guarantee is furnished.

For Community goods subject to excise duty a specific accompanying document is used (AAD).

Note: Community goods are in free circulation therefore Community transit procedure is not required. The goods are listed on the commercial goods manifest.

- Simplified transit procedure level 1: no guarantee required



The Community transit procedure is compulsory for non-Community goods. A (separate) manifest bearing the symbol “T1” is made out to serve as the transit declaration.

For Community goods subject to excise duty a specific accompanying document is used (AAD).

Note: Community goods are in free circulation therefore Community transit procedure is not required. The goods are listed on the commercial goods manifest.

Example 2



Le Havre/Fort de France on an authorised regular service



- Normal transit procedure: guarantee compulsory









Community transit is compulsory for:



· non-Community goods: a T1 transit declaration is lodged and a guarantee is furnished.

· certain  Community  goods  (mentioned  in  article  340c  IPC):  a

T2F transit declaration is lodged and a guarantee is furnished.

- Simplified transit procedure level 1: no guarantee required



Community transit is compulsory for:



· non-Community goods: a (separate) manifest bearing the symbol “T1” is made out to serve as the transit declaration for the non-Community goods.

· certain  Community  goods  (including  goods  subject  to  excise

duties): a (separate) manifest bearing the symbol “T2F” is made out to serve as the transit declaration for the Community goods.

3.9.3. Level 2 simplified procedure





Article 448IPC


Under the level 2 simplified procedure a shipping company is authorised to use a single goods manifest (on paper or in electronic form) as a transit declaration to cover goods placed under several transit procedures.

International shipping companies which are established or have a regional office in the Community and which operate a significant number of regular voyages between member states may be authorised to use the level 2 simplified procedure.



Authorisation level 2 simplified procedure



The authorisation procedure shall be in accordance with paragraph 2.2 unless otherwise provided hereunder.

The application shall be lodged with the customs authorities of the Member State in which the shipping company is established or has a






regional office.




If satisfied, after examining the application, the competent authorities of the Member State to which the application was made shall send a copy to the competent authorities of the Member States of the Community, whose ports are named in the application, requesting their agreement.

At the same time they shall request the shipping company to advise its offices at each port of destination to contact the customs authorities at each port concerned and advise them on the manifest to be used.

On receipt of the copy of the application, the competent authorities at destination shall advise the customs authorities of the named ports to expect the contact envisaged above. The customs authorities of the ports of destination shall discuss with the local offices of the shipping company in question whether the conditions for use of the level 2 simplified procedure are fulfilled.

On completion of the consultation process, the customs authorities of the port of destination shall advise their competent authorities as to whether the shipping company fulfils the criteria set out above.

Within sixty days of receipt of the notification the competent authorities of the country of destination shall advise the competent authorities of the country of departure of either their full or qualified  approval  of  the  application.  The  competent  authorities  of







the requested country shall then grant the authorisation subject to the specified criteria and qualification, if any, of the country of destination.

If no objection is received within sixty days of the date of notification, the customs authorities of the country of departure shall authorise the use of the level 2 simplified procedure. However, where the competent authority of another country that was consulted signifies that the applicant does not regularly use the transit procedure in that country, the authorisation will not include that country. Where a country that was consulted signifies its refusal to an authorisation in respect of the third general condition (concerning serious or repeated offences) it shall indicate the grounds and corresponding legal provisions of the offence(s) committed. The authorities of the country where the application was made shall not issue the authorisation and shall state the reasons for the refusal to the shipping company.

The customs authorities of the port of departure shall issue an authorisation to the shipping company enabling the shipping company to use the level 2 simplified procedure. The simplification will apply to both outward and inward voyages.

The authorisation shall be valid in the Member States concerned and shall apply only to Community transit operations between the ports to which it refers.

The authorisation granting the level 2 simplification shall be presented whenever required by the office of departure.

Where the shipping company wishes to use an electronic manifest, the authorisation procedure of the level 2 simplified procedure for transport by air (see paragraph 3.8.3.) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

For revocation or amendment of the authorisation see paragraph 2.3.








Whenever the shipping company wishes to change one or more ports it will submit a new application to the competent authorities of the country in which the shipping company is established or has a regional office.





Use of the level 2 simplified procedure



The shipping company shall enter the following information on the manifest:

· against the relevant item in the manifest the appropriate symbol T1, TF, TD, C or X (see further information below);

· the  signature  of  an  authorised  representative  of  the  shipping

company as well as the date;

· the name and full address of the shipping company;

· the identity of the vessel carrying the goods;

· the place of loading;

· the place of unloading;

and for each consignment:

· the reference for the bill of lading;

· the number, kind, markings and identification numbers of the packages,

· the  normal  trade  description  of  the  goods  including  all  the

details necessary for their identification

· the gross mass in kilograms, and,

· where appropriate, the identifying numbers of containers;







The  symbols  T1,  TF,  TD,  C  or  X  are  used  to  indicate  the  relevant

items on the manifest as follows:





T1 Goods placed under the external T1 Community transit procedure

TF Goods placed under the internal Community transit procedure travelling to, from or between the territories provided for in article 340c(1) IPC

TD Goods already placed under another transit procedure, or carried under the inward processing, customs warehouse or temporary admission procedure*




(equivalent to T2L) Community goods not placed under a transit procedure whose status may be demonstrated

X Community goods which are to be exported and which are not placed under a transit procedure


* In such cases, the shipping company shall also enter the letters ‘TD’ in the corresponding bill of lading  or  other  appropriate  commercial  document  as  well  as  a  reference  for  the  procedure  used,  the

reference number and date of the transit declaration or transfer document and the name of the issuing

office. Note that not the shipping company but the principal who signed the appropriate transit declaration at departure is responsible for the transit procedure.

Where the shipping company is not an authorised consignor, at least two copies of the manifest serving as the transit declaration shall be presented for endorsement to the customs authorities at the port of departure.
















The Community transit procedure is deemed to be concluded when the manifest and goods are presented to the customs authorities at the port of destination.

In order to facilitate the maximum free and unhindered movement of Community goods, the status indicator ‘C’ on the manifest shall entitle the goods to free onward movement to their Community destination provided that evidence of their status is held in the operators' business records at the port of departure and there is no reasonable suspicion or doubt as to the status of the goods on arrival at the port of destination.

However, customs authorities at destination have the opportunity to verify the declared Community status by the application of suitable a posteriori checks based on assessed risk with references back to the customs authorities at the port of departure if necessary.

Unless national rules stipulate a longer period, the records relating to the status of the goods shall be retained by the shipping company in its commercial records for three years plus the period since the beginning of the year. These records can be kept on paper, microfiche or computer.

The shipping company is responsible for identifying and notifying the customs authorities of all discrepancies or irregularities discovered at the port of destination, in particular as a result of checks carried out by the shipping company or on the basis of the outturn report (surplus or deficit), referring in particular to the bills








of lading for the goods in question.



The customs office of destination shall notify the office of departure within a reasonable period of any discrepancies or irregularities, referring in particular to the bills of lading for the goods in question. Document TC21A is used for this purpose (see specimen in annex 8.7 of part IV, chapter 5).

The customs authorities at the port of departure shall carry out post-audit checks based on risk analysis.

The customs authorities at the port of destination shall carry out audit checks based on a level of perceived risk, and if necessary send details of manifests to the customs authorities at the port of departure for verification. Document TC21A is used for this purpose (see annex 8.7 of part IV, chapter 5).

The customs authorities shall have permanent access to the information contained in the commercial records of shipping companies using the simplified procedure.

The schematic diagram below illustrates the sea level 2 simplified procedure.




























Simplified procedure – level 2
























Example 1



Dunkirk/Rotterdam on an authorised regular service



- Normal transit procedure: guarantee compulsory



The Community transit procedure is compulsory for non-Community goods. A T1 transit declaration is lodged and a guarantee is furnished.

For Community goods subject to excise duty a specific electronic administrative document is used (e-AD).

Note: Community goods are in free circulation therefore Community transit procedure is not required. The goods are listed on the commercial goods manifest.

- Simplified transit procedure level 2: no guarantee required



The customs status of the goods shall be indicated on the manifest. The codes to be used on the manifest are given in paragraph

For Community goods subject to excise duty a specific e-AD is used.

Example 2



Le Havre/Fort de France on an authorised regular service



- Normal transit procedure: guarantee compulsory



Community transit is compulsory for:



· non-Community goods: a transit declaration is lodged and a guarantee is furnished.

· certain  Community  goods  (mentioned  in  article  340c  IPC)):  a








T2F is lodged and a guarantee is furnished.



- Simplified transit procedure level 2: no guarantee required



The customs status of the goods must be indicated on the manifest. The codes to be used on the manifest are given in paragraph

Example 3



Dunkirk/Lisbon on an authorised regular service



- Normal transit procedure: guarantee compulsory



The Community transit procedure is compulsory for non-Community goods. A T1 transit declaration is lodged and a guarantee is furnished.

A T5 control copy is used for Community goods for export with restitution. In that case the T5 must be presented to the customs authorities in the port of exit of the Community. In this example the port of exit is Lisbon.

Note: Community goods are in free circulation therefore Community transit procedure is not required. The goods are listed on the commercial goods manifest.

- Simplified transit procedure level 2: no guarantee required



The customs status of the goods shall be indicated on the manifest. The codes to be used on the manifest are given in paragraph In this example the symbol “X” is used for the Community goods for export with restitution.

The T5 must be presented to the customs authorities in the port of exit of the Community. In this example the port of exit is Lisbon.











3.9.4. Particular cases (level 1 / level 2)







When several consignments of goods transported by sea are consolidated in a groupage consignment, each item within the groupage consignment is the subject of a contract between the consignor and the consolidator. This contract is evidenced by the issue of a consignment note (CN), a forwarder's bill of lading such as the bill of lading approved by the International Federation of Forwarding Agents (FIATA), or other commercial document as agreed between the consignor and the consolidator.

The maritime transport of the groupage consignment in its entirety is affected under cover of a contract between the consolidator and the shipping company. This contract is evidenced by a carrier's bill of lading, sea waybill or some other commercial document as agreed and accepted by the shipping company and the consolidator.

Furthermore, the groupage consignment is the subject of a groupage manifest prepared by the consolidator, which is an analytical summary of all the packages contained in the groupage consignment with references to each consignment note, bill of lading or other commercial document as appropriate. It is therefore necessary to make a distinction between the groupage manifest and the ships’ goods manifest which serves as the transit declaration.

Where, in accordance with the level 1 and level 2 simplified procedures, a shipping company transports a groupage consignment under the terms and conditions of a carrier's bill of lading, sea waybill or other commercial document, it is accepted that, unless dangerous goods which need to be declared separately are involved, the shipping company does not necessarily know the contents of the groupage consignments.







A shipping company can accept groupage consignments for dispatch under level 1 and 2 simplified procedures provided that:

· the consolidator undertakes to hold the status of consignments in its commercial records;

· the  groupage  manifest  contains  the  information  specified  in

article 447(4) IPC (see paragraph;

· at departure and at destination the consignment notes are available for customs supervision;

· the  groupage  manifest  is  marked  with  the  appropriate  status,

see below;

· the highest status on the groupage manifest is notified to the shipping company. The order of status being T1, T2F (TF), TD, C, X.

The symbols T1, T2F (TF), TD, C or X are used to indicate the relevant items on the groupage manifest as follows:




T1 Goods placed under the T1 external Community transit procedure







TF Goods placed under the internal Community transit procedure travelling to, from or between the territories provided for in article 340c(1) IPC

TD Goods already placed under another transit procedure, or carried under the inward processing, customs warehouse or temporary admission procedure*




(equivalent to T2L) Community goods not placed under a transit procedure whose status may be demonstrated







X Community goods which are to be exported and which are not placed under a transit procedure



* When goods, which are already under a formal transit procedure (e.g. Community transit, TIR carnet, ATA carnet, NATO form 302, etc.), are included in the groupage consignment, the item shall be marked with the code "TD". Additionally, the individual consignment notes or other commercial evidence of the contract of carriage shall be marked with the code "TD" and contain a reference to the actual procedures involved, plus the reference number, date and name of the office of departure of the transit document.

Where the shipping company uses the level 1 simplified procedure, it shall include the groupage consignment, indicated by the word "groupage", on the shipping manifest appropriate to the highest status (the order of status being “T1, “T2F”) as recorded on the groupage manifest, e.g. if the groupage shipment comprises “T1”, “T2F” it shall be declared on the T1 shipping manifest.

Where the shipping company is authorised to use a single manifest under the level 2 simplified procedure, the code "groupage" shall be used.

The following are examples of groupage under level 1 and level 2 simplified procedures.



























Level 1 simplified procedure



















Note : manifests nos. 3 and 5 do not concern transit procedures (no. 3) or transit procedures for which this principal is the declarant (no. 5).











Level 2 simplified procedure















The shipping manifest, the groupage manifest of consolidated shipments and the relevant consignment notes, bills of lading or other commercial documents shall be made available to the








competent authorities at the port of departure, on request.



All groupage manifests, consignment notes, bills of lading or other relevant commercial documents shall, on request, be delivered to the competent authorities at the port of destination, together with the shipping manifest. Those competent authorities shall exercise the appropriate controls on the goods on the basis of the information contained in the groupage manifest.

Except for the cases coded “TD” (level 2 simplified procedure), the shipping company acts as the principal for goods placed under transit and is therefore fully responsible for the movement in the event of irregularities. The relationship between the shipping company and the consolidator is a matter of a private commercial contractual arrangement.






A flow chart for sea groupage is reproduced in annex 8.9




Movement of goods by sea on vessels providing services other than a regular shipping service

Articles 447 and 448 IPC simplified procedures are not available for goods carried on vessels providing a service other than a regular shipping service if a carrier opts to use the Community transit procedure.

The following non-exhaustive examples apply solely to goods carried on vessels providing services other than a regular shipping service, under the Community transit procedure or otherwise as the case may be.

• Non-Community goods

- Movement starting before the Community port of shipment and terminating at the Community port of unloading.

Example:  Brussels-Le  Havre  (carriage  by  road  from  Brussels  to









A T1 procedure is compulsory for the road transport but optional for the maritime transport.

Recommended practice: the Community transit procedure should only be used for the part of the movement undertaken by road.

- Movement starting at the Community port of shipment and continuing beyond the Community port of unloading.

Example: Le Havre-Brussels (carriage by road from Antwerp to Brussels)

A T1 procedure is compulsory for the road transport but optional for the maritime transport.

Recommended practice: a T1 declaration should be made out for the whole movement from Le Havre to Brussels.

- Movement starting before the Community port of shipment and continuing beyond the Community port of unloading.

Example: Madrid-Milan (maritime transport from Barcelona to Genoa)

Recommended practice: a transit declaration should be made out for the whole movement (by road and by sea) from Madrid to Milan.

• Community goods

- Exports of agricultural products in respect of which application is made for refunds

An example would be agricultural products exported from Orleans to a destination in a third country. The export formalities are completed at the Orleans office where a T5 control copy is made out. The office at Le Havre endorses the T5 control copy with the date when the goods left the Community and the goods are loaded onto a vessel in Le Havre, which carries them to Antwerp. There they are loaded onto another vessel bound for the third country.







- Export of Community goods to an overseas department outside the tax territory of the Community

Example: Rotterdam to Martinique

The goods must be declared for export at Rotterdam and a T2LF made out.




Article 843 IPC


- Intra-Community movement of Community goods subject to export tax.

Example: Rotterdam to Stockholm

A T5 control copy must be produced for Community goods subject to tax on export which are consigned between two points in the customs territory of the Community (specific guarantee).




3.10.  Transport by pipeline (pro memoria)

3.11.  Simplified procedures based on article 6 Convention/ article 97(2) CCC

Provided that the implementation of any measures applicable to the goods is ensured countries may introduce among themselves simplified procedures, by means of bilateral or multilateral agreements which shall be applicable to certain types of goods traffic or specific undertakings.

The countries shall communicate these simplified procedures to the European Commission using the form in annex 8.10.

The authorisation procedure shall be in accordance with paragraph 2.2.

For revocation or amendment of the authorisation see paragraph 2.3.



















Specific situations (pro memoria)







Exceptions (pro memoria)







Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only

























































8.1. Additional criteria - special loading list

(Annex V point 24, Appendix 1 Convention - Annex 37d point 23 IPC)





Principals may be authorised to use loading lists which do not comply with all the requirements of Annexes B4 and B5, Appendix III Convention and/or Annexes 44a and 45 IPC.

Authorisation to use such loading lists is subject to the following conditions :





The loading lists are produced by a firm which uses an integrated electronic or automatic data processing system to keep its records, and

are designed and completed in such a way that they can be used without difficulty by the customs authorities, and that they

include for each item the information required by Annex B5, Appendix III Convention and/or Annex 44a IPC.




A firm which uses an integrated electronic or automatic data-processing system to keep its records and which is authorised for the above simplification may additionally be authorised to use such loading lists for transit operations involving only one type of goods, if required due to the type of computer programme used by the firm (to draw up its transit declarations)

A  firm  may  also  be  authorised  to  use  descriptive  lists  drawn  up  for  dispatch /export formalities as loading lists even where such lists are produced by a firm which does not use an integrated electronic or data-processing system to keep its records. Such descriptive lists must:





be designed and completed in such a way that they can be used without difficulty by the customs authorities, and

include for each item the information required by Annex B5, Appendix III Convention and/or Annex 44a IPC.




























8.2. Specimen (application for) authorisation as authorised consignee






1. Name and first name (or business name) and VAT number :

2. Address of the office (a separate questionnaire shall be filled out for each office where the applicant wishes to benefit from these facilities):

3. Telephone number and name of contact person :

4. Fax number, e-mail, etc. of the office:

5. Activities (for example: manufacturer of ……





6. Nature of goods (detailed statement); indicate, if possible, the commodity code of goods:

7. Are goods involved listed in annex I appendix I Convention/annex 44C IPC? Yes/No

8. Are the goods subject to import licence or transhipment regulations?

9. Are the goods subject to other measures of prohibition, restriction or control (health, phytopathological measures, etc.)?

Means of transport:



10. Type of transport used (for example: lorry, truck, barge):

11. Indicate where the goods concerned by this simplification (authorised consignee) are received:

12. Are the applicant's facilities connected to the rail network? Yes or No If yes, which railway station do you use?

13. Does the office have an unloading platform for transport by channels and rivers (barges):

Number of consignments:



14. Average number of consignments per [week] [month] for which the authorisation as an authorised consignee will be used:

15. Hours during which the formalities for goods arriving under customs control will be carried out:

If no regular schedule can be established, give approximate data:




Information of customs:



16. Which customs office(s) of destination do you wish to use as an authorised consignee?







17. Give a description of the administration and the administrative organisation of your company regarding the reception of goods subject to this application on the basis of which custom can control the use of this simplification.

18. State means of notification to Customs: (by telephone, fax, e-mail or any other means of communication).




Done at..…………........., on……….............

































































Authorisation as an authorised consignee






Registration number:



Madam, Sir,

Subject: Community/common transit: authorised consignee.






Ref.: your application of ……………



I have the pleasure to inform you, that in accordance with Regulation (EEC) 2454/93 of the Commission of 2 July 1993, as amended, on the implementing provisions as well as the simplification measures of the Community transit procedure in general, and in particular on the basis of its articles 406 to  408 on the one hand, and on the basis of Articles 64 to 66 of Appendix I of the Convention on a common transit procedure of 20 May 1987 on the other hand, that your company is approved to benefit from the simplification of the Community/common transit formalities to be completed at the office of destination.

1) This authorisation exempts you from the physical presentation of the goods at the office of destination.

2) Authorised site(s):

3) Relevant customs offices:

4) Permitted movements

a) routing, indistinctly by railway, river or road, of third country goods (T1) from a customs office (or authorised consignor) of the Community or EFTA country,

b) carriage,  by  these  same  modes  of  transport,  of  Community  goods  (T2)  (T2F)  from

these same customs offices (or authorised consignor).

5) Permitted schedules

Normal opening hours of the competent office :





(Monday to Friday)













Public holidays

During the night


If necessary, arrivals of goods expected  outside the normal opening hours of the

competent office shall be announced one day in advance before....... hours.

6) Goods





The authorisation is valid for the following goods:



- chapter or tariff headings:

If necessary, goods excluded:



7) Information to the competent office on expected consignments

Method of information:

- telephone:

- fax:

- e-mail:

- other means of information:



Frequency of information:





a) When you receive consignments according to a regular schedule (fixed days and hours), and you communicate this schedule to the competent office, you shall be exempted from supplying individual information for each consignment;

b) If there is no regular schedule, the arrival or the awaited arrival of consignments shall be notified to the competent office at least [….] before the moment the unloading can start. Where urgent consignments arrive or consignments are expected to arrive outside the permitted schedules (see chapter 5), contact should be made with the responsible person in the competent office in order to agree arrangements for notifying the arrival;

c) With regard to goods subject to individual control measures within the framework of the European agricultural policy, information shall reach the competent office at least [..….] before the moment the unloading can start;

d) Any delay in the arrival of the goods shall be notified;

e) In addition to the moment of the start of the unloading, information shall e.a. indicate:

- the place where goods are brought to on the firm’s premises,

- the customs destination of goods (release for free circulation/consumption,

inward processing, warehousing, etc.)

- the type of transit document (T1, T2 or T2F),

- the type (code) of goods and quantity,

- the numbers of the EC licences, certificates used, where appropriate. - the condition of any affixed seals







f) In all instances where excess quantities, deficits, substitutions or other irregularities such as broken seals are discovered, this information shall be notified immediately.

8) Arrival register





As an authorised consignee you shall keep an arrival register, the model and the form of which are decided by mutual agreement with the responsible person in the competent office.

In principle, the following information shall be recorded:

- date and hour on which the competent office is informed,

- date and hour of the start of unloading the means of transport,

- identity of the means of transport,

- the  type,  the  number,  the  date  and  the  office  of  departure  of  the  transit  document,  the

number of the EC licences and/or certificates used, where appropriate. These annotations shall be made immediately, as these data become known.

As regards the registration of each consignment, the register shall include a box reserved for customs.

Before the register is put to use, its pages shall be numbered continuously. The first and last page shall carry the signature of the responsible person in the competent office as well as an imprint of the official stamp of this office.

9) Receipt





For each consignment arrived intact and within the deadline foreseen, you shall, on request of the carrier, issue a receipt by which you declare that the transit documents as well as the goods were delivered to you.

To this end you may use, if so you wish, (model) receipt TC11 or the detachable receipt (to be adapted) appearing on the back of copy 5 of the SAD.

10) Submission of the copies of the transit declaration



Copies of the transit declaration whether with the involvement of agents or not, shall be submitted by the authorised consignee to the competent office at the latest […..].

It is understood that the transit declaration referring to goods involving higher risk of fraud and/or having circulated under the prior information system procedure shall be submitted without delay.
















8.3. Special metal stamp








55 mm






25 mm



1. Coat  of  arms or  any other  signs or  letters characterising the  country

2. Office  of  departure

3. Declaration number

4. Date

5. Authorised consignor

6. Authorisation











































8.4. Derogations - special stamp (FR, IT)

Authorised consignors shall use the special metal stamp approved by the customs authorities in accordance with Annex 37d point 26 IPC/Annex V point 27, Appendix I of the Convention the specimen of which appears in Annex 62 IPC (Annex B9 to Appendix III of the Convention).

a) Italian  authorised  consignors  may  use  the  special  stamps,  specimens  of  which  are

illustrated below:







b) French  authorised  consignors  who  use  the  special  stamp,  the  specimen  of  which  is

reproduced below, may continue to use this special stamp until 31 December 2003.

Authorised consignors who continue to use this specimen special stamp shall enter in the box, reserved for use by the office of departure, on the front of the transit forms the name of the office of departure, the number of the document and the date.















[Example] Country's coat of arms Authorisation Authorised consignor




















8.5. List of airports and controlling customs offices


Country Name of Airport Name and address of the competent office

(A) (B) (C)

Belgium 1. Antwerpen (Deurne) Kantoor der douane Antwerp Cargo Center Luchthavenlei


2. Brussel (Zaventem)

Bruxelles Aéroport Kantoor der douane Luchthaven - Gebouw 706 1931 BRUCARGO

3. Charleroi (Gossellies) Bureau de douane Succursales de Gosselies Aéroport - Rue des Fusillés Building S7 - 1er étage 6041 GOSSELIES

4. Luik (Grâce-Hollogne)

Liège Bureau de douane

Rue de l’aéroport, bâtiment 56 4460 GRACE-HOLLOGNE

5. Oostende Kantoor der douane en accijnzen Entrepot

Slijkensesteenweg 3





Bulgaria 1. Sofia MP Letishte Sofia Bruksel 1

Sofia 1540

2. Varna MP Letishte Varna Letishte Varna Varna 9000

3. Plovdiv MP Letishte Plovdiv Letishte Plovdiv Plovdiv 4004

4. Burgas MP Letishte Burgas Letishte Burgas Burgas 8007

5. Gorna Oryahovitsa MB Gorna Oryahovitsa Gorna Oryahovitsa 5100



Cyprus 1. Larnaca Internation Airport Larnaca Airport Customs office 7130, Larnaca






2. Paphos International Airport Paphos Airport Customs office 8320, Paphos

Czech Republic Václav Havel Airport Prague Celní úřad Praha Ruzyně Aviatická 12/1048

160 08 Praha 6

Czech Republic

Brno Airport Celní úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj Koliště 17

602 00 Brno

Czech Republic

Leoš Janáček Ostrava Airport Celní úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj Náměstí Svatopluka Čecha 8

702 00 Ostrava

Czech Republic

Karlovy Vary Airport Celní úřad pro Karlovarský kraj Dubová 8

360 04 Karlovy Vary

Czech Republic

Pardubice Airport Celní úřad pro Pardubický kraj Palackého 2659/3

530 02 Pardubice

Czech Republic

Mnichovo Hradiště Airport Celní úřad pro Středočeský kraj Washingtonova 11

110 00 Praha 1

Czech Republic



Estonia 1. Lennart Meri Tallin

Lennujaam Maksu- ja Tolliamet Lennujaama piiripunkt Kesk-Sõjamäe 10A 11415 Tallinn


2. Kuressaare Lennujaam Maksu- ja Tolliamet Kuressaare teenindusbüroo Tallinna mnt 19

93815 Kuressaare


3. Tartu Lennujaam Maksu- ja Tolliamet Tartu teenindusbüroo Sõpruse pst 4

50050 Tartu











4. Pärnu Lennujaam Maksu- ja Tolliamet Pärnu teenindusbüroo Riia mnt 233A

80010 Pärnu


5. Kärdla Lennujaam Maksu- ja Tolliamet Kärdla teenindusbüroo Leigri väljak 5

92412 Kärdla




Denmark 1. Billund Airport ToldSkat Vestjylland Region Herning Brændgårdvej 10 7400 Herning

2. Bornholm Airport ToldSkat Nordsjælland Region Helsingør Strandpromenaden 8 A 3000 Helsingør

3. Copenhagen Airport,

Kastrup ToldSkat København Snorresgade 15 DK-2300 København S

4. Copenhagen Airport,

Roskilde ToldSkat Sydvestsjælland

Region Køge Gymnasievej 21

4600 Køge

5. Esbjerg Airport ToldSkat Vestjylland Region Herning Brændgårdvej 10 DK-7400 Herning

6. Karup Airport ToldSkat Vestjylland Region Herning Brændgårdvej 10 DK-7400 Herning

7. Odense Airport ToldSkat Fyn Region Odense Lerchesgade 35 DK- 5100 Odense C

8. Sønderborg Airport ToldSkat Sydjylland Region Vejle

Nordås 17 7100 Vejle








9. Thisted Airport ToldSkat Nordjylland Region Aalborg

Skibsbyggerivej 5 9000 Aalborg

10. Vojens Airport ToldSkat Sydjylland Region Vejle

Nordås 17 7100 Vejle

11. Aalborg Airport ToldSkat Nordjylland Region Aalborg

Skibsbyggerivej 5 9000 Aalborg

12. Århus Airport ToldSkat Østjylland Region Århus Margrethepladsen 4 DK- 8000 Århus C



Germany63 1. Augsburg Zollamt Göggingen

Abfertigungsstelle Flughafen Augsburg Flughafenstraße 6

86169 Augsburg

2. Augsburg/Memmingerberg Zollamt Memmingen

AbfSt Flughafen Memmingerberg Am Flughafen 35

87766 Memmingerberg

3. Berlin-Schönefeld Zollamt Berlin-Flughafen Schönefeld Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld

12521 Berlin

4. Berlin-Tegel Zollamt Berlin-Flughafen Tegel Flughafen Tegel

13405 Berlin

5. Bremen Zollamt Flughafen Hanna-Kunath-Strasse 12 28199 Bremen

6. Paderborn/Lippstadt Zollamt Flughafen Paderborn Flughafenstr. 33

33142 Büren/Ahden







63   Applications or consultations regarding authorisations for simplified procedures (Level 1 and 2) for goods carried by air should be sent to:, Cc.

Hauptzollamt Frankfurt am Main-Flughafen, Hahnstrasse 68-70, 60528 Frankfurt am Main






7. Dresden Zollamt Flughafen Dresden Wilhelmine-Reichard Ring 3 Gebäude 211

01109 Dresden

8. Duisburg/Weeze Zollamt Straelen-Autobahn AbfSt. Flughafen Weeze Flughafen-Ring 1

47652 Weeze

9. Düsseldorf Zollamt Düsseldorf-Flughafen Frachtstr. 26

40474 Düsseldorf

10. Dortmund Zollamt Flughafen Flughafenring 1 44319 Dortmund

11. Erfurt Zollamt Am Flughafen Flughafenstr. 4

99092 Erfurt

12. Frankfurt(Main) Hauptzollamt Frankfurt am Main-Flughafen Hahnstrasse 68-70

60528 Frankfurt am Main

13. Frankfurt (Main) Zollamt Fracht (Flughafen) Hahnstrasse 68-70

60528 Frankfurt am Main

14. Friedrichshafen Zollamt Friedrichshafen Abfertigungsstelle Flughafen Am Flughafen 64

88046 Friedrichshafen

15. Hahn Zollamt Hahn-Flughafen Gebäude 850

55483 Hahn Flughafen

16. Hamburg Zollamt Hamburg-Flughafen Flughafenstraße 1-3

22335 Hamburg

17. Hannover Zollamt Flughafen Postfach 42 01 27 30669 Hannover

18. Karlsruhe ZollamtBaden-Baden Gebäude B 420 77836 Rheinmünster

19. Köln/Bonn Zollamt Flughafen Köln/Bonn Postfach 98 02 50

51130 Köln






20. Leipzig/Halle Zollamt-Flughafen Leipzig Hans-Witwer-Straße 6 04435 Schkeuditz

21. München Zollamt Flughafen Frachtgebaüde Modul B, 5. OG 85356 München

22. Münster-Osnabrück Zollamt Flughafen Airporthalle 1 48268 Greven

23. Nürnberg Zollamt Flughafen Flughafenstraße 86 90411 Nürnberg

24. Rostock/Laage Zollamt Laage Frachthofstraße 2 18299 Laage

25. Saarbrücken Zollamt Flughafen Balthasar-Goldstein-Straße 66131 Saarbrücken

26. Stuttgart Zollamt Flughafen Luftfrachtgebaüde 605/6 70629 Stuttgart



Greece 1.Diethnis Aerolimenas

Athinon “El.Venizelos” (Athens) Airport Customs Office 190 19 Spata


2.Kratikos Aerolimenas

“Makedonia” (Thessaloniki) E Customs Office of Thessaloniki Makedonia Airport

Mikra –55103 Thessaloniki

3.Kratikos Aerolimenas

“N.Kazantzakis” (Heraklio-Creta) Customs Office of Heraklio Provlita 4, Limenas

71 110 Heraklio

4.Kratikos Aerolimenas “I.Kapodistrias”

(Kerkyra) Customs Office of Kerkyra Ethnikis Antistasis 1

Neo Limani

49 100 Kerkyra

5.Kratikos Aerolimenas

“ Diagoras” (Rhodes) Customs Office of Rhodes Emporikos Limenas

85 100 Rhodes










Spain 01.VITORIA (ES000101) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Vitoria-FORONDA

Aeropuerto de FORONDA

01196 FORONDA-Álava

02.ALICANTE (ES000301) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Alicante-EL ALTET

Carretera N332 Alicante-Castellón km.10 03071 ALICANTE

03. ALMERÍA (ES000401) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Almería Carretera de Mijar, s/n


04. PALMA DE MALLORCA (ES000701) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Palma-SON SAN JOAN



05. IBIZA (ES000707) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Ibiza Avda. Bartolomé Roselló, 21 – 2 07071 IBIZA

06. MENORCA (ES000708) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Mahón Andén de Poniente, 1

07701 MAHÓN/MAÓ–Menorca

07. BARCELONA (ES000801) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Barcelona-EL PRAT

Centro de Carga  Aérea

08820 EL PRAT DE LLOBREGAT-Barcelona

08. JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (ES001101) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Jerez

Plaza de las Marinas, 1


09. A CORUÑA (ES001501) Aduana del Aeropuerto de A Coruña-ALVEDRO

Alferez Provisional, 5

15006 A CORUÑA


COMPOSTELA (ES001507) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Santiago-LABACOLLA


11. GIRONA (ES001701) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Girona-COSTA BRAVA

17185 VILOBI D´ONYAR-Girona







12. SAN

SEBASTIAN/GUIPÚZCO A (ES002001) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Irún-FUENTERRABÍA/HONDARRIBIA 20300 IRÚN-Guipúzcoa

13. MADRID (ES002801) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Madrid-BARAJAS

Terminal de Carga de Barajas 28042 MADRID

14. MÁLAGA (ES002901) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Málaga-COSTA DEL SOL

Avenida de García Morato, s/n

29071 MÁLAGA

15. MURCIA (ES003001) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Murcia-SAN JAVIER

Aeropuerto de San Javier

30071 MURCIA


(ES003301) Aduana del Aeropuerto de ASTURIAS-AVILÉS


33459  AVILES-Asturias


(ES003551) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Fuerteventura 35671 FUERTEVENTURA


(ES003571) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Arrecife de Lanzarote

C/. Vargas, 6



GRAN CANARIA (ES003581) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Las Palmas-GANDO

Terminal de Carga del Aeropuerto 35200 LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA

20. VIGO (ES003601) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Vigo-PEINADOR

Aeropuerto de Peinador

36271 VIGO-Pontevedra


(ES003871) Aduana del Aeropuerto de La Palma 38071 SANTA CRUZ DE LA PALMA


(ES003881) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Tenerife Sur-REINA SOFÍA







(ES003883) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Tenerife Norte-LOS RODEOS


24.SANTANDER (ES003901) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Santander-PARAYAS/MALIAÑO

39071 PARAYAS MALIAÑO-Santander

25. SEVILLA (ES004101) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Sevilla-SAN PABLO


26. REUS (ES004301) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Reus Autovía de Reus, s/n

43204 REUS-Tarragona


(ES004601) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Valencia-MANISES

46940 MANISES-Valencia

28. BILBAO (ES004801) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Bilbao-SONDIKA

Terminal de Carga del Aeropuerto 48150 SONDIKA-Vizcaya


(ES005001) Aduana del Aeropuerto de Zaragoza Carretera del Aeropuerto, s/n

50071 GARRAPINILLOS-Zaragoza

For further details please visit our COL.



France Abbeville** BS d’Abbeville

Rue Ventose

B.P 630

80144 Abbeville Cedex Tel :

Agen** BI d'Agen

Centre routier Gaussens B.P 12 - 47520 Le Passage Tel :

Ajaccio-Campo dell'Oro B.C.S. d'Ajaccio

Cite  des  douanes  de  pietralba  rue  des cigales B.P. 512 20090 Ajaccio Cedex Tel 04 95 51 71 79







Albi** BI d'Albi

1 rue Gabriel Pech - B.P 155 - 81005 Albi Cedex

Tel :

Amiens** BI d'Amiens

39 rue Pierre Rollin - B.P 009 80091 Amiens Cedex 3

Tel :

Angers-Marcé** BI d'Angers

Chemin de la salette - 49240 Avrille tel :

Angoulême** BI d'Angouleme

264 rue de Périgueux - 16022 Angouleme

Tel :

Annecy** BS d'Annecy

13 av du Coteau B.P 517 - 74014 Annecy Cedex

Tel :

Annemasse** BS d'Annemasse

Rue Louis Armand - B.P 363 74107 Annemasse Cedex

Tel :

Auxerre-Branches** BI d'Auxerre

24 bd Gallieni - 89000 Auxerre Tél :

Avignon** BI d'Avignon

1 rue de la venus d'Arles 84000 Avignon

Tel :

Bâle-Mulhouse aéroport R.P. de Bâle Mulhouse Aéroport Aéroport de Bâle Mulhouse - Aérogare fret

68300 Saint Louis

Tél :

Bastia-Poretta* BC de Bastia Poretta Aéroport de Bastia-Poretta 20290 Borgo

Tél :










Beauvais-Tillé* Antenne de Beauvais Aéroport de Beauvais Tillé 60000 Beauvais

Tél :

Bergerac** B.I. de Périgueux Aéroport de Bassillac 24 330 Bassilliac

Tél :

Besançon-Vèze** B.I. de Besançon 1, rue de Picardie 25 000 Besançon Tel

Béziers-Vias** BCS d’Agde

1, rue des fauvettes Route du cap d’Agde 34300 Agde

Tel :

Biarritz Bayonne Anglet* Annexe - BCS de Biarritz

Aéroport de Bayonne Anglet Biarritz 64600 Anglet

Tel :

Blois le Breuil** Annexe - BI de Tours

Av Yves Farge - B.P. 134

37701 Saint pierre des corps Cedex Tel 02 47 44 90 97

Bordeaux-Mérignac R.P de Bordeaux-Mérignac Cedex b3-Zone de fret 33700 Mérignac Tel/

Bourges** Annexe -BI de Bourges

Le détour du pave - 18230 Saint Doulchard

Tel :

Brest-Guipavas* Annexe - BCS de Landerneau

48 rue du commandant Charcot -29220 Landerneau

Tel :

Caen-Carpiquet * Annexe - BCS de Caen Ouistreham gare maritime - B.P 31 6 - 14150 Ouistreham Cedex

Tel :








Cahors** BI de Montauban

22 rue Ingres - 82000 Montauban Tel :

Calais-Dunkerque** Annexe - B.C.S de Calais Extérieur Hoverport B.P. 455

62 225 Calais Cedex


Calvi-Sainte Catherine* Annexe - R.C de Calvi

Port de plaisance - 20260 Calvi Tel/

BCS de Calvi

Route du stade - 20260 Calvi Tel :

Cannes Mandelieu* Annexe - BS de Cannes

Aérodrome 12 aéroport de cannes Mandelieu -

06150 Cannes La Bocca


Carcassonne** B.I de Carcassonne

B.P 2004 - 11880 Carcassonne Cedex 9

Tel :

Castres-Mazamet** BI d'Albi

1 rue Gabriel Pech - B.P 155 - 81005 Albi Cedex

Tel :

Cayenne-Rochambeau* R.C de Rochambeau Aéroport

Zone fret Rochambeau - 97351 Matoury

Tel : 0594 29.80.10

Chambéry-Aix-les-Bains** Annexe- BI de Montmélian

15 place René Cassin - 73800 Montmélian

Tel :

Charleville** B.S.I de Charleville-Mézières 30 rue du petit bois B.P 489 08109 Charleville-Mézière Tel :











Châteauroux-Déols** Annexe- Cellule de contrôle de Châteauroux

Aéroport Châteauroux-Déols rn 20 -36130 Déols

Tel :

Cherbourg-Maupertus* Annexe- BCS de Cherbourg

Gare maritime transmanche quai de Normandie

B.P 735 - 50107 Cherbourg Cedex

Tel :

Clermont Ferrand-Aulnat* Annexe - Clermont aéroport PCV 63510 Aulnat

Tel :

Colmar** BSI de Colmar

3 rue Denis Papin - B.P 1540 - 68015 Colmar Cedex

Tel :

Courchevel-altiport** Annexe- BSI de Bourg St Maurice

439 av du stade - 73700 Bourg St Maurice

Tel :

Deauville-Saint Gatien* Annexe- B.C.S de Deauville

3 rue auguste Decaens - B.P 100-14080 Deauville

Tel :

Dieppe** B.C.S de Dieppe

B.P 222 - 76202 Dieppe Cedex Tel :

Dijon-Lonvic** Annexe - BI de Dijon

4 bis rue Jean Moulin - 21000 Tel :

Dinard-Pleurtuit* Antenne de Dinard-Pleurtuit Aérodrome de Dinard- 35730 Pleurtuit Tel :

Dole Travaux** Annexe - BI de Lons le Saunier Rue Blaise Pascal-B.P. 380

39 016 Lons le Saunier

Tel :

Epinal** B.I d'Epinal

Zone de la voivre 16 av. Pierre Blanck B.P 1028 - 88050 Epinal Cedex 9

Tel :






Figari* BCS de Bonifacio

Gare maritime quai portigliolo - 20169 Tel :

Gap** B.I de Gap

3 place du rochasson - B.P 13 - 05008 Gap Cedex

Tel :

Granville** BCS de Granville

61 rue de la résidence du stade B.P 429 50404 Granville Cedex

Tel :

Grenoble-Saint Geoirs* Annexe - BCS de Saint-Geoirs Aéroport de St Geoirs

38590 St Etienne de St Geoirs Tel/

Hyères le Palyvestre** BS d'Hyères

685 vieux quartier de Toulon - quartier la demi-lune

83400 Hyères

Tel :

Issy-les-Moulineaux** BI de Paris-Sud

20 quai d'Austerlitz - 75013 Paris Tel :

La Mole** Annexe de St Tropez

Quai de l'épi B.P 148 - 83991 St Tropez Cedex

Tel :

La Rochelle-Laleu** Annexe - BCS de la Rochelle

Bld Emile Delmas - B.P 2012 - 17009 la Rochelle 01

Tel :

Lannion** Annexe - B.C.S de Lannion

2 avenue de Lorraine - 22000 Saint Lannion

Tel :

Laval** Cellule de contrôle de Laval

55 rue du dépôt - B.P 2235 - 53022 Laval Cedex 9

Tel :










Le Bourget R.C du Bourget

Aéroport du Bourget, bat 48 B.P 15 - 93350 Le Bourget Tel :

Le Castelet** BS de Toulon

Port Marchand - 83000 Toulon Tel :

Le Havre-Octeville* BCS du Havre

Quai de Southampton terminal Grande-Bretagne

B.P 27

76083 Le Havre

Tel :

Le Mans-Arnage** Annexe - BI du Mans

96 rue de l’angevinerie – BP 21.54 72001 Cedex 1 Le Mans

Tel :

Le Touquet** Annexe - B.C.S Le Touquet Aéroport Le Touquet

62520 Le Touquet Paris Plage Tel

Lille Lesquin R.P de Lille Lesquin aéroport CRD

1 rue Descats -B.P 309 - 59813 Lesquin Cedex


Limoges** Annexe - BI de Limoges

53 rue théodore bac - 87032 Limoges Cedex

Tel :

Lognes** BI de Marne la Vallée

Immeuble concorde Luzard, 7 cours des roches- B.P. 202 - 77441 Marne la Vallee Cedex 2

Tel 01 60 95.51.66

Lorient Lann Bihoué** BCS de d'Hennebon Lorient

33 rue Voltaire- 56700 Hennebon Tel :

Lyon-Bron* BCS de Satolas

Aéroport de Satolas - B.P 136 69125 Lyon satolas aéroport Cedex Tel :








Lyon Satolas R.P de Lyon Satolas

B.P. 714 6 69125 Lyon Satolas aéroport Cedex


Marseille Provence R.P de Marseille Marignane

B.P 5 - 13727 Marignane Cedex Tel :

Meaux** Antenne de Meaux

Zi meaux poincy - B.P. 228 - 77108 Meaux Cedex

Tel 01 64 33 15 93

Annexe - BI de Marne la Vallée Immeuble concorde luzard, 7 cours des roches- B.P. 202 - 77441 Marne la Vallee Cedex 2

Tel : 01 60 95.51.66

Megève** Annexe - BSI de Chamonix

Les pélerins - B.P 73 - 74402 Chamonix Cedex

Tel :

Metz Nancy Lorraine* Antenne de Metz-Nancy-Lorraine aéroport,

Aéroport de Metz-Nancy-Lorraine Route de Louvigny - 57420 Goin

Tel :

Montbéliard** B.C.S. de Montbéliard

3 rue Oehmichen

25 202 Montbéliard CEDEX Tel

Montpellier Fréjorgues* Antenne de Fréjorgues

Eurogare aéroport de Montpellier-Mediter

34130 Maugio


Morlaix** Annexe de Morlaix

Aérodrome de Ploujean - B.P 11 29201 Morlaix Cedex

Tel :

Nancy-Essey** Bureau de Nancy aéroport

150 rue alfred Krug - B.P CS 5215 54052 Nancy Cedex

Tel :






Nantes Atlantique* Bureau de Nantes Atlantique

Aérogare de fret - B.P 25 - 44340 Bouguenais

Tel :

Nevers** Annexe - Bureau de Nevers

25 bd Léon Blum B.P : 6 - 58018 Nevers Baratte

Tel :

Nice Côte d'Azur Bureau de Nice aéroport

Aéroport de Nice Côte d'Azur

zone de fret - B.P 1459 - 06008 Nice Cedex 1

Tel :

Nîmes Garons* Annexe - BI de Nîmes

3 place Séverine B.P 27036 - 30910 Nîmes Cedex 2

Tel :

Orléans-Saint-Denis de l'hôtel** Annexe - BI d'Orléans Place de l’abbé Pasty Tel :

Orly Bureau d'Orly aéroport

Zone de fret B.P 112 - 94396 Orly aérogare Cedex


Pau-Pyrénées* Annexe - BCS de Pau-Uzein Aéroport de Pau Uzein - 64230 Uzein Tel :

Périgueux** B.I. de Périgueux Aéroport de Bassillac 24 330 Bassillac

Tél :

Perpignan-Rivesaltes Annexe - BI de Perpignan

Immeuble le Carré- avenue de Rome BP 5156

66031 Perpignan

Tel :

Pointe à Pitre Le Raizet R.P Le Raizet aéroport

Aéroport pole caraïbe morne maniel providence

97139 Les Abymes

Tel : 0590.21.15.21








Poitiers** Annexe - BI de Poitiers 6, rue Claude Berthollet ZI République 3

86012 Poitiers Cedex 9 Tel :

Pontarlier** B.C.S. de Pontarlier

Rue Charles Maire - B.P. 315 25 304 Pontarlier Cedex


Pontoise** Annexe - BI de Gennevilliers

37 route principale du port B.P 221 92237 Gennevilliers Cedex

Tel :

Quimper** Annexe - BCS de Quimper

28 bd de Bretagne - 29000 Quimper Tel :

Reims-Champagne* Annexe - BCS de Reims

25 rue Gutenberg - 51084 Reims Cedex

Tel :

Rennes Saint-Jacques* Annexe - BI de Rennes

6 allée du Danemark- 35200 Rennes Tel :

Roanne** Annexe - BI de Saint Etienne

ZI Verpilleux, 1 rue Necker - B.P 657 42042 St Etienne

Tel :

Rodez** BI d'Albi

1 rue Gabriel Pech - B.P 155 - 81005 Albi Cedex

Tel :

Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle R.P de Roissy-en-France Nord RP de Roissy-en-France Sud

Rouen** BCS de Rouen

rue de Lillebonne prolongée - 76000 Rouen

Tel :

Saint-Brieuc** Annexe - BCS de Saint Brieuc

17 rue de Genève - 22000 Saint Brieuc Tel :








Saint-Denis Gillot R.P De Saint Denis Gillot

Aéroport de Saint Denis Gillot - 97438 Sainte Marie

Tel : 0262.48.81.28

Saint-Etienne** Annexe - BI de Saint Etienne

Zi verpilleux, 1 rue Necker - B.P 657 42042 St Etienne

Tel :

Saint-Nazaire-Montoir** Annexe - BCS de Saint-Nazaire Montoir

rue des Morées - B.P 27 - 44550 Montoir de Bretagne

Tel :

Saint Yan** Antenne de Paray le Monial

Zi du Champ Bossu - 71600 Paray le Monial

Tel :

Strasbourg Entzheim R.C de Strasbourg Entzheim aéroport B.P 33 - 67960 Entzheim

Tel :

Tarbes- Lourdes-Pyrénées* Annexe - BCS de Tarbes

Av du président Kennedy autoport des Pyrenées

B.P 1334 - 65013 Tarbes Cedex 9

Tel :

Toulouse Blagnac Bureau de Toulouse Blagnac

Aéroport zone de fret. bat h- 31700 Blagnac


Tours** Annexe - BI de Tours

Av Y. Farge B.P 134

37701 Saint Pierre des Corps Cedex Tel :

Toussus le Noble* BI des Ulis

Avenue des Indes B.P 7 - 91941 Les Ulis Cedex

Tel :

Troyes-Barberey** R.P de Troyes CRD aéroport

rue de la douane - B.P 55

10600 La Chapelle St Luc Cedex Tel :








Valence** Annexe - BI de Romans

22 bld Rémy Roure - 26100 Romans Tel :

Valenciennes** BSI de Valenciennes

53 rue de Romainville - 59322 Valenciennes

Tel :

Vannes** BCS de Vannes

34 av. Paul Cézanne - 56019 Vannes Cedex

Tel :

Vatry* Bureau de Châlons-en-Champagne CRD

2 av de Crayères zam de la veuve 51022 Châlons-en-Champagne Cedex Tel :

Vesoul** B.I. de Besançon

1, rue de Picardie 25 000 Besançon Tel :

Vichy-Charmeil** Annexe - Cellule de contrôle de Vichy-Charmeil

Aéroport de Vichy-Charmeil - 03110 Charmeil

Tel :



* Airports where customs, police and health formalities are conducted for part of the year or at certain times, and may also be conducted outside such periods and times at the above airfields on application to the authority designated by the Préfecture.

** Airports where customs, police and health formalities are conducted as needed on application to the authority designated by the Préfecture.

The customs and indirect taxation annexes are kept by a customs office and are treated for accounting purposes as customs and indirect taxation revenue.

These annexes can be used for the purposes of:

checking passengers, means of transport and luggage;

customs formalities involving goods in transit;

checking and endorsing documents proving that goods declared for export leave Community territory;

customs formalities relating to local border traffic.











Ireland 1. Dublin Customs & Excise

Cargo Terminal Dublin Airport Co. Dublin


2. Cork Airport Customs & Excise

Cargo Terminal Cork Airport Co. Cork


3. Shannon Airport Customs & Excise Freight Terminal Shannon Airport Co. Clare




Italy 1. Aeroporto di Alghero Sezione operativa territoriale di Alghero

c/o Aeroporto civile - Reg. Nuraghe Biancu -07040 S. Maria La Palma (SS)

Telefoni 0039   070 7591706 - 070 7591704 Fax 0039 070 7591700


2. Aeroporto di Faconara

Marittima Sezione Operativa Territoriale di Falconara Aeroporto

P.le Sordoni c/o Aeroporto R. Sanzio - di Falconara 60022 Castelferretti (AN)

Tel. 0039  071 9944463/461 - 071 200157 -071 282743 - Arrivi 0039  071 2827232 -Partenze 0039  071 2827229

Fax 0039  0712827255


3. Aeroporto di Bari Palese Sezione Operativa Territoriale Aeroporto Bari - Palese

Aeroporto Civile - 70057 Palese (BA)

Tel. 0039 0805316196

Fax 0039  0805316196
















4. Aeroporto di Bergamo

Orio al Serio Sezione Operativa Territoriale di Orio al Serio

c/o Aeroporto, 13 - 24050 Orio al Serio (BG) Tel.  0039  0350862289

Viaggiatori 0039 0350862305

Merci 0039 0350862282

Fax 0039  0350862330

E-mail: dogane.bergamo.orioalserio@agenziadogane.i t

5. Aeroporto di Bologna

(Borgo Panigale) Sezione Operativa Territoriale Aeroporto "G. Marconi"

Via Triumvirato, 84 - 40132 Borgo Panigale (BO)

Tel. 0039  051 6479348 Viaggiatori

0039  051 6479865 Merci

Fax 0039  051 6479868


6. Aeroporto di Brindisi

Casale Sezione Operativa Territoriale Aeroporto Casale

Aeroporto Civile Papola - 72100 Casale (BR) Tel. 0039 0831 413045

Fax 0039 0831 413045


7. Aeroporto di Cagliari

Elmas Sezione Operativa Territoriale di Aeroporto Elmas (Mario Mameli)

c/o Aeroporto - 09034 Cagliari-Elmas (CA) Tel.0039  0707591273

Fax 0039  0707591270


8. Aeroporto di Catania

Fontana Rossa Sezione Operativa Territoriale Aeroporto di Fontanarossa

c/o Aeroporto Civile Fontanarossa - 95121 Catania

Tel. 0039  095348625

Fax 0039  095348625











9. Aeroporto di Firenze Sezione operativa Aeroporto A. Vespucci

Via del Termine, 11 - 50127 Peretola (FI)


0039 055 3061629/3061686 Viaggiatori arrivi 0039 055 3061610 Viaggiatori partenze (postazione Tax Free)

0039 055 3061430 Cargo


0039 055 3061686 Viaggiatori

0039 055 3061430 Cargo


10. Aeroporto di Forlì

L.Ridolfi Sezione operativa territoriale Aeroporto Ridolfi

Via Seganti, 3 - 47100 Forlì

Tel. 0039  0543474960

Fax 0039  0543474961


11. Aeroporto  di  Genova  C.

Colombo Sezione Operativa Territoriale Aeroporto

Via Pionieri e Aviatori d’Italia, Palazzina Merci - 16154 Genova

Tel.0039  0106015339

Fax 0039  0106015327


12. Aeroporto di Lamezia

Terme Sezione Operativa Territoriale Aeroporto dello Stretto

Via Ravagnese, 11 - 89131 Reggio Calabria Tel. 0039 0965 645274

Fax 0039 0965 645274

E-mail: dogane.reggiocalabria.aeroporto@agenziadog

13. Aeroporto di Milano

Linate Ufficio delle Dogane di Milano 3 Aeroporto di Linate - 20090 Segrate (MI) Tel. 0039  0270200470

0039  0270200510

Fax 0039  027388477














14. Aeroporte di Milano

Malpensa Ufficio delle Dogane di Malpensa

Aeroporto Malpensa - 21010 Aeroporto Malpensa (VA)


0039  0258586300

0039  0258586500

Fax 0039  0258586340


15. Aeroporto di Napoli

Capodichino Sezione Operativa Territoriale Aeroporto di Capodichino

Viale Umberto Maddalena c/o Terminal merci - 80100 Napoli

Tel. 0039  0817896433 - 0039  0817896268 Fax 0039  0817802546


16. Aeroporto di Olbia Costa

Smeralda Sezione operativa territoriale di Porto Torres Molo ASI - 07046 Porto Torres (SS)

Tel. 0039  070 7591361

Fax 0039  070 7591360


17. Aeroporto di Palermo

Punta Raisi Sezione Operativa Territoriale Aeroporto di Punta Raisi

Aeroporto Civile Falcone Borsellino - 90045 Cinisi (PA)

Telefoni 0039  0917020216  0039 0917020329

Fax 0039  0917020216


18. Aeroporto  di  Perugia  S.

Egidio Sezione operativa territoriale Aeroporto S. Francesco d'Assisi

Strada Traversa S. Egidio – 06070 S. Egidio (PG)

Telefoni 0039  0755921420 - 421 - 422 - 423 Fax 0039  0755921455














19.Aeroporto Liberi di Pescara Sezione Operativa Territoriale di Pescara -Aeroporto d'Abruzzo

Via Tiburtina km 229,100 - 65131 Pescara Telefono 0039  0854324234


20. Aeroporto di Pisa S.

Giusto Sezione Operativa Territoriale Aeroporto di Pisa

Via Asmara 3/c – 56121 Pisa

Telefoni 0039  05091661 – Viaggiatori 0039 050916608 - 0039  050849494

Fax 0039  050916630


21. Aeroporto di Reggio

Calabria (dello Stretto) Sezione Operativa Territoriale Aeroporto dello Stretto

Via Ravagnese, 11 - 89131 Reggio Calabria Tel. 0039 0965 645274

Fax 0039 0965 645274

E-mail: dogane.reggiocalabria.aeroporto@agenziadog

22. Aeroporto di Rimini

Miramare Sezione Operativa Territoriale Aeroporto Miramare “Federico Fellini”

Via Flaminia, 407 - 47037 Rimini Miramare (RN)

Tel. 0039 0541 370261

Fax  0039 0541 370261


23. Aeroporto di Roma

Ciampino Sezione Operativa Territoriale di Ciampino Aeroporto di Ciampino - 00043 Ciampino (RM)

Tel. 0039  0679494277

Fax 0039  0679340220


24. Aeroporto di Roma

Fiumicino Ufficio delle Dogane di Roma 2 - Aeroporto Internazionale Leonardo da Vinci

Via Bragadin s.n.c - 00054 Fiumicino

Tel. 0039  65956366

Fax 0039  06659520954









25. Aeroporto  di  Ronchi  dei

Legionari Sezione Operativa Territoriale Ronchi dei Legionari – Aeroporto Giuliano

Via Aquilea - 34077 Ronchi dei Legionari (GO)

Tel. 0039  0481778070

Fax 0039  0481778070


26. Aeroporto di Torino

(Caselle) Sezione Operativa Territoriale Caselle Torinese

Aeroporto di Torino "Sandro Pertini" - 10072 Caselle Torinese (TO)


Merci 0039 011 5676891/2

Servizio Viaggiatori 0039 011 5676874/886 Fax 0039 011 5678284


27. Aeroporto di Venezia

Tessera Sezione Operativa Territoriale Aeroporto “Marco Polo” di Tessera

Via Broglio, 80 - 30030 Tessera (VE) Telefoni 0039 041 2699357

Fax 0039 041 8773585


28. Aeroporto di Verona

Villafranca Sezione operativa territoriale di Aeroporto Valerio Catullo

c/o Aeroporto Valerio Catullo - 37060 Località Caselle - Sommacampagna (VR) Telefoni

0039 045 8095774 (Centralino)

0039 045 8095775 (Responsabile)

0039 045 8095761 (Ufficio Arrivi)

0039 045 (+39)-045-8095737 (Ufficio Partenze)


0039 045 8095775 (Ufficio)

0039 045 8095890 (Ufficio Arrivi)




Latvia 1. Rīgas lidosta

Riga Airport (International) Lidostas MKP 0240

Rīgas raj.,Mārupes pag., lidosta "Rīga", LV-1053 Latvia







2. Ventspils lidosta

Ventspils Airport (local importance) Ventspils MKP 0313 Prāmju 2,Ventspilī, LV-3602 Latvia

3. Liepājas lidosta

Liepaja Airport (local importance) Liepājas ostas MKP 0411 Cukura 8/16,Liepājā, LV-3401 Latvia



Lithuania 1. Vilnius Airport Vilniaus oro uosto postas Rodūnios kelias 10A LT–02189 Vilnius

2. Kaunas Airport Kauno oro uosto postas Oro uosto g. 4


LT–54460 Kauno rajonas

3. Palanga Airport Palangos oro uosto postas Liepojos pl. 1

LT–00169 Palanga

4. Šiauliai Airport Šiaulių oro uosto postas Lakūnų g. 4

LT–77103 Šiauliai



Luxembourg 1. Luxembourg (Findel) Bureau des Douanes et Accises Luxembourg-Aeroport

B.P. 61

L-6905 Niederanven



Hungary Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal 1. Számú Repülőtéri Igazgatósága

Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér 1675 Budapest, Pf.: 40.

Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal 2. Számú Repülőtéri Igazgatósága

Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér 1675 Budapest, Pf.: 40.

Sármellék Repülőtér Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal Zala Megyei Vám- és Pénzügyőri Igazgatósága

8901 Zalaegerszeg, Pf.: 135.



Malta Malta International Airport Customs Office Airfreight Section Luqa






Netherlands 1. Eelde Douanekantoor Eelde Machlaan 14

9761 TD Eelde

2. Eindhoven Douanekantoor Eindhoven-Airport Luchthavenweg 13

5657 EA Eindhoven

3. Hilversum en Lelystad Douanekantoor Hilversum Nieuwe Havenweg 53 II Postbus 183

1200 AD Hilversum

4. Maastricht – Aachen Airport Douanekantoor Maastricht Airport Vliegveldweg 41

6190 AC Beek

5. Midden-Zeeland Douanekantoor Vlissingen Duitslandweg 1

Postbus 279

4380 AG Vlissingen

6. Rotterdam-Airport Douanekantoor Rotterdam-Airport Airportplein 50

3045 AP Rotterdam

7. Seppe Douanekantoor Roosendaal Borchwerf 10A

4704 RG Roosendaal

8. Schiphol-Airport Douanepost Schiphol Cargo Centre Handelskade 1 Postbus 75757

1118 ZX Schiphol

9. Teuge Douanekantoor Apeldoorn Oude Apeldoornseweg 41 – 45 7333 NR Apeldoorn

10. Texel Douanekantoor Texel-Luchthaven Het Nieuwe Diep 23

1781 AC Den Helder

11. Twente Douanekantoor Twente Luchthaven Vliegveldweg 333

7524 PT Enschede



Austria 1. Graz Hauptzollamt Graz Zweigstelle Flughafen Flughafen Graz

8073 Feldkirchen bei Graz







2. Innsbruck Hauptzollamt Innsbruck Zweigstelle Innsbruck-Flughafen Fürstenweg 180

6020 Innsbruck

3. Klagenfurt Hauptzollamt Klagenfurt Zweigstelle Flughafen-Strasse Flughafen-Strasse 63

Flughafen Klagenfurt-Wörthersee 9020 Klagenfurt

4. Salzburg Hauptzollamt Salzburg Zweigstelle Flughafen


Wilhem-Spazier-Strasse 2 5020 Salzburg

5. Wien (Vienna) Zollamt Flughafen Wien Postfach 21

1300 Wien-Flughafen

6. Linz Hauptzollamt Linz Zweigstelle Flughafen Flughafenstrasse 1 4063 Hörsching



Poland 1. Gdansk-Rebiechowo Oddzial Celny Port Lotniczy

ul. Slowackiego 210 80-298 Gdansk

2. Katowice-Pyrzowice Oddzial Celny Port Lotniczy ul. Wolności 90

41-960 Ozarowice

3. Krakow-Balice Oddział Celny Port Lotniczy ul. Kapitana Medweckiego 1 32-083 Krajow-Balice

4. Poznan-Lawica Oddzial Celny Port Lotniczy ul. Bukowska 285

61-198 Poznan

5. Szczecin-Goleniow Oddział Celny Port Lotniczy Glewice 1A

72-100 Goleniow

6. Warszawa-Okecie Urzad Celny III Port Lotniczy w Warszawie ul. Zwirki i Wigury 1

00-906 Warszawa

7. Wroclaw-Strachowice Oddział Celny Port Lotniczy ul. Skarzynskiego 36

54-351 Wroclaw







8. Rzeszow-Jasionka Oddział Celny Port Lotniczy 36-002 Jasionka



Portugal 1. Lisboa Alfândega do Aeroporto de Lisboa Aeroporto de L–sboa - Edifício 17 1700 LISBOA

2. Francisco Sá Carneiro

(Porto) Alfândega do Aeroporto do Porto Aeroporto Sá Carneiro

4470 MAIA

3. Faro Delegação Aduaneira do Aeroporto de Faro Aeroporto de Faro

8000 FARO

4. Santa Catarina (Madeira) Delegação Aduaneira do Aeroporto de Santa Catarina

Aeroporto de Santa Catarina


5. Porto Santo (Madeira) Delegação Aduaneira de Porto Santo Aeroporto do Porto Santo


6. Ponta Delgada (Açcores) Alfândega de Ponta Delgada Praça Vasco da Gama


7. Santa Maria (Açores) Delegação Aduaneira do Aeroporto de Santa Maria

Aeroporto de Santa Maria


8. Lages (Açores) Delegação Aduaneira de Angro do Heroismo Patio da Alfândega




Romania 1. Aeroport Arad Biroul vamal Arad Aeroport Str. Bodrogului, FN,

310399, ARAD

2. Aeroport Sibiu Biroul vamal Sibiu Aeroport

Sos. Alba Iulia, no.73A, SIBIU

3. Aeroport Băneasa Biroul vamal Băneasa

Sos. Bucureşti -Ploieşti, nr. 40, sector 1, BUCURESTI

4. Aeroport Henri Coandă Biroul vamal Otopeni Calatori

Calea Bucurestilor, no.224E, OTOPENI, jud. Ilfov








5. Aeroport Cluj Napoca Biroul vamal Cluj Napoca Aeroport

Str. Traian Vuia, nr.149, CLUJ NAPOCA, 400397, jud. Cluj

6. Aeroport Mihail

Kogălniceanu Biroul vamal Mihail Kogălniceanu

Incinta  Aeroport  Internaţional  Constanţa,  Str.  Tudor

Vladimirescu, nr.4,

Jud. Constanţa

7. Aeroport Bacău Biroul vamal Bacău Aeroport

Str. Aeroportului, nr.1, BACĂU

8. Aeroport Iaşi Biroul vamal Iaşi Aeroport

Str. Moara de Vant, nr.34, IASI

9. Aeroport Timişoara Biroul vamal Timisoara Aeroport Str. Aeroportului, nr. 1


10. Aeroport Suceava Biroul vamal Suceava Aeroport Str. Aeroportului FN,


11. Aeroport Oradea Biroul vamal Oradea Calea Aradului, nr. 80 Oradea

Jud. Bihor



Finland 1. Helsinki-Vantaa Helsingin lentotulli PL 11


2. Enontekiö Kivilompolon tulli FI-99440 LEPPÄJÄRVI

3. Ivalo Ivalon tulli

PL 18

FI-99801 IVALO

4. Joensuu Joensuun tulli

PL 72


5. Jyväskylä Jyväskylän tulli

PL 39


6. Kajaani Kajaanin tulli

PL 119


7. Kemi/Tornio Kemin tulli

PL 49

FI-94101 KEMI







8. Kittilä Muonion tulli FI-99300 MUONIO

9. Kruunupyy Kokkolan tulli

PL 1006


10. Kuopio Kuopion tulli

PL 68


11. Kuusamo Kortesalmen tulli FI-93999 KUUSAMO

12. Lappeenranta Lappeenrannan tulli

PL 66


13. Mariehamn Mariehamns tull

PB 40


14 . Oulu Oulun tulli

PL 56

FI-90401 OULU

15. Pori Porin tulli

PL 140 FI-28101 PORI

16. Rovaniemi Rovaniemen tulli

PL 47


17. Tampere-Pirkkala Tampereen tulli

PL 133


18. Turku Turun tulli

PL 386

FI-20101 TURKU

19. Vaasa Vaasan tulli

PL 261

FI-65101 VAASA



Slovenia 1. Ljubljana (Brnik) Finančni urad Ljubljana Izpostava Letališče Brnik SI - 4210 Brnik

2. Maribor Finančni urad Maribor

Carinska pisarna Mejni prehod Letališče Maribor SI - 2212 Orehova vas - Slivnica










Sweden 1. Arlanda Tullverket*

Box 64

S-190 45 Stockholm-Arlanda

2. Arvidsjaur Tullverket*

Blå vägen 32 S-920 64 Tärnaby

3. Borlänge Dala Airport Tullverket*

Box 64

S-190 45 Stockholm-Arlanda

4. Bromma Tullverket*

Box 64

S-190 45 Stockholm-Arlanda

5. Göteborg City Airport, SäveTullverket* Box 8932

S-402 73 Göteborg

6. Göteborg Landvetter Airpor Tullverket*

Box 8932

S-402 73 Göteborg

7. Halmstad Tullverket*

Box 8932

S-402 73 Göteborg

8. Jönköping Tullverket*

Box 11504

S-550 11 Jönköping

9. Kalmar Tullverket*

Box 11504

S-550 11 Jönköping

10. Karlstad Tullverket*

Box 8932

S-402 73 Göteborg

11. Kiruna Tullverket*

Blå vägen 32 S-920 64 Tärnaby

12. Kristianstad-Everöd Tullverket*

Box 850

S-201 80 Malmö

13. Linköping Tullverket* Tegeluddsvägen 98 Box 27311

S-102 54 Stockholm






14. Luleå-Kallax Tullverket*

Blå vägen 32 S-920 64 Tärnaby

15. Malmö-Sturup Tullverket*

Box 850

S-201 80 Malmö

16. Norrköping Tullverket*

Box 901

S-601 19 Norrköping

17. Pajala-Ylläs Tullverket*

Blå vägen 32 S-920 64 Tärnaby

18. Ronneby/Kallinge Tullverket*

Box 850

S-201 80 Malmö

19. Stockholm-Skavsta Tullverket* Tegeluddsvägen 98 Box 27311

S-102 54 Stockholm

20. Skellefteå Tullverket*

Blå vägen 32 S-920 64 Tärnaby

21. Sundsvall-Härnösand Tullverket*

Box 64

S-190 45 Stockholm-Arlanda

22. Trollhättan/Vänersborg Tullverket*

Box 8932

S-402 73 Göteborg

23. Umeå Tullverket*

Blå vägen 32 S-920 64 Tärnaby

24. Visby Tullverket*


S-601 19 Norrköping

25. Västerås/Hässlö Tullverket* Tegeluddsvägen98 Box27311

S-102 54 Stockholm

26. Växjö/Kronoberg Tullverket*








27. Ängelholm-Helsingborg Tullverket* Box850

S-201 80 Malmö

28. Örebro Tullverket* Tegeluddsvägen98 Box27311

S-102 54 Stockholm

29. Örnsköldsvik Tullverket* Blåvägen 32 S-920 64 Tärnaby

30. Östersund Tullverket* Gränsvägen55 S-830 19 Storlien


* Applications or consultations for authorizations, simplified procedure for transport by air, should be sent to:

Tullverket, Kompetenscenter Tillstånd Box 12 854

S-112 98 Stockholm

United Kingdom



CODE AIRPORT Address ccsuk

code EPU

ABZ Aberdeen HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Aberdeen Airport

C/O Custom House

28 Guild St

Aberdeen AB9 2DY Z 410

BFS Belfast HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Custom House

Belfast International Airport Aldergrove

Belfast BT29 4AA P 516

BHX Birmingham HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Cargo Centre

Birmingham Airport

B26 3QN B 011

BOH Bournemouth HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Bournemouth Airport

C/O Compass House

Ordnance Survey Site

Romsey Road


SO16 4HP none 290







BRS Bristol HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Bristol Airport

C/O Custom House

Clayton St, Avonmouth

Bristol BS11 9DX A 033

CWL Cardifff HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Cargo Terminal

Cardiff International Airport Rhoose, Nr Barry

S Glamorgan

Wales CF62 3BD C 048

EMA East Midlands HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Bldg 108 Beverley Rd

East Midlands Airport

Castle Donnington

Derby DE74 2SE D 245

EDI Edinburgh HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Edinburgh Airport Spitfire House, Cargo Village

Turnhouse Rd

Edinburgh EH12 0AL E 436

EXT Exeter HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Exeter Airport

C/O Crownhill Court

Tailyour Road



PL6 5BZ R 297

AOA Farnborough (airshow only) HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Farnborough Airport

C/O Compass House

Romsey Road


SO16 4HP none 290

AOA Filton HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Filton Airport

C/O Custom House

Clayton Street



BS11 9DX none 033










LGW London Gatwick HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Timberham House

Gatwick Airport

Sussex RH6 0EZ G 120

GLA Glasgow HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Glasgow Airport

C/O Falcon House

70 Inchinnan Rd

Paisley PA3 2RE X 444

LHR London Heathrow HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Wayfarer House

Great South West Rd

Feltham, Middx

TW14 8NP H 120

HUY Humberside HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Humberside airportC/O Custom House Immingham Docks


South Humberside

DN40 2NA none 241

LBA Leeds Bradford HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Leeds Bradford Airport

C/O Peter Bennet House Redvers Close

West Park Ring Rd

Leeds LS 16 6RQ Y 084

LPL Liverpool HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Liverpool Airport

C/O Bldg 302 World Freight Centre Manchester International Airport Manchester M90 5XX S 191

LCY London City HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS London City Airport

C/O Wayfarer House

Great South West Road Feltham


TW14 8NP none 150

LTN Luton HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Luton Airport


LU2 9NJ L 223







MAN Manchester HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Bldg 302 World Freight Centre Manchester International Airport Manchester M90 5XX M 191

MSE Manston HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Manston Airport

C/O West Ferry Terminal Ramsgate Kent

CT11 8RP none 043

NCL Newcastle HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Newcastle Airport Woolsington

Newcastle upon Tyne

NE13 8BU N 214

- Newquay HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Newquay Airport

C/O Custom House

Arwenack Street



TR11 3SB none 108

NWI Norwich HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Norwich Airport

Amsterdam Way


NR6 6EP W 058

PLY Plymouth HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Plymouth Airport

C/O Crownhill Court

Tailyour Road


Plymouth PL6 5BZ none 250

PIK Prestwick HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Liberator House,

Prestwick Airport

Ayrshire KA9 2PX K 443

RWY Ronaldsway Isle of Man HM Customs and Excise PO Box 6

Custom House


Isle of Man

IM99 1AG none 450







SOU Southampton HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Compass House

Romsey Road

Southampton S016 4HP none



SEN Southend HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Southend Airport

C/O Tilbury Docks Tilbury Essex RM18 7EJ none



LSA Stansted HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS New Terminal Bldg

Stansted Airport


Essex CM24 1QS S 121

MME Teesside HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS Eustace House

Tees Dock


Middlesborough Cleveland TS6 7SA none 219

JSY Jersey States of Jersey Customs and Excise Jersey Airport

C/O La Route Du Port Elizabeth

St Helier


JE1 1JJ none 466

GSY Guernsey States of Guernsey Customs and Excise Guernsey Airport



GY8 0DS none 462



Iceland 1. Akureyri Sýslumaðurinn á Akureyri Sýslumaður Eyjafjarðarsýslu Hafnarstræti 107


2. Egilssadir Sýslumaðurinn á Seyðisfirði Sýslumaður Norður-Múlasýslu Bjólfsgötu 7


3. Keflavik Sýslumaðurinn á Keflavíkurflugvelli Grænási









4. Reykjavík Tollstjórinn í Reykjavík Tryggvagötu 19




Norway 1. Alta Hammerfest tollsted

P.b. 254


2. Bergen/Flesland Bergen regiontollsted P.b. 1893-1895 Nordnes N-5817 BERGEN

3. Bodø Bodø tollsted

P.b. 9475 Sluppen N-7495 TRONDHEIM

4. Harstad/Evenes Harstad tollsted P.b. 316


5. Haugesund/Karmøy Haugesund tollsted

P.b. 1893-1895 Nordnes N-5817 BERGEN

6. Kirkenes/Høybuktmoen Kirkenes tollsted P.b. 110


7. Kristiansand/Kjevik Kristiansand regiontollsted P.b. 247


8. Narvik/Framnes Narvik tollsted

P.b. 9475 Sluppen N-7495 TRONDHEIM

9. Oslo/Gardermoen Oslo regiontollsted P.b.8122 Dep. N-0032 OSLO

10. Røros Trondheim regiontollsted P.b. 9475 Sluppen N-7495 TRONDHEIM

11. Rygge Fredrikstad regiontollsted P.b. 180


12. Stavanger/Sola Stavanger tollsted

P.b. 1893-1895 Nordnes N-5817 BERGEN

13. Torp Sandefjord tollsted

P.b. 247







14. Tromsø Tromsø regiontollsted P.b.2133


15. Trondheim/Værnes Trondheim regiontollsted P.b. 9475 Sluppen N-7495 TRONDHEIM

16. Ålesund Ålesund tollsted

P.b. 1893-1895 Nordnes N-5817 BERGEN



Slovakia 1. Bratislava Pobočka colného úradu

Bratislava - letisko M.R. Štefánika Ivánka pri Dunaji


2. Košice Pobočka colného úradu Košice - letisko SK-041 75 KOŠICE

3. Poprad Pobočka colného úradu Letisko Poprad - Tatry Karpatská 13

SK-058 01 POPRAD

4. Sliač Colná stanica Sliač - letisko SK-962 31 SLIAČ

5. Piešt’any Pobočka colného úradu Piešt’any

Partizánska 2




Switzerland 1. Bâle-Mulhouse Zollinspektorat Basel-Mülhausen Flughafen Postfach 251


2. Berne-Belp Zollamt Bern DA Flughafen Bern-Belp Flughafenstrasse

CH-3123 Belp

3. Genève-Cointrin Bureau de douane de Genève Aeroport C.P. 211


4. Lugano-Agno Ufficio doganale SD Agno Aeroporto CH-6982 Agno







5. Zürich-Kloten Zolllinspektorat Zürich-Flughafen Postfach





Croatia 1.Zagreb Carinska ispostava Zračna Luka Zagreb Rudolfa Fizira bb,

10 410 - Velika Gorica, Hrvatska

2. Dubrovnik Carinska ispostava Zračna Luka Dubrovnik, 20213 Čilipi, Hrvatska

3. Split Carinska ispostava Zračna Luka Spl Cesta Dr.Franje Tuđmana 96,

21 217 Kaštel Štafilić, Hrvatska

4. Brač Carinski odjeljak Brač, 21 400 Supetar, Hrvatska

5. Rijeka Carinski odjeljak Zračna Luka Rijeka, Hamec 1, 51513 Omišalj, Hrvatska

6. Pula Carinska ispostava Zračna Luka Pula,

Valtursko polje bb, Pula-Valtura, 52000 Pu Hrvatska

7. Vrsar Carinski odjeljak Zračna Luka Vrsar, Stacija Crljenka bb, 52400 Vrsar, Hrvatska

8. Zadar Carinska ispostava Zadar

Zračna luka b.b., 23222 Zemunik Donji, Hrvatska

9. Osijek Carinska ispostava Zračna Luka Osijek, Vukovars 67, Klisa, 31000 Osijek,





Turkey - -




















8.6. Specimen authorisation air – level 2

Authorisation of airlines to use the simplified procedure level 2



On completion of the procedure, the airline shall be authorised by the competent authorities of a country by the issue of a letter in the following terms:

Subject of the authorisation




(1) The airline






is hereby authorised, subject to revocation at any time, to apply the simplified Community/common transit procedure in accordance with Article 445 IPC (Article 112 of Appendix I Convention) (hereinafter referred to as "simplified transit procedure").





(2) The  simplified  transit  procedure  shall  cover  the  carriage  of  all  goods which the airline transports

by air between the following airports (and countries):

The Community transit procedure is compulsory in accordance with and under the terms of Article 340e(1) IPC.

Documentation required for consignments:

(3) Where the Community/common transit procedure is used, the manifest containing the information

specified in Appendix 3 of Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation shall be treated as equivalent to a Community/common transit declaration, provided it contains the information required under Article 444(4) IPC (Article 111 (4) of Appendix I Convention).

Procedure at the airport of loading (office of departure)

(4) The airline shall record the status (T1, T2 *, TF, C (equivalent to T2L), or X) of all consignments

in its commercial records and shall indicate the status of each consignment on the manifest, unless the notation "consolidation" (possibly in an abbreviated form) is recorded in respect of groupage consignments.

Where a consignment is already placed under the transit procedure, the airline shall insert the code TD (standing for Transit Document) on the manifest. In such cases, the type, number, date and office of departure of the transit declaration used must be shown on the relevant air waybill.

Identification of consignments shall be ensured by means of a label affixed by the airline to each consignment, bearing the number of the accompanying air waybill; if a consignment constitutes a load unit, the number of the load unit is to be indicated.

In accordance with Article 356 IPC (Article 29 Appendix I Convention), the time limit for presentation of the goods at the office of destination shall be […]. The registration number of the manifest/transit declaration shall comprise at least the flight number shown on the manifest and the date of the flight.

The airline transporting the consignments shown on the manifest shall be the principal for these transport operations.






The airline shall, on request, present a print of the data exchange manifest to the competent authorities at the airport of loading, if this is not done during the data exchange process. For control purposes, all the air waybills relating to the consignments listed on the manifest are to be made available to the said authorities.


* This may apply in common transit.

Procedure at the airport of unloading (office of destination) :

(5) The  manifest  at  the  airport  of  loading,  which  is  transmitted  by  data  exchange  technology,  shall

become the manifest at the airport of unloading.

The simplified transit procedure shall be deemed to have ended once the data exchange manifest is made available to the competent authorities at the airport of unloading and the consignments listed on the manifest have been presented to them.

A print of the data exchange manifest shall be presented on request to the competent authorities at the airport of unloading, if this is not done during the data exchange process ; the said authorities may, for control purposes, ask to see all the air waybills relating to the consignments listed on the manifests.

Irregularities/discrepancies :





(6) The  airline  shall  inform  the  customs  authorities  of  all  offences  or  irregularities.  It  shall  also

be obliged to cooperate in clarifying offences or irregularities or discrepancies found by the competent authorities at the airports of loading and unloading.

The customs authorities at the airport of destination shall notify the customs authorities at the airport of departure and the authority which issued the authorisation of all offences and irregularities at the earliest opportunity.




Responsibilities of the airline

(7) The  airline  shall  be  obliged  to  give  the  local  customs  office  at  the  international  customs  airports

adequate advance notice of its intention to apply the simplified transit procedure. The airline must also




keep suitable records enabling the competent authorities to verify operations at departure and destination,






make all relevant records available to the competent authorities and






undertake to be completely accountable to the competent authorities in meeting its obligations and accounting for and resolving all discrepancies and irregularities.

















Final provisions

(8) This authorisation shall be without prejudice to formalities vis-à-vis dispatch and arrival

incumbent on the airline in the countries of departure and destination.

The authorisation shall enter into force on …............

In the event of blatant or repeated breach of the provisions governing the simplified transit procedure or the requirements for granting the authorisation, the authorisation shall be suspended or revoked.



For the competent authority



















































8.7. Air groupage flowchart













HAWB’s under separate cover Not seen  by airline


Consolidations  -  Flow chart










Consignment (A) 20 Packages (T1)


Consignment (B) 30 Packages (T2)

































i f e s t












Consignee  (A)

Consignee  (B)

Consignee  (C)


Consignment (C) 50 Packages (T2)


listing  consignments

coded T1, T2, etc.


Shows: AWB

(consols) e.g.  ‘100



Other consigments





Deconsolidation  against HAWB’s and Consol manifest





AWB = a  i  r  w  a  y b  i  l  l

HAWB  = house airway  bill MAWB  = master  airway  bill




List of manifests  (or EDI)

















8.8. Specimen authorisation sea – levels 1 and 2

The following provisions concern the approval of shipping companies to use the simplified Community transit procedure by sea.

Level 1

Specimen of the authorisation under the provision of Article 447 IPC Subject of the authorisation

1. The shipping company ….............................................................................…….....



is hereby authorised, subject to revocation at any time, to apply the simplified Community transit procedure in accordance with Article 447 IPC, hereinafter referred to as « simplified transit procedure ».


2. The  simplified  transit  procedure  shall  cover  the  carriage  of  all  goods  which  the

shipping company transports by sea between ports in the Member States of the Community set out in the Annex attached.

Documentation required for consignments

3. Where  a  Community  transit  procedure  is  compulsory  under  the  terms  of  Article

340e(2) IPC the manifest (specimen attached) is treated as equivalent to a Community transit declaration, provided it contains the details listed in Article 447(4) IPC.

Procedure at the port of loading (office of departure)

4. The manifests shall be presented in duplicate and shall be noted with the

appropriate symbol (T1, T2F) in bold letters on the first page and then dated and signed by the shipping company identifying them as Community transit declarations. Those manifests shall then be treated as equivalent to a Community transit declaration.

Where the transport operation relates at the same time to goods which must move under the external Community transit procedure (T1) and to goods which must move under the internal Community transit procedure (T2F) those goods must be listed on separate manifests.

When groupage consignments are carried they shall be indicated by the term « groupage »  and  included  on  the  Community  transit  manifest  appropriate  to  the highest status recorded on the groupage manifest, e.g. if the groupage comprises T1, T2F, TD and Community goods it must be declared on the T1 manifest.








Unless the shipping company is an authorised consignor within the meaning of Article 398 IPC, the manifest shall be presented to the competent authorities for authentication prior to departure of the vessel.

In accordance with Article 356 IPC, the time limit for presentation of the goods at the office of destination shall be […].

The shipping company transporting the consignments shown on the manifest shall be the principal for these transport operations.

Procedure at the port of unloading (office of destination)

5. The  manifests  and  the  goods  to  which  they  relate  shall  be  presented  to  the

competent authorities at the port of destination for Customs control purposes. Additionally, the competent authorities may require seeing all Bills of Lading covering any goods discharged by that vessel at the port.

Once a month, after authenticating the list in question, the customs authorities at each port of destination shall transmit to the customs authorities at each port of departure a list drawn up by the shipping companies or their representatives, of the manifests which were presented to them during the previous month.

The list must include the reference number of the manifest, the symbol identifying the manifest as a transit declaration, the name of the shipping company which carried the goods, the name of the vessel and the date of the maritime transport operation.

That list shall be established in duplicate and in accordance with the following format:


LIST OF TRANSIT PROCEDURES FOR MONTH Port of departure: Port of destination:

............................................ ..........................................

Reference number of manifest used as transit declaration Date of manifest used as transit document Name of the vessel For Customs purpose





The last page of the list is to read:

"The (shipping company) herewith certifies that this list contains all manifests for goods transported by sea from (port of departure) to (port of destination)."

Both copies of each list have to be signed by the representative of the shipping company and sent to the Customs office of destination not later than on the fifteenth day of the month following the month of the transit procedures.









6. The  customs  at  the  port  of  destination  shall  notify  competent  authorities  at  the

port of departure, as well as the authority which granted the authorisation, of any irregularities or discrepancies, referring in particular to the Bills of Lading of the goods concerned.

Responsibilities of the shipping company

7. The shipping company shall:











keep suitable records enabling the customs authorities to verify operations at departure and destination;

make all relevant records available to the customs authorities; and undertake to assist in resolving all discrepancies and irregularities.


Final provisions

8. This  authorisation  shall  be  without  prejudice  to  formalities  vis-à-vis  departure

and arrival incumbent on the shipping company in the countries of departure and destination.

The authorisation shall enter into force on.............................................

In the event of blatant or repeated breach of the provisions governing the simplified transit procedure or the requirements for granting the authorisation, the authorisation shall be suspended or revoked.

For the competent authority Date































































































Specimen authorisation – sea



Level 2





Specimen of the authorisation under the provision of Article 448 IPC Subject of the authorisation

1. The shipping company ....................................................................................…........



is hereby authorised, subject to revocation at any time, to apply the simplified Community transit procedure in accordance with Article 448 IPC, hereinafter referred to as "simplified transit procedure".


2. The  simplified  transit  procedure  shall  cover  the  carriage  of  all  goods  which  the

shipping company transports by sea between ports in the Member States of the Community set out in the Annex attached.

Documentation required for consignments

3. Where  a  Community  transit  procedure  is  compulsory  under  the  terms  of  Article

340e(2) IPC the manifest (specimen attached) is treated as equivalent to a Community transit declaration, provided it contains the details listed in Article 447(4) IPC.

Procedure at the port of loading (office of departure)

4. The shipping company shall record the status (T1, TF, C (equivalent to T2L ) or X)

of all consignments in its commercial records and shall indicate the status of each consignment on the manifest, unless the notation "groupage" is recorded in respect of groupage consignments.

Where a consignment is already covered by an existing transit procedure, e.g. a transit declaration (Single Administrative Document), TIR carnet, ATA carnet or a NATO form 302, the shipping company shall insert the code TD (standing for Transit Document) on the manifest. In such cases, the type, number, date and office of departure of the transit declaration or other transit document must be shown on the relevant Bill of Lading.

The manifest or equivalent commercial records must be available for control purposes before the vessel sails.

In accordance with Article 356 IPC, the time limit for presentation of the goods at the office of destination shall be […].










The shipping company transporting the consignments shown on the manifest shall be the principal for the consignments it placed under transit (not including the consignments indicated by the code TD).

Procedures at the port of unloading (office of destination)

5. The Community transit procedure is deemed to have ended when the manifest and

the goods are presented to the customs authorities at the port of destination.

The customs authorities may, for control purposes, require seeing all Bills of Lading covering any goods discharged by that vessel at the port.

Irregularities / discrepancies

6. The  shipping  company  shall  inform  the  customs  authorities  of  all  offences  and

irregularities. It shall also be obliged to co-operate in clarifying offences or irregularities found by the competent authorities at the ports of loading and unloading.

The customs authorities at the port of unloading shall notify, at the earliest opportunity, the customs authorities at the port of loading and the authority which issued the authorisation of all offences and irregularities, who shall then take the necessary action.

Responsibilities of the shipping company

7. The shipping company shall:







keep suitable records enabling the customs authorities to verify operations at departure and destination;

make all relevant records available to the customs authorities; and

undertake to be completely accountable to the customs authorities in meeting its obligations and accounting for, and resolving, all discrepancies and irregularities.




Final provisions

8. This authorisation shall be without prejudice to formalities vis-à-vis departure and

arrival incumbent on the shipping company in the countries of departure and destination.

The authorisation shall enter into force on ................................................................

In the event of blatant or repeated breach of the provisions governing the simplified transit procedure or the requirements for granting the authorisation, the authorisation shall be suspended or revoked.

For the competent authority Date











































































8.9. Sea groupage flowchart












CN’s, FBL,  ETC under separate cover

Not  seen  by shipping  operator


Groupage  -  Flow chart



CN (A)

CN (B)

CN (C)




Consignment (A) 20 Packages (T1)






Consignment (B) 30 Packages (T2)








Groupage  manifest










of destination




man i f e s t






Consignee  (A)

Consignee  (B)

Consignee  (C)


Shows: CBL


& SWB (groupage)


Consignment  (C)


coded T1,  T2,  etc.


e.g.  ‘100 packages  groupage’


50 Packages (T2)






Deconsolidation against CBL’s, SWB’s  and Gropuage manifest


Other consigments coded T1,  T2,






CBL = carrier’s  bill  of lading SWB =  sea way bill

CN = consignment note

FBL = forwarder’s  bill  of  lading





List of manifests (or EDI)

















8.10.  Communication simplified procedures





TAXUD/0925/2000 - EN





- Article 6 Convention on a common transit procedure - Article 97 (3) Community Customs Code SIMPLIFIED PROCEDURES



Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union Unit “Customs Procedures”

B-1049 BRUSSELS – BELGIUM Legal basis:

CCT Article 6 (bi/multilateral)

CCC Article 97 (2) a (bi/multilateral)

CCC Article 97 (2) b (national)


Country authorising the simplified procedure: Extent of the procedure:

Individual simplification

Name of the holder/Reference of the authorisation:



Enclosure: copy of the authorisation

General simplification

Name of the procedure/Reference of the legal text:



Enclosure : copy of the text (*)

Other countries concerned:

(if bi/multilateral agreement)

Brief description of the simplifications:

Contact person:


Reference of the communication transmission (CC/YYYY/NNN)

N° ../…./… Date and signature: Stamp:


(*) In that case the transmission of each individual authorisation is not requested













In this part the discharge of a transit operation and the enquiry procedure are described.

Chapter 1 contains the general theory and legislation regarding the discharge of the transit operation and the enquiry procedure.

Chapter 2 deals with the discharge of the transit operation and the status request.

Chapter 3 deals with the enquiry procedure.



Chapter 4 deals with the fallback procedure.



Chapter 5 deals with post-clearance verification procedures.



Chapter 6 is reserved for specific national instructions.



Chapter 7 is reserved for the use of customs.



Chapter 8 contains the annexes.



































The following terms are used:



· "transit procedure": Customs procedure under which goods are transported under customs supervision from one point to another in accordance with the rules of the Community Transit Regulations or the Common Transit Convention.

· "transit  operation":  a  movement  of  goods  transported  under

the transit system from the office of departure to the office of destination.

· "fallback procedure": situations where either the customs’

computerised system or the traders’ computerised system is unavailable at the moment of starting the movement (nothing is in the system).

• "simplified  procedures":  simplified  transit  procedures  specific

to certain modes of transport.






Introduction, legislation, and general theory





1.1. Introduction

This chapter describes the legal background and gives a general overview.





Paragraph 2 describes the legal background of the discharge, and the enquiry procedure.

1.2. Legislation and general theory





1.2.1. Legal sources



The legal sources for checking the end of the procedure and the enquiry procedure are:

· - Article 40-43 , Appendix I, Title II, Chapter VI Convention

· - Article 92 Code

· - Articles 365-366 IPC







1.2.2. General theory



The legal base concerning the competency for the enquiry procedure is based on the principle that the competent authority of the country of departure is responsible and plays the key role in initiating and monitoring the enquiry procedure.



Ending and discharge of the transit operation





Article 40


Appendix I Convention;


Article 92 Code


The legal sources make a distinction between the end and the discharge of the Community and Common transit operation.

Ending of the transit operation means that the goods together with the documents have been presented to customs at the office of destination or to an authorised consignee.

Discharge of the transit operation means that the transit operation has been ended correctly on the basis of a comparison of the data available at the office of destination and that available at the office of departure.

This distinction and these legal definitions are valid regardless of the transit operation (standard or simplified) or the system used (standard transit procedure or fallback procedure).

The discharge of the operation is dependent on evidence that it has ended.

The absence of such evidence (the form, nature and methods of assessment may vary according to the procedure) requires the competent authorities to take the necessary steps to either confirm, if possible by alternative means, the end of the procedure or, failing this, to determine in accordance with the provisions concerning debt and recovery




Article 41


• whether or not a (customs) debt has been incurred,



Appendix I Convention;


Article 365 IPC


· the person(s) responsible for the debt, if appropriate,

· the actual or presumed place where the debt has been incurred and, consequently,

· the competent authority to recover the debt, if appropriate,

and also to impose penalties, where appropriate.


Enquiry procedure for checking the end of the procedure





Article 41 (4) Appendix I Convention;


Article 365 (4) IPC


In the case of the standard transit procedure, before starting an enquiry procedure, a status request should be issued (See paragraph 2.5.). If it is then necessary to initiate the enquiry procedure the competent authority at country of departure shall decide either to start the enquiry procedure by sending first:

· a 'Request on non-arrived Movement' (IE140) to the principal (or an equivalent letter to the principal if the system does not contain the message) or

· an 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) to the declared office of


The competent authority of country of departure may start the enquiry procedure directly with the declared office of destination where there is sufficient information in box 8 to identify and specify the recipient/consignee.

The declaration data available should provide the competent authority at the declared office of destination with the necessary details to contact the responsible person at destination (recipient / consignee).

Member States and other Contracting Parties shall inform their principals about the benefits of a correct completion of box 8 with valid and complete consignee information and specific address details. In this way the principal can avoid receiving an unnecessary 'Request on non-arrived Movement' (IE140) message (or an equivalent letter).

The principal would only be contacted if there is no proof of the end





















of the procedure at the office of departure after 'Status Request' (IE904) and 'Status Response' (IE905) messages might have been exchanged (for further details see paragraph 2.5) and 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) to the declared office of destination (for further details see paragraph 3.4.4).




Dependent on the interpretation of "sufficient information" the decision on how/where to start the enquiry procedure will remain at the discretion of the competent authority of the country of departure.




Information exchange



To exchange additional information or to ask questions about a specific movement the messages 'Enquiry & Recovery Information' (IE144) and 'Enquiry & Recovery Information Request' (IE145) can be sent during the whole process of the enquiry and the recovery procedure.

This information exchange can be started either by the office of departure or the office of destination; no reply is needed (not coupled messages) in order to continue the procedure.

The message IE144 is used by the office of departure; the message IE145 is used by the office of destination.

If it is necessary to include some additional paper documents they can be sent via other means (fax, email, post, etc.) directly to the contact person indicated in the messages with a clear reference to the  MRN  of  the  movement  they  belong  to  and,  if  sent  via  paper







means, under cover of the form TC20A 'Sending of information / Documents related to NCTS movements'64.






Discharge of the transit operation and status request





2.1. Introduction

This  paragraph  gives  information  about  the discharge  of  the  transit operation and the status request:

Paragraph 2 deals with the discharge conditions.



Paragraph 3 deals with the effects of discharge.



Paragraph 4 deals with the form of discharge.



2.2. Discharge conditions




Article 40 (2) Appendix I Convention


Article 92(2) Code


The transit procedure is discharged provided it has ended as outlined in Part IV chapter 4.

The authority competent to discharge the procedure is the country of departure.

Discharge can take various forms depending on the type of procedure used65.

In general, discharge is based on the comparison of the data relating to the transit procedure, as established at departure and as recorded and certified at destination.





2.3. Effects of discharge

The fact that the transit procedure has been discharged, either






64 Model shown in Annex 8.4.

65 It may be a comparison based on electronic messages ("Anticipated Arrival Record" v/ "Control Results" under the computerised system) or matching of documents (TAD, copy 1 v/ copy 5 plus loading lists under the procedure based on the SAD, air or shipping manifests v/ monthly list of the office of destination, under a simplified procedure - level 1) .



implicitly or formally, is without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the competent authority to pursue the principal and/or the guarantor where it appears at a later date (subject to the regulatory time periods for recovery or the imposition of penalties) that the procedure had not actually ended and should not therefore have been discharged, or irregularities relating to particular transit procedures have been detected at a later stage.



2.4. Form of discharge

Discharge of the procedure will usually be implicit, not involving any formal information given to the principal and/or the guarantor by the competent authorities.

The principal and the guarantor can regard the operation as discharged in the absence of a contrary notification.
























Simplified procedures to certain modes of transport


Each Member State/Contracting Party can inform the principal either with the 'Write-off Notification' (IE045) about the discharge or by sending a letter. Either way it has to be borne in mind that this message or the letter is considered to be informative and does not have a legal value.

The competent authority shall contact the principal, the guarantor and other competent authorities if there is no proof (or if there is doubt) that the transit procedure has ended and the office of departure is therefore unable to discharge the procedure (see and 3.2).

In order to guarantee the uniform application, regardless of the mode of transport used, it is necessary that a similar approach, as far as possible, will be followed, with regard to the simplified procedures specific to certain modes of transport.










2.5. Status request and response

Before starting an enquiry procedure a status request should be carried out. With this method the issuing of unnecessary enquiry requests for transit operations that are actually closed at the office of destination but whose termination messages have been lost in the system due to technical reasons could be avoided.

The 'Status Request' (IE904) should be sent



• to the declared office of destination after expiry of the time limit for presentation of the goods to the office of destination if no 'Arrival Advice' message IE006 was received,

• to  the  actual  office  of  destination  6  days  after  having  received

the 'Arrival Advice' message IE006.

The system at the country of destination automatically checks if the status at destination is corresponding to the one in the country of departure and replies with the 'Status Response' (IE905).

It is the responsibility of the national helpdesks or other competent authorities at both the country of destination and departure to communicate the missing information immediately by all possible means (e.g. by resending missing messages IE006 and IE018) to allow the proper follow up of the transit procedure at the office of departure.

In the case of technical problems these problems shall be investigated and be solved as soon as possible.

In the rare and exceptional cases where these technical problems prevent the sending or the resending of the missing messages (IE006 and IE018) the competent authorities in the country of destination can send other proof to the satisfaction of the competent authorities in the country of departure to discharge the procedure (e.g. the transit  accompanying  document  (TAD)  endorsed  by  the  office  of








destination together with the form TC20A66).



Without a proof of the end of the procedure the office of departure shall not discharge the procedure (for further details see paragraph 3.3).




Information sent solely by email from the helpdesk of the country of destination should not be accepted (on its own) as proof of the end of the operation.







Enquiry procedure





3.1. Introduction

This paragraph gives information about the enquiry procedure:



Paragraph 2 deals with the enquiry procedure started with the principal,

Paragraph 3 deals with the alternative proof, and



Paragraph 4 deals with the enquiry procedure with the office of destination.




Article 41 Appendix I, Convention


Article 365 IPC


The enquiry procedure aims mainly to obtain evidence of proof of the end of the procedure, with a view to discharging the transit procedure.

In the absence of such proof or when the proof presented is found at a later date to be falsified or invalid, the competent authorities at the country of departure shall:

• establish the conditions in which the debt is incurred,









66 Model shown in Annex 8.4.






• identify the debtor(s) and

• determine the competent authorities for recovering the debt.

The enquiry procedure is based on administrative co-operation between the competent authorities taking into account any information provided by the principal.

Its proper functioning implies:





· fully completed 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) according to technical rules and conditions,

· a  correct  handling  of  the  ATR  'Anticipated  Transit  Record'

(IE050) by the office(s) of transit,

· a correct handling of the NCF 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) by the office(s) of transit,

· a  correct  handling  of  a  submitted  message  'Arrival  Advice'

(IE006) by the office of destination,

· a rapid (in time and without delay) and clear response by the addressed authorities,

• up  to  date  lists  of  competent  authorities  and  offices  for  the

enquiry procedure.

3.2. Enquiry starting with the principal

This  paragraph  gives  information  about the  circumstances  under which the competent authority may request information from the principal in the absence of proof of the ending of the transit operation.





3.2.1. Objectives of the request for information





Article 41 Appendix I Convention;


Article 365 IPC


The request for information is intended to involve the principal in providing proof that the procedure has ended.





3.2.2. General procedure for the information request to the principal





Article 41(4)Appendix I, Convention;


The principal must be informed when






Article 365 IPC


· the time limit for presentation of the goods at the office of destination has expired (no 'Arrival Advice' (IE006) has been received from the country of destination), and

· no 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) has been registered,


· the 'Status Request' (IE904) and the 'Status Response' (IE905) messages were issued and the status of the movement was the same/equivalent in both customs offices, and

· the information in box 8 is considered not sufficient to initiate

the enquiry procedure with the declared office of destination,


· at the latest 28 days after sending the 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) message if there is no answer or a negative answer with the 'Enquiry Response' (IE143) message using code 1 or 2 (see 3.4.4) from the requested office of destination. See also 3.4.5.

By a decision of the national administration














Article 41 (5) Appendix I, Convention;


Article 365 (5) IPC


· the external messages 'Request on non-arrived Movement' (IE140) to the principal and the 'Information About non-arrived Movement' (IE141) as a response by the principal, or, a model letter in Annex 8.2.

· may be used

In each case the competent authorities at the country of departure shall give the principal the opportunity to provide relevant information within 28 days.




Article 41 (6) Appendix I Convention;


Article 365 (6) IPC


If the information provided by the principal is not considered sufficient to discharge the procedure, but it is considered to be sufficient enough to continue the enquiry procedure the competent authority of the country of departure shall launch the 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) to the customs office involved or continues the enquiry procedure with the office of destination to which the IE142 was already sent by using the message 'Enquiry & Recovery







Information (IE144) to inform the office of destination that there is additional information available.




Article 116 Appendix I, Convention;


Article 450a IPC


Note: If the information in box 8 is considered not sufficient and the principal:

· does not provide any information within the 28 day time limit,


· the information provided justifies a recovery, or,

· the information provided is considered insufficient for starting the enquiry procedure with the office of destination;

the recovery shall be started one month after the expiry of the 28 day time-limit (see paragraph 3.4.5 in case the enquiry procedure was started with the office of destination).




















3.2.3. Procedure for the request of information in the case of simplified

procedures specific to certain modes of transport



The principal shall be informed:





Article 111



Appendix I Convention





Articles 444 or 447


· where, within the framework of the simplified procedures for air/sea – level 1 :

− the  monthly  list  of  manifests  has  not  been  transmitted  to  the

competent  authority  of  the  airport  or  port  of  departure  at  the end  of  the  two-month  deadline  from  the  end  of  the  month during  which  the  manifests  were  presented  to  the  office  of








(7) IPC







Article 112 Appendix I Convention





Articles 445 or 448 IPC





Article 113 Appendix I Convention


Article 450 IPC


departure, or

− when the monthly list does not include all appropriate

manifests (as the procedure cannot be regarded as having ended for the manifests not listed);

· where,  within  the  framework  of  the  simplified  procedures  for

air/sea - level 2 :

− an audit of the manifests and/or records held by the airline or

shipping company, or

− a  notification  of  an  infringement  or  irregularity  from  the

authorities of the airport or port of destination reveals that the manifest is not available or has not been presented at destination;

· where,  within  the  framework  of  the  simplified  procedure  for

pipelines an audit of the records held by the owner of the pipeline reveals that goods have not arrived at the premises or distribution network of the recipient or have not been accounted for by the recipient.


Model of the letter The model of the letter given in Annex 8.2 is used for this purpose.



Use of this model is not mandatory but the model shows the minimum data required.

Where the principal communicates with the competent authorities electronically, the letter and the response can be replaced by equivalent electronic messages.

However, a request for information is not necessary when the absence of the end of the procedure has been identified and notified by the principal himself (the airline or shipping company, railway or transport company or pipeline owner) in accordance with his obligations under the simplified procedure specific to the certain mode of transport concerned.

When  the  principal  communicates  with  the  competent  authorities







electronically, this notification can be replaced by an equivalent electronic message.



3.3. Alternative proof of the end of the procedure






AppendixI Convention ;


Article 366 IPC


If there is no administrative proof of the end of the procedure, the principal shall be asked to present a proof (e.g. a document with equivalent value as alternative proof) within the 28 days time limit.



The legislation stipulates three categories of documents which can be accepted by the competent authorities of the country of departure as the alternative proof that the transit procedure has ended or can be regarded as having ended. Any other document is not acceptable as the alternative proof.

1. Document  certified  by  the  customs  authorities  of  the  Member

State or a common transit country of destination (Contracting Party) identifying the goods and establishing that they have been presented at the office of destination or to an authorised consignee.

2. Customs document issued in a third country entering the goods for

a customs-approved treatment or use.



3. Document  issued  in  a  third  country,  endorsed  by  the  customs

authorities of this country and certifying that the goods are considered to be in free circulation in the third country concerned.




Article 42 (2)


Such  an  alternative  proof  is  acceptable  only  if  it  is  certified  by  a





Article 366 IPC




customs authority and is satisfactory to the competent authorities of the country of departure, i.e. if it actually enables them to verify that it relates to the goods in question and that there is no doubt of the authenticity of the document and its certification.

In any event, the burden of proof falls to the principal.











3.3.1. Alternative  proof  that  the  goods  have  been  presented  to  an  office  of

destination or an authorised consignee





Article42(1) AppendixI Convention


Article 366 (1) IPC


This alternative proof consists of any document certified by the customs authorities of the Member State or a common transit country of destination, with mention of the transit declaration reference number (when the TAD with MRN is used), identifying the goods in question and establishing that they have been presented to the office of destination or to an authorised consignee.

In particular, the alternative proof may consist of the following documents certified by the customs authorities:

· a copy of the TAD (with MRN) or


· an additional copy or a photocopy of copy no 5 of the SAD or TAD in case of fallback or

· a copy of the declaration or the document entering the goods for

another customs-approved treatment or use following their presentation to the office of destination or to an authorised consignee, or,

· a certified document from the office of destination, based on the

documents (e.g. copy 4 of the SAD or TAD) and/or the data available at that office or from the authorised consignee or

· a  copy  of  a  commercial  or  transport  document  or  an  extract  of

the records, of the operator involved in the transit operation, which establishes that the goods in question have been presented to that office or to an authorised consignee (e.g. unloading or survey reports; landing certificates; bills of lading; airway bills; proof of payment; invoices; transport orders).

The competent authority of the country of departure may only consider alternative proof to end the procedure if there is no official proof within the deadline specified.








If the official proof is received at a later date, in case of fallback, it takes precedence over the alternative proof.




Article 37 (4) Annex I Convention, Article 361 (4) IPC


The office of destination shall endorse the TAD used as an alternative proof when the goods are presented.






Article 366 IPC


If the alternative proof is "satisfactory" to the competent authorities of the country of departure, i.e. if it actually enables them to verify that it relates to the goods in question and that there is no doubt as to the authenticity of the document and its certification by the competent authorities, they shall discharge the transit operation.

In any event, the alternative proof must be made subject to post-clearance verification using the form TC21 "Request for








verification"67  (see section 5 of Part VII) if the competent authority

has any doubt regarding its authenticity or the identity of the goods it refers to. The alternative proof cannot then be accepted until the authority requested for verification has confirmed the data concerned as authentic and accurate.



3.3.2. Alternative proof that the goods in question were entered for a customs-

approved treatment or use in a third country





Article 42 (2) Appendix I Convention


Article 366 (2) IPC


In the absence of any proof of the presentation of the goods to an office of destination, the competent authorities can consider the procedure as having ended if a document or a certified copy of a document entering the goods in question for a customs-approved treatment or use in a third country is presented.




Article 42 (2a) Appendix I Convention


Article 366 (2a) IPC


Such an alternative proof can be a customs document or printed data entering the goods in question for a customs-approved treatment or use (e.g. a customs declaration placing the goods under a customs procedure), issued in a third country, which enables the competent authorities of the country of departure to establish that it does in fact cover the goods in question and that those goods have therefore actually left the territory of the Contracting Parties/Community.




Article 42 (2b) Appendix I Convention


Article 366 (2b) IPC


But such an alternative proof can also be any other document or data proving the goods to be in free circulation in a third country concerned, stamped by its customs authorities, which enables the competent authorities of the country of departure to establish that it does in fact cover the goods in question and that those goods have therefore actually left the territory of the Contracting Parties/Community.








67 Model shown in Annex 8.5.








If the alternative proof is satisfactory to the competent authorities of the country of departure, i.e. if it actually enables them to verify that it relates to the goods in question and that there is no doubt of the authenticity of the document and its certification by the competent authorities, they shall discharge the transit operation.



3.4. Enquiry with the office of destination

This paragraph is divided as follows:



Paragraph 1 deals with the competent authority and time frame for launching the enquiry request;

Paragraph 2 deals with the sending of the enquiry request;



Paragraph 3 deals with the cancellation of the enquiry request;



Paragraph 4 deals with the reaction of the country of destination to the enquiry request;

Paragraph 5 deals with the request to the principal after starting the



enquiry procedure with the office of destination;



Paragraph 6 deals with the consequences of the enquiry procedure’s results.



3.4.1. Competent authority and time frame for launching the enquiry request



The 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) is to be launched by the competent authorities of the country of departure:




Article 41 (1) third subparagraph and Article 41 (6) Appendix I Convention


Article 365 (1) third subparagraph


and Article 365 (6) IPC


· when the 'Arrival Advice' (IE006) message has not been received within the time limit set for the presentation of the goods at destination and the content of box 8 is considered sufficient, or,

· when the 'Control Results' (IE018) message has not been

received within six days after having received the 'Arrival Advice' (IE006), or,

· as soon as the competent authorities are informed of or suspect

that the transit procedure has not come to an end, or,

· as soon as the competent authority discovers, a posteriori that a presented proof is falsified and that the procedure had not been ended. However, investigations will not be initiated unless it would be useful in either confirming or invalidating the earlier proofs presented and/or in determining the debt, the debtor and the authority competent to recover the debt, or,

· information received from the principal is not considered

sufficient to discharge the procedure, but it is considered sufficient enough to continue the enquiry procedure.




3.4.2. Sending an 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) message





Article 41 (2) Appendix I Convention


The competent authority of the country of departure shall send an 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) to the competent authority of the country of destination. The 'Enquiry Request' shall be sent:










Article 365 (2) IPC


· to the declared customs office of destination where the content of box 8 is considered sufficient, or,

· to  the  actual  customs  office  of  destination  which  sent  the

'Arrival Advice' (IE006), or,

· to the involved customs office of destination where the information provided by the principal is considered sufficient to continue the enquiry procedure (see 3.2.2. and

To facilitate the work of the customs officers the contact person at departure should be indicated.

 The use of the information exchange messages



In addition to the enquiry procedure the information exchange via messages IE144 and IE145 may take place from the start of the enquiry procedure (IE140 or IE142 sent) until the collection of the debt (IE152 sent). These information exchange messages will not close an open 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) or an open 'Request on non-arrived Movement' (IE140).

However, if the information shown by the competent authority of the country of departure in the NCTS data or in the 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) is insufficient to enable the competent authority of the country of destination to carry out any necessary search, the latter may request additional information from the competent authority of the country of departure by sending the 'Enquiry & Recovery Information Request' (IE145) using the appropriate requested information codes.

The competent authority of the country of departure shall try to provide the requested additional information to the requesting competent authority of the country of destination using 'Enquiry & Recovery Information' (IE144) message with the appropriate information codes.







Requested paper documents shall be sent directly to the contact person mentioned in the message. This can be done by alternative means (post, email, telefax, etc) if possible but it shall be clearly identified by using the MRN.




The competent authority at country of departure may also send 'Enquiry Recovery Information' (IE144) or form TC20A 'Sending of information / Documents related to NCTS movements' with additional information (on paper) without having received an 'Enquiry & Recovery Information Request' (IE145).



3.4.3. Cancellation of the 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) message



If, for any reason, the competent authority of the country of departure decides to cancel the "Enquiry Request" (IE142) a 'Cancel Enquiry Notification' (IE059) is to be sent to the requested office of destination in order to stop its investigations.



3.4.4. Reaction of the country of destination




Search of records





Article 37(2) Appendix I Convention


Article 361(2) IPC


The competent authority of the country of destination will first search its own records or, if appropriate, the records of the authorised consignee. This search can sometimes discover a proper ending of the transit procedure showing that only the appropriate arrival advice and control results messages were missing.

Where searching its own records or the records of the authorised consignee is to no avail, the competent authority of the country of destination shall either contact

• the consignee, who perhaps has received the goods and







documents directly without presentation to the declared or another office of destination, or,

• another responsible person who can give additional




Result of the search of records



After taking the steps described above in paragraph, the following hypothetical cases are possible:




Article 39 Appendix I Convention


Article 363 IPC


• The goods in question have actually been presented in time to the office of destination or to the authorised consignee, but

- the  proof  of  the  end  of  the procedure (IE006 and/or IE018)

has not been returned within the time allotted. In this case, the competent authority of the country of destination shall immediately  send  the  missing  messages  to  the  requesting

competent authority of the country of departure;

- the  proof  of  the  end  of  the  procedure ('Arrival Notification'

(IE007) and/or 'Unloading Remarks' (IE044) have not been sent to the office destination by an authorised consignee despite his obligation. In that case the competent authority of the country of destination shall immediately send the missing IE006 and/or IE018 to the requesting competent authority of the country of departure after having first requested the authorised consignee to provide the required missing information. The competent authority of the country of destination shall take necessary action with regard to the authorisation of the authorised consignee.









The sending of the IE006 and IE018 or the IE018 is only allowed when the transit operation has ended within prescribed time-limits and  there  is  no  removal  from  customs  supervision.  It  has  to  be  a






regularly ended procedure within the time-limit (e.g. only the registration of the transit procedure was missing at the office of destination) or an acceptance of the late presentation in accordance with the legal provisions.




Article 116 (1)(c) Appendix I Convention


· The transit operation in question has not been presented at an office of destination but the goods have been presented at an office of transit:

The competent authority of the country of destination carrying out the search of its records establishes no presentation at the office of destination but has issued a 'Notification Crossing Frontier' message IE118 (NCF) by its own country.

Then the competent authority of the country of destination shall send

− an  'Enquiry  Response'  message  IE143  with  response  code

"4" – Request for Recovery at destination, to take over the responsibility for recovery procedure.

· The goods in question have been delivered to a recipient who is not an authorised consignee:

If the competent authority of the country of destination establishes that the goods have been delivered directly to a non authorised consignee who, despite his obligation, did not contact his office of destination the competent authority of the country of destination shall send the 'Enquiry Response' (IE143) using the code "4" – Request for Recovery at destination, requesting to transfer the responsibility for recovery to the competent authority of the country of destination.

· The office of destination has not ended the transit operation in

question in the system but the goods have been exported to a third country:

If the competent authority of the country of destination







establishes that the goods have been exported to a third country



- the competent authority sends to the competent authority of the  country  of  departure  the  messages  IE006  and  IE018

after having proved presentation in fact, or

- the  competent  authority  shall  send  any  other  documents  or

data, covered by a form TC20A proving the goods to have been exported to a third country in case there is neither an alternative proof nor a message that confirms the arrival or presentation of the goods at destination, to enable the competent authorities of the country of departure to establish that the documents do in fact cover the goods in question and that those goods have therefore actually left the territory of the Contracting Party/Community.
 Time limit for responding in case the enquiry procedure has initially started with the office of destination




Article 41(5) Appendix I Convention


Article 365(5) IPC


The competent authority of the country of destination shall answer without delay, but at the latest within 28 days of receiving the enquiry request with either requesting additional information (using the 'Enquiry & Recovery Information Request' (IE145) message), or, using the 'Enquiry Response' (IE143) message (see paragraph for response codes).




Article 41(6) Appendix I Convention


Article 365(6) IPC


In the case enquiry has started with the principal who has provided sufficient information to continue the enquiry procedure, the competent authority of the country of destination shall answer without delay as soon as possible, but at the latest within 60 days of receiving the enquiry request with either requesting additional information (using the 'Enquiry & Recovery Information Request' (IE145) message), or, using the 'Enquiry Response' (IE143) message (see paragraph for response codes).



Response codes to the enquiry request



The competent authority at country of destination shall use one of the following response codes in the 'Enquiry Response' (IE143):

Code "1" -movement unknown at destination



· The goods have not been presented at the declared customs office of destination. The competent authority of the country of departure should try, if possible, to identify the actual office of destination or proceed with the request to the principal.

Code "2" -assumed duplication



· The goods have been presented at the declared office of destination and those authorities assume that there have been two 'Declaration Data' (IE015) messages for the same goods.

Code "3" -return copy returned on (date)



· The goods have been presented at the declared office of destination, but that office has been unable to end the procedure using messages IE006 and IE018 and has instead returned an alternative proof (e.g. copy of the TAD) which has not yet been received at departure.

Code "4" -request for recovery at destination



· The goods have not been presented at the office of destination but it has discovered them later in its own country (e.g. unlawful removal from the procedure) and wants to take over the responsibility for recovery (Request for recovery at destination in case of delivery to a recipient or based on a 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118)).













3.4.5. Request to the principal after starting enquiry with the office of






Article 41 (4) Appendix I Convention


Article 365 (4) IPC


Where the enquiry procedure has started with the 'Enquiry Request' (IE142) message to the office of destination and there is no answer or a negative answer with the 'Enquiry Response' (IE143) message the competent authority of the country of departure shall contact the principal to provide the information needed to discharge the procedure (for further details see 3.2).




Article 116 Appendix I, Convention;


Article 450a IPC


If the principal at this phase of the enquiry procedure:



− does not provide any information within the 28 days, or,



− the  provided  information  is  considered  insufficient  to  continue

the enquiry procedure;





Article 116 (1) Appendix I Convention


Article 215 (1) Code


Article 450a IPC


the competent authority of the country of departure shall determine which further steps shall be taken to discharge the procedure. The competent authority of the country of departure shall determine its findings at the latest seven months after expiry of the time limit for presentation of the goods at destination (see Note in paragraph 3.2.2. in distinction to this time limit).





3.4.6. Consequences of the enquiry procedure’s results



On the basis of the responses received, including any information received from the principal, the competent authority of the country of departure shall determine whether or not the procedure has ended and whether it can be discharged or which further steps shall be taken.




Articles 41 (7) and 118 (5) Appendix I Convention


Articles 365 (7) and 450c (3) IPC


When the transit operation can be properly discharged within the scope of an enquiry procedure, the competent authority of the country of departure shall immediately inform the principal and the







guarantor if they have been involved in the process.



The competent authority shall inform the guarantor in accordance with  article  118  (5)  of  Appendix  I  of  the  Convention/article  450c

(3) IPC.



In addition, the competent authority may need to inform other competent authorities currently involved in the enquiry procedure and in particular the office of guarantee.

Where the competent authority at the country of departure is not able to discharge the transit procedure but there is

· an 'Arrival Advice' (IE006) in the system data,

· a 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) in the system data or

• proof  given  by  the  principal  of  presentation  or  delivery  of  the

goods in another Member State or Contracting Party,

the competent authority of departure will transfer the responsibility to the country considered competent for the recovery procedure without delay with a 'Recovery Request' (IE150).




If the 'Arrival Advice' (IE006) exists the requested authority has to send the 'Control Results' (IE018). If there is a 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) or proof given by the principal of presentation or delivery of the goods in another Member State or Contracting Party it has to accept competency for recovery and send back the 'Recovery Acceptance Notification' (IE151) saying 'yes' (acceptance code 1).

Where the requested authority does not react by either sending the missing messages (despite the legal obligation) or by taking over responsibility for recovery in the prescribed 28 day time limit (despite the existing proof mentioned above), the local transit liaison officers (see Transit Network Address Book on Europa website)  of  the  requested  country  should  be  informed,  with  the







necessary proof, in order to take action since competency should be taken over by the requested authority. If that does not have the necessary impact then the national help desk and national transit coordinator of the country of departure should be informed to take action.




Article 116 (1) Appendix I Convention


Article 215 (1) Code


Article 450a IPC


The competent authority of the country of departure shall determine its findings at the latest seven months after expiry of the time limit for presentation of the goods at destination. Where necessary it starts the recovery procedure itself (see part VIII for further details).

Any additional information received by or observation made by a competent authority in relation to the goods in question may have an influence on the results of the enquiry procedure.

This is the case in particular if an irregularity or a fraud (unlawful removal, substitution, etc.) has been discovered at the time of the transit operation, and/or if the goods in question have been found, totally or partly, outside of customs supervision and also when persons responsible for fraud or irregularities have been identified.

Accordingly, all relevant information must be made known without delay to the competent authority of the country of departure.









Fallback procedure



This paragraph is applied only in cases where the transit operation has started by using the fallback procedure.

It is divided as follows:



Paragraph 1 deals with the introduction,



Paragraph 2 deals with the competent authority and time frame for






launching the enquiry procedure,



Paragraph 3 deals with the start of the enquiry notice,



Paragraph 4 deals with the reaction of the country of destination to the enquiry notice,

Paragraph 5 deals with the consequences of the results of the enquiry procedure.

4.1. Enquiry notice in case of fallback or simplified procedure specific to

certain modes of transport

This paragraph is based on one of the following documents used as a transit declaration in the case of fall back:

− a Single Administrative Document (SAD),



− an  SAD  printed  out  on  plain  paper  by  the  trader’s  system  as

foreseen in Article 205 IPC/Appendix III, Annex B6 Convention, or

− the  Transit  Accompanying  Document  (TAD)  where  the  trader’s

need to use it is considered as justified by the competent authorities in the country of departure. In this case, the TAD shall not carry a barcode or a Movement Reference Number (MRN).



4.1.1. Introduction



In the event of absence of proof of the end of the transit procedure or as soon as the competent authorities are informed of or suspect that the procedure has not come to an end:

• the principal is contacted to furnish proof using the model letter in Annex 8.2. that the procedure has ended at the end of the one-month period after expiry of the time limit for presentation of the goods at the office of destination, and;







· the enquiry procedure to the declared office of destination shall be started at the end of the two-month period after expiry of the time limit for presentation of the goods at the office of destination.

The enquiry procedure aims mainly:

· to  obtain  evidence  of  proof  of  the  end  of  the  procedure,  with  a

view to discharging the procedure, or,



· in the absence of such proof or when the proof presented proves at a later date to be falsified or invalid, to establish the conditions in which the debt is incurred, to identify the debtor(s) and to determine the competent authorities for recovering the debt.

This procedure is based on administrative co-operation between the competent authorities and takes account of any information provided by the principal (see mutatis mutandis paragraph 3.).

The list of the competent authorities for the enquiry procedure is shown in Annex 8.1.

Its proper functioning implies:


· fully completed enquiry notices,

· an effective and correct registration of arrivals by offices of destination ,

· the  office  of  destination  sending  back  the  return  copy  without

delay and at most within eight calendar days

• a  correct  handling  of  the  transit  advice  note(s)  (TC10)  by  the

office(s) of transit,

· a rapid and clear response by the addressed authorities,

· an up-to-date list of competent authorities and offices.











4.1.2. Enquiry starting with the principal





Appendix I, Annex V, paragraph 20 Convention


Annex 37d, paragraph 19 IPC


Article 41 (5) Appendix I Convention


Article 365 (5) IPC


The competent authorities of the country of departure must inform the principal and ask him to furnish proof that the procedure has ended when a copy No 5 or TAD is not returned within one month of the time limit for presentation of the goods at the office of destination.

The principal shall be given the opportunity to provide information needed to discharge the procedure within 28 days.





4.1.3. Competent authority and time frame for launching the enquiry notice





Appendix I, Annex V, paragraph 21.1. Convention


Annex 37d, paragraph 20.1. IPC


The enquiry notice is launched immediately by the competent authorities of the country of departure:





· at the latest when at the end of a two-month period after expiry of the time limit for presentation of the goods at the office of destination if proof of the end of the procedure has not been received from the principal;

· as  soon  as  the  competent  authorities  are  informed  of  or  suspect

at an early stage (even before the expiry of the periods referred to above) that the procedure has not come to an end for all or part of the goods in question or if the proof presented reveals discrepancies or if it appears that it has been falsified. If there are suspicions, the competent authority of the country of departure shall decide, depending upon the circumstances, whether the enquiry procedure should be preceded or be accompanied by a post-clearance verification procedure to verify the validity of the evidence;

· as  soon  as  the  competent  authority  discovers  'a  posteriori'  (after

the  expiry  of  the  periods  referred  to  above)  that  the  proof  that







had been presented was falsified and that the procedure has not been ended. However, investigations will not be initiated unless it appears to be useful in either confirming or invalidating the earlier proofs presented and/or in determining the debt, the

debtor and the authority competent to recover the debt.

The enquiry notice may not be launched if, before expiry of the two months time limit for initiating the enquiry, the principal has been able to produce satisfactory “alternative” proof of the end of the procedure (see paragraph 3.2.1. for further information).





4.1.4. Enquiry notice TC20





TC20 model


The enquiry procedure shall be continued by the competent authority of the country of departure by sending an enquiry notice on a form that complies with the TC20 model shown in Annex 8.3 to the competent authority of the country of destination.

It may be sent by registered post (which provides a receipt as proof of delivery).

In any case, a record of the sending of the TC20 is to be retained by the competent authority of the country of departure.

The TC20 shall contain all available information including additional details received from the principal, in particular concerning a changed recipient of the goods. The TC20 shall be accompanied by a copy of the document(s) used to place the goods under the procedure (copy 1 of the transit declaration, loading lists, air or shipping manifest, etc.).

The TC20 shall only be sent when the response of the principal on the information request was not sufficient to discharge the transit procedure.









4.1.5. Reaction of the country of destination to the enquiry notice



The competent authority of the country of destination receiving the enquiry notice shall react as soon as possible and in an appropriate manner in accordance with the information it has available or is likely to obtain.

It will first search its own records (registration of Copies no 4 and no 5 of the SAD; copies 4 or filed manifests, etc.) or mutatis mutandis the records of the authorised consignee. This search can sometimes lead to the discovery of the original proof of the end of the procedure (copy no 5 of the SAD, in particular) which has not yet been returned or has been misfiled.

Where this search is to no avail, the competent authority of the country of destination shall either contact the consignee (as shown on the transit declaration) or the person, possibly indicated on the TC20 by the competent authority of the country of departure, believed to have received the goods and documents directly without their presentation to the office of destination.




Additional information request


However, if the information shown by the competent authority of the country of departure on the TC20 or on the attached documents is insufficient to enable the competent authority of the country of destination to carry out the necessary enquiries, the latter shall request additional information by returning the TC20, with box II completed, to the competent authority of the country of departure. The competent authority of the country of departure shall complete box III, attach requested additional information (paper) and return the TC20 to the requesting competent authority of the country of destination.

Following the above-described enquiry procedure steps, the following hypothetical cases are then possible:








1. The goods in question have actually been presented to the office of destination or to the authorised consignee, but

• the proof of the end of the procedure (for example the return

of copy no 5 of the SAD or the return of the monthly list under the simplified air/sea procedure - level 1) has not been returned within the time allotted.

In that case, the competent authority of the country of destination shall immediately return the proof to the competent authority of the country of departure that has sent the TC20, after duly completing box IV of the TC20.




Article 65(1)(c) Appendix I Convention


Article 408(1)(c) a CCIP


· the proof of the end of the procedure has not been returned to the office of destination by an authorised consignee despite his obligation.



In that case, once this proof has been found, the competent authority of the country of destination shall immediately return it, together with the duly completed TC20, to the competent authority of the country of departure, after having first verified that the authorised consignee has provided the information required regarding the date of arrival of the goods and the condition of the seals and after having registered and endorsed the proof. The competent authority of the country of destination shall take any necessary action with regard to the authorised consignee.

· the proof of the end of the procedure has been sent but has not been received by the competent authority of the country of departure.

In that case, the competent authority of the country of destination shall return the proof to the competent authority of the country of departure, with the TC20 box IV duly completed. This proof can be either the document received from the competent  authority  of  the  country  of  departure  (copy  1  of  the



SAD, manifest at departure, etc.) or a copy of the document in the possession of the competent authority of the country of destination (copy 4 of the SAD, manifest at destination or retained copy of the monthly list, etc.). This authority will annotate the copy with the date of arrival of the goods; the results of any control carried out and will certify it.

2. The goods in question have not been presented to the office of destination or delivered to an authorised consignee:

· there has been a change in the office of destination: in that case,

it is the actual office of destination which must return the proof of the end of the procedure to the competent authority of the country of departure:

− if  the  competent  authority  of  the  country  of  the  declared

office of destination has been able to identify the actual office of destination it shall forward the TC20 to them showing details of the actual office of destination in box IV, and inform the competent authority of the country of departure by sending them a copy of the TC20.

− if  the  competent  authority  of  the  country  of  the  declared

office of destination has been unable to identify the actual office of destination the duly annotated TC20 is forwarded by the declared office of destination to the last intended office of transit showing details in box IV. However, in the absence of an office of transit, the TC20 is to be returned directly to the competent authority of the country of departure.

· there has been no change in the office of destination (or no such

change has been noted):

− In  that  case,  if  the  competent  authority  of  the  country  of

destination establishes that the goods have been delivered directly to a non authorised consignee, shown on the TC20, or to any other person the competent authority of the country of destination  shall  return  the  TC20  and  the  copy  of  the  transit






declaration to the competent authority of the country of departure. It shall give all the relevant information, if necessary in an additional document, indicating:

- the identity of the recipient and other persons possibly involved,

- the date and conditions of the direct delivery of the goods, their nature and quantity, and,

- the customs-approved treatment or use which was subsequently applied to them, if appropriate.




− if  the  competent  authority  of  the  country  of  destination  can

find  no  trace  of  the  goods  in  question,  the  duly  annotated TC20  shall  be  forwarded  to  the  last  intended  office  of  transit

as shown on the transit declaration. In the absence of an office of transit, the TC20 shall be returned directly to the competent  authority  of  the  country  of  departure  (the  same  as

for point 2 second bullet point).

In the cases where the competent authority of the country of destination sends the TC20 to the last intended office of transit, it also sends a copy to the competent authority of the country of departure in order to provide information on the current state of play of the enquiry procedure.





4.1.6. Reaction of the office of transit to the enquiry notice



The last intended office of transit to which the TC20 is transmitted shall immediately search for the transit advice note TC10 corresponding to the consignment in question.

Following this search, the following hypothetical cases are then possible:

1. The consignment has actually been presented at that last







intended office of transit and a transit advice note has been found.

In that case, the office of transit shall attach a copy of the transit advice note to the TC20 and return it directly to the competent authority of the country of departure.

2. No transit advice note (or any other evidence of such a transit) is found at the last intended office of transit.

In that case, the last intended office of transit shall return the TC20 completed with this information to the previous intended office of transit as shown on the transit declaration or, if no other intended office of transit, to the competent authority of the country of departure.

Each office of transit that successively receives the enquiry notice shall proceed in a similar way, ensuring that the TC20, duly endorsed, is forwarded without delay to either the previous intended office of transit as shown on the transit declaration or, if no other intended office of transit, directly to the competent authority of the country of departure, which will draw the necessary conclusions from the information received.

Where the office of transit sends the TC20 to the previous intended office of transit, it also sends a copy to the competent authority of the country of departure in order to provide information on the current state of play of the enquiry procedure. The intended office of transit also informs the competent authority of the country of departure if it receives the transit advice note from the actual office of transit, after having already sent the enquiry notice to the previous intended office of transit, (situation described under 1).



4.1.7. Consequences of the enquiry procedure



On  the  basis  of  the  responses  received  under  the  enquiry  procedure,





























Article 116 (1) Appendix I Convention


Article 215 (1) IPC Article 450a IPC


also including any information received from the principal, the competent authority of the country of departure shall determine whether or not the procedure has ended and whether it can be discharged.

In accordance with the provisions concerning debt and recovery, the competent authority of the country of departure shall determine:

· whether or not a (customs) debt has been incurred,

· the person(s) responsible for the debt, if appropriate,

· the actual or presumed place where the debt has arisen and, consequently, the competent authority to recover the debt, if appropriate.

The competent authority of the country of departure shall determine its findings at the latest within seven months after expiry of the time limit for presentation of the goods at destination.

This applies also where the authority has not received any reply during the enquiry procedure.

Any additional information received by or observation made by a competent authority in relation to the goods in question may have an influence on the results of the enquiry procedure. This is the case in particular if an irregularity or a fraud (unlawful removal, substitution, etc.) has been discovered at the time of the transit operation, and/or if the goods in question have been found, totally or partly, outside of customs supervision and also when persons responsible for fraud or irregularities have been identified. Accordingly, all relevant information must be made known without delay to the competent authority of the country of departure and, if necessary, use the TC24 to ask to transfer the competency for recovery.




Articles 41(7) and 118(4) Appendix I Convention


On the other hand, when the transit operation can be properly discharged  within  the  scope  of  an  enquiry  procedure,  the  competent






Articles 365(7) and 450c(3) IPC


authority of the country of departure shall immediately inform the principal and the guarantor who may have been involved in the enquiry procedure. The competent authority shall inform the guarantor in accordance with article 118 (4) of Appendix I of the Convention/article 450c (3) IPC. In addition, the competent authority may need to inform other competent authorities that are currently involved in the enquiry procedure and in particular the office of guarantee.

Further examples of situations in the enquiry procedure are in Annex 8.5.







Post-clearance verification procedure



This paragraph gives the following information:



Paragraph 1 deals with the objectives and methods of verification,



Paragraph 2 deals with-the documents subject to verification,



Paragraph 3 deals with the consequences of the results.





5.1. Objectives and methods of a post-clearance verification




Article 43


Appendix I Convention


Articles 21


Appendix II Convention,


Article 314a IPC


A post-clearance verification is carried out to check the authenticity and accuracy of entries and stamps on the copies of the transit declaration and on other documents or data relating to the transit procedure and on documents used to prove the Community status of goods.

The post-clearance verification shall be made on the basis of risk analysis or by a random selection. However, in case of doubt or a suspicion of offences or irregularities, such a verification is to be carried out. Where appropriate to meet the objectives of the verification procedure and to facilitate the task, the competent authority may use means of technology.







The competent authorities addressed shall return the form to the requesting competent authorities within two months of the date of the form.

Where a document relating to goods involving higher risk of fraud (Annex I of Appendix I, Convention - Annex 44c IPC) is to be verified or where the use of a forged stamp is suspected, the TC21 shall be marked diagonally by a red band (by ball point, marker or in printed form). The competent authority to which the request is made shall return forms marked in this way no later than five working days after receipt.

A specimen of the TC21 is in Annex 8.5.



5.2. Documents subject to verification



5.2.1. Transit declarations (fallback procedure)



With a view to detecting and preventing fraud, the declaration and the endorsements are to be verified by the competent authority in the country of departure, transit and destination wherever there is an apparent error or reason to doubt their validity.

This verification is to be carried out by means of form TC21 corresponding to the specimen in annex 8.5. The reason for the verification is to be given thereon.

In addition, each office of departure shall carry out a random check of return copies of the transit declarations returned by requesting verification of at least two in every thousand documents.



5.2.2. Manifest as a transit declaration



When goods are transported by air or sea using the simplified procedure  –  level  2  as  provided  for  in  Article  112  of  Appendix  I






of the Convention (Articles 445 and 448 IPC), customs control is exercised retrospectively by the competent authorities at the airport or port of destination by means of systems audit checks based on the level of perceived risk. If necessary the competent authorities at the airport or port of destination may send details from manifests to the competent authorities for the airport or port of departure for verification.

This verification is to be carried out by means of form TC21(A) corresponding to the specimen in Annex 8.6. Each form is to contain extracted manifest details relating to one aircraft or vessel and one authorised operator only.

Parts 1, 2 and 3 of form TC21(A) are to be completed by the competent authorities at the airport or port of destination. If necessary extracts from the aircraft's or vessel's manifest which relate to the consignments selected for verification are to be attached to the form.

Forms for verification may be sent via the central offices for common/Community transit operations in the countries concerned to the competent authority of the airport or port of departure.

The competent authorities for the airport or port of departure are to verify the manifest details given on form TC21(A) by reference to the commercial records held by the authorised operator. The results of the verification are to be shown in parts 4 and 5 of the form. Any discrepancies are to be noted in part 4.



5.2.3. Alternative proof



In case of doubts or any suspicion, the competent authority in the country of departure shall request verification of the alternative proof presented. In addition, the authority shall request








verification of at least ten in every thousand documents.




5.2.4. T2L documents



It  is  advisable  that  a  request  for  verification  of  a  T2L

document be made where such a document has been issued retrospectively solely to correct the effect of a T1 transit declaration.



The request should be automatic when the T2L is presented after a series of transit operations have been carried out, covered by transit declarations issued in different countries.

In addition, two in every thousand of all T2L documents

presented at a given office, must be subjected to a random sampling check.




5.2.5. Commercial documents equivalent to a T2L document



It is advisable that the verification is carried out where it

is suspected that abuses or irregularities could be committed because a commercial document is being used instead of a T2L.



Abuse or irregularity may be suspected where it is clear that the person concerned is splitting consignments in order not to exceed the EURO 10 000 ceiling.

In addition, two in every thousand commercial documents  presented  at  a  given  office  as  a

T2L must be subjected to a random









sampling check.




5.3. Consequences of the verification

The competent authority requesting verification shall

take the appropriate measure on the basis of the information received.



However,  as  far  as  the  incurrence  of  a  (customs)  debt  in

the course of a transit operation is in question, it is the responsibility of the competent authority of the country of departure to initiate enquiries, if necessary, and to determine the essential facts concerning the (customs) debt, debtor and the competent authority for recovery in accordance with the provisions concerning debt and recovery (see Part VIII of the Transit Manual).







Exceptions (pro memoria)







Specific national instructions (reserved)

























8.1. List of competent authorities

The list indicates, country by country:





1. the competent authorities of the country of departure who send the letter of information to the principal in the absence of proof that the procedure has ended,

2. the competent authorities of the country of departure who send the enquiry notices and reminder letters,

3. the competent authorities of the country of destination to which the enquiry notices and reminder letters are to be sent (incl. the “higher authorities”),

4. the competent authorities who send the post-clearance requests for verification,

5. the competent authorities who receive the post-clearance requests for verification,

6. a central office the form TC20 (A) with all documents attached can be sent to in case the final recipient is not known and therefore the documents cannot be sent directly




In order to facilitate the inquiries and controls within the framework of procedures concerning air transport, a list of airports and corresponding customs offices is in Annex 8.5 of Part V.
































1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of destination

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS Email:








1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of destination

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other paper documents Email:


















1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of destination

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents National Customs Agency

47, G.S.Rakovski str.

Sofia -1202

Republic of Bulgaria

Email: Fax: +359 2 9859 4215







1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of destination

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents Central Transit Office

Customs Headquarters, Ministry of Finance Corner M. Karaoli and Gr. Afxentiou

1096 Nicosia


Email: Fax: 0035722602767









1. Letter of information

Celní úřad pro Hlavní město Prahu (CZ510000):

CZ510201 - Praha Hostivař CZ510202 - Praha Uhříněves Celní úřad pro Hlavní město Prahu Washingtonova 7

113 54 Praha 1

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Jihočeský kraj (CZ520000):

CZ520201 - České Budějovice CZ520202 - Strakonice

CZ520203 - Tábor Celní úřad pro Jihočeský kraj Kasárenská 6/1473

370 21České Budějovice Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj (CZ530000):

CZ530201- Brno

CZ530202 - Blansko

CZ530203 - Hodonín

CZ530204 - Lanžhot

CZ530299 - Brno Tuřany Celní úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj Koliště 17

602 00 Brno

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Karlovarský kraj (CZ540000):

CZ540201 - Karlovy Vary

CZ540202 - Cheb Letiště Karlovy Vary Celní úřad pro Karlovarský kraj Dubová 8

360 04 Karlovy Vary

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Královehradecký kraj (CZ550000):

CZ550201- Hradec Králové CZ550202 - Jičín

CZ550203 - Náchod Celní úřad pro Královehradecký kraj Bohuslava Martinů 1672/8a

501 01 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Liberecký kraj (CZ560000):

CZ560201 - Liberec Celní úřad pro Liberecký kraj České mládeže 1122

460 03 Liberec 6

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj (CZ570000):

CZ570201 – Paskov

CZ570202 – Karviná

CZ570203 – Nošovice

CZ570204 – Opava

CZ570205 - Třinec

CZ570299 - Letiště Mošnov Celní úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj Náměstí Svatopluka Čecha 8

702 00 Ostrava

Czech Republic








Celní úřad pro Olomoucký kraj (CZ580000):

CZ580201 – Olomouc

CZ580202 – Přerov

CZ580203 – Šumperk Celní úřad pro Olomoucký kraj Blanická 19

772 01 Olomouc

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Pardubický kraj (CZ590000):

CZ590201 - Pardubice

CZ590202 - Česká Třebová CZ590299 - Letiště Pardubice Celní úřad pro Pardubický kraj Palackého 2659/3

530 02 Pardubice

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Plzeňský kraj (CZ600000):

CZ600201 - Plzeň

CZ600202 - Draženov

CZ600203 - Tachov Celní úřad pro Plzeňský kraj Antala Uxy 11, P.O.BOX 88 303 88 Plzeň

Celní úřad pro Středočeský kraj (CZ610000):

CZ610201 - Zdiby

CZ610202 - Benešov

CZ610203 - Kladno

CZ610204 - Kolín

CZ610205 - Kosmonosy

CZ610206 - Mělník

CZ610207 - Nupaky

CZ610208 - Rudná Celní úřad pro Středočeský kraj Washingtonova 11

110 00 Praha 1

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Ústecký kraj (CZ620000):

CZ620201 - Ústí nad Labem CZ620202 - Chomutov

CZ620203 - Most Celní úřad pro Ústecký kraj Hoření 3540/7A

400 11 Ústí nad Labem Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro kraj Vysočina (CZ630000):

CZ630201 - Střítež u Jihlavy CZ630202 - Pelhřimov

CZ630203 - Žďár nad Sázavou Celní úřad pro kraj Vysočina Střítež 5

588 11 Střítež u Jihlavy Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Zlínský kraj (CZ640000):

CZ640201 - Lípa

CZ640202 - Napajedla

CZ640203 - Uherské Hradiště CZ640204 - Valašské Meziříčí Celní úřad pro Zlínský kraj Zarámí 4463

762 34 Zlín

Czech Republic










Celní úřad Praha Ruzyně (CZ650000):

CZ650201 - Ruzyně

CZ650202 - Celní pošta

CZ650299 - Ruzyně cestovní styk Celní úřad Praha Ruzyně Aviatická 12/1048

160 08 Praha 6

Czech Republic

2. Sender

of enquiry notice see box 1

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice see box 1

4. Sender of request for post -clearance verification see box 1

5. Addressee for request for post clearance verification see box 1

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents see box 1 or

Mr. František ŠÍMA

General Directorate of Customs

Customs Department

Budějovická 7

140 96 Praha 4

Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 261 332 218 Fax: +420 261 332 300








1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of destination

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents Email:










1. Letter of information Tax and Customs Board Central Transit Office Lõõtsa 8a

15176 Tallinn ESTONIA

2. Sender

of enquiry notice See box 1

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice See box 1

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification See box 1

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification See box 1

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents E-mail:







1. Letter of information Tornio Tulli

PL 47

FI-95401 Tornio

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Tornio Tulli

PL 47

FI-95401 Tornio

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice Tornio Tulli

PL 47

FI-95401 Tornio

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Tornio Tulli

PL 47

FI-95401 Tornio

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Tornio Tulli

PL 47

FI-95401 Tornio

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS Tel. +358 20 492 8034 Email:

Fax: +358 16 480 067










1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure Office of transit Office of destination

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure Office of transit Office of destination

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents Email:








1. Letter of information


(see Customs Office List)1





(see Customs Office List)1

Niedersachsen, Bremen, Sachsen-Anhalt


(see Customs Office List)1

Hessen, Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz Hauptzollamt Aachen

Im Süsterfeld 9

52072 Aachen


Hauptzollamt Braunschweig Hagenweg 4

37081 Göttingen Deutschland

Hauptzollamt Gießen Lindenstraße 6c 36037 Fulda Deutschland










1 1 1








(see Customs Office List)1

Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern


(see Customs Office List)1

Sachsen, Thüringen




(see Customs Office List)1

Brandenburg, Berlin



Region Bayern:

DE007400 Augsburg DE007500 Landshut DE007600 München DE007700 Passau DE007750 Rosenheim

(see Customs Office List)

Region Bayern:

DE008700 Hof DE008750 Nürnberg DE008800 Regensburg DE008850 Schweinfurt DE008900 Weiden

(see Customs Office List)


(see Customs Office List) Baden-Württemberg Hauptzollamt Itzehoe Kaiserstraße 14a 25524Itzehoe Deutschland

Hauptzollamt Dresden Hartmut-Dost-Straße 45 i 01099 Dresden Deutschland

Hauptzollamt Potsdam Rembrandstraße 26A 14467 Potsdam Deutschland

Hauptzollamt Rosenheim Poststraße 4

83435 Bad Reichenhall Deutschland





Hauptzollamt Schweinfurt Brückenstraße 27

97421 Schweinfurt Deutschland





Hauptzollamt Heilbronn Kastellstraße 53

74080 Heilbronn Deutschland

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Hauptzollamt Braunschweig Zentralstelle Zollversand Postfach 1540

38335 Helmstedt Deutschland











1 1 1



3. Addressee

of enquiry notice Hauptzollamt Braunschweig Zentralstelle Zollversand Postfach 1540

38335 Helmstedt Deutschland

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Hauptzollamt Braunschweig Zentralstelle Zollversand Postfach 1540

38335 Helmstedt Deutschland

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Hauptzollamt Braunschweig Zentralstelle Zollversand Postfach 1540

38335 Helmstedt Deutschland

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents Frau Christina Rosin Bundesfinanzdirektion Nord Stubbenhuk 3

20459 Hamburg


E-Mail: Fax:0049 - 40 - 42820-2547







1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of destination














6. Addressee



185 10 PIRAEUS


E-mail: Fax: +302104511009







1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination

4. Sender of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure

5. Addressee of request for post-clearance verification Office of destination

6. Addressee of TC20 (A) and all other documents NAV Kiemelt Ügyek és Adózók Vám- és Pénzügyőri Igazgatósága

1077 Budapest

Dob u. 75-81.



Fax: +36 1 236-57-58

1077 Budapest

Dob u. 75-81.








1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure





5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of destination

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS Email:








1. Letter of information The Central Transit Office

Office of the Revenue Commissioners, Customs Division,

Government Buildings,

St. Conlon's Road,


Co. Tipperary


2. Sender

of enquiry notice The Central Transit Office,

Office of the Revenue Commissioners , Customs Division,

Government Buildings,

St. Conlon's Road,


Co. Tipperary


3. Addressee

of enquiry notice The Central Transit Office,

Office of the Revenue Commissioners ,Customs Division,

Government Buildings,

St. Conlon's Road,


Co. Tipperary


4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification The Central Transit Office,

Office of the Revenue Commissioners ,Customs Division,

Government Buildings,

St. Conlon's Road,


Co. Tipperary











5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification The Central Transit Office,

Office of the Revenue Commissioners ,Customs Division,

Government Buildings,

St. Conlon's Road,


Co. Tipperary


6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents The Central Transit Office

Office of the Revenue Commissioners ,Customs Division,

Government Buildings,

St. Conlon's Road,


Co. Tipperary



Fax: 353 67 44126







1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination remainder letter:    Higher authority of destination (see Customs Office list)

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure Office of transit Office of destination

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of destination Office of departure Office of transit

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents Email:


















1. Letter of information Latvijas Republikas

Valsts ieņēmumu dienests

Galvenā muitas pārvalde

11.novembra krastmala 17, Rīga LV-1841, Latvia.

phone +371 7047400, fax +371 7322440

2. Sender

of enquiry notice See box 1

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: See box 1

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification See box 1

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification See box 1

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents Email:








1. Letter of information Territorial Customs House, to which the office of departure belongs:


Vilniaus teritorinė muitinė Naujoji Rivonių g. 3,

LT-03153 Vilnius Lietuva - Lithuania


Kauno teritorinė muitinė Jovarų g. 3



Klaipėdos teritorinė muitinė

S. Nėries g. 4










2. Sender

of enquiry notice Muitinės departamentas Muitinės procedūrų skyrius

A. Jakšto g. 1


3. Addressee

of enquiry notice See box 2

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification See box 2

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification See box 2

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents Email:








1. Letter of information Collection offices

(see List of Collection offices2)

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Collection offices

(see List of Collection offices²)

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice a) enquiry notice: Collection offices

(see List of Collection offices²)

b) reminder letter: Direction des

Douanes et Accises

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Collection offices

(see List of Collection offices2)

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Collection offices

(see List of Collection offices²)

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS Email:







2 2












1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Central Transit Office Custom House Valletta CMR 02 MALTA

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice See box 2

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification See box 2

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification See box 2

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents Email:








1. Letter of information Belastingdienst/Douane

Douanepost Zuivering Postbus 4501 6401 JA Heerlen Nederland

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Belastingdienst/Douane

Douanepost Zuivering Postbus 4501 6401 JA Heerlen Nederland

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice Belastingdienst/Douane

Douanepost Zuivering Postbus 4501 6401 JA Heerlen Nederland

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Belastingdienst/Douane

Douanepost Zuivering Postbus 4501 6401 JA Heerlen Nederland








5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Belastingdienst/Douane

Douanepost Zuivering Postbus 4501 6401 JA Heerlen Nederland

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS Belastingdienst/Douane Douanepost Zuivering Postbus 4501

6401 JA Heerlen Nederland


Email: Fax:







1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure, Office of transit, Office of destination

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure, Office of transit, Office of destination

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS Email:








1. Letter of information Customs office concerned

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Izba Celna w Łodzi Centralne Biuro Tranzytu Ul. Karolewska 41 90-560 Łódź

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice Izba Celna w Łodzi Centralne Biuro Tranzytu Ul. Karolewska 41 90-560 Łódź





4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Izba Celna w Łodzi Centralne Biuro Tranzytu Ul. Karolewska 41 90-560 Łódź

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Izba Celna w Łodzi Centralne Biuro Tranzytu Ul. Karolewska 41 90-560 Łódź

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS Izba Celna w Łodzi

Centralne Biuro Tranzytu

Ul. Karolewska 41

90-560 Łódź

Email: Fax: +48 42 636 86 80







1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice Office of departure

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS Email: Fax: + 351 21 881 3941







1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Central Transit Office

Str. Matei Millo nr. 13, sector 1 Bucureşti








3. Addressee

of enquiry notice Central Transit Office

Str. Matei Millo nr. 13, sector 1 Bucureşti

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Central Transit Office

Str. Matei Millo nr. 13, sector 1 Bucureşti

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Central Transit Office

Str. Matei Millo nr. 13, sector 1 Bucureşti

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents Central Transit Office

Str. Matei Millo nr. 13, sector 1 Bucureşti









1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Colné riaditeľstvo SR Colný odbor

Mierová 23

SK-815 11 Bratislava

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Colné riaditeľstvo SR

Colný odbor

Mierová 23

SK-815 11 Bratislava

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Colné riaditeľstvo SR Colný odbor

Mierová 23

SK-815 11 Bratislava

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Colné riaditeľstvo SR Colný odbor

Mierová 23

SK-815 11 Bratislava

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS Colné riaditeľstvo SR Colný odbor

Mierová 23

SK-815 11 Bratislava


Email: Fax: +421.2.4342.00.65:










1. Letter of information FINANČNI URAD NOVA GORICA Oddelek za tranzit

CENTRALNA TRANZITNA PISARNA Mednarodni prehod 2b, Vrtojba


2. Sender

of enquiry notice See box 1

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice See box 1

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification See box 1

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification See box 1

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents See box 1.

Email: Fax: +38652976839







1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of destination

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents Email:














1. Letter of information Tullverket

Box 850

S-201 80 MALMÖ

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Tullverket

Box 850

S-201 80 MALMÖ

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice Tullverket

Box 850

S-201 80 MALMÖ

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification The customs office concerned

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification The customs office concerned

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS Tullverket

Box 850

S-201 80 MALMÖ


Email: Fax:







1. Letter of information Office of departure

2. Sender

of enquiry notice Office of departure

or the following Central Transit Offices - Bern, COL No. CH001001

- Kreuzlingen, COL No. CH002001

- Genève-Routes, COL No. CH003001 - Chiasso, COL No. CH004001

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice enquiry notice: Office of destination

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification Office of departure, office of transit or office of destination

Central Offices of Investigation or Eidgenössische Oberzolldirektion = "Directorate General of Swiss Customs" Bern







5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification Office of destination Office of departure

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS Central Transit Offices

- Bern, COL No. CH001001

- Kreuzlingen, COL No. CH002001

- Genève-Routes, COL No. CH003001 - Chiasso, COL No. CH004001


Email: Fax:







1. Letter of information HM Revenue and Customs

Central Community Transit Office (CCTO) Custom House Main Road


Essex CO12 3PG


2. Sender

of enquiry notice HM Revenue and Customs

Central Community Transit Office (CCTO) Custom House Main Road


Essex CO12 3PG


3. Addressee

of enquiry notice HM Revenue and Customs

Central Community Transit Office (CCTO) Custom House

Main Road


Essex CO12 3PG


4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification HM Revenue and Customs

Central Community Transit Office (CCTO) Custom House Main Road


Essex CO12 3PG










5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification HM Revenue and Customs

Central Community Transit Office (CCTO) Custom House Main Road


Essex CO12 3PG


6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS HM Revenue and Customs

Central Community Transit Office (CCTO) Custom House Main Road


Essex CO12 3PG



Email: Fax: +44 1255 244 784







1. Letter of information States of Guernsey Customs and Excise New Jetty,

White Rock,

St Peter Port,




2. Sender

of enquiry notice States of Guernsey Customs and Excise New Jetty,

White Rock,

St Peter Port,



3. Addressee

of enquiry notice States of Guernsey Customs and Excise New Jetty,

White Rock,

St Peter Port,













4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification States of Guernsey Customs and Excise New Jetty,

White Rock,

St Peter Port,



5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification States of Guernsey Customs and Excise New Jetty,

White Rock,

St Peter Port,



6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS States of Guernsey Customs and Excise New Jetty,

White Rock,

St Peter Port,





Email: Fax: +44 1481 712 248







1. Letter of information States of Jersey Customs and Immigration Service

La Route du Port Elizabeth

St Helier




2. Sender

of enquiry notice States of Jersey Customs and Immigration Service

La Route du Port Elizabeth

St Helier














3. Addressee

of enquiry notice States of Jersey Customs and Immigration Service

La Route du Port Elizabeth

St Helier




4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification States of Jersey Customs and Immigration Service

La Route du Port Elizabeth

St Helier




5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification States of Jersey Customs and Immigration Service

La Route du Port Elizabeth

St Helier




6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS States of Jersey Customs and Immigration Service

La Route du Port Elizabeth

St Helier





Email: Tel: +44 1534 448 000

Fax: +44 1534 448 034







1. Letter of information CARINSKA UPRAVA RH

Sektor za carinski sustav i procedure Odjel za potrage i zaključenje postupaka Alexandera von Humboldta 4a,

10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska


2. Sender

of enquiry notice See box 1

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice See box 1





4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification See box 1

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification See box 1

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS See box 1








Office of departure




1. Letter of information

2. Sender

of enquiry notice

3. Addressee

of enquiry notice

4. Sender

of request for post-clearance verification

5. Addressee

of request for post-clearance verification

6. Addressee

of TC20 (A) and all other documents relating to NCTS Email:
























8.2. Model of a letter of information to the principal

[Name of the competent authority of the country of departure]

[Place and date]

[Name and address

of the principal]

Subject : Common/Community transit

Absence of proof of the end of the transit procedure



Dear Sir/Madam,

You are the principal for the following Common/Community Transit declaration(s):

[references and dates of the transit declaration(s)]

from the office of departure of [name of the office of departure]

In accordance with [Article 41 (4) of Appendix I] [Annex V of Appendix I] to the Convention on a common transit procedure/[Article 365(4)] [Annex 37d] of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code1, we hereby advise you that we have not received proof of the end of the transit procedure for the above-mentioned declaration(s).

We now ask you to send details and documentation that will prove that the procedure ended. You should also mention any changes in the office of destination and/or the offices of transit. We request you to send the information within 28 days of the date of this letter.

· [The customs debt will be incurred one month following this 28-day period if

you do not provide any information or the information you provide is insufficient for us to carry out enquiries with the office of destination.]

· [We  have  to  initiate  the  enquiry  procedure two months after the expiry of the

time limit for presentation of the goods at the office of destination.]

· This is in accordance with [Article 116 (1)(c)] [Annex V] of Appendix I to the

Convention on a common transit procedure/ [Article 450a] [Annex 37d] of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code.

The proof may be in the form of:

− a document certified by the customs authorities of the Member State or a common transit country of destination identifying the goods and establishing that they have been presented at the office of destination or to the authorised consignee;








1 To be used in case of fallback procedure.






− a customs document issued in a third country entering the goods for a

customs-approved treatment or use;

− a  document  issued  in  a  third  country,  stamped  by  the  customs  authorities  of

this country and certifying that the goods are considered to be in free circulation in the third country concerned.

Any evidence furnished by you must comply with the provisions of Article 42 of Appendix I of the EC-EFTA Convention on a common transit procedure/Article 366 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code.

Under the terms of Articles 114 and 115 of Appendix I of the Convention/Articles 203 or 204 of the Community Customs Code, if it is not possible to establish that the procedure has ended for the declaration(s) in question, you will be liable for the debt relating to the goods that were the subject of these declaration(s) (import or export duties and other charges).

If you are unable to prove that the transit procedure in question has ended, please supply any information you have, with supporting documentary evidence, in particular of the place (country) in which you consider the events from which the debt arises occurred in accordance with Article 116 of Appendix I of the Convention/Article 215 of the Community Customs Code.

Yours faithfully



































8.3.   Specimen of enquiry notice TC20 and explanatory notes TC20 - ENQUIRY NOTICE





A. Transit declaration No


B. Office of destination (name and country)




Copy (…) attached.



C. Competent authority at departure (name and address) D. Intended offices of transit (name and country)






E. Identity of means of transport:


F. Consignee (name and full address)



G. According to information provided by the principal, the consignment was:




1. presented at your office on |__|__|__|



2. delivered to the consignee on |__|__|__|



3. delivered to .................................................................................... on

(name and address of person or firm)



D  M  Y




H. A receipt for the document issued by your office on |__|__|__| has been presented to me.

D  M  Y


I. The principal is unable to give any information about the whereabouts of the consignment.






Place and date:










In order to carry out further inquiries, the office of departure is required to send or communicate:




1. a precise description of the goods 2. a copy of the invoice




3. a copy of the manifest, bill of lading

or airway bill


4. the name of the person responsible for carrying out

formalities at the office of destination




5. the following documents or information (please specify):






Place and date:










1. The information, copies or documents are annexed

1 2 3 4 5

2. The information, copies or documents referred to under






of your request is/are not available.






Place and date:

















1. The proof that the procedure has ended was returned on


|__|__|__| an endorsed copy of D  M  Y


(a) the document received is attached as a confirmation


(b) the document returned




2. The endorsed proof that the procedure has ended is attached to this enquiry notice


3. Charges collected.


4. Inquiries are being made and the proof that the procedure has ended will be returned as soon as possible.


5. The consignment was presented here without the relevant document.


6. Documents were presented here without the consignment


7. Neither the consignment nor the relevant document were presented here and






no information about these can be obtained.

TC20 is transmitted to the actual office of destination ……………………………….. (name and country) TC20 is transmitted to the last intended office of transit, as mentioned in box I. item D





Place and date:













1. A transit advice note was lodged here on



D  M  Y


2. A transit advice note was sent to me by the actual office of transit .....................................(name)

where it was lodged on |__|__|__| D  M  Y

3. A transit advice note was not lodged here. TC20 is transmitted to the previous intended office of transit.





Place and date:










1. A transit advice note was lodged here on |__|__|__|


2. A transit advice note was sent to me by the actual office of transit .....................................(name)

where it was lodged on  |__|__|__|

D  M  Y

3. A transit advice note was not lodged here. TC20 is transmitted to the previous intended office of transit.





Place and date:













1. A transit advice note was lodged here on



D  M  Y


2. A transit advice note was sent to me by the actual office of transit .....................................(name)


where it was lodged on

D  M  Y




3. A transit advice note was not lodged here. TC20 is transmitted to the previous intended office of transit.





Place and date:

















1. A transit advice note was lodged here on



D  M  Y


2. A transit advice note was sent to me by the actual office of transit .....................................(name)


where it was lodged on

D  M  Y




3. A transit advice note was not lodged here. TC20 is transmitted to the previous intended office of transit.





Place and date:









TC20 – Enquiry notice – Explanatory notes

1. Information  and  replies  shall  be  given  by  placing  a  cross  in  the  box  provided

for this purpose.

2. The enquiry notice is used for any transit procedure, whether simplified or not,

under which proof that the procedure has ended has to be furnished to the competent authority of the country of departure.

3. In box I item A, the competent authority making the request shall indicate the

reference of the transit declaration (SAD or transport document used as a declaration) for which it has no proof that the procedure has ended. A copy of the declaration is to be attached.

4. In box I item E the means of transport used shall be identified, if this data was

required on the declaration or, if not, whether it is known by the competent authority (notably through the principal).

5. In box I item F, the competent authority making the request shall indicate the

consignee(s), whether authorised or not, as declared where such data was required on the declaration or, in other cases, the supposed consignee(s) who could have received the goods on the basis of the information the authority has in hand.





In box I item G-3 the actual consignees, as identified by the principal, must be


7. In box II item 3, the addressed competent authority shall ask for the

transmission of transport documents when they are not themselves the transit declaration (in the latter case they should be mentioned under I-A).

8. In  box  IV,  the  addressed  competent  authority  shall  inform  the  competent

authority of the country of departure of the result of its enquiries that is not binding on this office.

9. In  box  IV  item  1,  the  addressed  competent  authority  shall  tick  box  (a)  if  it

returns an endorsed and stamped copy of copy 1, as received from the competent authority making the request. In other cases (copy of copy 4 or copy of any other document – monthly list air/sea level 1, for instance – proving the end of the procedure), it shall tick box (b).

If the addressed authority will transmit TC20 it shall tick the appropriate box under item 7 and enter the details, if necessary. It shall inform the competent authority of the country of departure through a copy of the enquiry notice.

Each office of transit shall proceed in the same way if it finds no transit advice notice.

10. A separate TC20 is to be used for each transit declaration.










8.4. Specimen of sending of information TC20A










MRN: …………………..

BAR code (if possible):

Enquiry procedure (reference): Recovery procedure (reference):


DEPARTURE Name and address:


Contact data Name:
















DESTINATION Name and address:


Contact data Name:














1. TC11

2. Copy of the invoice(s): ………………………………………………………...…

3. Copy of the manifest – bill of lading – airway bill – CMR

4. Return copy (fallback procedure at destination) see enquiry response:

…………… ...…………………………………………………………………………………………...

5. Copy/ original of the following documents (to specify)

……………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...

5. ANNEX(ES): ……………… (total number)












Place and date:















8.5.   Specimen of post-clearance request TC21 TC21 – REQUEST FOR VERIFICATION






(name and full address)




(name and full address)







Please verify


sample check


for the reason indicated under C or D




A. The authenticity of the stamp and the signature

1. In the box headed Control by office of destination (box I) on the return copy No.


2. in the box F and/or G on the return copy No. ................attached

3. in  the  box  headed  "Control  of  use  and/or  destination"  (box  J)  on  the  control  copy  T5  No.


4. in the box headed "Office of departure" (box C) on copy 4 No. .....................attached

5. in the box headed "Control by office of departure" (box D) on copy 4 No............attached

6. in the box headed "Packages and description of goods" (box 31) on copy 4


7. in invoice No ...... of .......... / transport document No ...... of ................ (attached)




B. The accuracy of endorsement entered

1. In box(es)........... (1)

2. In the commercial document No........ of ............. (attached)


C. The authenticity and accuracy of the alternative proof enclosed.




D. Verification is requested because

1. the stamp is missing

3 the stamp is illegible

5 deletions have been made without being overwriting



2. the signature is missing

4. the box is incompletely filled in

6. the  form  includes  erasures  and/or

initialled and authenticated


7 the stamp is not recognised

9. other reasons (to be specified)




the date concerning the use or destination is missing




Place....................................., Date.........................................

Signature................................. (Stamp)


(1) Indicate the number of the boxes corresponding to the requested verification__


A. The stamp and signature are authentic


B. The form was not presented to the competent authorities and

1. the stamp appears to have been forged or falsified

2. the stamp appears to have been applied irregularly

3. the signature is not that of a responsible official of the competent authorities

C. The endorsements are accurate




D. The endorsements are not accurate: they should read as follows:




E. Remarks:

1. the stamp has been applied legibly

3. the box has been completed


5. the erasures and/or overwriting were due to:

7. the date has been inserted

9. other reasons (to be specified)



2. the signature has been inserted

4. the deletions have been initialled and


6. the stamp is authentic and can be accepted

8. the alternative proof meets requirements

and can be accepted


Place................................................, Date.............................................


Signature...................................... ..........................................(Stamp)__




1. A separate request should be made out for each form to be verified

2. Information and reply are given by placing a cross in the boxes provided for the purpose

3. The competent authority addressed should ensure that it is given priority treatment



8.6.   Specimen of post-clearance request TC21A TC21 (A) – REQUEST FOR VERIFICATION





















































* delete as appropriate

This request should be used for only one company, one aircraft or vessel. On completion return request to office shown at 1.



8.7. Examples of situations in the enquiry procedure

If at the end of the enquiry procedure a transit operation is still not discharged, the competent authority of the country of departure may find the following examples of situations68 useful in the context of determining the authority competent to recover the debt:

a) Transit operation involving no office of transit (purely internal operation involving

a contracting party to the Convention).

Such a situation may only involve a Community transit operation within the Community or a transit operation limited to the territory of one of the other contracting parties (operation not involving common transit).


[Denmark - Germany - France - Spain]

The competent authority of the country of destination (authority of a country thus belonging to this same contracting party or the same country) cannot provide any proof of presentation at the destination.

The consignment has “disappeared” somewhere in the contracting party/country in question.

b) Transit operation involving offices of transit on exit from, then on entry to, a same

contracting party (use of one or more third countries, other than EFTA countries).

In practice, only the Community could be involved in such a situation. Example:

[Austria, Slovenia, Croatia - Bosnia/Serbia/FYROMacedonia - Greece]

The competent authority of the country of destination cannot provide any proof of presentation at the destination and






A  transit  advice  note  has  been  presented  on  entry  (reintroduction)  to  the


contracting party in question (Greece in the example):

the consignment has been reintroduced into the contracting party in question, then has “disappeared” somewhere.






68 This only involves examples of situations giving rise to presumptions rather than to definitive conclusions. Indeed, nothing makes it possible to guarantee with certainty that the consignment for which a transit advice note is presented contains the goods declared. Moreover, these examples cannot take account of transit advice notes that are possibly falsified or reflect situations in which a transporter “omitted” to submit a transit advice note and/or the office of transit “forgot” to demand it. However, such presumptions are the main basis for identifying the country where the goods are “removed” and determining the competent authority to recover the debt.



II. A transit advice note has been submitted on exit from the contracting party in

question (Croatia in the example) but not on entry (reintroduction) into this same contracting party (Greece in the example):

the consignment has “disappeared” between the two offices of transit, in one of the third countries

III. No transit advice note has been submitted, either on exit from the contracting

party in question (Croatia in the example) or on entry (reintroduction) into this same contracting party (Greece in the example):

the consignment has not left the contracting party in question and has “disappeared” between the office of departure and the first office of transit on exit.

c) Transit operation involving only offices of transit (on entry) at borders between the

contracting parties.


[Poland - Czech Republic - Germany - Switzerland - France]

I. A  transit  advice  note  has  not  been  presented  at  the  last  office  of  transit  (on

entry into France) but has been submitted to the previous office of transit (on entry into Switzerland):

the consignment has arrived in Switzerland but has “disappeared” between the office of transit on entry into Switzerland and the office of destination in France; the same reasoning applies according to the office of transit identified as having been the last to receive a transit advice note.






No transit advice note has been submitted.

the consignment has not left the contracting party of departure and has “disappeared” somewhere.




d) Transit  operation  involving  offices  of  transit  at  borders  between  the  contracting

parties and with third countries


[Greece, Bulgaria, Romania –Ukraine – Slovakia – Poland]

This is a situation combining cases (b) and (c). The situations and solutions are therefore similar, mutatis mutandis.





















Scope of the provisions





Title IV Appendix I Convention


Articles 203, 204, 213 and 215 Code


Articles 341, 450a to 450d IPC


This chapter deals with the scope of the provisions on debt and recovery in the Common and Community transit procedure.

The purpose of this Part VIII is to set out a harmonised version of those situations in which a debt arises during strictly common or strictly Community transit operations, identify the debtors and unequivocally identify which countries are responsible for recovering debt from debtors and guarantors. But that is as far as these provisions go. They leave it to each Contracting Party to the Convention to take responsibility for actual recovery in accordance with the Party's own regulations in these matters except time limits for starting recovery. For Community purposes, the harmonised rules on customs debt are set out in the Community Customs Code.





1.1. Definitions



Article 3(1) Appendix I, Convention




For the purposes of the 'common transit' Convention, 'debt' means import or export duties and other charges due when goods are placed under the procedure.




Customs debt Article 4(9) Code


For the purposes of the Community, 'customs debt' is defined as 'the obligation on a person to pay the amount of the import duties or export duties' the duties being set out in Article 20 of the Code. As the Community transit rules also have the effect of suspending "other duties" (national charges) Article 341 IPC extends the scope of certain provisions of the Code to include "other duties" for the purposes of guarantees, customs debt and recovery.

For the purposes of this document the word 'debt' is used to cover both definitions above.










The generic term 'recovery', which is here used in the context of 'common' and Community transit, should be taken to mean all steps involved in collecting whatever sums are due.





1.2. Distinction between financial and penal provisions




Article 114 Appendix I Convention


Articles 203, 204 Code


In connection with a transit operation the suspended 'debt' whilst the goods were under the procedure has to be recovered if the transit procedure has not been discharged as required after the establishment that a 'debt' has been incurred by unlawful removal,non-fulfilment of obligations or non-compliance with a condition.

Those situations giving rise to a debt often resemble 'offences' or 'irregularities', which do not result in the collection of an amount objectively due but in the imposition of an administrative and/or penal sanction. This Part of the Transit Manual covers only those situations where an objective debt is incurred; it does not cover the penal aspect, which remains the responsibility of each individual Member State or another Contracting Party.







Incurrence / non-incurrence of a debt, failures, and identification of the debtors and guarantors

This chapter deals with:



· incurrence and the non-incurrence of a debt,

· failures of the procedure,

· other failures to comply with the procedure,

· and the identification of the debtors and guarantors.




2.1. Incurrence / non-incurrence of the debt



2.1.1. When is a debt incurred




Unlawful removal of the goods from the procedure







Article 114 (1) (a) and (2) (a) Appendix I Convention


Article 203 (1) (2) Code


The debt shall be incurred through the unlawful removal from customs supervision or in the meaning of the Convention "from the common transit procedure". Where goods are unlawfully removed, a debt is incurred as soon as the goods are removed from the procedure.




Article 116 Appendix I Convention


Article 215 Code


Except where the goods are flagrantly stolen off their means of transport the precise moment is often as difficult to identify as the place where the removal occurred, the two being linked of course. Nevertheless, the moment of removal is a matter the importance of which is relative, since the goods normally remain under the procedure for a relatively brief period and the factors entering into the calculation of the amount of the debt should therefore not change radically in that period. Where it is impossible to identify the precise place and time the date shall be the first working day after the expiry of the time limit for presentation of the goods at the office of destination.

The lodging of the 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) message at the last office of transit facilitates the task of determining at least the country where the unlawful removal has taken place.


Non-fulfilment of an obligation





Article 114 (2)(b) Appendix I Convention


Article 204(1) (a) and (2) Code


Article 114 (2)(b) Appendix I Convention


Article 204 (1)(b) Code


The debt shall be incurred at the moment when 'one of the obligations whose non-fulfilment gives rise to the debt ceases to be met'. In practice it is not always easy to identify the precise moment when such non-fulfilment occurred or began. In such cases, practice suggests that the moment when the failure was discovered could be used.

The debt shall be incurred when the goods are placed under the transit procedure and it is subsequently established that a condition governing the placing of the goods under that procedure is not fulfilled.






2.1.2. Non-incurrence of the debt





Article 114(3)


Appendix I Convention


Article 206(1) Code


No debt shall be deemed to be incurred where the person concerned proves that a failure to fulfil the obligations is:

· due to the total destruction or irretrievable loss of those goods (i.e. they have become unusable);

· the result of their actual nature (e.g. normal evaporation),

unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure or,

· the consequence of authorisation by the competent authorities69.




2.2. Failures of the procedure



2.2.1. Situations of unlawful removal



In principle, all situations where customs is no longer in a position to ensure that customs rules and, where appropriate, other provisions applicable to the goods are observed could be covered by the notion 'unlawful removal' (see paragraph

Situations generating an unlawful removal of goods from the transit procedure/ customs supervision are in particular:

1. Failure  to  present  goods  at  the  office  of  destination  or  to  an

authorised consignee, including situations where:



· all or part of the goods have been stolen or have disappeared during carriage ("missing goods")70;

· proof of having presented the goods at the office of destination

has been falsified;

· the carrier presents the goods directly to a consignee who is not an authorised consignee;

· other  goods  have  been  substituted  for  all  or  part  of  the  goods







69 Under Community law destruction is an approved customs treatment or use; see Article 182 Code.



Article 865 IPC


2. Substitution  of  a  transit  operation/  customs  status  of  the  goods

(e.g. by replacing the common/Community transit declaration 'T1' by a common/Community transit declaration 'T2' or by a proof Community status document 'T2L' or 'T2LF' - or an equivalent such as the letter 'C' or 'F' on an air or sea manifest).





2.2.2. Situations which do not represent unlawful removal



Clearly, situations which belong under this heading do not exhibit the above features. An example of such a situation is a broken seal whilst the consignment is properly presented at the office of destination71. However, the fact that the goods have not been unlawfully removed does not necessarily mean that there has not been a failure to comply with other transit procedure obligations or that no debt has been incurred (see paragraph 2.3).



2.3. Other failures to comply with the procedure



2.3.1. Situations of non-compliance that may give rise to a debt





Article 114(1) (b) Appendix I Convention


Article 204(1) Code


In the situation where no goods have been unlawfully removed, a debt is incurred through:

· failure to fulfil one of the obligations arising from the use of the procedure, or

· failure  to  comply  with  a  condition  governing  the  placing  of  the

goods under the procedure.









70 In the Community, Article 900 IPC allows import duties to be repaid or remitted when non-Community goods placed under the transit procedure are stolen, provided that the goods are recovered promptly and placed again in their original customs situation in the state they were in when they were stolen.

71 Another example for the Community transit procedure: Article 865 2nd  paragraph IPC provides that an error regarding the customs status of non-Community goods listed in an air manifest when using the level 2 simplified Community transit procedure (when the symbol "C" is used instead of "T1") is deemed not to constitute unlawful removal provided the airline regularises the customs status of the goods by clearing them through customs on their arrival at destination.



Where failure to fulfil an obligation constitutes - or leads to – the unlawful removal of goods from the procedure, it is that failure which gives rise to a debt and the provisions on unlawful removal (see paragraphs and 2.2.1) are applicable.



Failure to fulfil one of the obligations governing the use of the procedure

This is a situation which occurs after the goods have been placed under the transit procedure and before the procedure has ended.






Article 26(2) Appendix I Convention


Article 355(2) IPC


Article 36 Appendix I Convention


Article 360 IPC


· failure to comply with the prescribed itinerary;



· broken seals, transfer of goods, unloading of the means of transport or other incidents during the transport operation and subsequent failure to make the necessary entries to the document accompanying the goods and present them to the competent authorities of the Member State/Contracting Party in whose territory the means of transport is located;

· presentation of the goods at the office of destination after the expiry of the time limit without a satisfactory explanation and in circumstances which are attributable to the carrier or the principal;

· holder's failure to notify an irregularity in a simplified air or sea transit procedure;

· failure of a person authorised to use a simplification to comply with the conditions laid down in the rules of the authorisation.



Failure to fulfil one of the obligations governing the placing of the goods under the procedure







This situation can occur during the transit procedure or prior to the goods being placed under the transit procedure, where the facts do not emerge until after the release for the transit procedure. (If they emerged earlier, permission to remove the goods would not be granted.) Possible examples of this failure are goods entered for the procedure:

· without a valid guarantee for the transit procedure (because it has been revoked or cancelled or its period of validity has expired), or it is not valid for the territory concerned (because the operation transited a Contracting Party not covered by the guarantee) or because the reference amount for the comprehensive guarantee or the guarantee waiver has been exceeded72;

· by an authorised consignor but where, contrary to the rules or the requirements of the authorisation,




−the load was not sealed,

−no  time  limit  for  presenting  the  consignment  at  destination

was set or

no itinerary was prescribed although it was mandatory;





Article 8 Code


Article 45, Appendix I, Convention


Article 373 IPC


· by the holder of an authorisation to use a simplification which was issued on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information;

· Or, for the Community, also: after annulment of the authorisation in conformity with Article 8 of the Code;

· - One of the conditions set out for the use of a simplification is later being found not to be fulfilled (example: change of ownership during the authorisation process not communicated).









72 In this case the guarantee management system (GMS) checks the validity of the guarantee.



2.3.2. Failures to comply that do not give rise to a debt





Article 114(1) 2nd subparagraph Appendix I Convention


Article 204(1) Code


Failures which have "no significant effect on the correct operation of the procedure" do not give rise to a debt. These provisions leave it to each Contracting Party to identify situations where the derogation might apply and, therefore, to limit their scope.



General conditions governing derogation in situations giving rise to a debt




Art. 859 IPC


Article 114(1) 2nd subparagraph Appendix I Convention


Where any of the obligations governing the use of the procedure have not been fulfilled or any of the conditions subject to which the goods may be placed under the transit procedure have not been met, no derogation may be considered unless the failure in question:

· does not constitute an attempt at unlawful removal of the goods from the transit procedure;

· does not imply obvious negligence on the part of the person concerned;

Examples of obvious negligence are where given its professional experience, the nature of the obligation to be fulfilled, the conditions to be met and any other commitments (e.g. in connection with an authorisation to use a simplification) the party concerned has either not done all it could to prevent failure to comply or is regularly involved in such irregularities.

· allows post-clearance completion of formalities necessary to regularise the situation.

How this 'regularisation' is carried out depends on the obligation or the condition in question, but implies that customs supervision is restored (for instance, a correction in







the customs status of goods).




Identification by the Contracting Parties of situations where the derogation applies

Even where the conditions for derogation are fulfilled, it is up to each Contracting Party to identify derogations to particular situations - although these have to be fixed in advance73.





2.3.3. Debt incurred in a connection with the transit procedure



The provisions applicable to the common or Community transit procedure do not cover events giving rise to debt and recovery that are not forming part of the transit procedure, even where they appear to 'have a connection with' a transit operation. This kind of debt is incurred for instance:




Article 201 CCC






Article 114

Appendix I


· following a customs declaration by virtue of which a debt is payable when goods are imported or when a transit procedure is completed (e.g. 'release for free circulation'), or,

· as  a  consequence  of  the  unlawful  introduction  ('smuggling')  of







73 For the Community Article 859 IPC contains an exhaustive list of failures which - within the meaning of Article 204(1) of the Code and subject to compliance with the general conditions - are considered to have no significant effect on the correct operation of the procedure. If one of the requirements imposed by the use of the Community transit procedure is omitted but the goods are nevertheless presented intact at the office of destination and there has been no obvious negligence on the part of the trader, then there is no good reason why the customs authorities should continue to hold that a customs debt has arisen; the goods are still at the disposal of the customs authorities and can be assigned a customs-approved treatment or use, while the financial interests at stake are in no way at risk.

For goods placed under the Community transit procedure, in accordance with Article 859 IPC a derogation is permitted under the following conditions:

− the goods entered for the procedure were actually presented intact at the office of destination and;

− the office of destination has been able to ensure that the goods were assigned a customs-approved

treatment or use or were placed in temporary storage at the end of the transit operation and;

− where the time limit set under Article 356 IPC has not been complied with and paragraph 2 of

Article 361 does not apply, the goods have nevertheless been presented at the office of destination within a reasonable time.



Convention Article 202 CCC


goods attracting import duties into the country because the goods were moved

(a) without a transit declaration ('failure to declare'), or,

(b) under  cover  of  a  transit  declaration  for  goods  other  than

those actually carried ('false declaration'), or,

(c) under cover of a transit declaration covering less than the quantity declared ('undeclared excess goods'),

and were not entered for the transit procedure. Situations described in b) and c) normally have no effect on discharging the transit procedure in question.

However, where one or other of these 'transit related' situations arises and where this has given rise to a customs debt, the authority which discovered the situation should notify the competent authority of the country of departure of any action it takes (e.g. recovery from the holder in the event of release for free circulation of goods not declared for transit). This is done in order to allow the competent authority of the country of departure to identify possible irregularities in respect of the goods without them being submitted to the transit procedure.




2.4. Identification of the debtors and guarantors



2.4.1. Who are the debtors



Under Article 115(2) Appendix I Convention (Article 204(3) of the Code):

• in the event of failure to fulfil one of the obligations arising from the use of the procedure, the debtor is the person who is required to fulfil the obligations.

This shall be the principal according to article 8(1) of Appendix I to the Convention (Article 96(1) of the Code) but, equally, it may also be the carrier or the recipient of the goods






(Article 8(2) of Appendix I to the Convention (Article 96(2) of the Code). In any case the identification of the debtor will depend on which specific obligation was not fulfilled and the wording of the provision which created the obligation.

• in the event of failure to fulfil one of the obligations arising from placing goods under the procedure, the debtor is the person who is required to fulfil the obligations.

In these instances the debtor will be the principal, who is the person required to meet the conditions for placing goods under a transit procedure, including a simplified procedure. However, if the act of placing the goods under the procedure implied that a third party was required to comply with the conditions, that party would equally be deemed to be the debtor.




Article 115(1) Appendix I Convention


Article 203(3) Code


The person who removed the goods from the procedure (from customs supervision) is the debtor.





Furthermore any persons who participated in such removal (accomplices) or acquired or held the goods in question (receivers or holders) become debtors only if they were aware or should reasonably have been aware that the goods had been removed from customs supervision. Here, the element of deliberate action enters into whether the persons concerned may be deemed to be the debtors.

Finally, the person required to fulfil the obligations arising from use of the procedure is also the debtor. In common or Community transit that means in the first place the principal. He is unconditionally and entirely objectively liable for the debt. No element of deliberate action enters into the identification of the principal as debtor. However, it should be noted that other persons may  be  required  to  fulfil  the  obligations  arising  from  use  of  the






procedure. The main candidates are the carrier and the consignee of the goods, on whom the common or Community transit rules impose specific obligations. They may of course also become debtors for other reasons; such as being accomplices in the unlawful removal of goods or holding unlawfully removed goods.



2.4.2. Claims against debtors





Article 117(1) Appendix I Convention


Article 218(3) Code


The competent authorities shall initiate the recovery proceedings as soon as they are in a position to calculate the amount of the debt and to identify the debtor (or debtors).





2.4.3. Different debtors and their joint and several liability





Article 115(3) Appendix I Convention


Article 213 Code


Where more than one debtor has been identified as liable for the same debt they are deemed to be jointly and severally liable for paying the amount of the debt. This means that the authority responsible for recovery may call on any of the debtors to pay the amount and that payment of all or part of the debt by one of the debtors extinguishes the debt, or the part paid, for all the debtors. For the details, the rules of the Contracting Party concerned are applicable74.




Article 222 (2) Code


Article 876a (3) IPC


Member States:



The obligation to pay the duties shall be suspended by the customs authorities in cases where at least one other debtor has been identified and the amount of the duties has also been communicated to him. This suspension is limited to one year and is conditional on








74 For the Community, Article 222(2) of the Code provides that, "where the customs debt was incurred under Article 203 and there is more than one debtor", the cases and conditions in which the debtor's obligation to pay duty shall be suspended may also be provided for in accordance with the committee procedure (Article 876a (3) IPC). It is for the other Contracting Parties to decide whether to adopt similar provisions on debt arising in their own territory.



the lodging of a valid security covering the whole amount of duties at stake by a guarantor (blocking the reference amount for the transit operation concerned is not considered as such security). When the person has become a debtor on the basis of Article 203(3) first to third indent, this suspension is not applied in case of unlawful removal of the goods from customs supervision.



2.4.4. Notifying the debtor





Article 117(2) (3) Appendix I Convention


Articles 221 and 222 to 232 Code


The amount of the debt is communicated to the debtor who has to pay it using the methods and within the period mandatory in the Contracting Party concerned.



Generally this notification is sent when all is ready for recovery proceedings to begin75.





2.4.5. Claims against the guarantor




Guarantor's liability and release





Article 118(1)


Appendix I Convention


Article 199(1) Code


The joint and several liability of a guarantor for any debts incurred by his client, the principal, continues for as long as there remains a possibility of such debts still becoming due, to the extent that:

· the principal is in fact the debtor in respect of a debt incurred in the course of a transit operation covered by a guarantee provided by the guarantor;

· the  debt  has  not  yet  been  extinguished,  e.g.  by  being  paid,  or  it

can still arise;









75 In the case of EC customs debt, this is "as soon as the amount of duty has been entered in the accounts", i.e. as soon as the authority responsible for recovery has been identified (within time-limits foreseen in Article 450a IPC), the debtor(s) has/have been identified and the amount of the debt calculated.












Article 118(3) Appendix I Convention


Article 199 Code


Article 450c (2) IPC.


· the amount of the debt due does not exceed the maximum amount guaranteed by the guarantor76;

· the guarantor has not been released from his obligations because

the competent authority failed to send the notification within the prescribed period.

Therefore, the guarantor may not be released from his obligations whilst his undertaking may still be called in as described above.



Limitation of liability by the guarantor





Point 2, 3rd subparagraph guarantee document


Annex C4


Appendix III Convention


Annex 48 IPC


In the case of a comprehensive guarantee, the guarantor may limit his liability, in the event of successive claims for payment, to the maximum amount, which he has specified. However this limitation is only applicable to transit operations that commenced before the thirtieth day after an earlier claim for payment. The reason for this is to keep the financial risks of the guarantor within acceptable limits. The consequence is, however, that for operations starting within the month following the claim, guarantee coverage may be insufficient.




The guarantee document shows a maximum amount of 50.000 EUR. The guarantor receives a first claim for payment of an amount of 40.000 EUR on 15 January and he pays the amount.

The guarantor may limit his liability to the balance of 10.000 EUR  in  respect  of  any  transit  operation  that  commenced  before








76 The guarantor is jointly and severally responsible to pay the sums up to the limit of the maximum amount which may be 100% / 50% / 30% of the reference amount. For further information see Part III – Guarantees.



14 February. It is of no consequence whether this operation commenced before or after 15 January and when he receives the claim for payment.




Article 19 Appendix I Convention


Article 348 IPC


However, the guarantor is again liable to pay the amount claimed up to 50.000 EUR, if a second claim for payment relates to a transit operation that commenced on or after 14 February. However, the guarantor may cancel his guarantee undertaking at any time and the cancellation shall become effective on the 16th day following the date on which the office of guarantee is notified.



Notifying the guarantor



If the operation has not been discharged, the guarantor is to be notified of the non-discharge as follows:




Article 118(2) Appendix I Convention


Article 450c (1) IPC


Article 118(3) Appendix I Convention


Article 450c (1a) IPC


· by the competent authorities of the country of departure by using the 'Guarantor Notification' (IE023) or an equivalent letter within 9 months from the date on which the goods should have been presented at the office of destination;

and then



· by the competent authorities responsible for recovery within 3 years of the date of acceptance of the transit declaration, that he is or may still become liable for any amounts guaranteed under the common / Community transit operation in question.

The  first  notification77  must  state  the  number  and  acceptance  date  of

the transit declaration, the name of the office of departure and principal and the notification text. If an equivalent letter instead of IE023 is used, the same structure is recommended.









77 This information is included in the external message 'Guarantor Notification' (IE023).



The second notification must state the number and acceptance date of the transit declaration, the name of the office of departure, the principal's name and the amount involved.




Article 9(1) Appendix I Convention


To facilitate claims against the guarantor, he is required to be established in the Contracting Party where the guarantee for a given Common transit operation is furnished and to give an address for service or appoint an agent in each of the Contracting Parties involved in that operation.




Article 342 (2) IPC Where the Community is one of the Contracting Parties, the

guarantor shall indicate a service address or appoint an agent in each Member State. Since the competent authority responsible for recovery is not always that of the country where the guarantee was furnished, the information (name and address) on the guarantor or his agent in that country is not necessarily available to the authority responsible for recovery.

The 'Query on Guarantees' (IE034) is to be used in such cases and the reply given with the 'Response Query on Guarantees' (IE037)78.

Where the 'Recovery Request' (IE150) has been sent by the office of departure it can include the information on the guarantor and its service address in the country of the authority responsible for recovery.




Article 118(4) Appendix I Convention


Article 450c(3) IPC





The guarantor shall be released from its obligations if either of the notifications has not been issued to it before the expiry of the time limit.










78   Or, in the fallback procedure the TC30 letter requesting addresses (a model is shown in Annex 8.3) is to be used in such cases.






2.4.6. Calculation of the amount of the debt



This depends on:



· what duties and other charges go to make up the debt – which in turn depends on the transit procedure involved; and

· what other chargeable events have to be taken into consideration.

The duties and/or other charges will differ with the transit arrangement used and the conditions giving rise to the debt (the place where the debt is incurred). The following (excluding preferential import arrangements) are typical situations:

Common transit



Situation 1:



Common transit operation involving goods in free circulation in a Contracting Party79

Example 1A:



T2 procedure combined with intra-Community delivery [Community - Switzerland - Community]80 (Article 2(3) of the Convention)

• if the events which generate a debt occurred in the Community: no duties are due (because these are Community goods), other charges might be due depending on the rules on national taxes applicable to the goods;





79 Goods are considered to be in free circulation in a Contracting Party starting a common transit operation and when they arrive in another Contracting Party they are treated as T1 goods (i.e. Community goods moved under a T2 common transit procedure). .



• if a debt is incurred in Switzerland: the debt is recoverable in Switzerland (duties and other charges).

Example 1B:





T2 procedure combined with export [Community - Norway]



















Articles 251(2) and 792a IPC


· if the events which generate a debt occurred in the Community: no duties are due (because these are Community goods – no change of the status of the goods), other charges might be due depending on the rules on national taxes applicable to the goods. And the preceding export procedure and related measures must be invalidated;

· if  a  debt  is  incurred  in  Norway:  the  debt  is  recoverable  in

Norway (duties and other charges).

Example 1C:



T1 procedure combined with export of goods subject to certain export measures81 [Community - Switzerland] (Article 2(2) of the Convention)




· if the events which generate a debt occurred in the Community: no duties are due (because these are Community goods), other charges might be due depending on the rules on national taxes applicable to the goods. And the preceding export procedure and related measures must be invalidated;

· if  a  debt  is  incurred  in  Switzerland:  the  debt  is  recoverable  in

Switzerland (duties and other charges).

Situation 2:





Common transit operation involving goods from third countries or







80   This is also a T2 internal Community transit procedure of the type referred to in Article 163(2)(a) of the Code and Article 340c(2) IPC.

81   This situation refers to Article 91(1)(b) of the Code and Article 340c(3) (a) and (b) IPC covering goods subject to certain export measures.



other Contracting Parties82





• duties and other charges are due in the country where a debt was incurred.

Community and/or common transit





Articles 91(1) (a), 91(2)(a) and 93 Code











Article 165 Code


Articles 419(7) and 434(9) IPC


Situation 1:



T1 external Community transit operation involving non-Community goods

• duties (customs debt) and other charges are payable in the Member State where the debt is incurred or deemed to be incurred.

Situation 2:



T2 internal Community transit operation



This is a T2 internal Community transit operation between two points within the Community, via a third country other than an EFTA country. This type of operation maintains the Community status of goods without suspending any duties or other charges for the Community or its Member States.










Article 165 Code


Article 340c (1) IPC


• no duties are due in the Community, however other charges might be due depending on the rules on national taxes applicable to the goods.

Situation 3:



T2F internal Community transit operation





• no duties (customs debt) are payable but other charges are due in the Member State where the debt was incurred.







82   For the Community: "non-Community goods" moved under the T1 common transit procedure (Articles 91(1)(a) and 93 Code).



The taxation elements to be taken into consideration are those relating to the goods listed in the transit declaration. They must be charged at the rates in force at the time the debt is incurred in the country in which it is incurred. They are calculated from the details given in the declaration and from any other information provided, for instance by the authorities involved, the principal or any documents subsequently obtained.







Recovery of the debt



This chapter deals with



· identifying the authority responsible for recovery

· the recovery procedure, and

· the subsequent identification of the place where a debt arose.




3.1. General analysis

The legal base concerning the competency for the recovery procedure is based on the principle that the competent authority of the country of departure is responsible and plays the key role in initiating the recovery procedure, in finding the competent country for these tasks, or, if applicable, in accepting a request for handing over competency.

3.2. Identifying the authority responsible for recovery



3.2.1. Authority responsible for recovery





Article 116(2) Appendix I Convention


Article 215(3) Code


It is essential for the good management of the procedure and the financial consequences of such management to identify the authority responsible for recovery. The authority responsible is in the country where the debt was incurred or is deemed to have been incurred.

This authority is responsible for recovering both the debt and other charges. However, if the place where the debt was incurred has been assumed (the competent authority of the country of departure is responsible  by  default),  this  authority  is  simply  the  first  in  line  and






responsibility may shift to another authority if the actual place of the debt is later correctly identified. Where this happens, the next steps depend on whether more than one Contracting Party or only Community Member States are involved (see paragraph 3.3.).



3.2.2. Place where the debt arises



The rules are silent on how to determine the place where the debt arises. Any method (customs records, documents presented by the principal, etc.) may therefore be used provided it is satisfactory to the authority of the country in question.



Place where the events giving rise to the debt occur





Article 116(1) Appendix I Convention


In principle this depends on determining the place where the events giving rise to a debt actually occurred.




1st indent Article 215(1) Code


Depending on the event that gave rise to the debt, the place where the debt was incurred will therefore be where the goods were unlawfully removed from the procedure, where an obligation was not met or where one of the conditions for placing the goods under the procedure was not fulfilled.




Article 116(1) (b) Appendix I Convention


Article 215(1) 2nd indent Code


However, identification is not always possible. The law therefore allows the place where the debt was incurred to be assumed when the actual place cannot be determined. It may be assumed to be:




Article 116(1) (c) Appendix I Convention


Article 215(1) 3rd indent Code





the place where the competent authorities conclude that the goods were in a situation which gave rise to the debt; or

as a last resort, either in the country responsible for the last office of entry at which a 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) is found to have been lodged at a transit office or, failing this, in the country responsible for the office of departure.









Place where the competent authorities conclude that the goods were in a situation giving rise to the debt




Article 116(1) (b) Appendix I Convention


Article 215(1) 2nd indent Code


This conclusion implies that the customs authorities have to know the whereabouts of the goods. Simply concluding that a debt has been incurred without knowing where the goods are is not enough to allocate responsibility for recovery. This avoids the possibility of several authorities concluding that a given debt has arisen under their jurisdiction.



Place determined by default





Article 116(1) (c) Appendix I Convention


Article 215(1) 3rd indent Code


Article 450a IPC


The rule for the competent authority determining the place where a debt was incurred comes into play:

· within the seven months of the time limit for arrival of the goods at the office of destination, or,

· one  month  from  the  expiry  of  the  28-day  time  limit  given  (of

sending the IE140 or an equivalent letter) where the principal has provided insufficient or no information to the request by the competent authority of the country of departure;

if it has proved impossible to determine the place either by establishing where the events actually took place or by the authorities' conclusion that the goods were in a situation giving rise to the debt.




Application of this rule depends directly on the outcome (or lack of outcome) of the enquiry procedure. However, as a last resort but in view of the comments above on determination of the actual place or the goods' situation this method will apply to most.

If no other place has been identified at the end of the seven months, the debt is deemed to have arisen as detailed below:

in common transit:









· either in the country responsible for the last transit office of entry at which a 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) (or in fallback procedure TC10 Transit advice note) has been lodged;

· or, failing that, in the country responsible for the office of





− Common transit operation (an EFTA country involved) [Community (Germany) – Switzerland - Community (France)

Situation I:



if the last 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) (or in fallback procedure TC10 Transit advice note) was lodged at a transit office on entry into Switzerland, Switzerland becomes the place where the debt is deemed to be incurred.

Situation II:



if the last "Notification Crossing Frontier" (IE118) (or in fallback procedure TC10 Transit advice note) was lodged at a transit office on entry into the Community in France, France becomes the place where the debt is deemed to be incurred.

Situation III:



if no 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) (or in fallback procedure TC10 Transit advice note) is found, Germany is deemed to be the place where the debt was incurred because it is the country of departure.

in Community transit:



· either at the place where the goods were entered for the procedure (Member State of departure);

· or  at  the  place  where  the  goods  entered  the  Community  customs








territory under cover of the procedure which was suspended in the territory of the third country according to Article 93 of the Code (in Community transit this means at the place where the goods were presented at a transit office of entry after moving through a third country under cover of a single transport document).





−Community transit operation not passing through a third country or an EFTA county

[Denmark – Germany - France - Spain]





No transit office is involved. As the country of departure, Denmark will be deemed to be the place where the debt was incurred.

− Community  transit  operation  passing  through  one  or  more third  countries  other  than  EFTA  countries  and  involving  transit offices on departure from and entry into the Community [Community (Hungary) - Serbia– (Community) 83  Bulgaria]

Situation I:



if a 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) (or in fallback procedure TC10 Transit advice note) was lodged at a transit office where the goods in question entered Bulgaria under the procedure, Bulgaria is deemed to be the place where the debt was incurred.

Situation II:



if no 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) (or in fallback procedure TC10 Transit advice note) is found, Hungary (the country  of  departure)  is  deemed  to  be  the  place  where  debt  was







83   This is also an external common transit procedure of the type referred to in Article 5 of the Convention.








Article 93(b) Code Article 340d IPC


NB: If a 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) (or in fallback procedure TC10 Transit advice note) was lodged at a transit office on departure from the Community (Hungary) but none was lodged on entry into Bulgaria, no debt is deemed to have been incurred as any unlawful removal of the goods did not take place under cover of the Community transit procedure but in a third country in whose territory the procedure (and customs supervision by the competent authorities of the countries involved) is suspended. This situation may follow after the enquiry procedure has been concluded (for further details on enquiry procedure see Part VII).





3.3. Recovery procedure




Article 116 Appendix I Convention


Article 215 Code Article 450a IPC Article 218 Code


The competent authority of the country of departure shall determine its findings within the stipulated time limits (see

Member States:



The customs debt shall be entered in the accounts within the two-day limit (an extension to 14 days is possible) after the seven months.





3.3.1. Information exchange messages



To exchange additional information or to ask questions about a specific movement the 'Enquiry & Recovery Information' (IE144) and the 'Enquiry & Recovery Information Request' (IE145) can be sent during the whole process of the enquiry and recovery procedure.

This information exchange can be started either by the office of departure or the office of destination; no reply is needed (not coupled messages) in order to continue the procedure.

Message IE144 is used by the office of departure; message IE145 is used by the office of destination.







If it is necessary to include some additional paper documents they can be sent via other means (fax, email, post, etc.) directly to the contact person indicated in the messages with a clear reference to the MRN of the movement they belong to and, if sent via paper means, under cover of form TC20A (model shown in Annex 8.4. in Part VII).



3.3.2. Exchange of information and co-operation with a view to recovery





Article 13a Convention, Appendix IV Convention


Council Directive 2008/55/EC


Except where it is possible to determine immediately and unambiguously the actual place where the event giving rise to a debt occurred (unlawful removal, failure to fulfil an obligation or comply with a condition), the competent authority is determined on the basis of assumptions.




Article 119, first paragraph Appendix I Convention


Article 450d, first paragraph IPC


Article 119 2nd paragraph Appendix I Convention


Article 450d 2nd paragraph IPC


Countries must assist each other, not just at the actual recovery stage but also before that, at the stage of determining the authority responsible for recovery. This means the effective application of both the rules for informing the principal that his procedure has not been completed and the enquiry procedure (See Part VII).

Additionally, such mutual assistance must be maintained once the authority responsible for recovery has been determined. That authority must keep the office of departure and the office of guarantee informed of the action taken to recover the debt by using the 'Recovery Dispatch Notification' (IE152). To comply with this requirement the authority must communicate any legally significant steps it has taken that have a bearing on recovery (prosecution, enforcement, payment).




The list of authorities responsible for recovery in each country is shown on the Europa website 'Transit-COL Home Page' ( ) for NCTS movements and in Annex 8.1. for movements started under the fallback procedure.







Such exchanges of information are all the more important when the authority identified as being responsible for recovery is not the authority of the country of departure with responsibility for initiating and monitoring the enquiry procedure. Where different authorities are involved it is important that the authority initiating the enquiry procedure can be sure that any results it obtains are actually taken into account in determining the authority responsible for recovery. This approach shall prevent the initiation of several recovery proceedings for the same debt and delays in notifying the debtor and the guarantor - and therefore the waste of resources. This also applies where the authority of a country of destination or of a transit country considers that - even before or independently of receiving an enquiry notice - it possesses information (evidence of events giving rise to a debt or goods discovered in a situation giving rise to a debt) which would establish that country as the one responsible for recovery.



3.3.3. Recovery request from the competent authority of departure



For the purposes of determining unequivocally which authority is responsible for recovery, the competent authority of the country of departure must initiate the enquiry procedure unless it can be established that no other countries were involved in the transit operation.




Article 41a (1) Appendix I Convention


Article 365a (1) IPC


Article 116 Appendix I Convention


Article 450a


When the competent authority of the country of departure obtains evidence by whatever means regarding the place where the customs debt arises before the expiry of the time limit stipulated to start the recovery procedure at departure and this place seems to be in another Member State or Contracting Party, the 'Recovery Request' (IE150) shall be sent immediately to this authority to possibly hand over competency for recovery (see also paragraph The competent authorities of the country of destination can then either accept or refuse the request (see 3.3.5).







3.3.4. Recovery request from another competent authority



Any authority of a country involved in a transit operation that discovers a situation which, under the procedure, unequivocally gives rise to a debt in its own country (e.g. unlawful removal of goods during carriage, failure to fulfil a condition) must request the competent authority of the country of departure to hand over competency to initiate the recovery procedure.

A finding that goods have "disappeared" in the course of carriage or were missing at destination - unaccompanied by any information about the place where they were unlawfully removed or where they may be found - is not sufficient to establish that the authority of the country which made the finding is the authority responsible for recovery. Here, the competent authority of the country which made the finding must request the competent authority of the country of departure by sending either

· the 'Enquiry Response' (IE143) with response code '4' (Request for Recovery at Destination) if they have notified their responsibility in the framework of an enquiry procedure, or,

· the 'Recovery Request' (IE150) asking for transfer of competency

if they have discovered goods in a situation giving rise to a debt in their own country. This IE150 can be sent from any office considering itself competent for recovery at any time during the procedure (after release for transit and until the status of the movement is 'Under recovery procedure').

In these cases the office of departure can accept or refuse the request for recovery and sends the 'Recovery Acceptance Notification' (IE151) (at the latest within the commonly agreed deadline of 28 days) indicating 'Yes' or 'No' for the transfer of the competency. In case of 'No' or no reply the competency stays with the country of departure, in case of 'Yes' the competency crosses over to the country of








destination, which will start the recovery procedure.








In the fallback procedure, any authority or a country involved that discovers a situation which gives rise to a debt in its own country must inform the authority of the country of departure by sending a TC24 'Information notice' that complies with the model shown in Annex 8.2. that it wants to take over the responsibility for recovery. This information must reach the competent authority of the country of departure before expiry of the deadline. This authority shall acknowledge receipt of the communication without delay and indicate whether the requesting authority is responsible for recovery by returning the completed TC24.





3.3.5. Recovery acceptance by the requested authority



The competent authority requested by the country of departure to recover shall answer the request by sending the 'Recovery Acceptance Notification' (IE151) indicating 'Yes' or 'No' for the transfer of the competency (if no IE118 or IE006 is lodged). In case of 'No' the competency stays with the country of departure, in case of 'Yes' the competency transfers to the country accepting the request, which will start with the recovery procedure. The country of departure may inform the principal accordingly.




Article 41a (2) Appendix I Convention


Article 365a (2) IPC


The 'Recovery Acceptance Notification' (IE151) shall be sent within 28 days.




Article 116 (1)(c) Appendix I Convention





Common transit (example: Italy – Switzerland – Germany):



Where a 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) is found to have been lodged at a transit office on entry into another Contracting Party (in Switzerland; and no NCF has been lodged on entry into Germany) that






authority shall accept the request for recovery and sends the 'Recovery Acceptance Notification' (IE151) indicating 'Yes' for the transfer of the competency without delay (at the latest within 28 days). The country accepting the responsibility will then start the recovery procedure.




Article 340d IPC


Article 215 (1) Code


Community transit carried between two points in the Community customs territory via a third country (example: Community (Bulgaria) – Serbia – Community (Hungary)):

Where a 'Notification Crossing Frontier' (IE118) is found to have been lodged at a transit office in another Member State and the competent authority of the country of departure has concluded that Member State to be responsible for recovery, the authority receiving the 'Recovery Request' (IE150) shall accept the request for recovery and send the 'Recovery Acceptance Notification' (IE151) indicating 'Yes' for the transfer of the competency without delay (at the latest within 28 days). The Member State accepting the responsibility will then start the recovery procedure.












3.3.6. Communicating the start of the recovery procedure



When the competency for recovery has been determined with the exchange of 'Recovery request' (IE150) and 'Recovery Acceptance Notification' (IE151) the 'Recovery Communication' (IE063) has to be sent by the authority of the country of departure to all offices that have received an IE001, IE003, IE050 or IE115 related to that movement, informing them to no longer expect a movement with that MRN. This communication informs the offices concerned that the movement will not arrive and is 'Under recovery procedure' and the use of the 'Arrival Advice' (IE006), 'Control Results' (IE018), 'Recovery request' (IE150) and 'Recovery Acceptance Notification' (IE151) are blocked. Information messages IE144 and IE145 (see 3.3.1) can still be exchanged until the recovery is completed.

A notification has to be made:



• to  the  principal  by  sending  the  'Recovery  Notification'  (IE035)  or

an equivalent letter, and,




• to the guarantor by sending the 'Guarantor Notification' (IE023) or

an equivalent letter (for further information see

The 'Recovery Notification' (IE035) to the principal states the number and acceptance date of the transit declaration, the name of the office of departure, the principal's name and the amount and currency claimed.




On the other hand the competent authority of the country of departure, as a result of its findings or reacting to incoming requests 'Enquiry Response' (IE143) with code '4' or 'Recovery Request'






(IE150) or sufficient information, has to transfer responsibility to another Member State or Contracting party or to accept responsibility itself.

At the end of the procedure (all duties and taxes are collected) the authority responsible for recovery (if not the country of departure) has to inform the competent authority of the country of departure about recovery of the debt by sending the 'Recovery Dispatch Notification' (IE152). The competent authority of the country of departure forwards or sends the 'Recovery Dispatch Notification' (IE152) to all offices involved in the movement (except to the one that has sent it).



3.4. Subsequent identification of the place where a debt arose




Article 116(1) Appendix I Convention


Article 215(1) Code


The result of the process of identifying the competent authority by default may turn out to be provisional, but this does not invalidate any steps already taken to recover the debt in question.





3.4.1. New evidence after the initiation of recovery proceedings



Sometimes the place is not identified until some time has elapsed, when it turns out that a different authority should have been the one responsible for recovery.




Article 117(4) Appendix I Convention


Article 450b (1) IPC


Any means may be used to provide the authority, initially determined as having the responsibility for recovery, with evidence of the place where the debt actually arose.



Where such evidence is provided and the 'Recovery Request' (IE150) and the 'Recovery Acceptance Notification' (IE151) have already been exchanged for the transfer of the competency for recovery the original competent authority stays competent within the NCTS system (cancelling the IE151 is not possible) and reports the case duly in its NCTS system for later possible questions/proof. For this purpose the 'Enquiry & Recovery Information' (IE144) and the






'Enquiry & Recovery Information Request' (IE145) can be used.



The authority initially determined for recovery must immediately provide the authority possibly responsible for the recovery with all the relevant documents, including a copy of the proven facts, by sending a TC25 recovery notice that complies with the model shown in Annex 8.2. The new authority must acknowledge receipt of the communication and indicate within three months of sending the TC25 whether it accepts responsibility for recovery by returning the completed TC25 to the authority initially determined. Where no such reply is received within the three-month period, the authority initially determined as responsible must pursue its recovery efforts.

After the collection of all debts this new office informs the original competent authority about the completion of the recovery procedure in order to allow the original competent authority to send the 'Recovery Dispatch Notification' (IE152) to the office of departure, which will forward it to all other involved offices to close the movement in all the systems.



3.4.2. New competent authority and new recovery measures





Article 117 (4) Appendix I Convention


Article 450b (1) IPC


If the new authority accepts the transfer of responsibility it must initiate its own debt recovery measures.




Article 117(5) Appendix I




Article 450b (2)2nd subparagraph IPC


Where the new authority is competent, it must immediately inform the original competent authority (even after expiry of the three-month period above), which will then suspend its recovery measures if these have not already resulted in payment of the amounts concerned. For this purpose the 'Enquiry & Recovery Information' (IE144) and the 'Enquiry & Recovery Information Request' (IE145) can be used.




Article 450b (2) IPC


If the original competent authority and the new authority are







authorities of different Community Member States, the new recovery action will involve recovery of other charges only (because two different tax territories are involved), there being no customs debt to recover as both Member States are part of the same customs territory.

On the other hand, if the authorities and places belong to two different Contracting Parties, both duty (because different customs territories are involved) and other charges (because different tax territories are involved) have to be recovered.



3.4.3. Consequences for the original recovery





Article 117 Appendix I Convention


Article 450b IPC


Once the new authority responsible for recovery has completed recovery proceedings and sent the 'Recovery Dispatch Notification' (IE152), the original competent authority for recovery:

· either annuls the recovery measures it initiated but did not complete (and then suspended); or

· repays the sums it has already recovered to the debtor (or





If the authorities and places belong to the same Contracting Party only the charges collected other than customs duty shall be repaid.





3.4.4. Consequences for the recovery




Notifying the offices of departure and guarantee of recovery or discharge




Article 119 Appendix I Convention


Article 450d IPC


The authority responsible for recovery shall inform the office of departure of the collection of duties and other charges with the 'Recovery Dispatch Notification' (IE152), in order to enable the office of departure to send the 'Recovery Dispatch Notification'







(IE152) to all offices involved in the movement. The sending of IE152 by the office of departure discharges the movement in the system.

Furthermore, the office of departure informs the office of guarantee with the 'Credit Reference Amount' (IE209) and, if it has not been done before, the principal, with the 'Recovery Notification' (IE035) and 'Write-off Notification' (IE045).



Notifying the guarantor of recovery or discharge





Article 118(4) Appendix I Convention


Article 450c(3) IPC


If a guarantor has been notified that one of his client's movements has not been discharged, the competent authority responsible for recovery must later inform him if the debt is subsequently recovered (from the debtor) or the procedure is subsequently discharged by using the 'Write-off Notification' (IE045) or an equivalent letter.







Specific situations (pro memoria)







Exceptions (pro memoria)







Specific national instructions (reserved)







Restricted part for customs use only




























8.1. List of authorities responsible for recovery in the fallback procedure

Addresses  for  sending  information  with  forms  TC24  'Information  Notice'  and  TC25  '

Recovery notice:


TC24 TC25


To the office concerned AUSTRIA

To the office concerned


To the office concerned BELGIUM

SPF Finances

Administration des douanes et accises Service du Recouvrement et Contentieux North Galaxy – Tour A9

Boulevard du Roi Albert II 33 –boîte 37 B – 1030 BRUXELLES



FOD Financiën

Administratie der douane en accijnzen Dienst Invordering en Geschillen

North Galaxy – Toren A9

Koning Albert II laan 33 – bus 37

B – 1030 BRUSSEL



To the office concerned BULGARIA

To the office concerned



Sektor za carinski sustav i procedure Odjel za potrage i zaključenje postupaka Alexandera von Humboldta 4a,

10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska CROATIA


Sektor za carinski sustav i procedure Odjel za potrage i zaključenje postupaka Alexandera von Humboldta 4a,

10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska


Central Transit Office

Customs Headquarters, Ministry of Finance Corner M. Karaoli and Gr. Afxentiou

1096 Nicosia


Central Transit Office

Customs Headquarters, Ministry of Finance Corner M. Karaoli and Gr. Afxentiou

1096 Nicosia











Celní úřad pro Hlavní město Prahu Washingtonova 7

113 54 Praha 1

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Jihočeský kraj Kasárenská 6/1473

370 21 České Budějovice Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj Koliště 17

602 00 Brno

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Karlovarský kraj Dubová 8

360 04 Karlovy Vary

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Královehradecký kraj Bohuslava Martinů 1672/8a

501 01 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Liberecký kraj České mládeže 1122

460 03 Liberec 6

Czech Republic



Celní úřad pro Hlavní město Prahu Washingtonova 7

113 54 Praha 1

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Jihočeský kraj Kasárenská 6/1473

370 21 České Budějovice Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj Koliště 17

602 00 Brno

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Karlovarský kraj Dubová 8

360 04 Karlovy Vary

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Královehradecký kraj Bohuslava Martinů 1672/8a

501 01 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Liberecký kraj České mládeže 1122

460 03 Liberec 6

Czech Republic




Celní úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj Náměstí Svatopluka Čecha 8

702 00 Ostrava

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Olomoucký kraj Blanická 19

772 01 Olomouc

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Pardubický kraj Palackého 2659/3

530 02 Pardubice

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Plzeňský kraj Antala Uxy 11, P.O. BOX 88 303 88 Plzeň

Celní úřad pro Středočeský kraj Washingtonova 11

110 00 Praha 1


Celní úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj Náměstí Svatopluka Čecha 8

702 09 Ostrava

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Olomoucký kraj Blanická 19

772 01 Olomouc

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Pardubický kraj Palackého 2659/3

530 02 Pardubice

Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Plzeňský kraj Antala Uxy 11, P.O. BOX 88 303 88 Plzeň

Celní úřad pro Středočeský kraj Washingtonova 11

110 00 Praha 1



Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Ústecký kraj Hoření 3540/7A

400 11 Ústí nad Labem Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro kraj Vysočina Střítež 5

588 11 Střítež u Jihlavy Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Zlínský kraj Zarámí 4463

762 34 Zlín

Czech Republic

Celní úřad Praha Ruzyně Aviatická 12/1048

160 08 Praha 6

Czech Republic Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Ústecký kraj Hoření 3540/7A

400 11 Ústí nad Labem Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro kraj Vysočina Střítež 5

588 11 Střítež u Jihlavy Czech Republic

Celní úřad pro Zlínský kraj Zarámí 4463

762 34 Zlín

Czech Republic

Celní úřad Praha Ruzyně Aviatická 12/1048

160 08 Praha 6

Czech Republic


Told- og Skattestyrelsen Østbanegade 123


Told- og Skattestyrelsen Østbanegade 123

DK - 2100 KØBENHAVN Ø Denmark


Tax and Customs Board Central Transit Office Lõõtsa 8a

15176 Tallinn ESTONIA





Tax and Customs Board Central Transit Office Lõõtsa 8a

15176 Tallinn ESTONIA





To the office concerned FINLAND

Tornion tulli Passitusseuranta PL 47

FI-95401 Tornio Finland








To the office concerned FRANCE

To the office concerned





To the office concerned


In cases the competent authority is not known:


Mrs. Christina Rosin

Bundesfinanzdirektion Nord


Stubbenhuk 3

20459 Hamburg





To the office concerned


In cases the competent authority is not known:


Mrs. Christina Rosin

Bundesfinanzdirektion Nord


Stubbenhuk 3

20459 Hamburg



To the office concerned GREECE

To the office concerned


To the office concerned HUNGARY

To the office concerned


Central Transit Office,

Office of the Revenue Commissioners, Customs Division

St. Conlon's Road


Co. Tipperary


Central Transit Office,

Office of the Revenue Commissioners, Customs Division

St. Conlon's Road


Co. Tipperary



To the office concerned. ITALY

To the office concerned


Valsts ieņēmumu diensts Galvenā muitas pārvalde Kr. Valdemāra 1a

Rīga, LV-1841


Valsts ieņēmumu diensts Galvenā muitas pārvalde Kr. Valdemāra 1a

Rīga, LV-1841











Muitinės departamentas Muitinės procedūrų skyrius

A. Jakšto g. 1


Muitinės departamentas Muitinės procedūrų skyrius

A. Jakšto g. 1



Direction de l'Administration des Douanes et Accises

Division du Contentieux

Boîte postale 1605


Direction de l'Administration des Douanes et Accises

Division du Contentieux

Boîte postale 1605



Custom House Valletta CMR 02 MALTA

Tel. +356 25685206 Fax. +356 25685237 MALTA

Custom House Valletta CMR 02 MALTA

Tel. +356 25685206 Fax. +356 25685237


Belastingdienst / Douane

Centraal verzendadres: Postbus 4500 NL-6401 JA HEERLEN Netherlands NETHERLANDS

Belastingdienst / Douane

Centraal verzendadres: Postbus 4500 NL-6401 JA HEERLEN Netherlands


To the office concerned POLAND

To the office concerned


To the office concerned PORTUGAL

To the office concerned



Colné riaditel'stvo Colný odbor

Mierová 23


Colné riaditel'stvo Colný odbor

Mierová 23














Mednarodni prehod 2B, Vrtojba





Mednarodni prehod 2B, Vrtojba




To the office concerned or to the competent Authority of recovery.

For contact details please visit our COL. SPAIN

To the office concerned or to the competent Authority of recovery.

For contact details please visit our COL.



Box 850

S-201 80 MALMÖ Sverige SWEDEN


Box 850

S-201 80 MALMÖ Sverige


H.M. Revenue & Customs CCTO

Custom House

Main Road


Essex CO12 3PG


H.M. Revenue & Customs CCTO

Custom House

Main Road


Essex CO12 3PG



States of Jersey Customs and Immigration Maritime House

La Route du Port Elizabeth

St Helier




States of Guernsey Customs and Excise New Jetty

White Rock

St Peter Port




States of Jersey Customs and Immigration Maritime House

La Route du Port Elizabeth

St Helier




States of Guernsey Customs and Excise New Jetty

White Rock

St Peter Port














Tryggvagata 19



Tryggvagata 19



To the office concerned NORWAY

To the office concerned


The office concerned or one of the following central offices:

Zollinspektorat Bern


Weyermannsstrasse 12

CH-3008 Bern


gVV-Zentrale D II

Postfach 2336

CH-8280 Kreuzlingen


Centre Recherches TC DIII Inspection de douane Genève-Routes

Case postale

CH-1211 Genève 26


Centrale PTC D IV

Casella postale 2561

CH-6830 Chiasso



The office concerned or one of the following central offices:

Zollinspektorat Bern


Weyermannsstrasse 12

CH-3008 Bern


gVV-Zentrale D II

Postfach 2336

CH-8280 Kreuzlingen


Centre Recherches TC DIII Inspection de douane Genève-Routes

Case postale

CH-1211 Genève 26


Centrale PTC D IV

Casella postale 2561

CH-6830 Chiasso



Office of departure TURKEY

Office of departure


















8.2. TC24 information notice and TC 25 recovery notice


TC 24




1. Requesting authority


Name and full address: Reference No.:


E-Mail: 2. Requested authority


Name and full address:

3. Transit Declaration


Office of departure: Date:

Enquiry procedure has been initiated : Yes

Date: Reference:


4a. Request

The requesting authority of the country of departure hereby notifies that the requested authority shall be responsible for the recovery of the debt in relation to the transit operation referred to above. This is based on the following facts: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. The following documents are attached: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Information on the guarantor: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

4b. Request

The requesting authority of a country other than the country of departure hereby notifies that it shall be responsible for the recovery of the debt in relation to the transit operation referred to above. This is based on the following facts: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… The following documents are attached: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………






5. For the requesting authority

Place: Date:

Signature : Stamp

6a. Receipt and reply to request in box 4a. (to be returned to the requesting authority)

The requested authority of a country other than the country of departure acknowledges receipt of the communication and:

confirms that it is responsible for recovery of the debt in relation to the transit operation referred to above.

notifies that it is not responsible for recovery of the debt in relation to the transit operation referred to above. This is based on the following facts:



6b. Receipt and reply to request in box 4b. (to be returned to the requesting authority)

The requested authority of the country of departure acknowledges receipt of the communication and:

confirms that the requesting authority is responsible for recovery of the debt in relation to the  transit operation referred to above.

notifies that the requesting authorities are not responsible for recovery of the debt in relation to the transit operation referred to above. This is based on the following facts:



Information on the guarantor:

7. For the requested authority

Place: Date:

Signature : Stamp
























DETERMINATION OF THE AUTHORITY RESPONSIBLE FOR RECOVERY in accordance with Article 450b IPC/Article 117(4) Appendix I Convention

1. Requesting authority

Name and full address: Reference No.:


E-Mail: 2. Requested authority

Name and full address:

3. Transit Declaration


Office of departure: Date:

Enquiry procedure has been initiated : Yes

Date: Reference:


4. Request

The requesting authority hereby notifies that the requested authority shall be responsible for  the  recovery  of  the  debt  in  relation  to  the  transit  operation  referred  to  above.  This  is based on the following facts: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….

The following documents are attached: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………...

5. Information on the guarantor









6. For the requesting authority



Signature : Stamp

7. Receipt (to be returned to the requesting authority)

The requested authority acknowledges receipt of the communication and notifies that

it is responsible for recovery of the debt in relation to the transit operation referred to above.

it is not responsible for recovery of the debt in relation to the transit operation

referred to above. This is based on the following facts: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….

8. For the requested authority

Place: Date:

Signature : Stamp





































8.3. TC30 request for address(es)



TC 30


1. Requesting authority

Name and full address : 2. Requested authority

Name and full address

3. Comprehensive guarantee certificate No.

Individual Guarantee Voucher No.

Name and address of principal

……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… .……………………………………………………………………………………………...

4. Will you please complete the items below and return the form to me.

a) Name and address of guarantor:



b) Name and address of guarantor's correspondent in

...…………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… (country of office requesting the information)


c). References (if any) to be quoted in letter to guarantor's correspondent:



5. For the requesting authority

Place: Date:


Stamp 6. For the requested authority

Place: Date:


















Part IX deals with the movement of goods under cover of the TIR carnet

Paragraph 2 deals with the authorisation of the guaranteeing association, including the undertaking.

Paragraph 3 describes the TIR guarantee system in the context of how it applies within the Community.

Paragraph 4 describes the actions to be taken at the office of departure or entry (en route).

Paragraph 5 describes the actions to be taken at the office of destination and discharge of the procedure.

Paragraph 6 describes the enquiry procedure and post clearance verification checks.

Paragraph 7 describes the authorised consignee facility.



Paragraph 8 contains the annexes to Part IX































TIR (Transport Internationaux Routiers)



This paragraph gives information about:

- background and legislation (paragraph 1.1.);

- the principles of the TIR system (paragraph 1.2.)





1.1. Background and legislation





Articles 91 and 163 Code


The principal legislation governing the TIR procedure is the TIR Convention 1975, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Articles 451-457b of the IPC describe the Community's internal rules on the movement of goods within the Community under cover of the TIR procedure.

As at 1st January 2014, the TIR Convention had 68 Contracting Parties including the European Community and its 28 Member States. However a TIR operation is possible only in the countries which have authorised guaranteeing associations (58 countries as at 1 January 2014).

Under Community legislation, the TIR procedure can be used in the Community only for a transit movement which begins or ends outside the customs territory of the Community, or is effected between two points in the customs territory of the Community through the territory of a third country.




1.2. The principles of the TIR system



The TIR system is built on five main pillars:



· goods movement in approved vehicles or containers under customs seal;

· throughout the TIR transport, duties and taxes due on the goods are  suspended  and  secured  by  a  chain  of  internationally  valid






guarantees. The national guaranteeing association of each Contracting Party guarantees payment of the secured amount of the customs debt and other charges which may become due in the event of an irregularity occurring in that country in the course of the TIR operation. Each Contracting Party sets its guarantee limit but the recommended maximum amount to be claimed from each national association in the event of an irregularity is US$50 000 (for the Community: € 60.000 or the equivalent thereof in national currency);

· a TIR carnet is a customs declaration for transport of goods. It provides proof of the existence of the guarantee. TIR carnets are distributed by the International Organization authorised by the TIR Administrative Committee (currently the International Road Transport Union (IRU)) to national guaranteeing associations. The TIR carnet is valid for one TIR transport only. It is taken into use in the country of departure and enables the customs control in the Contracting Parties of departure, transit and destination;

· customs control measures taken in the country of departure are accepted by the countries of transit and destination. As a consequence, goods carried under the TIR procedure in sealed vehicles or containers will not as a general rule be examined at customs offices in countries of transit;

• as a means of controlling access to the TIR procedure, national associations wishing to issue TIR carnets and persons wishing to utilise TIR carnets must comply with minimum conditions and requirements and must be authorised by the competent authorities (usually Customs) of the country where they are established.














This paragraph gives information about:



- authorisation of guaranteeing associations (paragraph 2.1.);



- authorisation of Holders (paragraph 2.2.)





2.1. Authorisation of guaranteeing associations





Article 451 IPC Article 6.1 and Annex 9, Part I TIR Convention


For the purposes of the TIR Convention, the European Community is considered to be a single territory. One of the prerequisites of TIR is that each country or territory that uses the system has to be covered by the international guarantee system and this requires the national guaranteeing associations to be authorised in accordance with the TIR Convention.

The TIR Convention introduces the minimum conditions and requirements that need to be met before a guaranteeing association can be authorised to issue TIR carnets.




2.1.1. The authorisation process





Annex 9, Part I paragraph 1 TIR Convention


There are two distinct elements to the authorisation: the basic criteria for authorisation and the establishment of a written agreement or any other legal instrument between the guaranteeing association and the customs authorities.




2.1.2. The criteria for authorisation





Annex 9, Part I paragraph 1(a) to

(d) TIR Convention


The criteria for authorisation cover a number of technical and factual issues including proof of experience and knowledge, a sound financial standing and a good compliance record. In general these criteria are very similar to that applied in respect of the Community/common transit procedures concerning the authorisation to use a comprehensive guarantee. See [Part III,







Guarantees paragraph]



2.1.3. Written agreement





Annex 9, Part I paragraph 1 (e) TIR Convention


The written agreement or any other legal instrument includes an undertaking comprising a range of obligations that have to be met by the guaranteeing association.

In order to ensure a high degree of harmonisation a model of the written agreement containing minimum conditions and requirements that may be used between the customs authorities of the Community and their national guaranteeing associations is shown in Annex 8.5.




2.1.4. Monitoring of the authorisation



In the interests of good governance it is necessary to monitor continuously the authorisation to examine whether the guaranteeing association remains eligible for authorisation and provides assurance that the conditions and requirements of the authorisation remain appropriate and necessary taking into account, as appropriate, any changes in the circumstances notified by the guaranteeing association.

2.2. Authorisation of Holders



Controlled access to use the TIR system is one of the so-called pillars of the TIR system.




Article 1(o) TIR Convention




Article 454 (3) IPC


The term "Holder" means the person to whom an authorisation for operating in the TIR system has been granted and on whose behalf the TIR carnet is presented. The Holder is responsible for the presentation of the vehicle and goods together with the TIR carnet at the customs offices of departure, en route and destination. Within the customs territory of the Community the Holder is also responsible for lodging the electronic TIR carnet data at the customs office(s)  of  departure  or  entry  (en  route)  and  presenting  together






with the TIR carnet the transit accompanying document at the customs offices of destination or exit (en route).




Article 6.4 and Annex 9, Part II TIR Convention


The legal concept of a "Holder" in the TIR Convention sets out the minimum conditions and requirements that need to be met before a Holder can be authorised to use TIR system.




2.2.1. The authorisation process





Annex 9, Part II paragraph 3 TIR Convention


In practice the assessment of whether or not the criteria set out in the TIR Convention have been met is a task that has to be shared between the authorised guaranteeing association and the competent authorities of the country of registration of the applicant. Moreover, the TIR Convention does not attribute particular tasks to either the guaranteeing association or the competent authorities and leaves the procedure to be followed to national provisions and practises.




2.2.2. Sharing the authorisation process



At Community level the Customs Code and its Implementing Provisions are silent on this matter and so the authorisation procedures to be applied are a matter of national competence.

As a minimum the guaranteeing association in the first instance considers all applications for authorisation. Following the guaranteeing association’s checks the application, if supported by the guaranteeing association, should be forwarded to the competent authorities. If satisfied with customs authorities' own and the guaranteeing association's checks, the customs authorities can then authorise the applicant.



Customs authorities' checks

Without prejudice to the checks that could be performed by the guaranteeing association, the remaining criterion – “the absence of serious  or  repeated  offences  against  Customs  or  tax  legislation”  –






falls for the competent authority to consider.



Whereas the term "serious" would almost certainly apply to criminal law infringements this should not preclude the possibility of regarding the commission of administrative and civil irregularities as also being "serious" in accordance with national practice.




Annex 9, Part II paragraph 1 (d) TIR Convention


Similarly the interpretation of the term "repeated" should not only be considered as the number of offences that have been committed but should be interpreted in relation to a time period. It is proposed that three or more offences committed within a period of five years would be regarded as "repeated".



Monitoring of the authorisation




Explanatory notes 9.II.4 and 9.II.5 TIR Convention


Given the pivotal role of the Holder in the TIR system and in particular its role of declarant, it is important that the list of authorised holders maintained on the International TIR Database (the ITDB) is kept up to date. The competent authorities are required to communicate up to date information concerning the status of the Holders they have authorised to the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB) in a timely fashion. Information about authorisations, withdrawals of authorisations to use TIR carnets can be registered by customs authorities directly into the ITDB.




Annex 9, Part II, paragraphs 4 and 5 TIR Convention


This implies that the authorisations should be subject to continuous monitoring to examine whether the Holder remains eligible for the authorisation and that the conditions and requirements attached to the authorisation remain appropriate and necessary.

Also inactive authorisations are recommended to be revoked in all cases where it appears that no TIR carnets had been issued to the Holder over a given period (for example 1 year).








The monitoring of the authorisation should be performed in conjunction with the guaranteeing association. Should the results of the monitoring reveal any incidence of non fulfilment of the authorisation then the competent authorities should consider withdrawing the authorisation.

2.2.3. Withdrawal of the authorisation





Annex 9, Part II, paragraph 6 TIR Convention


As well as the possibility for the guaranteeing association to refuse the Holder from the use of the TIR guarantee, there are two ways whereby an authorised holder can be denied access to the TIR system:




· he can be excluded from the TIR system in accordance with Article 38 of the TIR Convention, or

· he  can  have  his  authorisation  to  use  TIR  carnets  revoked  in

accordance with Article 6.4 of the TIR Convention.





The authorisation will also be withdrawn by the competent authority on the basis of a request from TIR holder.




Article 457a IPC


The decision made by a Member State shall apply to all TIR operations presented to a customs office for acceptance.



Use of Article 38 versus Article 6.4





Comments to Article 38 and Annex 9 Part II TIR Convention


Article 6.4 provides an alternative sanction which, in a number of ways, is to be preferred to Article 38. On the face of it, any circumstance that is followed by exclusion under Article 38 would equally result in the revocation of the authorisation under Article 6.4 and Annex 9 Part II.




Article 38, TIR Convention


For Holders established in the Community, revocation of the authorisation under Article 6.4 and Annex 9 Part II is to be applied provided that the revocation of a national operator is permanent. For






Holders excluded temporarily or authorised by another Member State or by other Contracting Parties outside the Community, only Article 38 can be applied.



Application of Article 38 of the TIR Convention



Article 38 makes provision of the exclusion on either a permanent or temporary basis. The TIR Convention does not define these terms. With regard to the temporary exclusion this should equate to the notion that the authorisation has been suspended for a specific period of time. This can create logistical difficulties for the Contracting Parties who will need to monitor very closely the period of the suspension.

A decision to exclude an operator from the TIR system is a very serious matter and must always be fully justified. If an offence or irregularity is considered to be sufficiently serious to warrant exclusion it should preferably be on a permanent basis. By the same token it is conceivable that an operator that has been permanently excluded may be re-authorised in the future should the circumstances change.

However, specific circumstances might lead to temporary exclusion when for example the irregularity motivating the decision is subject to possible remedy within a short period of time (i.e. overdue certifications of approval, technical problems on the load compartments).



Application of Article 6.4. of the TIR Convention





Annex 9 Part II TIR Convention and Explanatory note 9.II.4


Any Holder who fails to remain eligible for authorisation (because, for example, he no longer meets the basic criteria for authorisation) or who is no longer suitable for authorisation (because, for example, he  has  committed  serious  or  repeated  offences)  should  have  his






authorisation revoked.



In addition to notifying the TIR Holder it will be necessary for the Member State revoking the authorisation to notify the TIRExB or register the information directly into the ITDB without delay.



Notification to the European Commission and Member States





Article 457a IPC


Exclusions made under Article 38 of the TIR Convention are to be notified to the European Commission and to the other Member States. The notifications shall be published by TIR focal points (EU's addresses in Annex 8.1) on the web-based CIRCABC in the form of an update (using track-changes) of the current List A (EU TIR Holders) or List B (Non-EU TIR Holders). These notifications should comprise the following information:

· Contracting party



· TIR holder name



· Address of the TIR holder



· ID TIR holder number



· EORI of the TIR holder



· Type of exclusion



· Date of application



· Reason of exclusion



· Excluding Member State.



The accuracy of these lists is outside of the control of the European Commission and Member States should exercise care in refusing to grant an operator access to the TIR system. If there is any doubt the






TIR focal point for the Member State who notified the exclusion should be contacted to confirm the information.

2.2.4. Notification of decisions to reinstate access to the TIR system



There may be occasions when a Member State has to revoke its decision to exclude an operator or where it decides to reinstate the authorisation. It follows that it is just as important that all Member States are informed of these decisions. To that end the notification procedures referred to in paragraph 2.2.3. above are also to be applied to these decisions.









This paragraph gives information about:



· introduction (paragraph 3.1.);



· amount of guarantee (paragraph 3.2.);



· scope of guarantee cover (paragraph 3.3.)



· liability of the Community's guaranteeing associations (paragraph 3.4.)




3.1. Introduction





Articles 3(b), 6.1, 8.3, 8.4 and 11 TIR Convention


The international guarantee system is one of the so-called pillars of the TIR customs transit system. The guarantee is designed to ensure that the customs duties and taxes at risk during the TIR transport operations are secured at all times.




3.2. Amount of guarantee



3.2.1. Maximum amount of guarantee





Article 8.3. and Explanatory Note 0.8.3 TIR


The monetary limit of the guarantee per TIR carnet is to be








determined by each Contracting Party.





Article 457.1 IPC


At Community level it has been agreed to express this amount in EURO and accordingly the Community has adopted 60,000 EURO as the maximum amount.




3.2.2. Rules concerning the exchange rate



For those Member States that have not adopted the EURO as the single currency, the following rules shall be applied:




Article 18.2 Code


(a) For the purposes of the Agreement / Undertaking the maximum amount payable per TIR Carnet is equivalent to the exchange value in the national currency of 60,000 EURO. The rates to be used for this conversion are fixed once a year and are published in the Official Journal of the European Union on the first working day of October and which comes into effect on the following 1 January.




Article 18.1 Code


(b) In the event of a claim against the guarantee, the rate of exchange to be used is that in force on the day of the acceptation of the TIR carnet at the customs office of departure or entry. These rates are fixed once a month and are published in the Official Journal of the European Union on the penultimate working day of the month.




3.3. Scope of guarantee cover





Article 2 TIR Convention


The TIR Convention makes no distinction regarding which goods may be transported under cover of a TIR carnet. However the international guarantee chain does not provide guarantee cover for alcohol and tobacco products listed below. This restriction applies regardless of the quantities of involved goods. Thus the maximum amount of the guarantee mentioned in paragraph 3.2.1 above applies to the transport of all goods other than the movement of the following alcohol and tobacco products:







HS code


Product description







Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength of 80%/vol or higher






As above, but with a strength less than 80%/vol






Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos containing tobacco






Cigarettes containing tobacco





2403.11 and 2403.19 Smoking  tobacco,  whether  or

not containing tobacco substitutes



3.4. Liability of the Community's guaranteeing associations





Article 451 IPC


The Community is considered, for the purposes of the TIR procedure, to form a single territory. However, each Member State has at least one authorised national guaranteeing association.




Article 457.3 IPC


Article 11.1 TIR Convention


A valid notification of non discharge given by the relevant customs authority to its guaranteeing association in accordance with the TIR Convention shall have the same legal effect as if the notification had been given to another guaranteeing association by its own customs authority.






The formalities at the office of departure or entry (en route)



This paragraph gives information about:



· introduction (paragraph 4.1.);



· acceptance of the TIR carnet data (paragraph 4.2.);



· security of vehicle / container (paragraph 4.3.);








· action at the customs office of departure or entry (en route) (paragraph 4.4.);

· intermediate loading (paragraph 4.5.);



· discrepancies (paragraph 4.6.).



The use of the fallback procedure in cases where the electronic system is unavailable as described in Annex 8.4.

4.1. Introduction





Article 1 (k) TIR Convention


TIR Handbook, Section 1.2


The customs office of departure fulfils two distinct and vital functions. These functions account for three of the so-called five pillars of the TIR system. The first function is the acceptance of the TIR carnet, ensuring the physical security of the road vehicle/container, and the application of Customs controls.




Article 451 IPC


The other, equally important, function concerns the discharge (see paragraph 5.2.) of the TIR operation and, where necessary, the recovery of the duties and taxes due (see paragraph 6.4.). Given the fact that the Community is, for the purposes of the rules governing the use of the TIR carnet, considered to form a single territory the role and responsibility of the Community's customs office of departure is particularly significant.




Article 454 IPC Article 455 IPC


Within the customs territory of the Community the termination/discharge of the TIR operation between the customs offices of departure or entry and the customs offices of destination or exit is accelerated by replacing the return of the appropriate part of Voucher No 2 with the sending of messages "Arrival Advice" (IE006) and "Control Results" (IE018) as from 1 January 2009.




The electronic transit system is used only for TIR operations within







the Community (e.g. not in common transit countries). For a TIR transport entering the Community from a third country and involving a part of the journey in a non-Community country before re-entering the Community again the Holder (or his representative) is responsible for lodging the TIR carnet data to start a TIR operation at each customs office of entry to the Community.

For an example see Annex 8.7. a).



4.2. Acceptance of the TIR carnet data





Article 454 IPC


The electronic system of the European Community to be used for the exchange of messages for TIR is the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) that is already used for the Community transit. The electronic messages exchange takes place at three levels:

· Between the Holder and customs (external domain)



· Between customs offices of one country (national domain); and,

· Amongst the national customs administrations themselves and with the European Commission (common domain).

In general, a TIR carnet Holder may have the following possibilities to lodge an electronic TIR carnet data depending on the Member State concerned:

· Direct Trader Input (including the input via a customs internet site);

· Electronic Data Interchange (EDI);



· Data input at the customs office (at a terminal put at the disposal of operators);









• Interface developed by the International Organisation.



Although it is obligatory to the holder of the TIR carnet to lodge TIR carnet data at the customs office of departure or entry using data processing technique as from 1 January 2009, to avoid any legal consequences arising from a discrepancy between the electronic message and the TIR carnet data, the customs authorities of the Community are obliged to continue to fill in the TIR carnet in conformity with the TIR Convention.




Annex 1 TIR Convention


In a situation where a discrepancy between the electronic TIR carnet data lodged and the TIR carnet turns up the TIR carnet information is decisive and the electronic data shall be corrected by the Holder to correspond to the TIR carnet information.




Annex 10 (4) TIR Convention


Each TIR carnet has a unique reference number. A TIR carnet may have 4, 6, 14, or 20 vouchers. One pair of vouchers is used per Contracting Party; the number of vouchers indicates the number of Contracting Parties that can be transited, including the Contracting Parties of departure and destination.

It is important to ensure that only valid TIR carnets are accepted. The list of TIR carnets recorded as invalid by the international organisation can be downloaded from its electronic database.

The international organisation responsible for the printing and distribution of the TIR carnet has introduced some security measures to ensure that a false or counterfeit TIR carnet can be recognised. These features include:

· The embossed "logo" of a truck on the front cover



· The use of thermo-chronic printing ink



A bar code which correspondences to the alpha-numeric TIR carnet













Article 12 TIR Convention


However even a genuine TIR carnet can be invalid if, for example, it has not been signed and stamped by the issuing association or if the validity date shown in Box 1 of the TIR carnet cover has expired.

As with all Customs controls, the degree and intensity of the checks to be applied prior to the acceptance of the TIR carnet will be determined in accordance with the concept of risk analysis. These checks will include ensuring that the guarantee cover is available for the goods loaded (see paragraph 3.3 "Scope of guarantee cover").




4.3. Security of vehicle / container





Annex 2 TIR Convention


Given the mutual recognition of Customs controls it is vital that the office of departure ensures that the vehicle or container is approved for the transport of goods under cover of a TIR carnet. In the majority of cases, and in accordance with risk analysis, this will be limited to an examination of the vehicle's Certificate of Approval. However, it should also be borne in mind that these certificates can be readily falsified or forged. A missing or non-valid certificate of approval means that no TIR operation can be started.




4.4. Action at the customs office of departure or entry (en route)





Article 454 IPC


In addition to the presentation of the TIR carnet, all necessary documents needed to accompany it, the vehicle and the goods, the TIR carnet Holder or his representative is responsible for lodging the TIR carnet data in the computerised system (NCTS) with the "Declaration Data" (IE015) message using the rules and codes specified for electronic transit declarations.




Annexes 37a and 37c IPC


The  data  elements  of  the  TIR  carnet  corresponding  to  NCTS  data







attributes are shown in Annex 8.2.



The customs offices of destination or exit (en route) (box 53) in the Community  at  which  the  goods  shall  be  presented  in  order  to terminate  the  TIR  operation  are  shown  in  the  database  of  Customs offices in the EU. The website address is: ?Lang=en.

The computerised system (NCTS) automatically validates the declaration. An incorrect, incomplete or non compatible declaration is rejected with the "Declaration Rejected" (IE016) message.

When the declaration is accepted by the customs authorities, the system will generate a Movement Reference Number (MRN), which is allocated to the TIR operation and communicated with the "MRN Allocated" (IE028) message to the TIR carnet Holder or his representative.

The declaration then has status "Accepted" and the customs office of departure decides whether or not to check the goods/vehicle, including the sealing of the vehicle, before release of the TIR operation and printing of the transit accompanying document (TAD) or Transit/security accompanying document (TSAD) to follow the consignment.

For amendment, cancellation and verification of the electronic declaration see Transit Manual Part IV (NCTS), Chapter 1, point 3.

4.4.1. Proper use of the TIR carnet





Article 454 (3) IPC


Annex 37a and 37c IPC


The use of the TIR carnet should complement the example of the duly filled-in TIR carnet. See Annex 8.3. for a step by step instructions of how to fill in the TIR carnet and the handling of the vouchers in various customs offices (departure, en route and










The customs office of departure should pay close attention also to the proper filling in the cover page of the TIR carnet.

4.4.2. Recommendation to the use of HS code





Resolutions and Recommendations TIR Handbook


The Administrative Committee for the TIR Convention, 1975 decided to recommend on 31 January 2008 that the TIR carnet Holders would indicate the HS code (6 digits), in addition to a description of the goods, under box 10 of the goods manifest on the yellow voucher (not for customs use) of the TIR carnet.

The customs offices of departure in the Community will accept the inclusion of the HS code also on the TIR carnet vouchers for Customs use and as a part of the electronic TIR carnet data (box 33).

It should be noted that the Holder is not obliged to introduce the HS code.

In cases where the HS code is given the customs authorities at the customs office of departure or entry (en route) should check whether the HS code given tallies with the one shown in other customs, commercial or transport documents.




4.4.3. Proof of the Community status of goods



Article 453 (1) IPC Goods  transported  within  the  Community  using  the  TIR  transit

declaration are deemed to be non-Community goods, unless their Community status is duly established.




Articles 314, 319 and 453(2) IPC


Where a TIR carnet, as a single transport document issued in a Member State, is covering the goods brought from another Member State through the territory of a third country, the Holder may enter the  symbol  'T2L'  (or  'T2LF'  for  goods  transported  to,  from  or







between territories where the 'VAT Directive' 2006/112/EC does not apply) together with his signature (box 10) on all the relevant vouchers of the TIR carnet goods manifest to provide evidence of the Community status of goods. In the computerised system this symbol may be lodged by the Holder in box 31 together with the goods description.

Where the TIR carnet covers also non-Community goods the symbol 'T2L' or 'T2LF' and signature are entered clearly to relate only to the Community goods.

The symbol 'T2L' or 'T2LF' on all relevant vouchers of the TIR carnet shall be authenticated by the customs office of departure with the stamp and the signature of the competent officer.

4.4.4. Presentation of a guarantee





Chapter 7 TIR Handbook


In order to have goods released for a TIR operation, a guarantee is required. For TIR operations the guarantee is presented in a form of a valid TIR carnet. Guarantee type B is used in the computerised system and the TIR carnet number is input to the Other Guarantee Reference field (box 52). In addition the TIR carnet number is to be entered in box 44 "Document type" with the code '952' in the computerised system to transmit that information to the customs office of destination or exit (en route). Further information on guarantees is on Section 3.




4.4.5. Sealing of vehicles/ containers





Article 19 TIR Convention


Annex 2 TIR Convention


Attention should also be given to the sealing of the vehicles/containers. It is vital to check the number of the customs seals to be affixed and their exact location from the Certificate of Approval (point 5) and its attached photographs (or sketches). If the customs office of departure considers it necessary, it may affix more








seals to prevent any unauthorised opening of the load compartment.



Customs seals affixed by the customs office of departure are to be applied in the correct fashion and seals already applied should be closely checked by the customs office of entry (en route) in order to detect any unlawful interference. The use of exporter's or carrier's seals instead of customs seals is not acceptable in the TIR system.

4.4.6. Goods presenting increased risk





Article 340a IPC Article 457b IPC Annex 44c IPC


For the transport of goods presenting increased risk listed in Annex 44c IPC the customs office of departure or entry (en route) shall in all cases prescribe an itinerary for the transport to follow and set a time limit within which the goods must be presented at the customs office of destination or exit (en route).

It would not be feasible to prescribe the precise itinerary to be followed but, as a minimum, the Member States to be transited should be stipulated in box 22 of the TIR carnet and in box 44 of the electronic declaration.

In general it is to be expected that goods placed under a transit procedure, and especially where the goods concerned are either live animals or perishable, are transported to their place of destination using the most economically justified route.




4.4.7. Release of a TIR operation



The TIR operation will be released after the acceptance and necessary controls. The system automatically generates the Transit Accompanying Document (TAD) or the Transit/security accompanying document (TSAD) that accompanies the goods with the TIR carnet. The TIR carnet Voucher No 1 is detached and retained by the customs office of departure or entry (en route) and endorsed with the MRN.







The TAD/TSAD is affixed to the TIR carnet Voucher No 2 in a way that the bar code and the MRN can be read easily.

The TIR carnet counterfoil No1, box 2 (Under No.) is annotated with the MRN. The TIR carnet with the affixed TAD/TSAD is returned to the TIR carnet Holder.




Article 454 IPC


On release of the goods the system automatically issues the "Anticipated Arrival Record" (IE001 message) to the customs office of destination or exit (en route). The external message "Released for Transit" (IE029) to the Holder or his representative may also be issued.




4.5. Intermediate loading





Article 18 TIR Convention


A TIR transport may involve at the most four customs offices of departure and destination.

In the case additional goods are loaded in the intermediate customs office en route, that office is to act as both the customs office of destination and the customs office of departure for the use of the TIR carnet and the TIR carnet data.

The procedures described above in point 4.4 are to be followed and in particular the earlier operation will be closed in the computerised system and messages IE06 and IE018 issued (see paragraph 5.3).

After loading the additional goods the Holder is responsible to lodge a new declaration into the computerised system including all details of the earlier consignments (such as previous document reference (MRN) in box 40). For an example see Annex 8.7. b).




4.5.1. Temporary suspension of the TIR transport





Article 26 TIR Convention


Comments to


Suspension, even a temporary one, of a TIR transport means that no TIR  guarantee  is  provided  for  that  suspended  part.  A  TIR  transport





Articles 2 and 26 TIR Convention


Article 26 (2) TIR Convention


shall be suspended if it takes place in a non-Contracting Party of the TIR Convention. Where a TIR transport involves a non-road leg (e.g. a sea-crossing involving a simpler or no transit procedure), the Holder may ask the customs authorities to suspend the TIR transport for that portion of the journey and resume it at the end of the non-road leg.




Article 26 (3) TIR Convention


In such cases the controls and formalities of the customs offices of exit and entry (en route) shall be carried out respectively. See paragraphs 4.4. and 5.3.




Comments to Articles 2 and 26 TIR Convention


However, within one Contracting Party the TIR procedure may be applied to a portion of the journey not made by road (e.g. railways) in cases the customs authorities are in a position to ensure the controls and formalities for a proper start and termination of the procedure at the customs offices of entry and exit (and destination, if appropriate).




4.6. Discrepancies



4.6.1. Treatment of discrepancies



In essence there are three types of discrepancies or irregularities concerning the goods that need to be considered:

· Missing goods



· Excess goods



· Misdescribed goods



The way these discrepancies are dealt with will depend on whether the irregularity is detected by the customs office of departure or entry (en route), and whether an export declaration is also involved.










4.6.2. Discrepancies detected by the customs office of departure





Article 40 TIR Convention


It should be borne in mind that an irregularity detected by the customs office of departure before the TIR carnet and the lodged TIR carnet data is accepted is to be treated as an irregularity concerning the previous customs procedure, for example customs warehousing, temporary storage or goods released for export procedure. This is likely to be the case where the discrepancy concerns matters like the description and quantity of the goods where information relating to the previous customs procedure has simply been transposed to the TIR carnet and its data.

However, there might be circumstances where the irregularity was fraudulent and designed to misuse or abuse the TIR and transit systems by, for example, goods presenting increased risk described as other goods. In these cases it would be appropriate to take punishment action according to the national instructions against the responsible parties.




4.6.3. Discrepancies detected by the customs office of entry (en route)





Article 23 TIR Convention


Article 24 TIR Convention


The customs authorities shall examine the goods en route under the sealed TIR transport only in special cases. In case of an examination, the new seals affixed and, if necessary, the control results should be recorded in remaining TIR carnet Vouchers and the corresponding counterfoils, as well as the computerised system.




Article 8.5 TIR Convention


Article 8.7 TIR Convention


An irregularity detected by the customs office of entry (en route) will need to be treated on its merits. If the undeclared goods concerned are detected in the sealed load compartment of the road vehicle then the holder is the primary direct liable person, debtor of the customs debt. For fiscal reasons, the secured amount is covered by the TIR carnet guarantee and the guaranteeing association shall be liable.







Article 202 and 203 Code


If for any reason the TIR operation cannot be allowed to proceed, e.g. because the importation of goods is either prohibited or restricted, they will need to be detained at the border.

If on the other hand the TIR operation can proceed, then the details of the detected goods should be endorsed on the remaining TIR carnet Vouchers (boxes "For official use"). In the computerised system the data is to be corrected accordingly by the Holder before its acceptance at the customs office of entry (en route).




Article 8.5 TIR Convention


The annotation in box "For official use" should read "Excess goods: Article 8.5 TIR Convention" followed by the description and quantity of the detected goods.

The discovery of excess goods that are not contained in the sealed load compartment is to be treated as smuggled goods unlawfully introduced into the Community and the appropriate action must be taken. Under these circumstances the guaranteeing association shall not be liable for any duties and taxes that may arise even though the driver or the Holder may be regarded as the customs debtors.






The formalities at the customs office of destination or exit (en route)

This paragraph gives information about:



· introduction (paragraph 5.1.);



· discharge of the TIR operation at departure (paragraph 5.2.)



· action at the customs office of destination or exit (en route) (paragraph 5.3.)

· change of customs office of destination or exit (en route) (paragraph 5.4.)

· incidents en route and the use of the certified report



(paragraph 5.5.)



· irregularities (paragraph 5.6.)



· control system for TIR carnets (paragraph 5.7.)



· intermediate unloading (paragraph 5.8.)



· the use of the TIR carnet for returned goods (paragraph 5.9.)



5.1. Introduction



The customs offices of destination and exit (en route) have a key responsibility to ensure the prompt termination of the TIR operation.

5.2. Discharge of the TIR operation by the customs office of departure

or entry (en route)



The discharge of the TIR operation is a highly significant action by the competent authorities at departure or entry (en route) because it effectively ends the liability of the guaranteeing association.




Article 10.2 TIR Convention


The TIR operation may only be discharged if it has been correctly terminated.




Article 1 (e) TIR Convention


The action of discharging the TIR operation is implicit in the sense that there is no formal decision or action, taken by the customs office of departure or entry (en route). Nor is there any formal notification sent to the guaranteeing association to confirm the discharge. The TIR carnet Holder and the guaranteeing association can regard the TIR operation as discharged in the absence of a notification to the contrary.




5.3. Action at the customs office of destination or exit (en route)





Article 455 IPC


On  presentation  of  the  goods,  the  vehicle,  the  TIR  carnet  and  the







TAD/TSAD within the time limit set by the customs office of departure or entry (en route), the customs office of destination or exit (en route) will check the affixed seals and use the MRN to retrieve the data from the system and register it.

The "Arrival Advice" (IE006) message is sent to the customs office of departure or entry (en route) to inform that the consignment has arrived.




Article 457b IPC


On the completion of any necessary controls, which are based on the information contained in the "Anticipated Arrival Record" (IE001) message, the customs office of destination or exit sends the "Control Results" (IE018) message using the appropriate codes to the customs office of departure or entry (en route). This message shall contain also any information introduced on the TAD/TSAD, the Certified Report and the TIR carnet counterfoil No 1 during transport. This can be for example transhipment, new seals or incidents.

The customs office of destination detaches and retains both parts of the TIR carnet Voucher No 2 and annotates the TIR carnet counterfoil and returns the TIR carnet to the TIR carnet holder.




Article 454 (6)


Where goods have been released for a TIR operation in the computerised system at departure or entry and the system at destination or exit is not available upon arrival of goods, the customs office of destination shall carry out necessary controls and terminates the procedure on the basis of the TAD/TSAD and the TIR carnet Voucher No 2.

Entries into the system are carried out a posterior when the system is available again in order to enable the customs office of departure to discharge the operation in the computerised system.




Fallback procedure Where  the  goods  have  been  released  for  the  TIR  operation  at







departure or entry using the fallback procedure only on the basis of the TIR carnet the customs office of destination or exit (en route) shall terminate the procedure on the basis of the TIR carnet Voucher No 2 and return the appropriate part of it to the customs office of departure or entry (en route).

5.4. Change of customs office of destination or exit (en route)





Article 1(l) TIR Convention


The TIR Convention permits the holder to present the goods and the TIR carnet to another customs office of destination or exit (en route) than the declared one. That office shall then become the customs office of destination or exit (en route).

As the computerised system will show that the actual customs office of destination or exit (en route) has not received an "Anticipated Arrival Record" (IE001) message for the MRN presented, it shall send a message "Anticipated Arrival Record Request" (IE002).

The customs office of departure or entry (en route) shall respond with "Anticipated Arrival Record Response" (IE003) message communicating the data of the "Anticipated Arrival Record" (IE001) message. The customs office of destination or exit (en route) is then able to send the "Arrival Advice" (IE006) message.




Where the customs office of departure or entry (en route) does not find the operation via the MRN it shall include in the "Anticipated Arrival Record Response" (IE003) message the motives (coded 1 to

4) why the "Anticipated Arrival Record" (IE001) message cannot be






The reasons for rejection can be:



Code 1. the movement has already been presented at another customs office of destination or exit;

Code  2.  the  movement  was  cancelled  by  the  customs  office  of






departure or entry (en route);



Code 3. the MRN is unknown either due to technical reasons or due to irregularities or;

Code 4. other reasons.



(For an explanation of the codes see Part VII, paragraph



The customs office of destination or exit (en route) shall examine the reason for rejection and, if the reason for rejection so allows, terminates the TIR operation and detaches and retains both parts of the TIR carnet Voucher No 2 and annotates the TIR carnet counterfoil No 2 and returns the appropriate part of the Voucher No 2 to the customs office of departure or entry (en route) and returns the TIR carnet to the Holder.

5.5. Incidents en route and the use of the certified report





Article 25 TIR Convention


If the customs seals are broken or if any goods are destroyed or damaged in an event of accident occurring en route, the carrier shall immediately contact the customs authorities, or if that is not possible, any other competent authorities of the country the consignment is in. The authorities concerned shall draw up with the minimum delay the certified report which is contained in the TIR carnet.

In the event of an accident necessitating transfer of the load to another vehicle, this transfer may be carried out only in the presence of the authority concerned. This authority shall draw up the certified report.




Explanatory Note to Article 29 TIR Convention


Unless the TIR carnet carries the words "Heavy or bulky goods" the substituting vehicle or container must also be approved for the transport of goods under customs seals.








Furthermore, it shall be sealed and details of the seals affixed shall be indicated in the certified report.

However, if no approved vehicle or container is available, the goods may be transferred to an unapproved vehicle or container, provided it affords adequate safeguards. In the latter event, the customs authorities shall judge whether they can allow the transport under cover of the TIR carnet to continue in that vehicle or container.

In the event of imminent danger necessitating immediate unloading of the whole or part of the load, the carrier may take action on his own initiative without waiting for action by the authorities. It shall then be for him to furnish the customs authorities with proof that he was compelled to take such action in the interests of the vehicle or container or of the load. When the preventive measures have been implemented and the danger diffused, the carrier shall notify the customs authorities without delay, in order that the facts may be verified, the load examined, the vehicle or container sealed and the certified report drawn up.

The customs office of destination or exit (en route) sends "Control Results" (IE018) message containing any information on incident introduced on the TAD/TSAD, the Certified Report and the TIR carnet during transport to the customs office of departure or entry (en route).

The certified report shall remain attached to the TIR carnet.



5.6. Irregularities detected at the customs office of destination or exit

(en route)



5.6.1. Irregularities concerning goods





Article 8.5 TIR Convention


An irregularity detected by the customs office of destination or exit (en route) needs to be treated on its merits. If the undeclared goods







concerned are detected in the sealed load compartment of the road vehicle then, for fiscal reasons, they are covered by the TIR carnet guarantee and the guaranteeing association shall be liable. The TIR carnet will need to be annotated in box 27 of the Voucher No 2 and box 5 of the counterfoil No 2.

The annotation should read "Excess goods: Article 8.5 TIR Convention" followed by the description and quantity of the goods. In the computerised system the "Control Results" (IE018) is sent by the customs office of destination or exit (en route) with the code 'B' and remark 'Waiting for discrepancies resolution' asking the customs office of departure to investigate.

The operation then holds the status 'Waiting for resolution' at the customs office of departure.

Once the issue is resolved the "Notification Resolution of Differences" (IE020) message is used by the office of departure to inform the customs office of destination or exit (en route). The goods shall then be released and the operation discharged by the customs office of departure.

In case the irregularity involves missing or misdescribed goods, similar action is required regarding the endorsement of the TIR carnet and sending of messages in the computerised system.

5.6.2. Irregularities concerning seals



At the customs office of destination the customs shall check whether the affixed seals are still intact. If the seals have been broken or tampered with, the customs office of destination shall indicate this information in the "Control Results" (IE018) message that it sends to the customs office of departure or entry (en route).

In  these  cases  that  office  shall  judge  by  the  facts  presented  and







determine the appropriate measures to take (for example goods may be examined) before informing the customs office of departure or entry (en route).

5.6.3. Other irregularities



Where the irregularity is fraudulent and designed to misuse or abuse the TIR system it would be appropriate to take legal action against the responsible parties.

5.7. Control system for TIR carnets





Article 6.2bis TIR Convention


Annex 10 TIR Convention


An international organization authorized by the Administrative Committee is responsible for establishing a control system for TIR carnets for effective organisation and functioning of the international guarantee system. Currently this authorized organization is the International Road Transport Union (IRU).




Article 455 IPC


The authorities at the customs office of destination are obliged to make available the information concerning the termination or partial termination of the TIR operation in the electronic controls system.

This information shall be transmitted if possible on a daily basis by the fastest available means of communication. At least the following information shall be sent of all TIR carnets presented at the customs office of destination:

a. TIR carnet reference number;



b. Date and record number in the customs ledger (book-keeping);



c. Name or number of customs office of destination;



d. Date and reference number indicated in the certificate of termination of the TIR operation (boxes 24-28 of Voucher No 2) at the customs office of destination (if different from (b));







e. Partial or final termination;



f. Termination certified with or without reservation without prejudice to Articles 8 and 11 of the TIR Convention;

g. Other information or documents (optional);



Page number of the TIR carnet on which the termination is certified.



5.8. Intermediate unloading





Article 18 TIR Convention


A TIR transport may involve at the most four customs offices of departure and destination.

In case part of the goods are unloaded in the intermediate customs office en route, that office is to act as both the customs office of destination and the customs office of departure for the use of the TIR carnet and the TIR carnet data.

The procedures described above in point 5.3 are to be followed and in particular the earlier operation in the computerised system will be closed and messages IE006 and IE018 sent.

After unloading the Holder is responsible for lodging a new declaration of the remaining goods into the computerised system. For an example see Annex 8.7. c).




5.9. Treatment of returned TIR transports





Explanatory Note to Article 2 (0.2-1)


A TIR transport may begin and end in the same country if part of the journey is performed in another Contracting Party.




Best practices TIR Handbook


This can be applied also in cases when another Contracting Party is not allowing the TIR transport to continue on their territory (for instance of prohibitions of certain goods). In those cases two alternative scenarios exist:

• the customs authorities of the customs office of entry (en route)



in that Contracting Party should start and immediately certify as terminated the TIR operation indicating in box "For official use" on all remaining Vouchers the precise reason for the refusal. The Holder will then return to the customs office of exit (en route) of the preceding country and request a change in country and customs office of destination for the TIR transport. To that end, the Holder requests the customs authorities to certify the changes made in box 7 on page 1 of the cover and in boxes 6 and 12 of all remaining Vouchers.

• the customs authorities of the customs office of entry (en route) in that Contracting Party refuse to certify the TIR carnet as described above. The Holder will then return to the customs office of exit (en route) of the preceding country and request a change in country and customs office of destination for the TIR transport. To that end, the Holder requests the customs authorities to certify the changes made in box 7 on page 1 of the cover and in boxes 6 and 12 of all remaining Vouchers and additionally requests that the customs authorities indicate in box "For official use" on all remaining Vouchers a reference to the refusal by the authorities of the consecutive country to accept the TIR carnet.

The same TIR carnet for such transports may be accepted at the preceding customs office of exit to start a new TIR operation only if the goods have actually left the customs territory of the Community.

If the exit from the Community is not clearly proved then these goods should be transported under the Community transit procedure T1 and the Holder may present the proof at the inland customs office that the goods can be treated as Community goods (in accordance with Articles 185-187 Code and Articles 844-856 IPC).

Article 453 (1) IPC It  is  recalled  that  goods  transported  under  cover  of  a  TIR  carnet







within the customs territory of the Community shall be deemed to be non-Community goods, unless their Community status is duly established. On return to the customs territory of the Community the retrospective confirmation of the Community status is necessary.






Enquiry procedure



This paragraph gives information about:



· pre-enquiry action (paragraph 6.1.);



· enquiry procedure (paragraph 6.2.)



· alternative proof of termination (paragraph 6.3.)



· debt and recovery (paragraph 6.4.)



· claim against guaranteeing association (paragraph 6.5.)



· - application of Article 457 IPC (paragraph 6.6.)





6.1. Pre-enquiry action





Article 455a IPC


In cases where the "Arrival Advice" (IE006) message is not returned to the customs office of departure or entry (en route) by the time limit within which the goods must be presented at the customs office of destination or exit (en route), those authorities shall use the "Status Request" (IE904) message to check whether the computerised system at the Member State of destination or exit (en route) corresponds to that status. The system at destination automatically checks the status and replies with the "Status Response" (IE905) message. For further details see Part VII, paragraph 2.5.




6.2. Enquiry procedure





Article 455a(1) and

(2) IPC


If  the  status  described  in  paragraph  6.1  matches  at  both  offices  and






no messages are missing the competent authorities of the Member State of departure or entry (en route) shall either initiate the enquiry procedure in order to obtain information needed to discharge the TIR operation or, where this is not possible, establish whether a customs debt has been incurred, identify the debtor and determine the Member State responsible to recover the customs debt.

For further details of the electronic enquiry and the debt and recovery see Parts VII and VIII.

However, in order to initiate the enquiry procedure to the actual customs office of destination or exit (en route) it is recommended to verify the existence of a record concerning the termination of the operation from the control system operated by the International organisation as per Annex 10 to the TIR Convention.

In cases where the TIR operation cannot be discharged at the latest 28 days after sending the enquiry request to the declared customs office of destination or exit (en route) the customs authorities of the Member State of departure or entry (en route) request the Holder and inform the guaranteeing association to furnish proof that the TIR operation has been terminated or of the actual place where the offence or irregularity has occurred. The "Request on non-arrived Movements" (IE140) message may be used for the request to the Holder or to his representative and the "Information About non-arrived Movements" (IE141) message for the response.

In both cases the proofs (of termination or of the place of irregularity) are to be furnished by the Holder within 28 days of the date of request. This period can be extended for a further 28 days at his request.

If after that period there is:



• No  response  from the  customs  office  of  destination  or  exit  (en










· Confirmation by the customs office of destination or exit (en route) that the TIR carnet has not been presented,

· No alternative proof furnished to the satisfaction of the customs authority

· No proof that the TIR operation has been terminated, or



· No other Member State has asked to transfer the responsibility for recovery,

the customs authorities of the Member State of departure or entry (en route) is to formally notify the guaranteeing association and the TIR Carnet holder of the non discharge of the TIR operation. The notification, which may be sent at the same time, should be sent by post to use every possible means to ensure that the notification is received by the addressee

In any event the notification must be made within one year of the date of the acceptance of the TIR carnet.

6.3. Alternative proof of termination





Article 455b


As an alternative proof that the TIR operation has terminated the customs authorities may accept any document which is certified by the customs authorities of the Member State of destination or exit (en route) where the goods have been presented. These accepted documents may include the records of the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) or a certified copy of a record of the customs office of exit showing that the goods have left the customs territory of the Community.

This alternative proof must identify the goods and establish that they have been presented at the customs office of destination or exit






(en route) or to an authorised consignee.



The TIR carnet Holder or the guaranteeing association may present as an alternative proof to the satisfaction of the customs authorities also one of the following documents identifying the goods:

A customs document issued in a third country entering the goods for a customs-approved treatment or use;

A document issued in a third country, endorsed by the customs authorities of this country and certifying that the goods are considered to be in free circulation in that country.

A copy or photocopy of the above mentioned documents certified as being true copies by the authorities.




Article 455a (7) IPC


The office in charge of the enquiry should inform the Holder and the guaranteeing association within three months whether it has accepted the produced alternative proof as an evidence of the termination of the TIR procedure. The office in charge of the enquiry would also be expected to communicate to the Holder any evidence supporting the discharge of the procedure which has been uncovered at the office during the enquiry procedure.




6.4. Debt and recovery



The customs authorities of the Member State of departure or entry (en route) shall be primarily responsible for initiating debt recovery action in the event of there being an irregularity that gives rise to the payment of a customs debt and/or other charges.

6.4.1. Identification of person(s) directly liable



Article 456 (1) IPC In the absence of proof that the TIR operation has been terminated, the  customs  authorities  of  the  Member  State  of  departure  or  entry

(en  route)  are  obliged  to  determine  the  place  where  a  customs  debt







was incurred within seven months of the latest date on which the goods should have been presented at the customs office of destination or exit (en route), to identify the debtor and to determine the Member State competent to recover the customs debt.




Article 218 Code


The customs debt shall be entered in the accounts within the two-day limit (an extension to 14 days is possible) after that seven month period.

To this end the customs authorities' of the Member State of departure or entry (en route) can act on any information they have at their disposal, including any information furnished by the guaranteeing association and the TIR carnet Holder.




Article 11 (1) TIR Convention


Articles 203,204, 213 and 215 Code


Article 91(1)(a) Code mutatis mutandis


Articles 450a, 450d, 456 and 457 IPC


In order to identify the person or persons liable, the general provisions of the Customs Code and IPC are to be followed. In the majority of cases it should be expected that the customs debt is incurred either because the goods have been removed from "customs supervision" or through the non-fulfilment of the obligations arising from the use of the TIR procedure. As the TIR carnet holder is responsible for the presentation of the goods etc to the office of destination/exit it is envisaged that he or his representative will prima facie be the person(s) directly liable.

For further details of the electronic debt and recovery procedure see Part VIII.




6.4.2. Recovery of the debt and/or other charges





Article 8 (7) TIR Convention


Debt recovery against the person or persons liable shall follow the standard procedures – see Part VIII of the Transit Manual. The TIR Convention requires the competent authorities to require payment by the person or persons liable to pay the duties and taxes due. However, in situations where the Holder is resident in the third country  it  will  not  always  be  possible  to  successfully  secure  the






payment of the charges due. This is acknowledged in the TIR Convention through the use of the phrase "shall as far as possible require payment from the person liable".

The phrase "as far as possible" implies that the competent authorities must make effort to require the payment. As a minimum this effort would involve the issue of a formal demand for the payment. The demand should be addressed to the person.

Should payment not be forthcoming after a period of one month from the date the debt was communicated to the debtor, then the amount – up to the limit of the guarantee – shall be claimed against the guaranteeing association.

6.5. Claim against guaranteeing association



The claim against the guaranteeing association can be made after three months from the date of the notification of non discharge and within two years of the date of notification. Care should be taken to avoid sending a premature claim (that is a claim made before the expiry of the three month time limit) because this might jeopardise the validity of the claim.

In practice the earlier of these two deadlines will be used where there is no prospect of recovering the debt from the person or persons liable and where the actual place of the offence or irregularity is not known. The later deadline will be used when there is a realistic prospect of recovering the debt from the person or persons liable.

It is known that all claims made against the national guaranteeing association are referred to the international organisation authorised to take on the responsibility for the organisation of the TIR international guarantee system. This enables the international organisation  to  "verify"  the  validity  of  the  claims.  It  is  important






therefore that all claims are substantiated with supporting documentation showing, as a minimum, that the irregularity has given rise to the payment of import duties and taxes, that the debtor has been identified, that action has been taken against the debtor to require the payment of the charges due, and that the notifications have been sent in a proper and timely fashion.

6.6. Application of Article 457 IPC



Because the customs territory of the Community is considered to be a single territory for the purposes of the TIR procedure, it is not always easy to identify which Member state is competent to deal with irregularities etc that arise under the procedure. Thus the notifications of non-discharge referred to in paragraph 6.2 shall also be deemed to have been sent to all the guaranteeing associations within the Community.

6.6.1. Practical application of Article 457(3) IPC





Article 456 IPC


This provision permits the customs authorities to "later proceed with recovery from the guaranteeing association" that had not initially been notified. In most cases this provision would apply to the recovery of “other charges”.

The customs authorities of the Member State of departure or entry (en route) is obliged to establish whether a customs debt has been incurred, to identify the debtor, and to determine the Member State competent to recover the debt (see paragraph 6.2.1).




Article 8.7 TIR Convention


Should this investigation result in the determination that the customs debt was incurred in another Member State, the responsibility for recovery should be limited to the recovery of the “other charges”.




Articles 203 and 204 Code Article


This is because the Member state competent to recover the customs







456(1) IPC


debt has to be identified within seven months after the expiry of the time limit for the presentation of the goods at the customs office of destination or exit (en route). In the event that the actual place where the debt was incurred cannot be established within that timeframe, then the Member State that started the TIR operation, that is either the customs office of departure or the customs office of entry (en route) will be competent to recover the customs debt.




6.6.2. Transfer of responsibility to recover the debt





Article 450b IPC


Article 1 (o) TIR Convention


Article 8.7 TIR Convention


Article 11.1 TIR Convention


Where it proves necessary to transfer the responsibility for recovery to another Member State the initiating or requesting Member State is to send “all the necessary documents” to the requested Member State. The term “necessary documents” shall include any correspondence between the initiating Member State and its national guaranteeing association.




Article 8.7 TIR Convention


Article 11.3 TIR Convention


If this correspondence concerns relevant information made by the initial guaranteeing association concerning the validity of the notification, the requested Member State shall have to decide whether it can sustain a claim against its guaranteeing association. In the event of an appeal against a claim, the guaranteeing association of the requested Member State may use this correspondence to support its grounds for appeal against the claim made by the requested Member State in accordance with the civil laws of that country.






Authorised consignee



This paragraph gives information about:



· introduction (paragraph 7.1.);



· authority to break and remove customs seals (paragraph 7.2.)









· arrival of the goods (paragraph 7.3.)



· presentation of the TIR carnet (paragraph 7.4.)



· - endorsement and return of the TIR carnet to the TIR carnet Holder (paragraph 7.5.)

7.1. Introduction



The general rule is that the goods placed under the TIR procedure shall be presented at the office of destination together with the TAD/TSAD and the TIR carnet.

However, authorisation as an authorised consignee allows receiving the goods at the premises, or other approved place, without presenting them and the TAD/TSAD and the TIR carnet at the office of destination.




Articles 454a to 454c IPC


The authorised consignee facility in the TIR procedure became available on 1 October 2005. The TIR authorised consignee procedures are based on the existing Community/common transit procedures. Thus the procedures set out in Part VI "Simplifications" of this Manual are to be followed.

In comparison to the standard TIR operation, the authorisation as an authorised consignee in TIR operations applies only to TIR operations where the final unloading place is the premises stipulated in this authorisation.




Article 454a (2) point (d) IPC


As from 1 January 2009, the authorisation as an authorised consignee in the TIR procedure can only be granted if the trader, in addition to the other conditions set out in Part V "Simplifications" of this Manual uses a data-processing technique to communicate with the customs authorities.









7.2. Authority to break and remove customs seals



The mutual recognition of customs controls is one of the pillars of the TIR procedure and the fixing and removal of customs seals is an essential element of this particular pillar. For this reason the authority for the holder of the authorisation or its representative to break and remove customs seals should be explicitly stipulated in the authorisation.

In any case the authorised consignee shall not remove the customs seals before permission from the customs office of destination via "Unloading Permission" (IE043) message.

7.3. Arrival of the goods





Article 454b IPC


The authorised consignee shall inform the customs office of destination of the arrival of the goods by the "Arrival Notification" (IE007) message in accordance with the conditions laid down in the authorisation in order for the competent authorities to carry out controls, where necessary, before the consignee is unloading the goods.

The "Arrival Advice" (IE006) message is sent to the customs office of departure or entry (en route) to inform that the consignment has arrived.

The customs office of destination permits the unloading with the "Unloading Permission" (IE043) message, if it does not intend to check the cargo before unloading. The authorised consignee shall remove seals, control and unload the goods comparing them to the information given in the TIR carnet and the "Unloading Permission" message, enter the unloaded goods into his records and send at the latest on the third day following the arrival of the goods the "Unloading Remarks" (IE044) message to the customs office of destination. This message includes information concerning any






irregularities observed.



7.4. Presentation of the TIR carnet



The TIR carnet and the TAD/TSAD shall be presented to the customs office of destination without delay after the "Unloading Remarks" (IE044) message is sent.

7.5. Endorsement and return of the TIR carnet to the TIR carnet Holder





Article 454b.1 (d) IPC


The customs office of destination is to endorse the TIR carnet in the normal way by completing counterfoil No 2 and retaining Voucher No 2. Following the endorsement the customs office of destination is to return the TIR carnet to the Holder. If the Holder is not present, the TIR carnet is to be returned to the person who has presented it deemed to be acting on behalf of the Holder.




Comment to Article 28 TIR Convention


The customs office of destination shall introduce the "Control Results" (IE018) message into the computerised system and transmit the data in accordance with paragraph 5.7.







Annexes to Part IX





























8.1. Focal points in the Community84



Addresses for sending information about excluded persons from TIR procedure under provision of Article 38 of the TIR Convention



Address Contact details


Rue du Luxembourg 40 B-1000 Brussels

BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 2961482

Fax: +32 2 2965983


Bundesministerium für Finanzen Abteilung IV/6

Hugo Richard Mayer

Hintere Zollamtsstraße 2b

1030 Wien

ÖSTERREICH Tel: +43 1 514 33 570710

Fax: +43 1 51433 597070



Service Public Fed. Finances

North Galaxy

Boulevard Albert II 33 – Boîte 37

B-1030 Bruxelles

BELGIQUE Tel: +32 2 576 3183 (Mrs. Huyst)

+32 2 578 2211 (Ms. De Staercke) Fax: + 32 2 579 9518



BG-1202 Sofia

BULGARIA Fax: +359 2 9859 4066

Tel: +359 2 9859 4592



Sektor za carinski sustav i procedure Aleksandera von Humboldta 4a HR-10000 Zagreb

CROATIA Mr. Ivan Duic

Tel +385 1  6211  273

Fax +385 1  6211  005 E-mail: Mr. Ivan Sinčić (alternate) Tel: +385-1 6211 215

Fax: +385-1 6211 005

MINISTRY OF FINANCE Department of Customs and Excise Customs Headquarters

29, Katsonis Street

1440 Nicosia

CYPRUS Fax: +3572 230 2017







84 The full list of TIR Focal points is available at





Division of Customs

Budějovická 7

CZ-14096 Praha 4

CZECH REPUBLIC Tel: +420 261 332 120 (Mr. Richard Vesecky)

+420 261 332 218 (Mr. Frantisek Sima) Fax: +420 261 332 300



Ostbanegade 123

2100 Copenhagen

DENMARK Tel: +45 7238 7144

+ 45 7237 5703



Central Transit Office

Lõõtsa 8a

15176 Tallinn



Foreign Trade and Taxation Department/ Customs Clearance Unit

P.O Box 512

FI-00101 Helsinki

FINLAND Fax: +358 2049 22851



11, rue des deux communes


FRANCE Tel : +33 1 57 53 46 22

+33 1 57 53 49 22

Fax: +33 1 57 53 49 40

E-mail :


Referat III B2

Am Propsthof 78a

D-53121 Bonn

DEUTSCHLAND Fax: +49 228 99 682-4536 E-mail:


General Secretariat for Public Revenue Directorate General of Customs & Excise 19th  Division, Section B'

10. Karageorgi Servias str.

101 84 Athina GREECE Fax: 0030210 6987450

Tel: 0030210 6987464 E-mail:




















Central Office

Customs Department

1095 Budapest IX

Mester u. 7.

1450 Budapest Pf: 109

HUNGARY Fax: +36 1 456 9508

Tel: +36 1 456 9500 E-mail:

CENTRAL TRANSIT OFFICE Office of the Revenue Commissioners Customs Division

St.Conlon's Road


Co. Tipperary

IRELAND Fax: 353 67 44126

Tel: 353 67 63440


Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli

Legislazione e Procedure Doganali Ufficio regimi doganali e traffici di confine

Via Mario Carrucci, 71

I-00143 Roma

ITALIA Fax:  0039 06 5024 5222 Tel: 0039 06 5024 6045

E-mail: dogane.legislazionedogane.regimi@


National Customs Board

11 novenbra krastmala 17,

Riga, LV-1841

LATVIA Fax: +371 671 11291, +371 673 57248 E-mail:

CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT Customs Procedure Division A.Jakšto g. 1/25

LT-01105 Vilnius LITHUANIA Fax: 370 5 2666 005 E-mail:


B.p. 1605

L-1016 Luxembourg

LUXEMBOURG Fax: +352 48 49 47

Central TIR Office

Department of Customs Custom House, Lascaris Wharf Valletta - VLT 1920

MALTA Fax: 00356 212 444 63

Tel: 00356 212 443 37





















Douanekantoor Nijmegen Vestiging Duiven

TIR Focal Point

Team KM6 Cluster CDW Impact 2

6921 RZ DUIVEN NETHERLANDS Fax: +31 26 318 2014

Tel: +31 26 318 2197


MINISTRY OF FINANCE Customs Department Swietokrzyska 12

PL 00-916 Warsaw POLAND Fax: +48 22 6944303


Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira Direção de Serviços de Regulação Aduaneira

Rua da Alfândega, N° 5 - r/c

P - 1149-006 LISBOA PORTUGAL Tel: + 351 21 881 39 13

+ 351 234 377 021

+ 351 22 339 59 29

Fax: + 351 21 881 39 41 + 351 234 377 026 E-mail:


13 Matei Millo str.

1 District

010144 - Bucharest

ROMANIA Tel/Fax: +4021 3112455

Tel: +4021 3112454



Customs Division

Mierová 23

SK-815 11 Bratislava

SLOVAKIA Tel: +421 2 48273 233

Fax: +421 2 4342 0065


Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia

General Financial Directorate

Smartinska 55

1523 Ljubljana

SLOVENIA Fax: +386 1 478 39 00

Tel: +386 1 478 38 75


Departamento de Aduanas e II.EE. Subdirección General de Gestión Aduanera Área de Exportación y Tránsito

Avenida del Llano Castellano, 17 28071-Madrid

ESPAÑA Tel: +34 91 728 98 58

Fax: +34 91 358 47 21



112 98 Stockholm SWEDEN Fax: +468 208012



















Excise, Environmental Taxes and Customs Export and Transit Policy

3rd Floor NE Alexander House

21 Victoria Avenue

Southend on Sea

SS99 1AA



Fax: +44 0 3000 593688

Tel: +44 0 3000 594268






















































8.2. The correlation table




Box Content TIR Field Name NCTS

Country/ies of Departure (Cover page box 6) Country of Dispatch (box 15)

Country/ies of Destination (Cover page box 7) Destination Country (box 17)

Registration No of Vehicles (Cover page box 8) Identity at Departure (box 18)

Cert(s) of Approval of Vehicles (Cover page box 9) Produced Docs/Certificates (box 44)

Container Number(s) (Cover page box 10) Container (box 19), Container number (box 31)

No of TIR Carnet (Volet box 1) Produced Document Reference (box 44),

Holder (Volet box 4) Trader Principal (box 50), EORI number

Country/ies of Departure (Volet box 5) Country of Dispatch (box 15)

Country/ies of Destination (Volet box 6) Destination Country (box 17)

Registration No of Vehicles (Volet box 7) Identity at Departure (box 18)

Documents Attached (Volet box 8) Produced Docs/Certificates (box 44)

Containers, Packages Marks and Nos. (Volet box 9) Container number (box 31), Marks & Nos of Packages (box 31)

Packages and Articles Number and Type, Description of goods (Volet box 10)* Kind of Packages (box 31), Number of Packages (box 31), Item Number (box 32), Textual Description (box 31), HS Code (box 33)

Gross Weight (Volet box 11) Total Gross Mass (box 35)

Declaration Place and Date (Volet box 14) Declaration Date (box C)

Seals Number and Identification (Volet box 16) Seals Number, Seals Identity (box D)

Office of Departure or Entry (Volet box 18) Reference No OoDep (box C)

Time-limit for Transit (Volet box 20) Date Limit (box D)

Registry No at Off. of Dep. (Volet box 21) Movement Reference Number (MRN)

Office of Destination (Volet box 22) Office of Dest. (box 53), addressee of IE01

Consignee (Produced docs) Trader Consignee (box 8)










* In line with the Rules regarding the use of the TIR carnet 'heavy or bulky goods' according to Article 1 (p) of the TIR Convention is mentioned in this box. Same applies to cases where the symbol 'T2L' is used according to Article 319 of the IPC.



8.3. The filling-in of the TIR carnet



1. Filling-in of boxes of the TIR carnet



Part 7.2 Best practices with regard to the use of TIR carnet, Annex I of the TIR Handbook



Page 1 of the cover filled-in by the association or the Holder





Box 1


A final date of validity (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy) after which the TIR carnet may not be presented for acceptance at the Customs office of departure. Provided that it has been accepted by the Customs office of departure on or before the final date of validity, the TIR carnet remains valid until the termination of the TIR operation at the Customs office of destination. [Remark: no corrections in this box are allowed]




Box 2


Name of the national issuing association





Box 3


Identification (ID) number, name, address and country of the TIR carnet holder. An individual and unique identification (ID) number is assigned to the holder by the guaranteeing association in accordance with the following harmonized format: “AAA/BBB/XX…X”, whereby “AAA” represents a 3-letter code of the country where the person utilizing TIR Carnets has been authorized, “BBB” represents a 3-digit code of the national association through which the holder of the TIR Carnet has been authorized, “XX…X” represents consecutive numbers (maximum 10 digits), identifying the person authorized to utilize TIR Carnets.




Box 4


Stamp and signature of the issuing association.





Box 5


Signature (stamped) of the secretary of the international organization.




Box 6


Country (countries) where the TIR transport of a load or part load of goods begins.







Box 7


Country (countries) where the TIR transport of a load or part load of goods ends.




Box 8


Registration number or numbers of the road vehicle(s), not only that of a motor-driven vehicle (e.g. tractor unit), but also the registration number of a trailer or semi-trailer towed by such a vehicle. When national legislation does not provide for registration of trailers and semi-trailers, the identification or manufacturer’s No. shall be shown instead of the registration No.




Box 9


Number and date of the TIR approval certificate(s).





Box 10


Number(s) of the container(s), if applicable.





Box 11


Various observations, e.g. the endorsement ”Heavy or bulky goods”.




Box 12


Signature of the TIR Carnet holder or his representative.



Voucher No. 1/No. 2 (yellow) not for customs use



The Holder is responsible for completing the yellow voucher. The content of the sheet must correspond with the content of the vouchers 1 to 20, i.e. the white and green sheets. As a rule, the customs authorities do not enter their notices on this sheet except in situations where the Holder requests to endorse the changes.




Resolutions and Recommendations TIR Handbook


The Administrative Committee for the TIR Convention, 1975 decided to recommend on 31 January 2008 that the TIR carnet Holders would indicate the HS code (6 digits), in addition to a description of the goods, under box 10 of the goods manifest on the yellow voucher (not for customs use) of the TIR carnet.

The customs offices of departure in the Community will accept the inclusion of the HS code also on the TIR carnet vouchers for Customs use.







It should be noted that the Holder is not obliged to introduce the HS code.

In cases where the HS code is given the customs authorities at the customs office of departure or entry (en route) should check whether the HS code given tallies with the one shown in other customs, commercial or transport documents.

Voucher No. 1 (white) filled in by the Holder





Box 1


TIR Carnet reference number.





Box 2


Office(s) where the TIR transport of a load or part load of goods begins. The number of offices of departure can vary from 1 to 3 depending on the number of offices of destination (box 12 below). The total number of Customs offices of departure or destination must not exceed four.




Box 3


Name and/or logo of the international organization.





Box 4


Identification (ID) number, name, address and country of the TIR Carnet holder. For details, please refer to box 3 of the cover.




Box 5


Country (countries) where the TIR transport of a load or part load of goods begins.




Box 6


Country (countries) where the TIR transport of a load or part load of goods ends.




Box 7


Registration number or numbers of the road vehicle(s), not only that of a motor-driven vehicle, but also the registration number of a trailer or semi-trailer towed by such a vehicle. When national legislation does not provide for registration of trailers and semi-trailers, the identification or manufacturer’s No. shall be shown instead of the registration No.




Box 8


In line with No. 10 (c) or No. 11 of the Rules regarding the Use of



the TIR Carnet, additional documents may be attached to the TIR Carnet. In this case, the Customs office of departure should attach them to the TIR Carnet by means of staples or other devices and by stamping them in such a way that their removal would leave obvious traces on the TIR Carnet. To avoid the documents being replaced, the office of departure should stamp each page of the attached documents. The documents should be attached to the cover (or yellow sheet) and to every voucher of the TIR Carnet. Particulars of these documents are to be indicated in this box.




Box 9


a) Identification  number(s)  of  the  load  compartment(s)

or container(s) (where applicable)



b) Identification marks or numbers of packages or articles.





Box 10


Number and type of packages or articles, description of goods. The goods description should include their trade name (televisions, videos, CD players, etc.) and must enable their clear identification. Generic indications, such as electronics, household appliances, clothes, interior supplies, shall not be accepted as goods description. The recommended HS-code (from yellow page) may be inserted here also. In addition, the number of packages related to each description of goods must be shown in the goods manifest. In respect to bulky goods, the quantity of the goods must be declared.




Box 11


Gross weight in kilograms (KG).





Box 12


Numbers of packages intended for delivery at various customs offices of destination, the total number of packages and names (locations) of the said offices. The number of offices of destination can vary from 1 to 3 depending on the number of offices of departure (box 2 above). The total number of customs offices of departure and destination must not exceed four.




Boxes 13-15


Place  and  date  as  well  as  the  signature  of  the  TIR  Carnet  holder  or







his agent. By filling-in this box the TIR carnet holder assumes the responsibility for the authenticity of the information filled in on the TIR Carnet. These entries should be made on all vouchers of the TIR Carnet.

Voucher No. 1 (white) filled in by customs authorities





For official use


Any information to facilitate Customs control, e.g. the number of the previous Customs document, etc.




Box 16


Number and identification particulars of the seals or identification marks applied. The last Customs office of departure shall indicate this information on all remaining vouchers.




Box 17


Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature of a competent official at the Customs office of departure. At the last Customs office of departure, the Customs officer shall sign and date stamp box 17 below the manifest on all remaining vouchers.




Box 18


Name of he Customs office of departure or of entry (en route).





Box 19


An "X" should be entered in the appropriate box if seals or other identification marks are found to be intact at the start of a TIR operation. The first Customs office of departure does not fill in this box.




Box 20


A time limit (deadline - date according to the format dd/mm/yyyy and time, if appropriate) for transit within which the TIR Carnet together with the road vehicle, the combination of vehicles or the container must be presented at the Customs office of exit (en route) or destination.




Box 21


Identification particulars of the Customs office of departure or of entry  (en  route),  followed  by  the  registration  No.  assigned  to  the








TIR operation in the Customs ledger.





Box 22


Miscellneous, e.g. the office en route or office of destination at which the goods must be presented. When necessary, the prescribed route may be indicated here.




Box 23


Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature of a competent official of the Customs office of departure or of entry (en route).

Counterfoil No. 1 (white) filled in by customs authorities





Box 1


Identification particulars of the Customs office of departure or of entry (en route).




Box 2


Movement Reference Number (MRN) or other registration number assigned to the TIR operation.




Box 3


Where applicable, number and identification particulars of the seals or identification marks applied.




Box 4


An "X" should be entered in the appropriate box if seals or other identification marks are found to be intact at the start of a TIR operation. The first Customs office of departure does not fill in this box.




Box 5


Miscellaneous, e.g. the office en route or destination at which the goods must presented. When necessary, the prescribed route may be indicated here.




Box 6


Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature of a competent official of the customs office of departure or entry (en route).




Counterfoil 1


Where the fallback procedure is used the stamp (specimen in Annex  8.6.)  is  indicated  on  counterfoil  No  1  in  the  place  where  it







is clearly visible.



Voucher No. 2 (green) filled -in by the Holder



Filling in of boxes 1-23 of Voucher No. 2 is similar to the filling in of the corresponding boxes of Voucher No. 1.

Voucher No. 2 (green) filled in by customs authorities





Box 24


Identification particulars of the Customs office of destination or exit (en route).




Box 25


An "X" should be entered in the appropriate box if seals or other identification marks are found to be intact.




Box 26


Number of unloaded packages. Filled in only by Customs offices of destination and not by the offices of exit (en route).




Box 27


This box should be filled in only in cases where irregularities, accidents or incidents have been detected in connection with the TIR transport. In those situations, an “R” should be inserted, followed by a clear description of any reservation. The Customs authorities should not certify the termination of TIR operations subject to systematic unspecified reservations, without giving reasons.




Box 28


Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature of a competent official of the customs office of destination or of exit (en route).

For the purpose of returning the appropriate part of the Voucher No. 2 in the fallback procedure the back of the Voucher shall be furnished with the return address of the customs authorities of the Member State of departure or entry (en route) and with the 'NCTS fallback procedure' stamp (specimen in Annex 8.6.) on box "For official use".







Counterfoil No. 2 (green) filled -in by customs authorities





Box 1


Identification particulars of the customs office of destination or of exit (en route).




Box 2


An "X" should be entered in the appropriate box if seals or other identification marks are found to be intact.




Box 3


Number of unloaded packages. Filled in only by Customs offices of destination and not by the offices of exit (en route).




Box 4


Where applicable, number and identification particulars of the new seals or new identification marks applied.




Box 5


As box 27 of voucher No.2, this box should be filled in only in cases where irregularities, accidents or incidents have been detected in connection with the TIR transport. In those situations, an “R” should be inserted, followed by a clear description of any reservation. The Customs authorities should not certify the termination of TIR operations subject to systematic unspecified reservations, without giving reasons.




Box 6


Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature of a competent official of the Customs office of destination or of exit (en route).

2. Filling-in of the Certified report of the TIR Carnet





Box 1


The customs office(s) of departure.





Box 2


The TIR carnet number.





Box 3


Name of the international organization.





Box 4


Registration No(s) of road vehicle(s).





Box 5


The TIR carnet holder and his identification number.








Box 6


Condition of the customs seals; an "X" in appropriate box:



- left box: Seals are intact



- right box: Seals have been broken





Box 7


Condition of the load compartment, container(s):



- left box: Load compartment is intact



- right box: Load compartment has been opened





Box 8


Remarks / findings





Box 9


Box "No goods appeared to be missing" must be completed by entering an "X":

- left box: No goods are missing



- right box: Goods are missing. In this case, boxes 10 to 13 must be completed showing which goods are missing or destroyed.




Box 10


a) load compartment(s) or container(s): enter identification




b) Marks and numbers of packages or articles, enter identification






Box 11


Number and type of packages or articles, description of goods





Box 12


(M) for missing goods



(D) for destroyed goods





Box 13


Remarks, particulars of quantities missing or destroyed





Box 14


Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), place and time of the accident








Box 15


Measures taken in order to enable the TIR operation to continue; an "X" should be entered in the appropriate box and where appropriate, other items should be completed:

- Upper box: affixing of the new seals: number and description



- Middle box: transfer of load, see box 16



- Lower box: other





Box 16


If the goods have been transferred: item "Description of each road vehicle / container substituted" is completed:




a) Vehicle  registration  number;  if  the  vehicle  has  been  approved

for TIR transport, an "X" should be entered in the left box. If not, an "X" should be entered in the right box




b) Identification  number(s)  of  the  container(s);  if  the  container(s)

has (have) been approved for TIR transport, an "X" should be entered in the left box. If not, an "X" should be entered in the right box.

Number of certificate of approval, if appropriate, should be entered in the right side of the right box and number and particulars of the seals affixed should be entered in the line to the right from it.




Box 17


Name/title and particulars of the authority who has completed the certified report; place, date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature.




Box 18


Date (in accordance with the format dd/mm/yyyy), stamp and signature of the next Customs office reached by the TIR transport.




Tear-off slip


The detachable numbered corner on the back sheet of the TIR carnet shall be detached and returned to the Holder in case the TIR carnet has been taken into possession by competent authorities for



investigation. It shall be endorsed by the authority which has taken the TIR carnet into possession with a stamp and signature with clarification.


























































8.4. The fallback procedure



The use of the TIR carnet



Article 454 (6) IPC Where  the  customs'  system  and/or  the  application  for  lodging  the

TIR carnet data electronically are unavailable at the customs office of departure or entry (en route) the fallback procedure is used and TIR operation is released on the basis of the TIR carnet. The use of the fallback procedure is indicated on counterfoil No 1 and on box "For official use" of Voucher No 2 with the stamp, conforming to the specimen in Annex 8.6.

For the purpose of returning the appropriate part of the Voucher No. 2 in the fallback procedure the back of the Voucher shall be furnished with the return address of the customs authorities of the Member State of departure or entry (en route).

Article 455(5) IPC In  such  cases  the  computerised  system  to  terminate  or  to  discharge

the TIR operation within the customs territory of the Community cannot be used.

The customs office of destination or exit (en route) terminates the TIR procedure on the basis of the TIR carnet Voucher No 2 and sends the appropriate part of it to the customs authorities of the Member State of departure or entry (en route) at the latest within eight days from the date of termination. The customs office of departure or entry (en route) compares the information given by the customs office of destination or exit (en route) to discharge the procedure.

Pre-enquiry action in case of fallback





Best practices TIR Handbook


In case the fallback procedure is used and the customs authorities of the Member State of departure or entry (en route) have not received the appropriate part of the TIR carnet Voucher No 2 after the eight-







day deadline, they may interrogate the international organisation's control system to establish whether the presentation of the TIR carnet at destination or exit has been reported there. That may help them either to send the TIR carnet enquiry notice to the actual or to the last customs office of destination or exit (en route) in the Community.

If the consultation indicates that the TIR carnet has not been presented to the customs office of destination, the customs authorities of the Member State of departure or entry (en route) may decide to start the enquiry procedure immediately with the declared customs office of destination or exit (en route) in the Community.

Enquiry procedure in case of fallback





Article 455a(6) IPC


Whenever the customs authorities of the Member State of departure or entry (en route) have not received proof that the TIR operation has been terminated within two months of the date of the acceptance of the TIR carnet, or suspect earlier that no termination has taken place, they send a TIR carnet enquiry notice (model below) to the customs office of destination or exit (en route). Same applies also in case it transpires subsequently that proof of termination of the TIR operation was falsified.

The procedure laid down in Part VII chapter 4 (Enquiry procedure) shall apply mutatis mutandis.




Best practises TIR Handbook


The specimens for the information letter and the enquiry notice to be used in a fallback procedure are:
















Written notification



Information letter to be sent to the TIR guaranteeing association and the TIR carnet holder











(full name of the customs office/administration concerned)


(place and date)







Information concerning the TIR carnet No…………



addressed to…..…………………………………………………………



(full name and address of the TIR carnet holder)






(full name of the guaranteeing association)





Dear Madam/Sir,

We kindly inform that our customs administration has not received the confirmation of the proper termination of the TIR operation within the European Community carried under the TIR carnet No……….….

In addition, we have checked the status of this TIR carnet in the Control system for TIR carnets and:









there is no information confirming the termination of this TIR operation in the Community,

there is a record concerning this TIR operation and we have already contacted the office of destination in ………………………in order to confirm this SafeTIR information but we have not received any confirmation so far.1




Therefore, according to Article 455a(5) of the Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Decision (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code and without prejudice to the notification to be made in accordance with Article 11.1 of the TIR Convention we ask to provide us with the appropriate documents demonstrating that this TIR operation has been correctly terminated in the European Community within 28 days of the date of this letter.







1 Option 1 or 2 to be chosen by the customs administration concerned.



The proof should be furnished in the form of one of the following documents identifying the goods:

- a document certified by the customs authorities of the Member State of destination or exit establishing that they have been presented at this customs office or to an authorised consignee, or,

- a customs document issued in a third country entering the goods for a customs approved treatment or use, or,

- a document issued in a third country, endorsed by the customs authorities of this country and certifying that the goods are considered to be in free circulation in that country.

A copy or photocopy of the above mentioned documents certified as being true copies by the body which certified the original documents, by the authorities of the third countries concerned or by the authority of one of the Member States.



(stamp of the customs office/signature of the person responsible)






copy of voucher no 1 of the TIR carnet





































Specimen enquiry notice



TIR carnet – enquiry notice




I. To be completed by the office of departure or entry into the Community

A. TIR carnet No. B. Office of destination or exit from the Community

Copy of voucher No.1 attached (name and Member State)

C. Office of departure or entry D. Vehicle registration number

into the Community or name of vessel, if known

(name, address, Member State)

E. According to information available to this office, the consignment was

1. presented to……………………………………………on …./…./….

(customs office or authorised consignee) DD /MM /YY

2. delivered to ………………………………………………………on …./…./….

(name and address of person or firm) DD/ MM/ YY

3. Not any information about the whereabouts of the goods available




Place and date: Signature Stamp

II. To be completed by the office of destination or exit from the Community:

Request for additional information

In order to carry out enquiries the office of departure or entry into the Community is requested to send:

1. a precise description of the goods

2. a copy of the invoice

3. a copy of the CMR

4. the following documents or information:

Place and date: Signature Stamp














III To be completed by the office of departure or entry into the Community:

Reply to the request for additional information

1. The information, copies or documents requested are annexed

2. The  information,  copies  or  documents  referred  to  under  numbers  1  2  3  4  are  not





Place and date: Signature Stamp

IV. To be completed by the office of destination or exit from the Community

1. The appropriate part of Voucher No.2 returned on …./…./….; the duly endorsed copy

of Voucher No. 1 is attached




2. The  appropriate  part  of  Voucher  No.  2  is  duly  endorsed  and  attached  to  this  enquiry


3. Enquiries  are  being  made  and  a  copy  of  Voucher  No.  2  or  a  copy  of  Voucher  No.  1

will be returned as soon as possible

4. The consignment was presented here without the relative document

5. Neither  the  consignment  nor  the  TIR  carnet  were  presented  here  and  no  information

about these can be obtained




Place and date Signature Stamp





















8.5. Model EU Agreement/Undertaking






In accordance with Articles 6 and 8, and Annex 9, Part I, paragraph 1(e) of the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets done at Geneva on 14 November 1975, as later amended (hereafter referred to as TIR Convention), the [name of Customs Administration] and the [name of the national guaranteeing association], as an association approved by the said Customs authorities to act as surety for persons using the TIR procedure§, hereby agree as follows:


In accordance with Article 8 and Annex 9, Part I, paragraph 1 (f)(iv) of the TIR Convention, the [name of the national guaranteeing association] undertakes to pay to [name of the Customs Administration] the secured amount of the customs debt and other charges, together with any default interest, due under the regulations of the European Community and, where appropriate, under the national law of the [name of the Member State] if an irregularity has been noted in connection with a TIR operation.

This undertaking applies to the movement of goods under cover of any TIR carnet issued by the [name of the national guaranteeing association] or by any other guaranteeing association affiliated to the international organisation referred to in Article 6.2 of the TIR Convention.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the TIR Convention, the [name of the national guaranteeing association] shall be liable, jointly and severally with the persons from whom the sums mentioned above are due, for payment of such sums.

The maximum amount that may be claimed by the [name of the Customs Administration] from the [name of the national guaranteeing association] shall be limited to 60,000 EURO (sixty thousand) or to a sum equal to that amount as determined in accordance with Article 18 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92** (Community Customs Code) per TIR Carnet.

The [name of the national guaranteeing association] undertakes to pay upon first application in writing by the [name of the Customs Administration] and within the timescales set out in the TIR Convention, and in accordance with national legislation.

This undertaking does not apply to any fines or penalties that may be imposed by the Member State concerned.









‡ Administrative arrangement TAXUD/1958/2003 Final

§ Article 1(q) of the TIR Convention 1975 refers. This Agreement and Undertaking does not apply to the transport of alcohol and tobacco products described in Explanatory Note 0.8.3 of the TIR Convention.

** For those Member States that have not adopted the single currency



Notification and Payment Requests

In order to establish which Customs administration of the European Union is competent to recover the sums mentioned above, the provisions of Article 215 of the Community Customs Code are to be applied. Accordingly, the [name of the national guaranteeing association] is also liable to pay the sums mentioned above in the case where the conditions set out in Article 457(3) of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93† apply.

The liability of the [name of the national guaranteeing association] follows from the provisions of the TIR Convention. In particular, the liability shall commence at the times specified in Article 8, paragraph 4 of the TIR Convention.

Other provisions

The [name of the national guaranteeing association] also undertakes to comply with the specific provisions of Annex 9, Part I, paragraph 1 (f) (i) to (x) of the TIR Convention.

Termination of Agreement

This present agreement has no expiry date. Either party may unilaterally terminate the Agreement provided it gives the other party not less than three (3) months written notice.

The termination of this agreement shall be without prejudice to the responsibilities and liabilities of the [name of the national guaranteeing association] under the TIR Convention. This means that the [name of the national guaranteeing association] shall remain responsible for any valid claim for payment of the secured amount arising from TIR operations covered by this Agreement and commenced before the date on which the termination of this Agreement took effect, even if the payment request is sent after that date.


In the context of any disputes arising from the application of this agreement, the place of jurisdiction and the applicable national law shall be that of the Member State of the registered office of the [name of the national guaranteeing association].

Entry into force

This agreement shall be valid from…







For the National Guaranteeing Association



For the Customs Administration









† As amended by Commission Regulation (EC) 881/2003. OJ L134, 29.5.2003



































































8.6. Specimen stamp for the fallback procedure







(dimensions: 26 x 59 mm, red ink)














































8.7. Examples of situations lodging the electronic TIR carnet data





a) TIR  transport  starting  from  a  third  country  and  involving  a  non-Community  country

during its journey: Example:

[Turkey – Kapitan Andreevo (Bulgaria) – Siret (Romania) – Ukraine – Medyka and Krakow (Poland)]

The Holder is responsible for lodging the TIR carnet data at the customs office of entry in Kapitan Andreevo (Bulgaria). The customs office of exit from the Community in Siret (Romania) terminates the TIR operation and sends messages IE006 and IE018 to the customs office of entry in Kapitan Andreevo (Bulgaria). When the TIR operation re-enters to the Community the Holder is again responsible for lodging the TIR carnet data at the customs office of entry in Medyka (Poland). This is a new NCTS/TIR movement with a new MRN. The customs office of destination (Krakow) terminates the TIR operation by sending the messages IE006 and IE018 to Medyka and detaching and retaining both parts of the TIR carnet Voucher No 2 and annotating the TIR carnet counterfoil.

b) TIR  transport  starting  from  the  Community  and  involving  an  intermediate  loading



[Turku (Finland) – Kotka (Finland) – Russia]

The Holder is responsible for lodging the TIR carnet data and presenting the TIR carnet at the customs office of departure (Turku). At the intermediate loading place (Kotka) the previous TIR operation (from Turku) is terminated by sending the messages IE006 and IE018 to Turku and detaching and retaining both parts of the TIR carnet Voucher No 2 and annotating the TIR carnet counterfoil. The Holder lodges the TIR carnet data including the previous operation data from Turku and the goods loaded in Kotka and presents the TIR carnet at Kotka to start a new TIR operation. The customs office of exit from the Community (Vaalimaa) terminates the TIR operation by sending the messages IE006 and IE018 to Kotka and detaching and retaining both parts of the TIR carnet Voucher No 2 and annotating the TIR carnet counterfoil.

c) TIR transport starting from third country (Russia) and involving two unloading places

in the Community:


[Murmansk (Russia) – Oulu (Finland) – Turku (Finland)]

The Holder is responsible for lodging the TIR carnet data and presenting the TIR carnet at the customs office of entry (Rajajooseppi). At the intermediate unloading place (Oulu) the previous TIR operation (from Rajajooseppi) is terminated by sending the messages IE006  and  IE018  to  Rajajooseppi  and  detaching  and  retaining  both  parts  of  the  TIR



carnet Voucher No 2 and annotating the TIR carnet counterfoil. The Holder lodges the TIR carnet data including the remaining operation data from Rajajooseppi and presents the TIR carnet at Oulu to start a new TIR operation. The customs office of destination (Turku) terminates the TIR operation by sending the messages IE006 and IE018 to Oulu and detaching and retaining both parts of the TIR carnet Voucher No 2 and annotating the TIR carnet counterfoil.